HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 03 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
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't~rt.h Orlando Village Cou11cl1
Tu.adaf, March 5, 196.,
The aee1;lng e'f 1;he lforth Orlando Vl11age
81gb\ P.M. b, Kafor Prank IP.su1a.
< <. <<
'.rol' Faaula, CO\l1\cl111an Clarenoe Xe.ory
..:roe present.
In the abaence ot the Vl11age Clerk, the alautea ot tbe prev1o\la aee\1ng
~re read,by~:tt.y Rhodea wile auba\ltut.ed. The alnllt.. were appreve4 as
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'....t..1l1a.\tba1.tt..d a b111 tor _.r10al1 LaFranoe 54 and reo_aD484 that.
1., lie .pa24. ...1;10n wa. made and aeoonded that the bl11 be paid. --
1Io\1oa .... oarried.
Council waa oalled to .~rat
aad Oounol18aa Robert, atepa.as,.
lIr."..... ........ the 1.a.. drawn lrP tor the 1'1re Depart.llent. TM 1....
waad4,,.JTIr1llllf".nd no agre..eat vaa reaohed. J. ...t.lq was arrUpt tor
=::"_lt~li:' o~::-:: :::0:;~1:~: i:::~l and the ottleera ott._
111'. Faaula .t.at.ed.. that absentee ballots can be tl1ed tor tbe c_l116
elect10n b, aftJ ....litled I'8aldent who cannot be pre..nt. ."reg18t17
-was 41so...ed. Tbe books wl11 be opeaecl vednaMay aDd.. Prl4&I.""...,
trOll 1 t.o 4 I.X. S.~urd~" .aro.h 9th, and tr_ 1 \0 '3 1.)1.8111\4.7, fi1"oa
1();t.,1l. OaMld.atel tor the oCtll111g eleot.lon were lnv1ted to la1 ate.
lfO~. Hr.. W.1:>lt.r and Mr. Sp.uldlnclpoke ver.,b.rletl,..
.. .Stephenlon aad. a aotlon to pay two 01\1zen. to act .a
'''~tlon clerk. on el.e~lon 4a,. 'rhe .0~lon va. reol_ad.. "117
.:1'.... .......'.~,~ Luc, Falr'bW'll Y01_te.re4. to act a. reg1stratlon olerk,
.'...'...,n .... to .even 1'.K. .. a pblle .ervle..
-~ ': { }:~.
....'.aRd ...u to get people out to reglater and yot.e wre d1........
It ....4..,1...... ~t tbe candIA.te. would. canya. the area and. otter
\No"'O"atlon lt need be.
aobert Stephenson re.pone. t.qt,. a L1tt.1eLe.... DOW "pre,.e.t.a
Wort,h 0I-1an40. H. reael the pla11ag ..Md..Ie aDd. ..ked. ter. ta~b8N
to .1p coach, maDge and. -1'11'8. )11'-, ra.ula volu,,"recl tor ."--.7..
_I'. r..ula aaked Kr. Stephans on tor a cop1 of tile aereba_l.. DO..t
at Jlol:1es,,.ortlng Goocl.. The oourt, actlon was dl.ou...-- ture ha.
been no heari1"lg ae yet.
'-01arenee ...or,. .,ade a motlon that the meeting beadjourD8cl--lt vaa
..oon4._.......,.,..~1,.M...... ~.."" Stephenson and-carrl"'e. / .....,./1 'I
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