HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 10 02 Village Council Regular Minutes
&'TOBER 2, 1962, at S: 00 P JI.
.qar Fasula called the meeti~ to order. In attendance w.... MaTor
Fasula, Councilmen KUI017, stripling, stephenson and Anderson, and a~te17
35 citizes ot the Village ot North OrlAlndo.
The llinutes ot the last regular Council _et.i~ and the Special .eetiDg ot
Sept_ber 15th were not available tor reading at this tiae.
Kayor Fasula read a letter troll Elizabeth S. He1.al;y wherein she actrlsed
that, due to preseu.re or other busines8, it was neeessar,y tor her to resign
the position ot VUl&&e Clerk, etteetiTe "~1ateq.
The naaes of two pos8ible applicants tor the Tacated. position were suaesteel
and they will be contacted b.Y Jlqar Fa811la.
...,-or Fasula preseated. a 1IUl fro. Mrs. Helal)" tor $60.00 tor serrices
rcdered tor six aonths to Sept_ber 30, 1962, and he requested that a lIIOtion
be Mde tar p.,.ent ot this bill.
Treasurer Anderson reported that inasmuch as there was, to his present
knowledge, only awroxillat4ll..7 '79.00 in the tr-.sur,y, payment ot this bill would
pra.ct1o~ depl.e the tWlle.
There tollowed a very lengthT discussion ot the tinancial position ot the
Vil1a8e ot .oJ'tb Orlaclo. JIr. Anderson ad-Yised that he is b<<1.Dg T.l.lOI'Ous17
durmed bT Pickeral Sporti. Goods tor the $412.00 oweel th_ tor Little L888..-
.qujp_nt, ard the S-inol.e BoClkkeeping Com:o.. tor 1495.00 ter settiag up a set
ot books tor the VUlage. Whc the 8IIlOunt ot the Stminole BookkeepiDg bill was
questioned. as exorbitant, Kayor Fasula explained 1i8at, inasmuch as no set of books
pr4IiIriOll.sl7 Gist.ed tar the Vil.1tce, it had been necesa1'7 tor JIr. Watkins ot the
Bookkeepina serri.ce to originate same and enter and reconcUe all receipts and.
d18bar....ats OT" the JI&1\f aoaths involTed. It was stated that future booldteepiag
s..n.ce would cost. $15.00 per malth - it a bookkeeper was necesary to _intain
the Village books. However, the serrlces ot Jlrs. Jes.. Wallace, a resident
ad qualified bookkeeper, were yolunteered at $10.00 per DDnth. It was pointed
oat that in addition, the books mat be audited 78&1"17 according to state 8'tatutes.
page 2.
Kr. And..80n addseel that in.-ach as an audit. ot the books has not be<<1
..., and to aTOld the h1&h cost ot suab an a1IlI:l.t. b1 an ott1oial C. P. A., a
pet.lt.i~ bearl11g sig_tares ot elti_.1I ot Borth OrlMdo, tor a state aaclit to
det--.1ne the yeracit7 ot the presct ..t. ot books, aacl t.h. Ii . -'to- ot the
oatlJt.and1ng iDdtbtedn.,., has been torwardeel. It _8 reported that wbUe
lIlell a state audit would eolJt. sneral huMrecl dollar., it Cftld pos8iblT ae&ft a
great -TiDe to the vm.... if it were tOWlCl t..t a lars. 8110_ ot the present
1~... is aot leaitiMt..
SiDce the t1raIlc1al sitaatlon ot the Tlllage has aD7 ramifications am
det1a1te aetIl... of f1Danc~ and pqIleat ot bUls Est be decided br the CotmCU,
X..,.or 'asula sugested that a special ...ti. tor this purpose be arranae4 and the
tiDl.1ags reparted ack to the alU_ea8. Such a aeetllw .15 tetat.1T8l7 set tor
Fridq, .....t,* 19&, at 8: 00 p. m.
Xoti_ .ade .. 1Ir. Sttphcson, secomed b;y Mr. Anderson to delay &.IV action
on payment ot ... oatBtanding bills untU anaacl1t det.e1"ll1ft_ the l.gality ot
such indebtedn.ss was apJrcmtd.
Me\!ea... . )lr. St.epbcSOA, seconded by JIr. K_ory, that Mr8. Hel..Jlly be
paid the t'O.oo tor her serTices as Vlllage Clerk,i..-.Clb as thi. is a ...-.l
upenee and. her resignation was "ece1Ted prior to apprOYal ot the -.ion to del.,.
p.,._nt ot outst~1",illd.t....,., ... appr......
.~101l to p....... a bOOk ror _1mlT.e8 or COUDCll ....UJ88 was apJbvn4.
Mr. st""80D stated. that h. hu be. not1t1.ed ot suit ....1nst h1a as Fire
Chtet ot the VUlage tor $59.00 worth. necesary equi~t tor the tire tNck
ordered from the AIIeriean LaFrance Fir. Department ot ElDd.ra, 1_ York. He was
IMlri.sed to turn this bill cmtr to the COWlCil.
....r 'aaula adrlsed that no action has been taken relatiy. to the resi8l;...
later that was to have been sent to J:r. Olitt aakiDg wh.h.. he was aoiD& to act
&8 attorner tor the Village.
Mr. And.-son is to c~nt&ct the Florida Power an:! Light Corp. again relatiye
to North Orlando Village boundaries and franchis. payments.
Inquiries are also to be made relative to possibility of annexing gas station
page ,
Prope1V at corn.. ot Longwood..()viedo Road and Bw7 17-92 tor purposes ot
c:l.garet.te tax returns.
JIr. A.nderson asked whether the Resolution yo1c1Dg the apPl"O'Yal ot the Citi.ens
ot Borth OrlaDdo to the cCIIi..Qg ot the S8d.rD1e Conege, which was approncl at
the Special COUllCU )(eeting on Septeaber 15, 1962, had hem prepared. )(q--
'asala stated that this _t\er was in the hands of lIr. Mack Clft'eland and would
be collp1et4l&l in plen\)" ot \1M tor the October 28t.h .--iDs ot the con.e Board,
whe it was to be presented.
lIr. Jack Spaulding, a residct ot Borth Orlanclo, stated that ~ the
tiM special .Mt1ngs were being held tor the purpose ot obtaining access to the
Village books, lir. WoodT Anderson declared tbat it the _jorit,. ot citizens ot t.he
Village requested his resignation troll the Council, he would resign. )(r.
Spaul~ asked if this stateent still applied. A discussion ot qualifications
and intentions tollowed. Kr. Wolt asked Mr. Anderson would he resign trOll the
Council it a mjorit7 of the registered votors ot North Orlando requeated it.
lIr. Anderson said he would, but he would never accede to the dictates of a .minority
&1"0.. Jlr. Anderson and llr. stephtllson were then given a Tote ot conlidence
bJ' attending ci\izea. of tb8 'fillage.
Kr. lfarris extended. an ilJ'litation troll the Ciyic Association to all present
to attend. the par1r to be held at the Rear-.tion Ceater on Saturda7~ lnIi.r,6ji.t
6: 00 P .)I.
There being no turther .sinesa to co.e before the ....ing, on action ot
Councilman Jl8JIIOl7, the meeting was adjourned.
R~eet;,tu1l7 al. bmitte~
~:t'~ ~
Barbara L. Peters