HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 07 02 Village Council Regular Minutes
PliOCEmINGS AT courcn. lIEEl'IlIl
Jull' 2ad, 1963
7:30 P .Il.
The .eetiag was called to order br lIayor Aaderson..
Roll was called by- the <:Lerk and in. atte.nc:lance were Ka)"or .An.derson, COWlcll
l1181Dbers stephenson, VanEepoel, Rhodes and Ferrin..
The Il'lvocatio.as was given b.Y Ilrs. Lucy- Fairburl1.
mates of the Couacll lleebing of June 4th were read and ~ l1aeDlllch as there were
110 additions or corrections, ndnm.es were accepted as read.
Ilqor Anderson iutiroduced Attorne,y Orville JohnsOl1 of the la1r firm of Johason
and )lurasko of Fern Park, who had been approached to fill the vacancy- of Village Judge
occasioned by the death of lIr. C. R. &autenberg.
Ilr. Riblack of liiblack .Ambulance Service in Casselberrr was then in.troduced and
he outlined his fees for ambulance serrice and left business cards with the CoW'1cil.
lIqor Anderson then called. for hearing of Citizens.
Jlrs. Salter stated. that there is a serious odor problem in the vicinity of the
property- back of her house, caused by the malfWlction of the Sewage plant lifting station,
and that she had complained. to the North Orlando Utilities Compar.w to no avail. She
explainEd that the same situation existed last year and the Board of Health at that time
threatEl'led to shut down the plant if repairs were not made. 1Ir. Ferrin will contact
the North Orlazdo utilities CoDp8l\Y and demand action.
IIrs. VanEepoel requested. that samethi.ng be done about the ranch roads, which are
ia very bad condition, especiall1' access roads.
JIotion made, seconded and pas sed that 1Ir. He1.m1y contact the Barth Orlando COlDpaqy
and obtain a list and description of all dedicated. roads, rights of wa;y and property
dedicated to the Village.
,- A Resolution will be presented. to the l!orth Orlando Comp&l\Y for dedication of
.s Recreation Area property-. '
Page 2.
- r- It was agreed that a meeting will be arranged between Council and Yr. Fasula
to take up D1a1'\Y :important matters which were being held in abeyance awaiting return of
Mr.Htuptman of the North Orlando Comparv.
lIrs. Salter inquired as to who was lBying for the three street lights on the
Bon-zon aodel home streets. Yr. Helmly advised that the cost of the electricity was
being carried by the the Horizon Homes and/or the occupants.
Mr. Anderson stated that he had been in coDllU.1Dication with Mr. Johnson of the
Florida Power COJnpa!\Y relative to the franchise and same was to have been received last
week. They have offered a standard 30 year franchlse calling for 2.% of gross bi.lli.ngs
for the 1st 10 years, 3% far the second ten and l{J. for the last ten years.
There had also been some discussion on the outstanding bill for street lights
and the question resolved itself into the legality of the contract signed by JIr. Fasula..
llr. Johnson advised that this outstanding bill would in no wq interfere with the
r franchise.
At this time Attorney Johnson stated his qualifications as a member of the Florida
Bar Association and stated that he has been admitted to the Federal Courts. He advised
that arrangments similar to toose agreed upon with Attorney Lautenberg would be
satisfactory with him. There followed discussion on possible arrest and fine procedures
to be followed. JIr. Johnson will check into these, as well as the legality of fee
basis of rEllDW1eration. Kr. SiephensOl:l will forward to him a copy of the ViJ.lage Charter
and all law en.torcem.ent ardinances. It _as agreed that court will be held eve17 2nd.
and 4th WednesdaiY evening of the month at 7:00 P.Jl., with Police 6'..' stephenson
advising JIr. Johnson in advance if no hearings are to be held. ][otion -fls made by
Councilman Fer.rin, seconded by Kr. Sl;epllenson that llr. Johnson be accepted as Village
Judge. ][otion passed unanimously. The oath of office was then administered to
lIr. Johnson by lIayor Anderson.
r lIr. stephenson advised that Police car title has been received.
, \
JIr. Ferrin then announced that the combined treaSU17 balaace of' the Police aad
page .3.
Fire Departments amounts to approx:imat~ $18.50. stnce these departments cllU'lOt operate
rrltb:>ut :1\mds, it was suggested that each t~ in the Village Be uked,td cl~e OIl a
a val.untary basis, $1.00
per year 18l tor the sel'Tices ot the Fire and Police Department, with an initial
subscript.i.on tee ot $3.00 to cover the tirst three year period, with the provision that
this initial 13.00 tee can be paid over a three month period at $1.00 per month. It
was suggested that Fire;lad Police Departments would share equal11' in this tund with
collection ot fees to be made b;y the Fire, Police am COWlCU and all tunds to be remitted
to the Vill8&e Treasurer. Proper receipts would be liven to all remitters with complete
records kept.
