HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 09 10 Village Council Regular Minutes
September 10, 1963
7:30 P.JI.
The meeti.Dg was called. to order br Jlqor Anderson.
Roll was call.. by tlle Clerk and pres_t were Ilayor AndersOD and Cou.cU JII.8I1Ibers
VuBepoel, Bhocles, FerriA and Stephenson.
TIle IaYoc&tioa was given by the Chaplain, lira. Lucy Fa.1:riI8a.
lfim1tes of the Augast 19t1l Regular COW'lcll Jleetiag were accepted as read.
Police Co8I1aaiol1er Sliephenson reported that the 4S mile per hoar speecll1m1t
sips kad. be_ posted 0Jl LoDgll'OOd-tl9'iedo bad. He proposed that an Ordinar1ce
be aIiopted set;ting a speedl.bd.t oa streets within the Village Limits. It was aareed
that CoW'lcU would dratt SIlch Ordinance and submit for adoption as 8OOD. as posailiLe.
The Treasurer, lIrs. 8&l.ter, reported as follows:
Old BalaDee
Balance on Band 9/10/63
Due to small cash balance on haad, 1t was statecl Dr CouncU that pqment would
be 1184e of s8l'er&1. small. bills, and lettera would be sent to other &cCOu.DS ~
that JNrJl4Nilt would be fortlacoDd...ag 'Wi thia UlOtb.er month.
On .-'td.on of lira. VanEepoel, seconded. by lIr. Ferrin, the folJ..ug bUls were
approved for J>8l1Ilent:
SutoN Vetri.uaarianClln1c
B1&linrq Blui~nt " 31ppq
Parker Lumber CoJDp8JV'
ftebo1dt Camera Co.
Pickerel 't>ort.1na Goods
Clanton Senic. Station
1Ir. lDlod.es reported tBat the Iasurance Policy for the Fire Department 1s awaitiDa
asuruce COIIpalV" s signatures. This policy will cost approx:t.mateq 'l4O.00 per
r 1'e&r, 1fi.ll coYer 12 people, and has the sae coverace as the policy in effect for
the Pollce Department. As 800. as JIr. Rhodes obtains the pe1i0J', the cover.. wUl
Page 2.
be revi__ by CoucU, ud it satisfactory, tae policy 1dJ.l be accepted.
JIr. .bdereo. reponed tJaat the F~or1da Power Company P'rancJd.se still
IwJ DOt bee received and it is as..ed. tllat it is beiDg held. up Ncaase
of the past due bill for 8't1'eet; lights, which the Co..ci~ does DOt recognize
&8 a legit1mate debt of the Village. .l further attempt will be made to
resolTe this matter.
:la.Tor J.I1dersOD gaTe tae secoad r.i .s, bT title onq, of Ordinu.ces
126, 127, aDd 128.
Ques\ioas and ccaaeats were agair1 imited &ad Couacll again cple1ned the
aeoesaty for &ad scope of proposed ordi.naaces.
Jlqor AadersCIl th_ ~1aed that a third raadi. would .not be &iT-
at this t1iae o.D Ordi n"l'\ce 128 - the Franchise for Slburban Propaae - because
a oJ.auS8 s~iag tl1.at &IV' rate :l.D.crease ast be 8PProTed bT Village Council,
will baTe to be added. ae poiated. out that the Suburban Prop..e Gas Co. operation
does not COJR8 UDder the jurisdictioa ot the Sate Railroad Co-.isaioa aad.
a regulatory p:"ice clause is necesllal7.
Ord1..u.Dcela6 was read. tor the tIdrd. time, :l.D. its eatirety. Kotio. for
adoption was _d.e by Jlrs. Van Eepoel, seconded. b;.v' Kr. Ferrin and. WW'11.IIIousq
apprOYed. by CoUDCU.
Orcli.nancel27 was then read. for the tJaird time, in. its eatirety. Koti01'1 for
adopli io.D was made by JIr. Rhodes, seconded. by Kr. Ferrin and. uaanim.ousq apprOYed
bT CoWlcU.
1Ir. Billllahn reported. that wb_ the Honh Orlando Company att4lDpted to
correct a draiaage probl_ iA back of Jaaus on the aortl'l side of Lombardy Road,
it was ascertaiaed. that utUity liaes .. through the lIiddl.e of the back l...s,
instead of through the utUity eas__ts. Kr. Rhodes will iaediately check
iDto this and attempt to obtain a ap ot all utUity liaes :l.D. the Village.
The road. -.:1Atenaace situatioa in the Village wu c1iseussed at leDgt.h.
pace 3.
lIrs. VaBlepoel reported that the ranc1a roads ....e in part;icularq bad. condition.
