HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 04 10 Village Council Special Minutes
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APRIL 10, 1963, at S:OO P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Anderson.
Roll was called b~; the Clerk; in attendance: Mayor Anderson
and members of the Council VanEepoel, Ferrin and :3t.ephenson.
Councilman Ferrin reported on the Horizon Homes sales office building
which had been under consideration for purchase as a Village Hall. He advised that
in his estimation it would not be worthwhile to purchase it at $900 because it would
have to be dismantled and moved and, as it is on a slab foundation, a new slab
would be necessazy. Furthermore, there are no sanitary facilities and this would
involve additional scpenditure. It was agreed there was no further interest in
this matter.
A letter dated April Sth from ~nator Mack Cleveland was read, relative
to changing the name of Molnar Avenue (the Longwood...Qviedo Road) to North Orlando
Mayor Anderson stated that he had contacted Attorney Sewell woo advises
that there are two methods of harxiling such change - by ~ecial Act, or by Local
Referendum. Machinery to set up a referendum is expensive and requires quite a bit
of work, therefore is least desirable of the two methods. Question can be held over
until election next yea:r and combined with the voting then.
Mr. Gore presented the draft of the revisions on the Charter as prepared
by the Charter Revision Conmittee.
Ar't.icle 3. Sect:ion 2 - an addition to Charter
tlllo person shall be ell.gible to any elective office of such
municipality if there is a conflict of interest"
The addition of this requirement to the Charter was voted upon and
The approved addi tion will be immediately forwarded to Mr. Sewell
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for preparation in corJfect form for subnission to the Legislature.
With referEnce to revision draft of
Article 5, Section:3 - an addition to charter
ItThis power shall be subject to approval of majority of voting
and Article 5~ Section 4 - an addition to charter
"This power fball be subject to 8PII"oval of a majority of voting
Councilman Ferrin voiced the opinion that action on these additions should be withheld
until such time ~s a more ccmplete explanation of the changes from a legal. standpoint
can be obtained from Attomey Sewell. :Motion was made by Yr. Ferrin seconded by
Mr. Stephenson and. passed, tabling voting on these two revisions pending advice from
){r. sewell.
There followW a discussion on the matter of changing the name
of 1I0lnar Ivewe to North Orlando Boulevard as set forth in Senator Mack Clevelan's
letter. Inasnuch as it was felt that there are more important matters on 1!hich we
r:- mq be requiring Senator Cleveland's help, motion was made by Mr. Ferrin and appr~ed
by Council, to defer action on changing the name of the road at this time. Mr.
Cleveland will be so advised.
Mayor Anderson read a letter from Ur. Morris Hale, dated April 6,
wherein it was stated that a foul'-year college is definitely contEmplated and he
hopes to have significant developnents to report s1Drt~.
Resolution changing check signatures at Sanford At.lantic Bank was
presented. Yotion made by Mr. Stephenson, seconded by Yr. Ferrin that Resolution be
adopted. Passed.
Mr. Ferrin proposed Mr. W. L. Robinson as Electrical Inspector for
the Village of North Orlando, stating that Mr. Robinson was properly qualified. It
was decided that this phase of Village inspections would properly come under Building
..........Inspjction Department and Mr. Ferrin. then nominated Mr. Robinson as Assistant Building
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Inspeator in charge of Electrical Installations. Nomination was seconded and
appointment approved.
Yr. Robinson and Mr. Krecek will cooperate with:Mr. Harris, Building
InspECtor in drawing up complete building codes and proposed fees for presentation to
the Council. Upon receipt of same, and approval, an Ordinance will be prepared setting
forth these codes and levying the se fees.
Mayor Anderson requested Mr. Ferrin to look into the legal status of Road Fund
money receive1., with respect to how it may be spent by the Village.
A bill from Lou Arnold for $440.76 for insurance premiums was presented.
Mr. Arnold has requested at least a partial payment imme1.iately. Mrs. VanEepoel will
obtain an it Emized stat anent of the se premiums.
It was wggested that possibly the license fee established for the sale of
Beer and Wine in the Village is too low and that the fee could properly be established
at ibne-half the County fee. Council will check into this.
Mr. Anderson stated that Mr. 3ewell will investigate whether a tangible
personal property tax to read "on bus:iness only" could be levied, or whether this
would be di scriminatory .
Quextion was raised as to who authorized the installation of septic tanks in
the Horizon Home model houses. 11r. Ferrin will investigate.
Councilman Ferrin proposed that a Recreational Committee be formed to work
on a more presentable and safer recreational are, more in conformity with tlD se of
surrounding conmunities. He stated that the Little League teams needed help and
support and that such a Committee could develop v:a,ys to raise money for necessary
SU:9plies for the teams. :Mr.''')tephenson, Mr. Krecek and 11rs. VanEepol volunteered
to work on a Recreational Cornmittee and they will seek aditional volunteers among the
citizens of the Village.
Councilman stephenson strongl:,' reconmended that some means of supervision
.../''''' be provided at the lake in the recreational area, inasmuch as small children are
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pla~ring and swImming th ere.
It was agreed to contact the North Orlando Company about dedicating :1m; t.he
recreation area to the Village just as soon as possible after Mr. Hauptman returns.
Mr. Ferrin ~uggested the formation of a Committee to search out possible
avenues of revEnue for the Village. Council will seek recruits aXl10ng citizens of the
Mayor Anderson stated that he believes the Count;y has some provision for paving
roads that connect state or county roads. It is felt tffit North Edge:non Avenue would
qualify for such pavings since it connects routes 434 and 419. Council will investigate.
Mr. Stephenson prcposed the immediate organization of a Police Department to
afford the Village proper protection.
Mayor Anderson suggested Dave Tilson for Police Chief, stating that Mr. Tilson
fills all the necessary requirements. Mr. Stephenson advised that he had talked with
rltr. Tilson and the latter would accept the appointment and further, that the following
men have also agreed to assume the duties of deplties on a vollll1tary basis - Arthur
Rhodes, Henry Ward, William Hahn, Robert Stephanson. Motion was made by Mr. Ferrin
that the Volunteer police Department be established and that Mr. stephenson, as
Police Commissioner, be authorized to organize the Police Department as he sees fit,
same to be directly under the supervisfun of Council. Motion carried.
Mrs. VanEepoel is W oontact Mr. Fasula and obtain any police department
equipment in his possession.
Mr. Stephenson will check into the eligibility of Mr. Elmer Ashley,J.P. who
has signified a willingness to act as Judge fer the Village.
Discussicn followed on the establishment of a Fire Department and whether it
was to operate as a city department as the charter provides. Consensus of opinbn
was that it should operate as a Volunteer City Fire Department.
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The Committee on the Reorgailizatian of the Fire Department will get
together with Councilman Stephenson to iron out details. :Mr. stephenson advised
that George Sanmers will take a look at the f'ire truck to see if' it can be put into
use. If' it can, he suggested that we P8\1 the bill for the axle and get the truck
into shape. He also stated that Pinecastle has a f'ire truck f'or sale on terms.
WSiYs and means of' maintaining the Fire and Police Departments an a
self-supporting basis are to be studied. This is deemed necessary until a budget
can be establi shed.
Vote of' appreciat:iDn accorded Mrs. Peters for declining fee f'or services as
Village Clerk.
Mrs. Krecek questioned whether the Charter Revision Committee was a standing
Canmitt.ee to work on any possible future revisions. It was decided to appoint
future Charter revision canmittees when needed.
On motion of' :Mr. stephenson, meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Village Clerk