Reaction on this proposal is to be obtained and decisiol'lS reached on
the tor.mul.a tor use of the money obtained.
OrdinAnce be drawn up to cover.
Ifay'or Aaderson advised tbat JIr. ~f the state Road Department caJJ.ed to
It was proposed that a lega.1.l7 correct
advise that the survey of State Road 434 has be. completed. The speed has been
estahlished at 45 mUes per hour. However, procedure necessary for the erection of
r sips will take sane time. Be was askeel to expedite this as DIlch as possible.
Jrr. ~ursralso advised regard.iDg the possibility of having a school zone
establidled, statiq that it suld be neces8&17 to have a conterence ot school board
officials, state road officials and members ot the Village CoUDCU. Be suggested
sweral approaches on this probl_ and they will be irlvestigated.
)[r s. VuiEepoel adYised that the insurance for the .members of the Voluateer
Police Department is in force with tbe JIIlerican Insurance Co., through the Hanna-
Closson Agency. The prfWliwna are $225.00 for ~eciti" Accident POlicy for three
years camn8l1cing on June 5th, 196.3.
The Fire Department coverage bas not yet been received. but 1fOIICl should be bad
on this shortly.
1lr. Ferrin reported that he had contacted 1lr. Suith ot the Surburaa Propane Gas
Comp...- relative to a fraachise. Slrburan stated that they serrice sevea districts
('- JAd have never given a fraa.chise. Since their rates are not controll eel b;y the Railroad
CoBds8ion, the.r did not believe th.., were subjectto tranchises. However th.., were
Page 4.
wi1H. to submit to their regi.OJ18l directors am attorneys &EO" franchise we would -.ct
th_. It was agreed to have a franchise drawn up and submitted to th_ for action.
JIr. Ferrin also adYised that Seminole County does not prOTide a tree DIOsquito
control p~. for the area.
He further stated - relative to the paviDg o,f North lr4gemol'l Avenue as a cormecting
road - the only W87 the count7 woal.d cooperate on this would be OD a fift7-fi'tt7 basis
with the Vill8&e. Lac1d.Di fuads to act on this, no further action has been taketl.
Jlrs. VanEepoel reported that she bad not been able to contact the owner of the
AU Garbace service relative to a franchise, further, thali the Lope Garbage Service
was not 8&reeable to a 5% r~nt or 8l\f franchise.
Jlr. Rhodes reported that the aping area authorized by the Korth Orlando CaapUll'
for use of citizens for dispo:rlJ1g of trash, was being ased by some tor garbage aad that
this was creatiDg a health hazarcl in the area. It was agreed that Council would put up
sips leading to the area stai;iDg that t-rash only -.v be dumped under penalt7 of fiDe.
l"8pOrted thai; there is a recreation program at the Longwood n8D81'1t817 School and
JIr. Rhodes outlined the recreation program now in effect in the Village and also
Seminole High ,School in Casselberry'.
lIrs. Salter, Treasurer, IILve her :t:i.J:wlcial report as foll01l'S:
Balame on Hand. June 4
Balance 01'1 Bar1ci J u.l7 2
Jlayor Anderson read a tbank 70U letter troll IIrs. ArtJ:mo Ferrin, also a letter
from. JIr. Lou ArllOld relative to outstanding insurance permiwn indebtedness requ.etstiDg that
some pqmetlt be made at once.
There followed presentation of followiDg bills for approval - ..37'
for spotlight batteries purchased at theHortb Orlando General storeJ 15.00registraticm
, ,
fee for Conferetlce of lIayors cd CouacllJaeDt; of the Florida League of JlnDicipalities.
$10..30 to W.W . Ander son for fiowers purchased
110..00 to Earl Jones tor flowers for "8. Ferrin;toi" Attorn.. LautenbergJ 1325.00
f'l B C Fire Equipment C01llp&r\Y - p1DIp for .tire truck; ar.;6O.76 Iou Arnold Insurance Agency-.
On motion made byJlr. Ferrin, seconded by lIr. 3tephEltlson, pa.TJlletlt of the following
page 5.
