HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 05 20 Village Council Special Minutes
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J(q 20th, 1963
7:4S P.JL
Jleet;1ng was called. to order by Jlqor Anderson.
Present were llayor Anderson and Council __ers, Aephenson, Ferrin,
Rhodes and VanBepoel.
llinutes of the replar meeting on)lay 7 were read and accepted with the
following corrections:
1. Correction of the figure of $400 to $SOO to get tire truck operating. This
is an est1mate COYeri.Dg cost ot putting the tmck in ru~ni~ condition u.d. does aot
i.a.olude cost of puttiag pwIp in operatiAg conclit1on should this be required. Further,
relative to title on fire tmck - no title as such exists.
r r-
2. Relative to Little League staft -!E!. Oharles Rowell is in charge. of
lIqor Anderson amlOWlced that tlds ~ecial .eeting would be concerned. witll
Police and. Fire Depart.ment business onq.
llr. Jack ClOS80Il, of Hanna and OlOS8011" acting as General Agent, revi_ed
Bids from Hartford A. I. and 'bro other sources and discussed proposed bids on
Insurance as compared to Village needs. He recoJllllended that proposals be taken 1U'lder
lIr. Al Davis, General Agent, offered. to work with JIr. Closson in dra.wing up
speaitications of bids.
Discussion was .held relative to insurance of Fire and Police vehicles and it
was decided to leave the Police vehicle covered. as is ad proceed :turt.her 011 the fire
tru.ck when it is operable.
It was -egreed to l1a1t curremt discussion to the Police inasmuch as the
Village is desirous of gettiag this department in operation as quic.k:q as possible.
page 2.
r-" JIr. Davis aM JIr. CloSSOll. suggested that they figure the cost of cO'l'erage
based on the neecls of the Villa&e and present this bid at the earliest possible maaent.
Jlay'or Anderson reCOJllllended taat JIr. Davis and IIr. C10S8011 sel; the the specificatioD8
with regard to lIedical and Indernnit:r with remainder of cover..e standard, i.e., 12500
aedical, 15,000 Death Benefit and 150.00 1I'8ekq indemnity' for 26 we.8~
It was un.-" 1MU&q agreed that a Special Council lIeeting be called tor FricUQ"
"'y 25, 1963 at 7:30 P.II.
JIr. Bteplleson is contactiDa Sanford Atlantic la tional Bank in regard to tiUe
011 police Car.
Didussion was held relative to re-locat.ing the gasoline tank. Permission 1s
to be sought to move the tank to a _re accesable area. )lotion made by JIr. stephenson
duq secoded aDd carried to pu"Chase 100 galloas of gasoline. ~
Ilotioa __ by 1Ir. RIoodee. eecoDded by lire. V&DBepoeJ. to purcllase t;n~
r- from ELmer Lane. Carried. Council also au.thorized pu.rchase of shoulder patches.
It was decided to ask the policemen!.; to furnish the1r elm. wdforas.
Reprci:1.Dg incident requiring police action on llq 19, 1961, a BOtion was lWie
by JIr. FerriD, seconded b;r )(rs. VanEeopol, that police obligation had been met and
that the officer's decisiOEl reached at the scene aId subsequ.ent action was in order.
JIa1'or .AI1derson read ctDlIIl1nication from Sanford Ci t:r CoDDisaion, specU'icaJ..q
the IIimltes ot their aeeting relative to FdiMrial Policy and misiBto1'!ll&tion reported
by the Sanford Herald.
A lnter was read from. Attorne,y Sewell relative to the Florida Power tranchise,
nt) i ni ng arrana_ents with Winter Garden, Longwood and other tGWns.
JlJqor AadvSOIl also read a letter from Qlrney, Quoney l Handley relative to
ju.dgm.ent of $453.52 and a letter from Jack A. R~ relative to prompt settlfDent
. of this judpent to preclu.de _ecation beiDa placed in hands of SherU't. It was
,0\ ,"
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r- decided that the matt.. be held in abeyance while at'tllplpting to work out an
installment &rrug__t.
Council agreed. to take necessary steps to sublit proposed. Bot Pursuit Law
to Leglsl&ture for enactment prior to close of this 88ssion, publication
requ1r_ents harlDg been met and affidav:Lts received..
On JIOtion of llr. stephenson,meeting was adjourned.
Respectftil.q sulB1tted,
1JClAu- .~03P
Acting Village Clerk