HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 12 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
Proceedings at Council Meeting
Village of North Orlando, Florida
December 3, 1963
7:30 P.M.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met in
regular session on December 3, 1963, at 7:30 P.M. Meeting was called to order
by Vice-Uayor Ferrin. On roll call the following members of the Council were
present: I. E. VanEepoel, R. E. stephenson, Arthur Ferrin, A. D. Rhodes.
The invocation was given by the Chaplain, Mrs. Lucy Fairburn.
The minutes of the Special Council Meeting on November 19, 1963, were
accepted as read.
The Treasurer! s report was given as follows:
Balance November 4
Checks drawn
Balance on hand December 3
Mr. Rhodes announced that upon being approached regarding use of an
office in the North Orlando Company building, Mr. Franks of the North Orlando Compal':\Y
has offered the use of Room No.6, free of charge, far a Municipal Office.
llr. Rhodes made a motion that this offer be accepted in view of the urgent need
far an office from which to conduct the Village business. Motion was seconded
by Mrs. VanEepoel and unanimously approved by Council.
Mr. Ferrin stated. he would entertain a motion to place on the Agenda for
Second Reading Ordinance 1I31A entitled
.tAn Ordinance establishing an electrical code for the Village of North
Orlando, Florida, adopting a certain code otherwise known as the
Seminole County Electrical Code and all current amendments, providing
exceptions thereto, establishing terminology, providing for separability,
repealing all laws in conflict therewith, and providing an effective
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On motion of Mrs. VanEepoel, seconded by Mr. Stephenson and unanimously
approved, Ordinance fl31A was placed on the Agenda.
Mr. Ferrin then read
Ordinance #31-A in its entirety. Motion made by Mr. Rhodes seconded. by Mr s. VanEepoel
that Ordinance 1131-A be accepted for second reading. Unanimously approved.
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Mr. Ferrin then requested a motion to place on the Agenda for second reading
Ordinance #34 entitled:
!tAn Ordinance authorizing the Winter Park Telephone Company to use the
public streets in the area of the Village of North Orlando, Florida,
certificated to the company, for the purpose of erecting constructing,
maintaining and operating lines of telephone thereon and thereunder."
and Ordinanc e 1135 entitled:
"An Ordinance declaring open draing ditches unsafe, establishing a Boundary
within which ditches shall be unlawful, providing exceptions thereto, pro-
viding provisions for developers and builders to submit drainage plans,
ordering of msting dtiches closed, providing a penalty for failure "'to
comply, providing for eeparabillty, the repeal of conflicting ordinances
and establishing an effective date.1t
On motion of Mrs. VanEepoel, seconded by Mr. Rhodes and unanimously approved,
Ordinances 1/34 and 1/35 were placed on the Agenda for second reading by title only.
Mr. Ferrin then read Ordinances 134 and /135 by title only. On motion made
by Mr. stephenson, seconded by Mr. Rhodes that Ordinance 1134 be accepted on second reading,
,r- vote showed unanimous approval.
On motion of Mr. Rhodes, seconded by Mr. stephenson, that Ordinance 1/35 be
accepted on second reading, vote shwed unanimous approval.
Motion to place on Agenda for third reading by title only of Ordinance 113l-A
was made by Mr. stephenson, seconded by Mr. Rhodes and unanimously approved.
Or.dinance 131-A was then read by title only. Motion made by Mrs. VanEepoel
to accept Ordinan::e #31-A. Motion seconded by llr. Rhodes and unanimously approved by
Council. Whereupon Ordinance I13I-A was declared passed and adopted by Council.
Motion was made by lfr. Rhodes to place on Agenda for third readings, by title
only, Ordinances /134 and #35. Motion seconded by Mr. stephenson and unanimously awroved.
Mr. Ferrin read, by title only, Ordinance #34. On motion by Mrs. VanEepoel,
seconded by Mr. stephenson and unanimously approved by Council, Ordinance 1134 was
accepted on third reading. Whereupon Ordinance 1134 was declared passed and adopted by
_ ,..Council.
Ordinance 1135 was then read by title only. On motion of Mr. stephenson, seconded
by Mrs. VanEepoe1 and unaniJnously approved by Council, Ordinance 1135 was accepted on third
reading. Whereupon Ordinance 135 was declared passed and adopted by Council.
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Itr. Ferrin then stated that he would entertain a motion to eliminate
from the .Agenda of this meeting, or any future meeting until otherwise specified,
second reading of Ordinance #36 entitled:
"An Ordinance of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, declaring
the intent of annexing certain lands situate in Seminole County, so
that the same shall be incorporated within the corporate limits of
the Village of North Orlando, Florida. It .
Motion to remove from the Agenda of the meeting, or anY future meeting
until otherwise specified. second reading of Ordinance 1136 was made by Mrs.
Van Eepoel, seconded by Mr. stephenson. Roll Call voted showed. the following
mEmbers of the Council voted. It yes" - VanEepoe1, Rhodes, Ferrin, stephenson.
"no" - none.
Ordinance #36 was therefore declared withdrawn from further
action until otherwise specified.
There followed. a brief discussion between residents of the proposed
annexation area and the Council, with members of the Council stating that their
reason for delaying action on this annexation was to ailal' further opportunity
for consideration by the residents involved.
Mrs. Va.nEepoel reported that Florida Power Compal\Y had completed restoration
of the roads used by them in installing power lines and that Mr. Kohl, the
supervisor, had requested a letter be sent to the Florida Power Company stating
that the roads had been restored to usefulness and were in a condition acceptable
to the Village. Mrs. VanEepoel stated that the roads were put into a very
satisfactozy condition by the contractor, and requested that the necessary letter
be written by the Clerk.
There was a discussion on the garbage collection service now being
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rendered by .AAA Garbage Service. On motion made by Mrs. VanEepoel, seconded
by lLr. Rhodes and unanimously approved, it was agreed to continue on the
present basis, Le., a mutual_consent basis, with no franchise and at the
present rate of $1.50 per fami~.
page four.
Mr. stephenson reported that the Police Car had broken down and necessary
repairs had been made, at a cost of $53.97. Motion was made by Mr. stephenson
to pay $53.97 to Larry's Shell Service station for police car repairs. Motion
seconded by Mr. Rhodes and unanimously approved by Council.
Fire 6hief Hahn reported. that a fire extinguisher had been purchased.
and the fire hose ordered.
Mr. Wilkes stated. that last year the Seminole Racewq had tentatively suggested.
that they would be interested. in surfacing South Edgemon Avenue to the race track, if
traffic could be directed through the Village. Mr. stephenson will talk to the
Race Track officials to determine their present position on this matter.
Mr. Keyser reported. that a school bus which comes up South Edgemon Ave, is
consistently traveling far too fast across the intersection at Lombardy Rd. The
- police department will investigate.
lLr. Keyser also requested information regarding action to be taken on the
particular rOtAQ. .problEm at his property.
Mrs. VanEepoel reported that this particular
problem had been discussed with all contractors bidding on the road work and that
proper correction was a part of the contract given to the North Orlando CompalW.
Mr. Ferrin then discussed briefly the matter of the possible election of a
Charter Board and stated that a special meeting would be held on this subject on
Tuesday, December lOth at 7:30 P.M.
On motion of Mr. stephenson, seconded by :Mr. Rhodes, meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted., /)
Village Clerk.
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