HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 10 08 Village Council Regular Minutes
Proceedings at Council Meeting
October 8, 1963
7:30 P.M.
The Village Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida met in
regular session on October 8, 1963 at 7:30 P.M. was called to order by Mayor Anderson.
On roll call the following members of the Council were present: I. E. VanEepoell
R. E. stephensal" Arthur FerrinI W. W. Anderson; absent: A. D. Bhodes.
The Invocation was given by the Chaplain, lIrs. Lu~ Fairburn.
The minutes of the regular council meeting on September 10, 1963, were
accepted as read.
JIr. Robert Johnsonl a representative of Florida Power Corporation was present
to discuss the matter of adoption and passage of a franchise ordinance. lIa;yor
Anderson presented to the meeting the following or<.ti.nancel which was ..-ked Bo. 30"
An ordinance gr:anting to Florida Power Corporation, its legal
representatives" successors and assigns, the right and privilege
of" and franchise for, cCDstruCtiDg" maintaining and operating an
electric power plant and distribution system in the Village of
Borth Orlando, County of Seminole, and state of Florida.
Upon motion by Council member VanEepoel, seconded by Councilman Ferrin, that
Ordinance Bo. 30 be placed on its first reading and read in full, motion adopted..
Ordinance was read in full.
Upon motion by Council member VanEepoal, seconded by Councilman stephensCD,
that Ordinance No. 30 be passed on first reading, on roll call the following members
of the Council voted yes - VanEepoal, Ferrin, stephenson, Anderson. Voted nq - none.
JIr. Joe Hagel proprietor of the North Orlando General st;ore was introduced
and stated his reasons for being opposed to buying a city occupational license. It is
his contention that he haa never had to buy' a city or state occupational license becmse
f' he has a disabled. veteran's cemption. After discussionl motion was made by :Mrs.
VanEepoel, seconded by Jlr. stephenson, to grant Mr. Hage an indefinite ex:tension
on obtaining a Village occupational license, until the legality of the Veteran's
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exemption page 2.
is ascertained and procedure adopted for similar situations. )lotion unanimously
llayor Andersm advised that the Girls' Town site had been cleared. However,
the contractor clearing the site had not obtained and occupational license and
upon being approached for same, stated that he is hired by the hour by the North
Orlando Compan;y and therefore does not require one. Atter discussion motion was
made by lIrs. VanEepoel, seconded by Kr. Ferrin, to extend to the 12th of October
the deadline for securing of an occupational license by ~der Bros. Co. After that tim
they- will be considered in default. )lotion carried.
Jlayor Anderson asked Kr. Roy Burke to convey to the Civic As aociation the
appreciation of the Council for the irark done on the Children's bus stop.
The Council also gave a vote of appreciation to lIr. Henry Ward for the lVOrk
he has done on the roads.
Kayor Anderson requested that it be put on record that the Village cannot
assune any liability or responsibility for 8ll3' equipment used, or 8ll3' injuries
rece ived during work done on a voluntary basis in the Village, unles s such work
has the expressed approval of the full council.
There was a discussion on the maintenance of the Recreation Area, and it
was again pointed out that the mowing of the area is the responsibilit,' of the
Horth Orlando Company, inasmuch as that land still has not been deeded to the Village.
llqor Anderson stated that it ma;y be necessary to enforce Ordinance 1f15 relative
to maintenance of property if cooperation from the Borth Orlando is not forthcoming.
It was agreed that a definite decision on this matter will be rea~ at the next
regular council meeting.
Mayor Anderson cODD.ended the Police Department tor the great amount ot time
and eftort they- have been devoting because ot the prowler situation.
lIrs. VanEepoel reported on the road situation. Sle advised that it is
i1IIperative that South EdgEmon from Lomb~ to the Race track and North Fdgemon to
SR 419 be attended to at once because of their importance. She has been in contact
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with five contractors for competitive bids. Action on these bids will be taken
by council at a business m.eeting to be held sb>rtly.
Because of the i.n.1'lux of hunters within the city limits in the Ranchlands,
motion was made by IIrs. VanEepoel, seconded by Jlr. stephenson, that twelve (12)
-No Hunting, Violators will be prosecuted" signs be procured and posted. Jlotion
Ul'Iani mausly approved.
)Irs. Salter gave the treasurez's report as follows:
Old balance
Balance 10/8/63
)Irs. VanEepoel then gave a reswne of outstanding Village indebtedness.
Upon motion by IIrs. VanEepoel, seconded by llr. Ferrin, the following items
were approved for pqm.ent.
