HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 04 04 Village Council Special Minutes
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APRIL 4, 1963 at S:15 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Anderson.
Roll was called by the Clerk. In Iat~: Mayor Anderson, members of
Council VanEepoel, Ferrin, 6'tephenson and Mr. John Jawell, attorne'.f of the law firm
of Gurney, Gurney and Handly, also citizens of the Village of North Orlando.
This meeting was called for the purpose of presenting our problems to
Mr. Sewell and obtaining his advice.
at a lat er meeting.
Mr. Sewell requested copies of the Charter and any resolutions and
He will report his findings and suggestions
ordinances passed so that he might review tmm.
He advised that the primary
consideration must be the establishment of steady sources of revenue for the Village.
There followed discussion of many possibilites open to the Village under its present
charter, ilil. franchises with utility com?anies, garbage collection agency, etc.
Sewell advised that taxation power of the Village is fairly broad and the following
possibilities Vlould exist unless there were restrictions in the Village Charter; real
and personal property taxes, licetlew for professionals, licenses on businesses and
occupations carried on in the Village, taxes on public services including electricity,
metered or bottled gas, water 2ervice, telephone and telegraph serfice.
Mr. Sewell
was advised that it was the general wish to avoid any direct taxation of individuals,
except as a last resort, and the preference would be for business and nrofessional
taxes, within reasonable limits, so as not to hamper the growth of the Village.
Mayor Anderson advised that he had checked. with Florida Power Corp. about
a franchise and their proposal will soon be fOI"<<arded to the Council.
It was explained to Mr. Sewell that the Garbage Collection compaqy with
which the Village had franchise arrangements had gone bankrupt and a new company has
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taken over its business. The ;mestion was raised whether it would
be to our advantage to operate our own garbage collection service. He suggested that
we immediately negotiate a nEW franchise with the Company now' operating here - on a
one year basis. Within that time the question of a village operated agency could be
Also relative to franch:i.j:ls, it was revealed that the North Orlando
Company signed a 30 year exclusive franchise on swerage and water with the North
Orlando Utilities Company. Mr. Sewell will check into this.
As another possibility for a source of income, it was stated that the
Charter allows for annexation of additional property within a distance of two miles
of erlsiting Village Limits. Advantages of any such annexation will be studied and
Attorney Sewell was advised that the citizens of the Village felt there
was need -for certain revisions of the Charter and that a Citizens Committee was working
on a rough draft of such revisions, and furthermore, that it was hoped that such
revisions could be submitted to the Legislators at this present session. The meeting
was advised that the t:ime was very limited and it was agreed that as soon as such
revisions were in draft form they were to be submi. tted immediately to )(r. Sewell to
be worded prq:> erly for submission to the Legislature. He will also check whether
such charter rerlsions h~ve to be approved by referendum.. He said he would give the
matter of charter revision top priority.
The Council explained that it wa.s exploring the possibility of the
Village obtaining a building of its own for a Village Hall and building to house
Fire equipnent. The Village owns no property but it was suggested that poiudli17 the
North Orlando Company would not be adverse to dedicating a piece of property for this
purpose if they were approached on the subject. Mr. Sewell will advise the best
means for financing such a building fund. Estimated cost was projected at about $5000.
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It was stated that the U81a1 practice in such situations was for the Village to ru.ed.ge
a percentage of establisled mont~ revenue for a bank loan.
The subject of appointment, of a Village Judge came up for discussion.
It was EIlCplained. that there is anticipation of reactivating a police Department for
general protect ion and from traffic violations and vandalian, and that possibJ,y fines
from traffic violations might. be another source of revenue.
llr. Sewell said that the
best solution to this problem. for the time being might be to contact some young l&W1er
in the area who would be willing to hold court. one night a week, or possibly one
night wary two weeks. This would provide necessary services at minimum cost.
llr. Sewell was then advised. about the outstanding indebtedness of
approxi.mately f7,000 charged against the Village, which it is felt is not a completely
bona fide indebtedness.
Di scussion was held on the bill from Florida Power in the aroount of $2700
for street lights - on a contract negotiated by Mr. Fasula without approval of Council
and for lights pa.rtially d.thin City of Casselberry limits. llr. Sewell will contact
lfr. R. R. Johnson, District Manager of Florida 1-' ower Corporation in Winter Park to
investigate this item..
Next discussion was on the item of $3600 billed the Village by the North
Orlando Cozq>a.qy as the Village's part of the cost of preparation of the Charter and
legal fees of incorporation. InaslDllch as the Charter was adopted. in 1959 and
provided for raising the cost of the Charter and Incorporation within the first year
of tt}iistence, there is acme question as to whether this is a just debt of the Village now.
Yr. Sewell will check into this.
le:x:t the matter of the patiing suit on the $495.00 pickerel Sporting
Goods Store purchases was discussed. This purchase was never approved by Council.
...r After reviefing the Court order, :Mr. Sewell said that inasmuch as the time for answering
bad expired, there probably was a judgment, rendered and the Village was liable for
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pa;yment of the bill and possibly ccurt costs. Mr. Sewell will contact the lawyer
handling the suit and attempt to arrange some plan of settlement, if judgment has
bellln rendered.. He advised that if payment is made, the articles purchased are the
property of the Village.
Mr. Sewell then cautioned all present that if at ~ time in the future
they are served with papers relevant to Village matters, they are to immediately contact
The final outstanding debt for insurance protection, owing to Mr. Lou
Arnold as agent, Vias discussed. There is approximately $292.00 owing for insurance
coverage in the past am $118.00 for protection for the next six months. Mr. Sewell
took this invoice and will check our responsibilites in this matter.
The que stion of the operation of a Fire Department will also be 6"tudied
and Mr. Sewell advised that the resolution accepting the fire truck as a gift from the
Silver Creek Precision Co. does vest ownership and title in the Village.
The legality of starting records from the inception of the new administration
will be checked.
Attorney Sewell suggested that it would be an excellent idea to have a
copy of the Florida Sliatutes on file so that the Council can dtermine for themselves
insofar as possible the correct procedures. He will try to obtain a copy for us.
Mr. Helmly showed Mr. Sewell a photstatic copy of the first restrictive
covenant placed by the developer and the latter advised. that the wordage was the umal
used tu developers and unless there an;y especially restrictive clauses, there was no
problem there.
The question was asked wbether it would be necessary to have legal eounsel
I"""""8t evers Council meeting. Mr. Sewell said it might be necessary to have legal advice
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at the first one or two Council meetings a.fter he reports his findings, but once
everyone became familiar with their duties it would on~ be necessary to contact
him in the event of any real problems.
It was agreed tlat Council Meetings will be held every two weeks for
the present.
Mr. Sewell will advise when he has his findings ready and will then
make arrangements to te at a Council meeting tJ:> Sive his report.
In answer to a question Council was advised that dedicated areas are
forevEr municipal property.
Motion made by :Mr. l'errin seconded by Mrs. VanEepoel that a Council
meeting be set for Wednesday, April 10th at 8:00 P.M. was approved.
lIr. stephens::>n moved for adjournment of the meeting, seconded by
Mr. Ferrin and carried.
Respectfully submitted
Temporary Village Clerk