HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 11 06 Village Council Regular Minutes
P~:~OCt;J!jl)INCJ\) AT cOmL; Ii, Lir.;ET 11:Jli
VIL:,AG.b.: or lJOR1' ~I ORLluH..o1 FLORIlJA
NOVEl,SER 6,1962, at 8.00P.M.
In the absence of Mayor Fasula, Vice Mayor ~tepheuson called the meeting
to order. In attendance were: Vice Me.jor ute phenson, Counc ilmen Memory,
and Anderson.
The minutes of the previous meet ing; were read 8.nd aLJ?roved.a.s read.
Vice 1;D.yor 1:>te phe11son asked for any cOlJilllittee reports e.nd hearinG none
a;:;ked for any discussion on old business. Lrs. Elizebeth Tielmly told the
Council she had not received her pay due her for services PS Village Clerk.
The aI:lOunt of $60. for s Dc months services.Coul1ci1r"IHl fUlderson said he
had not been able ;;0 vlrite a check since he did not have access to the
records Lnd check book w!lich were locked 111 the se.fe in the Villna;e office
and the office was open only 8 till 5p.m. In the absence 01' La,/or Fasula.
the safe could not be ooened tonight.
Under unfinished business Councillu~Ul l\.nderson read a list of sub:iitted
bills, stating; of the ai:10unt oulJ ;~23. hAd been
approved by he or Councilm~
._ (~~<JI;l.c~)
:';'378.33, not iceidzed,
i;)tephenson,as lo110.,'IS: pictcer'3.1l IoJportLlg Goods
l'ire Truck Insurance for last Jear $17<1. ,1"la. Power Cor p. for street; light~,
to date $2159., i;)eminole Bookkee pine -.)ervice, $495. Fla. Power Corp. for
lights at hte community Building in the liereation Area., , 57.79, The lIorht
Orlando GO.;,13700. not dated or iteluized.
There followed a discussion on the liGhts at the .t<.ecreation Building.
l.;otionwas mace that the lights at the ltecreatiou Building cease being
providea at the expense of the cit 8.11d t:ho lights De su')plied throu[:h
a meter system l'row. the 1'10.. ?ower -.:orp. by CounciLlan.~nderson 0.110
secona~jd by ]';lemor;r. the mot ion carried.
Concern.in the desired franchise wibh the 1<'11'.. Power Corp. for the street
1 ights Gounc il:D.an Anderson ste-,eel he had furnished the necce~ sery infor-.nation
to Lr. Johnson to cl05 out the N.O. boundarie s.
utephel1son s..dd he he.d inquired st; the .uistrict ~,;grs. Ofrice and. the
"jf ~e.'trtfJt?7$' . .,'~, '.~'
city wa", beiuC billed for 50 lights and 17 poles,of these 24 lir;hts were',rttj\~';
~-- .t?1-~~':YJ- ;~:
out of the Village limits. l'urt11er discussion and action wa:;; deferred on "\..1C
th is is sue and Anderson was d ireQte d to find out who authorize d s-,u reque stjJ
the installation of the lif:hts. j'
~.; ~,~~.
o:lection5 Article 7 of the last chnp'Ger of the Village ~harter ,page40
, it\4<>
was read in reference to the subuitted b ill of the Horth Orlando Go. .' ..1
Approved Ord imu,lceil 23 for the cigarette and beer tax refund wns read
and utephenson said he and Counc ilman ,incierSOll hnd talked tOvne local
~-~~~ t,
V' .
C;uestioned concernin.g a stste audit A.'1.derson said he had spoken to .Ml"'~bOert......".:~:..'...',...
Ji..o, 1e and Jim :ane s, the Governor's ?ersona1 Ass 'T, and he was not at... .t..
fice i"aJor ..,te phenson made the following statement"I h[;'ve enga.ged a. lawjer -.:
pre se n t he re to II iGht. in t he event a pet ition is submit ce d 1'0 r my re signa t io n . i..
to act in Ul,j behalf as c. Councilman and the attorneJ will submit his bill ,
~tate Itepresern;ative
he requestea to :.cuow when it had been me.iled or
subr;litte d
he could f:i.uu no record. .li.n.derson W~.s asked to check on this
alld lollmv through for it to be submitted i:amedietelJo
Amotion as follows was mr:w.de b,; anderson I"Ne,as Councilmen,
appoint a
c it izens' cOliJdttee to bvest ig:ate
the aciVrtLltccces of persuil1.g; a franchise
with tk' ;:,amord GtlS Co.,secolldeu by Councilman Lemory and Wi_iS carried.
Andrew t'.ud t'.rthur Ferri.n a"ld Andrew ;:,chu ppach were appointed to this
TIlah:e a
stn::ement at this t irllG but action had been t",ken.
to the city.
ThereT being no more business brought before the Council on r;Jotion 01'
Gouna ilman Anderson, the meet inr::; was a.djourned.
Respectively O)ubmi~ted". 1i...
7I:7~ ~~a-~ah
Mary Virg; il1ia ..,kisle.k