HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 05 24 Village Council Special Minutes
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KAY 24, 1963, 7 :30 P.L
The meet.ing was called to order by lIayor Anderson.
Boll was called and in at teo.dance were Jlayor Anderson &lid Councilman Rhodes
and SliephensOB.
JIr. .Al Davis, General Insurance Agent, read. a proposal. tor lasurac. tor
the poliee Department.
JIr. DaTe Tilson 8UbId.tted his resipat10n as Chiet ot Polie. because ot
persoDal and prote88ioD&1. reasons. He made the suggestion that the Police and Fire
DJpartllumts be comiaed aDd eme chiet act tor both departments.
In '9'1_ of this deyelopaeat, JIIOtion .....s made by JIr. Rhodes, seconded by
JIr. st;ephensoa, to table decidoa .. iasuran.ce temporarill'. IrDtioa carried.
Kayor 1I1derson reported that IIrs. Vadepoel had contacted the Pickerel Sperl#iag
Goods Co. and tkat tiler were wi1HW\g to aceept so.c of the indebt.ednese BOW and the
balance to be paid when a detailed stat_ent is presented. Jlrs. Salter will make
check out to Pickerel in the' &IDOWlt of $'226.50.
Jlalor Andersoa inf01"lll.ed tIIe_ present that Jlrs. Arthur Ferrin h8d surge17
todq and sugested that tlOll'ers be sent tr_ the Council. .Att.. short discussion,
it was agreed. to 1iDdt such expenditures for nowers to $1.0.00.
IIotion made by 1Ir. Rhodes, secoaded by JIr. stepheasQl'1 to seod Flowers to
IIrs. Ferr:iJ.1. )(ot1on carried.
.&. County tax bill was presented. for attentioa. )lotion JIad.., aeeond.eel and
carried that 1Ir. Bel.llq check into this.
.&. bill fl"ODL PaDni.Dg Luber CoIIJ>&!\Y in the BGunted of 13.09 11'&8 presented.
tor locks for gas tank. pqment. approved 'by Council.
~ JIr. Bill Hahn made report on the number of iv*ants in the V1llage, stating
~ ,.....
that there are 20 altogether.
Announcement of Jlayorst and. Councilmen's Conterence in Orlando 011 June
. .
~6~ ~7~ and ~8th was read.. A1~ m8lbers of Council 'Were invited to attend.
Cb motion of lIr. stejDenson~ meetiq was adjourJlJd.
R~ectfn' '7 submitted,
Acting Village Cl erk