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1962 05 08 Resolution
I I I '" - e ~---;;7~~~-~--~-"- :::, / ?;'l &;2- I A DIOLV'fIOlf O. TIll "1.1"01 CDUlICtL O. TIll "IUD O. tal. OILIJIDO, n.o&IDA, DP8O'fDG NO"D 'I'AX PIOCa&II or .. "IDA "Ir'~" 0'1 _ICIPALlfta .. .. 1~I~CD &'1' .. 111I _I. O. ... LIIllLAtuU 10& nDJrCJAL ...1. 0'1 _ICIPALlftD 0'1 ILOItIDA. ",....~., t_... .... .... a ......douIJ I'N'ftll ia popalatioa I. n_ida i. tile laat tea ,.an. aDd wi tll ...., 1ac11oatloa of fart_r i......-ct popalatioa i. tbe _, ........ &ad ....au., o_t. of loeal lover_at an ..adil, i.....- i." aa4 WRa-'. ad ..1__ taxatioa i. beo~.. ... burde_~ d_ to ,.... i...._. aDd naUI, 'Ile JAI1.la..... ball aot 1'1'0.1... U7 "'i'ioa.l ..w ....... of .....au. t. ,... .aiolpali ti.. ..._ tile If a:l......'te tax law ... ._t.d 1. 1'4', aDd .baAI, tile .l_1ela s....... of ......ipal1 tl.. II.. ........d ...11 _.:l.ol...1i t, to ....at.t tile .aDdl.... I. ,lie ollloe 01 I'.. ..a.... aacl ......... of ,lie ..... 0' ........tatt....clwi tIa ._fi_l.1 __ 0' t...lr ....,..'1.. _"'01,..11ti..18 .... tbat t..... .1eoted ftO will ..".t.. ,_ 1888 1AIt.1a.... wtl1 lDaow be'ONbaDcI 01 ,..... .....1.....'. of ,_iJtt. ....tl....' oltl.. aDCl tOWDll aDd t.... ,1ue ,... 1. . """'1' poei tloa to _1"'\~'" ...1.1' aD, propa..d ....4:1..1 le,l.lati_, aDd ........, it i. ._.t1al to ,. ...ral wlf... aDd f. t. beIIt 1........u of tbe lalaab:l. taD_ of ,lie Yl1~ .1 ..-tll orlaado tbat fl_ial ..Ii.' f. GIll' .atoipel .......-.t... obt.t... tna tbe ...,i.latuN of the Itat. of 'Ilorida, &ad ' ....... ,_ .....'i.. Carmt-ttee of ,be norida Le_ of ""'ot...l1tlea .... ..done4 for adoptloa bJ .be 1HI !.qt.latun a JAI1.1&tl" Prop_ uJd... for aD t...._ la tile ot....t... t_ of Sf "1' ,..11_ u a priaI'J aa4 bulo .aiot,.1 taa ....._ aDd, _ODdl" ..&bll.. 1..1.latlon .......ttl.. 0....1.. ... oitl.. to le~ aD ....i tl_1 If ,uoli- t.. la t..... ...ti.. ...... oouaty aDd _alol..1 road aDd .t....t _de ....1... _Ia adelltioaal f1a_.. wi tit tbe uDdeRtaDdial that tbe ...,.U.. oo11eotecl wltlal. a _~MI..lit, be retv_d to tbat .at.tpaltt,. .ow '_Nfore . . 1'1' DIOLYID 'It, tbe Yl11ap C...l1 of tile Ytl1_ of Wortll or1aado. 'I,-lda, tlaa' tbe pr~.ct le,t.l.tl... t.. "'011''' of tbe .1ortda ....... of ...101pal1 tl.. :L. afprovect ,I I I --~-"--~.~-'-~~._-:-C'~-~"""'-'-"'--'---C:---"'''''''''''''",:.; '- - 3/3,/&2- - ... .., ... up4 ,bat _h....OJIIf..a.~t..latl.. ... ._.4 at tile 1181 _t.. of ,lie .......1&.... I. till li....tal ..It., 01 tbe _Di.....lltt.. .1 1'1_i4a. PAl.. &ad ADOPBD thi. 8tb cla7 01 "7, 1881. .11UaeUJeft