HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 01 08 Village Council Regular Minutes
JAlJUAIU, !, 1963, at 8:15 P.M.
Vice :Mayor o>tephellson. (H;.lled the meetin.g to order. In atte:nd.anoe
were: Vioe I.;ayor ~tephellSOll.,Councilman Anfiersol~, and. three tempore.ry
Counc ilmell.,Arthur Ferrin, Dave T il son,ano WilliamlloH'e.
Upo:n !.'9re se ll.t at ion of a Re solut ion 0 it h.g Am? 3 ~ect i01\1.12 Chapter
59-16-14 of the Village Charter, the three temporarJ' Counc ilu.en were sworn
into offioe by krs. B~lrbarn Peters, Nocary Public.
Coultoilman Andersoli !Lade the motion whereas the Village iiall is
olosed to us as private property tonight that 20 ~. Ed.gmon be designated for
Village Hall temporarily for this one night.,the motion waS approved.
The>: minute s of the previous meet ing w'ere read and }la.ye
Mayor ;,tephenson called for additions or correct ions to the mil1utes.
Hearing none ;:;he rdnutes were ap;)roved as re'd.
j'.r. Tilsoll !!loved that a resolution be drawn and enacted u;"on to the
effect that Alldrew Ferrin be appointed as Polioe bagistrate for the Village
of Nor-th Orlando, cont agent of COGlpl iance with the Uniform Traffic Code of the
o.>tate of Fla. as prviously adapted by Village Ordnance, further resolved that
Pol ioe lLagistrate Court be held the first a:1d thirci Monday of the month at
6:00 P.M.at a location to be set at the wishes and convenience of theMagistrate
within the Village limits. The move was seconded by Auaerson and carried.
~otion W8S made by Mr. Tilson thst the Chief of Police be instructed
not to spend bail bond lLoneJT until suoh time as the fine had been levied.
i:)econded by ~tehensoJ:il... the rr.ot ion W8"S oarried.
A report from ~he Village Treasurer showed a balance of $34.96 in
the treasurya as of Jgnuary 3, 1933.
Counoilman Anderson stated he had received three bids for insurance
oJ:1. the polioe oar6 further stating that the bid of Mr. Law Arnold though
10.00 higher offered more assistanoe to the Village. A motion was made by
Mr. Tilson that the bid of Kr. Arnold be aocepted ind the oheok made payable
to the Village of lJorth Orlaneo by the Civio Assooiation alollg with ohecks from
the Fire Departffient and Garden Club be used to pay the prelliium. The motioll was
seconded by 1,:r.Wolfe and carried.
)ir. Wolfe made a motion that Deputy Chief of Police Tilson be ,ivell
the authority to establish departalmental: ;,olivy and procedure ill accordanoe
with Florida .,tate and Villq;e Law.i)econded by Al1.derson the motioll was oarried.
There be in€; no Lurther busines s to COllie before the meet ine;6 u.?on
motion of Mr. '~Volfe, the meeting was alijourned.
Mary V1rginia ~kislak
Temporary Village Clerk