Guerne,y, Guerney & Hand.l1' - on account
Civic .Association for use ot Civic Bldg.
Clanton's Service station 6.45
.ABC Fire Equipment - on account 25.00
Henry Ward - gasoline tor mowing rec. area 3.80
Tenneco Service station ~ ;rvices & Tires .31.79
llr. G. Kramer tor preparation of setot books 55.00
Lew Arnold Insurance - on. accamt 50.00
llotion made by lfr. Ferrin that a Petty Cash fW'ld be established in the amount
of $15.00 for purchases, by the Village Clerk and Treasurer, ot clerical supplies
and postage as needed and without specific Council approval. Motion seconded by
lfr. st.ephenson and W'l8llimously approved.
police Chief Ferrin, reporting tor the Pollce Department, stated that it
would be neCes881'7 tor the department to purchase a gun and wrltorms tor two men. He
t"'. also stated that seme inquiries bad been made in to obtainjng a two "Irq radio set up
for the police car. 1Ir. Ferrin was instructed to obtain information as to type ot
gun required and prices - also to obtai.n figures on cost ot the necessary uniforms and
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submit for action at the next meeting. Decisions relative to radio equipment will
be deferred until a later date.
Fire Chief' Hahn, in reporting for the Fire Department, advised that he is
working on a Fire Ordinance and will have same req. for presentation shortly. He
stated that the department is in need. of a mi.ni.mwn of 400 feet of hose and a tarpaulin
for the top of the fire truck. He was instructed to obtain some competitive bids on
hose on a time pqment basis. lIr. Hahn also reported. that any fire calls duIing the
da.v should be made to the General 3t;ore, which in turn will relq same to the Forestry
.ernce, who have agreed to take care of same during the dq.
A letter was read from llurasko & Johnson rega.rding the Water and. Sewer franchise
with the North Orlanclo Company, in which they advise that the Horth Orlando Compaa,y
would be willing to enter into negotiations to amend the franchise and. delete the
provision rega.rding the pqment for fire J:v'drants and change the percentage of incomj
provided. for the Village to a figure which is more currently in line with other
co1llm1Dities, if the past pqments due under the franchise would be waived.. Inasmuch
as the amount due under the mating franchise would be less than the cost of cancellatioJ
and suit to recover, it is lIr. Johnson's suggestion that it lIOuld be to the Village's
advantage to enter into such negotiations.
)lotion was made by lIr. Ferrin, seconded by lIrs. VanElrpoeJ, that a document
be drafted amending Ordinance 110 as necessary. l[otion carried.
l[otion made by lIrs. VanEepoel that the Council advise l[urasko & Johnsen that
the Village is willing to negotiate such an amended. franchise and e1i.min.ate arv
previous obligations on either side.
)lotion seconded. by lIr. Ferrin and unanimously
It was announced that Southern Bell Telephone and Winter Park Telephone have
consumated negotiations for metropolitan telephone service for entire Seminole County.
It was explained. that all telephone subscribers in Seminole County will have afbasic
rate increase, blt it will then not cost additional. to call Orlando or Sanford. There
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will be a postcard ballot on the proposal and it was requested. that there be a good
response from this area.
JIr. Ferrin will check the status of )Ir. He.lm.q's resignation as Zoning
Chairman, since no written resignation has been received.
Kotion made by Councilman Ferrin, seconded by )Irs. VanEepoel, that Ordinance
No. 28 granting a franchise to the &1burban Rulane Gas Co. be placed on the agenda
for its first reading and real in full. Kotion carried. Ordinance 128 was read
in full. Upon motion byllrs. VanEepoel, seconded by Mr. Ferrin, that Ordinance 128
be passed on first reading, roll call. vote showed the following members of the
Council voted "yes" - VanEepoel, Ferrin, stephenson, .ldd.eraon. Votedftno" - none.
Kotion made by JIr. Ferrin, seconded. by JIr. Sl;ephenson that Ordinance No. 29
RAn ordinance pertaini ng to safety and welfare within the village limits
of the Village of North Orlando, in reference to burning of trash, etc.,
and the discharge ot firearms, fireworks, etc."
r be placed on the agenda for its first read111g and read in full. Kotionadopted.
Ordinance was read in full. Kotion was made by )Irs. 'Ian Repoel to accept Ordinance
No. 29 on first reading and waive further readings. )Lotion was seconded by
)(r. Ferrin and unani.mously approved.
There being no further business to come before the C~uncU at this time,
meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman stephenson.
Respectful4o" sullll1.tted /l
~Y:~ ~
Village Clerk