Jlayor Anderson stated that he bad be_ coAtaeil*l aad adT1sed that South
FAg_OIl Avenue throqh to the race track has to be maintainecl as it has
be_ designated. a scll001 bus route road. Ifr. hc1ersan sugested. that a
cO.lllld.tt.. be fomecl of equJ. ~ of people from the Banches aI1c1 the
Village prop.. to outline a de.tiJ1ite r08d. progr_, with )Irs. Va.depoel acting
as clIa.irJum. People 1atierested w:i.ll be cmtacted bJr IIrs. VaDEepoe1, aad
a proposal prepared.
1Ir. B&r9'ey Greanja will. proceed. to draw up a proposed bnU1a",,& code
ordiAanc., based. on suple codes and. information received from the norida
Leap.e of Muaicipalities.
TIlere followed a discussion on iaterpretatiOll of the City Occupatioaal
License Ordinance and. posaibil1t;:r of some a:8nptiODs.
Jrotion ..as made by' JIr. Rhodes that residents rendering services from
their home within the Village Limits, ..here annual. income from. such services
does not exceed. $;00.00, be exempt from obtai.niJ:lg City Occupational Licenses;
also that venc10rs of neces8&l7 services for the health and welfare of the
~n1ty - specifically milk companies - be exempt from obta:in1.ng City
Occupa.tionallicenses. JIotion seconc1ed. by 1Ir. Ferria, passed.
JIotion was mad.e by lira. VanEepoel to amend the previous motiOl1 by cht.ngJl\g
the tirst part to read "where ammal iacome from such set'Vices dees not em'"
1600.00 net taxable incomtf'. This D1Dtion was seconded bJr JIr. Rhodes and
~ passed by Council.
There fol.Jmred a discuseion relative to occupation8f1ccmses for contractors
and subcontractors for Girls' Town. No decision was reached on this it_ and
it is to be discus8ed 1\1rther.
Jlayor .A.n.derson adri.sed. that the ordi"6l"lee c,11".g for reiid_ts to obtaill
r a p.m.t to dl'ill a ..ell 111 V1llaae L1m1ts 1dll be enforced, so that there
w1ll be a record of such wells. This permit costs.$2.00.
~. ...
page 4.
JIr. Rhocies advised that the Village does not have a co.mprehensiTe Fire Ortiaance
- ~ Ordinance I.U wMcll relates to blrrdag ot rubbish aad tiriDg ot Elltplosivea
and place. replation uade.r jurisdict10a ot the Police DeplrtmelJt,. Fire Chief Hahn
has been desipated to dr_ up a proposecl Fire Ordiaance. .eamddle, Ilerk is to
draw up all Ordinance supersediDg OrdiDance III aad apecit)-1Bc \he Fire Departaent
as aoverDiDg agent.
JIr. stephen.son then introduced two new TOlunteers tor the Police Department,
llr. Harol.el J. Bealee and 1Ir. Ba1"Y8y Greanja. J(otiol1 was made bT lIrs. VaaEepoel
and seconded b;y llr. stephen.son that these men be appoiated. Patrolmen tor the
Vlllaae of Korth Orlando, subject to the usual F.B.I. Investigation. JIotion
l1npilllllQsq approvec:l by CoWlCU. Jlqor Anderson then ~mi.istered the Oath ot
Ottice to )(r. taalee and 1Ir. GreaDTa.
JIr. Anderson adrised that S8IIIple curt. ordi.naaces had been received. frem the
Florida Leage of Municipalities, but that Council had not yet had &l'l opportunity to
redew them and prepare a proposed ,Curtew OrdinaD.ce tor Borth Orlando, but hoped to
have one 1'8atV by the nm meeting. For the present the Police Department has
been authorized to enforce the Loiteri.mg Ordinance now on the Village books, pending
adoption ot a curtew ord:i.nal1ce. Co:amis8ion.. staph_SOIl requested that the present
curt. liacw' be changed to 9:.30 P.II. Atter discussion, it was agreed that under
ead.stiD& condit:l.oas, the 9:.30 P.Il. curtew was advisable and wculd. be entorced.
lIqor hdersOD requested. that CoURCU .embers clleck all existing ortiDaaces
aDd detemiae what further ordinances are aetlded 80 that i-ediate action can be
There bei.tlg DO furt;her business to COJIle betore CoUllcil, oa motion of JIr.
SliepheasOD, meeting was adjourned.
(RespecttuJ.q subD1tted~
,~):: /~
Village Clerk