HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 11 19 Village Council Special Minutes
Proceedings at Special OouncU Meeting
Village of North Orlando, Florida
November 19, 196.3
The lillage Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, met in special
session on November 19, 1963, at 7:.30 P.M. Meeting was called. to order by Mayor
Anderson. On Roll call the follOwing members of the OouncU were present:
VanEepofll, stephenson, Ferrin, Anderson, Rhodes. Also in attendaitce; Attorney
Orville JOM80h.
The minutes of the regular councU meeting on November 5, 196.3, were accepted
with correction as noted.
Kayor Anderson stated he would entertain a motion to place on the Agenda for
first reading Ordinance 11.36, an Ordinance of Annexation. Motion was made by Jlr. Ferrin,
seconded by Mr. stephenson, that Ordinance 1.36 be placed on first reading - roll
call vote mowed the following 'toted "yes" - Ferrin, Anderson, RhOdes, stephenson.
Voted "no" - VanEepoel. Motion passed by a majority vote in favor.
M~or Anderson then read. in its entirety Ordinance 1.36 entitled:
-An Ordinance of the Village ot North Orlando, Florida, declaring the
intent of annexing certain lands situate in Seminole Oounty, so that
the same shall be incorporated within the corporate limits of the
Village ot North Orlando, Florida."
The matter was then opened for public discussion. Arter hearing pros and cons
on the ordinance, motion was made by 1Ir. Ferrin, seconded by Mr. Rhodes, that
Ordinance No. .36 be accepted on first reading. Roll Call vote showed the foUowing
voted "yeEl' - Anderson, Ferrin, Rhodes, stephenson. Toted "no" - VanEepoel. Ordinance
No. .36 was therefore passed on first reading by the majority vote.
){ayor Anderson then presented a standard bank resolution from the South
Seminole Bank of Fern Park Florida. Motion made by Mrs. VanEepofll to adopt this
Resolution and change the Village Bank account from the SWord Atlantic Bank in
Sanford to the South Seminole Bank at Fern Park effective December 1st, 196.3.
..... )lotion seconded by JIr. Rhodes and unanimously approved.
At this time Attorney Johnson's counsel was sought on various matters.
Mr. Johnson EDtplained at length procedures on the present annexation and future
atmex:ations, required advertising, and provisions for voting when required.
Jlqor Anderson requested clarification of the Utility tax where several individual
readings are charged under one consumer name. Mr. Johnson will advise on this after
Attorney Johnson then gave a definition of Section 2 Article 6 of the Village
Charter relative to service of writs, warrants, etc. by Police Officers of North
Orlando. It is Ilr. Johnson's suggestion that the Charter be amended by Special Act
of the Legislature to stipulate that service ma;y be made in the "state of Florida"
instead of .County of Seminole.".
In connection with the need. for a building to house municipal services, Mr. Johnson
~ discussed at length necessary requirements for obtaining funds for same, explai.ning
that if funds for such building are to come from taxation powers, the issue must appear
on a ballot,; furtber that .act~ aD19Wlts of pqJILents from fra.nchis~, have not been
established as yet and there might be SOJIle problem. in pledging thElllon P8lDlents of loans,
On the water and sewer franchise, Ir. Johnson advised that there are two possible
solutions, (1) to sue for disenfranchisement - which would involve court procedure,
possible j\l17 trial and extensive fees,; (2) to have it declared null and void by Council
because it conflicts with the Charter provisions prohibiting officers of the Village
from placing a long-term inde1ttedness on the Village. Mr. Johnson will determine
whether the terms covering the fire qydrants represents a long-term indebtedness and
therefore a basis for the Council to declare the franchise void, or whether it must be
handled through the courts.
)telative to the bill for street ligl1ts and the contract that llr. Fasula signed
with Florida Power Corporation - since these were not duly authorized by the Council,
Mr. Johnsnn will contact Florida Power officials to try to have them set aside.
- /
On the question of the proposed resolution discontinuing use of the fire hydrants,
Jlr:to Wilkes and Jlr. Hahn reported that discontinuance of the hydrants would not atfect
the current fire insurance rates. After discussion it was agreed to withhold action
until Jl:r. Johnson determines the best approach to termination of the Water and S.er
, tt ".as pointed out that dedicated property belongs to the Village without
issuance of deeds therefor.
Kayor Anderson eraplained the necessity for securing the 1963 tax roll for
the Incorporated. Village and the new Seminole County Zoning )(ap. )lotion made by lira.