0as Ul'laIdmousq app:roved:
$200.00 to ABC Fire >>1uipment on account
$160.00 to IDu Arnold
15.00 to Florida League of llwdcipalities
CO.OO to Earl Jones
#10.30 to W.W.AAderson
Kotioa made by llr. stephenson to grant the requested variance on Lcmb~ Road
to JIr. Horace BofFdman. JIotion was secoflded by lIr. Rhodew and t,nAnilllOus],y passed.
Jrr. AMerson reported. that a letter had been received. from Senator :Mack Cleveland
advising that the recpest for granting ot Hot Pursuit Iaw had not been 8I1b1Bitt.ed to the
Lep.slature, consistent. with policy now in effect regarding such laws.
Kayar Anderson advised he had received a l~ compl,i at relative to Power
:t>rq Companies us:lng parathion in their operations in the VUlage, thereb.r causing a
health hazard. Since this is a debatable issue, an open meeting will be arranged tor
('1o.nda.'Y, July 15th at 7:30 PJl. to hear otfioials ot the Power Sprq Compal\V', state
Board ot Health and representative of the Agricult.ural Department.
)(Otion made by Jlrs. VanEepoel, seconded by ... Ferrin that the COJIIDWlity 11t1ld1ng
be desipated as a temporary Village Hall. Passed.
lIr. Rhod_ will oontact the Civic
Association regarding fair fee tor use of the buUding, lights, etc.
)Ir. Anderson reported. that JD8ll,1 serious complaints have been received about the
19 cats in the Lass home on Lombarda' Road. the Police Department wUl endeavor to
correct this situation.
lIqor Anderson reported he had received a letter and a telegram. trom the Governor
requesting that the Village participate in the July 4th "Let Freedom RiD&" celebration.
In lieu. ot bells, it was suggested. to sound horas and sirens at the designated. time.
At this time Ordinance #J.5, revising the tax on Cigarettes was read in its
eatir8ty_ ][otion was then made by JIr. Ferrin, secoflded by )Irs. VanEepoel, that the
r'iliaance 125 be accepted as read, without &D3' further readiags. It was tlnanimnusq
( ...pprcwed.
page 6.
Jlqor Anderson. reported that he has been in touch with Dr. Horton. or Orlaado
(' J. C. and that tbere 1s nothing of consequence to report on the status or the College
at 'this time. they are still _aitiDg action by the Borth Orlando CompllBT. He
stated that 1t will be at least September 1964 before the College could be in operation.
It was reported that th..e is a conflict of street .numbers on Long-wood-OViedo
Road. - both the GeIleral Stiore and the Laundromat bear numbers that are &1.so assigned
to two homes in the Coronado section. JIotion made b,y Jlrs. VanEpoel, seconded b,y
JIr. Ferrin that JIr. Rhodes contac1t, he Po st Office and arrange for red.esignation of numbers.
:lotion made b,y JIr. Ferrin, seconded. by' JIr. stephenson, that all presidiog a.mers of
the Council be designated Peace Orficers of the Village of Borth Orlando. Passed.
)lotion made by' Jlr. stephenson, seconcled b,y Jlrs. Vanlepoel, ab.thorizing 1Ir.
Andr_ Ferrin to order 100 galloas of gasoline as required. Un&1'1i.mou&q appr09'ed.
It was proposed. that an ordinance be drawn up governing designation of through
streets and 7ield streets in the Village and assignment of speed limits on side streets,
as well as posting of appropriate sips.
It was agreed to have a meeting of all Village Officials and appointed officers
on J~ 15th, tolJ._iDg the hearing of the Power Sprq Compan;r. This is to orient
all members into the responsibilities at their positioas and ascertain their willingaess
to administer same.
The Village books will be closed out as or June 30th and submitted to an
accountant tor audit.
Fire Chief William Hahn reported that a 10 toot length ot hard hose was needed
tor the fire truck and. that Ws would cost approx1mateq $1.5.00. )lotion JUde by'
1Ir. Sl;8J:hen.son, seconded by' Jlrs. VanEepoel. that this hose be purchased. Paseed.
JIr. Hah.r1 &1.so reported that thee are noW' 8 active members ot the volunteer
tire department zd that the Florida Fire College will give a tra:ini I"lg progr8lll here in
(, At the aJggestion of Couacllman Ferrin, the Fire Chief will contact Florida
Developnent ccmmission relative to Federal Funds availabe tor Village Fire Department use.
( ,
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The treasurer has been authorized to purchase 100 5. stamps - with 45 of
same beiu& given to Village Clerk fer official use.
There being no further business befere CouacU, on motion of )(r. staph_son
meeting was adjourned..
Respect~ submitted,
Village Cl erk