HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 02 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
RBRUARY 5,1963
The .etae was ealled to .rier by Mayor 7aoa,h atteadaue
were Ceu.ollae. _.ry,Aad.rs..,ud otriblaC.
The .1lliu.tes .. et the replfli$~'t iq were read......
11.,.1" 7...wl.a ...id 'they were aet aeee~abl.,qwestie.iaI the a,peillbmeJlt ot
a 1'OllOe JlaEiatrs:te,the .,,.:iJatee did u't qwality .aee he.ust be .
Judce or ..'t't.ruy-at -Law,'thia ao'tloa was oomrary to the Villa,.
Ohuter.The a1a'tes were ut a"reTed.
C.uaoil..... "'.er... state. the _aies tor 1>>...ra.oe .e:aatltd
by l.oal ercui,&a'tie.. had bee. retun.d t. the d....rl' as it was do
,:1JlsUtioiea't .....utt.mee't theeoverac..
The -.rer reoo....e. that the tire eq1pMa't be leaaei to
8. ... oreaaizati..,which weulb be res,.as1ble t.rtJ;)e 1asvaaoe.
U...r an busiaeas,a letter waa pr..... acldressei to
Jla,10r hsula trom C.ooU.... "'iers.a 'to be '."..rde. iB the mint...
,Uia,.t .....jWt.~t- iO~l tor the Gnap 1,3,...5 se..ts,... h81d by
.~r lasula,keul otri'bliac .... ClareJlOe -.J"Y,." the C.a.oil
".ud be the last te.. .ays iB J'ebruary ...ith the 81eoti... t. be he1. .. the
third Tue ..ay i. llaroh, the 19th. I
A.a. re,istratiolfl b..k: 'to be purchased...i res1.8_t. be
require. t. re-reg;ister. Rer;ilitra'tiea datea .et were "ob. 11'th thnach
.roh 16'th, the Villa,. W1 ....ul.. be opea '1f...es...y a.. :Frid..y .....1.C
he requUe_~8 r.r petit ieMra wen the same alii the previ...
'ti1d.aer Blust be 21 years .r ace,a 11.0. Citize.!....er ot
real J1"operty i.a. the VUla,o,a r~eiatenldnJter~t:l.1e . pe't1t1o.ata't1ac
erellp a.Eben whicn has bee. sica.. by t'ea ..ters,rec:istered 1a the Yi).l..
furs. Marge LaMa11tia was recol.J;,e~lded to be Te;:...;:x>rary Assista,t Village Glerk
for the pur;:x>se of registration. Petitions would be sevr"ilable 1"ondc,y,Feb.llth
A check in the 2J,10unt of $1694. had been rece ived froI" the county as
pa"ll-enc on. the tax roll.
,t. mot ion was n.ade by Gouncilcf'lJ. :ken;ory t}1at a bill for $495. of
the oeminole Bookkeeping ,>ervice and another of the) >>anf'ord Herld for ,11;26.40
be paid.l..ot ion VJ[lS seconded by Gounc ilmrill otribl in!'; and was approved by a
3to 1 vote, Gouncil;.d?n Anderson vetoing.
1'. LOC ion wab ."ado [:;0 acce pt the bid of Lew Arnold 1'01' ~nsur8..J,lce
coverage on vhe .Ii'ire truck ;ld lXll ice car f'or a six L.onth period aU.d the
Village pf'-j the 12~.37 (one hundred twenty eig::rt dollars and t'1irt.r seven
cents) for the preJ..iuIli ai.,oU;lt for this period.by Councilman lLer.:ory,
seconded by Goul1,cilruan >>tribliu[;. The Geat ion was ullauiLously approved.
Ar;,ot ion was ;"ade to maintain Edg"lon Ave with. the Village paying for the
gas for the crader and the NowhOrlf.c;:do Co. woulcl donate lilemory's tiLle
for this. The l:.otion was [,ade b,y Goullcih:an kei;.ory a,ld seconded b'
Gounc ilL' n >>tribl ing. The "lot; ion carried.
1'herecom.mende.tion of Henry 'i~Vatd bet~ppointed to feorrailize' the
Fire lJepe,rtI'lent, as 8. Volunteer tire Departr.ent waS made into a 1~,otiol1 by
1.eJ::ory a:ld seoonded by i)tribl ing and unanilwusly approved.
On. mot ion of' Coune ilman ke,,:ory the Gounc il was adjouned.
Re s pect ivel;)' subLitted,
t!~~~ ~
Act info Temporary Village Clerk