VanEepoel that the 1963 tax roll for the Village and the Zoning map for Seminole County
be purchased. )lotion seconded by llr. Ferrin and unanimously approved by Council.
It was reported that the North Orlando Garden' Club has proposed as their special
proj ect for the year the purchase and erection in the Village of street signs of
awropriate design, as their finances permit, and asked Council's approval to adopt
this project; Council voted unanimously in favor of project and requested Clerk to
send a letter of appreciation to the Garden Club.
)lotion made by Jlr. Ferrin, seconded by Mrs. VanEepoel that a salary of
tso.OO per month be set for the Village Clerk and that the Clerk be given the additional
responsibility of the duties of Village Tax 0011..1'. Motion was unanimously approved.
Motion made by Mr. Ferrin that a fee of $3.00 per court session be established
for Court Clerk, with a Court Clerk to be appointed. Motion seconded by Mr. stephenson
and unanimously approved.
Kqor Anderson then presented Ordinance 13l-A, establishing an electrical code.
On motion of Jlr. Ferrin, seconded by lIr. stephenson and unanimously approved, Ordinance
I3l-A was placed on Agenda for first reading.
){qor Anderson then read in its entirety Ordinance 113l-A Entitled:
"An Ordinance establishing an electrical code for the Village of North
Orlando, Florida, adopting a certain code otherwise lmown as the IISEIl1i.nole
County electrical cod ell and ell current amendments, providing exceptions
thereto, establishing terminology, Pr~iding for separability,
repealing all laws in conflict therwith, and providing an effective
Motien made by Kr. Ferrin, seconded by Kr. stephenson, that Ordinance No. 3l-A.
be accepted on first reading. On roll call Vote - Toted "yes" - Ferrin, Van Eepoel,
st'phenSGn, Rhodes, Anderson. Voted .n~ none.
Motion made by Jlrs. VanEepoel, seconded by Ilr. st~henson, that approval be
given for the purchase ot 200 teet of tire hose and a tire ex.tinguisher at a cost ot
approximat~ $1.87 .50. Unanimously approved.
Kr. Andrew Ferrin stated that he had been quoted a price 'of$189.00 for a
two-wq radio, with aatenna, and use of a license. llrs. VanEepo.:L will check into this
aDd advise at next m.eeting.
lIrs. VanEepoel reported that A.AA. Garbage sert'fe'. advised the,y Will have to increase
, ,
their IIICGthly rate to $1.66per falllily it they aret~ enterllttQ, a "percent~e return"
;'., ',lJi(.)i'~'- <>'
.~ tranchise with the Village. )(atter will be' hElld in aberanc~ter further consideration.
Mqor Anderson will check with the ~th seminole Bank to see if the,y possibly
would donate a children f s bus shelter for the corner0f' South Idgemon did tombarcV'. Rd.
After discussion, council agreed. tQ stud,y the Occupational License Ordinance
with thought to revision of sane of the '...s charged.
Motion was made by' Kr. Ferrin, s...~ded by 1Ir. Rhodes that the Ocoupational
License Ordinance fee for A.von Co_etic salesladl and the Ful1er :ar..ah:ll..s,.-ta;tive be
set at 15.00. Motion unanimously e.ppr.~. ..
-I. :
Motion was made by JIr. Sl;eph_son;\~..l1;he Viu.q"~':i*.:'~~ot $'0.00'"
',iF".. .... ".., '., ,,,,:>.;,;j"'X.;;,n.\',' . .,' ' ,,' .'
anyone caught defacing or destroying munie~*~~~I, "i~'F..Vi}]~"...~.~atb'
" ".,~~,I~":', ,,':':':.;\.,;::<:?'i.::' , ,,:'~':', ,:.,'" ",:~."'j:,: -""':: ':"" _'_:.":' :"""".:,;Y';" ',' ",-_, '_, ::,' ' :', .-',
posted notices on 1W.letin boards, with ~~.tt . ;;"~~~;~f.~~io..'
leadj ng to the arrest and conviction, (~t~~~t;~il~ .,){i~~~('4t1~~.~i'
, . ~;, ,- .
On motion ot JIr. Stephensenij,*.d~ndedby'Jrr. Ferrin, 1Il~:ing was'-adjourned.
Respeetft1lly submitted)
(~~ ...~~
V~ge Clerk