HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 09 11 Village Council Regular Minutes
SEPTEMBER 11, 1962, at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Fasula called the meeting to order. In attendance
were: Mayor Fasula, Councilmen Anderson, Memory, Stephenson
and Stripling.
The Village Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting
held August 7, 1962. The Mayor called for any corrections or
additions to the minutes. Hearing none, the minutes were
approved as read.
The Mayor called for old business. Mr. Helmly stated
he had two ordinances to present in connection with zoning
and re-zoning of property. Whereupon he read the following
ordinances known as Ordinance No. 21 and Ordinance No. 22.
There being no objection to the adoption of these ordinances,
upon motion of Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Stripling, and
upon unanimous vote in favor, the two ordinances were passed.
Mr. Fasula asked for any further old business. Mr.
Anderson stated that he had been unable to contact Mr. Ambrose
Olliffe regarding his status as Village attorney, whereupon
he made a motion that the Village terminate the appointment
of Ambrose Olliffe as Village attorney. There was no second
to the motion.
Mr. Stephenson then inquired if the Village office could
send a registered letter to Mr. Olliffe. He then made a motion
that Mr. Olliffe be contacted by registered mail to see if he
is available for the appointment of Village attorney, or if
he is going to resign. The motion was seconded by Mr. Anderson
and unanimously carried.
The Mayor called for any further business. Mr. Stephenson
stated that he would like to amend the former motion made as
to the suspension of police and fire department activities.
He made a motion to reactivate the police and fire departments,
but without the use of vehicles. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Anderson. The vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson and Mr.
Stephenson in favor; Mr. Fasula, Mr. Memory and Mr. Stripling
opposed. The motion was not carried.
The Mayor asked for any further business. Mr. Anderson
presented the following resolution regarding making available
to Oouncil members, copies of all ordinances and resolutions
since the incorporation of the Village.
The Mayor called for any further business. Mr. Anderson
moved that the following resolution be adopted, permitting
the Treasurer to have a Certified Public Accountant make
a complete audit of all the Village records.
WHEREAS, the financial records of the Village of North
Orlando, Florida, have never been certified in conjunction
with generally accepted principles of accounting.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Treas-
urer is hereby empowered to receive and turn over to an
authorized and licensed Certified Public Accountant, all
books, records, checks, vouchers, bills, and an~ other media
necessary for complete audit and certification and a statement
of condition.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 11th day of September, 1962.
Village Clerk
Upon unanimous vote, the resolution was adopted.
There was some discussion about hiring a firm for the
keeping of the books on a monthly basis. Mr. Stephenson made
a motion to obtain bids from three firms at a maximum cost of
$15.00 a month for bookkeeping service of Village records.
The motion was seconded by Mr. }lemory and unanimously passed.
The Mayor called for any further business. ~r. Anderson
then presented the following resolution authorizing him to have
a legal notice printed in the Sanford Herald.
WHEREAS, many changes in our boundaries and laws
have occurred since the incorporation, said changes and
ordinances being kept in the Village Hall, which is not
always convenient nor available when this data is required,
Treasurer be empowered to engage a Seminole County firm to
photograph or photocopy all ordinances and resolutions
since incorporation, and provide each council member with
a complete set.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor shall certify
each set of resolutions and ordinances, as to their
completeness, and have said copies available not later
than the October, 1962 Council meeting.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 11th day of September, 1962.
Village Clerk
Councilman Anderson moved the adoption of the resolution.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Stephenson. A discussion fol-
lowed, during which it was felt that the resolution should
not be adopted pending determination of the cost of such
photographing. The vote was as follows: Mr. Anderson and
Mr. Stephenson, in favor; Mr. Fasula, Mr. Memory and Mr.
Stripling, opposed. The resolution was not adopted.
.,~ ...
WBBRBAS, W. W. AHDBRSOH was duly .l.cted Tax Collector
and Tax As..ssor for the Villa.. of Horth Orlando, rlorida,
and has never rec.iv.d any .oni.s paid to the Villa.. in
COIlpliano. with the Lan of r10rida, Chapt.r 59-1814,
Artic1. IV, Section 1, nor has he r.c.ived any fora of
records or books pertaining to th. offic., as specifi.d
by the s... chapter of rlorlda Laws,
NOW, TllBRBJOU. BB IT RB80LVBD, that a 1..a1 notice
be print.d in the Sanford H.ra1d notifying any payee of
fund. to the Village, that such funds IlUst be paid to tb.
legal r.oipi.nt, to do oth.rwis. at their own peril.
. IT 1'tJaTBBR RB80LYBD, that whoaev.r has be.n
reo.iving suoh funds, shall i...diately c.as. and d..ist,
and provide a detailed d.scription of all funds reo.iv.d
by hi. since the .l.ction of 1Ir. And.rson as official
Tax Collector.
PASSBD and ADOPTED this 11th day of S.pt..ber, 1962.
Village Cl.rk
Mr. Anderson made a motion that the resolution be adopted.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Stephenson, and was unanimously
Mr. Joseph Hage, owner of the North Orlando General
Store appeared before the Council and requested them to amend
the ordinance permitting the sale of beer and wine to permit
him to make Sunday sales from 7:00 A.M. until closing time.
Council unanimously approved preparation of the necessary
ordinance, and the Mayor stated he would call a special
meeting to pa?s the ordinance so that the new hours would
begin the following Sunday.
The Mayor asked if there was any other business.
Upon motion duly made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Stripling,
the Sanford Atlantic National Bank of Sanford, Florida, was
made the depository of the Village of North Orlando, said
account to be subject to the signature of W.W. Anderson,
Treasurer. Thereupon formal resolution required by the Bank
with respect to its being designated as a depository was
presented by W.W. Anderson and on motion duly made, seconded
and carried, was adopted.
Mr. Anderson requested that copies of the original boundaries
and annexed property of the Village be furnished for Mr. Johnson
of Florida Power Corporation.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion of Councilman Memory the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth S. Helmly Q
Village Clerk
Copy 0/ Resolution Passed By Board of Direcfors of
FOYIn 32
1. That The Sanford Atlantic ?\ational Bank. Sanforo, Fla, is oesignated a clepository of this Corporation ancl upon delivery 10
it of a certifiecl copy of this resolution is authorizecl to: '
(it) Accept for deposit for the account of this Corpora tion, for credit, or for collection, or otherwise, any and all
checks. drafts, notes or othe" instruments payable or endor sed to this Corporation or its order, or to bearer' howevel'
endorsed for or on behalf of this Corporation, or without any such endorsement; ,
(b) Payor otherwise honor and charge to the accoun t of this Corporation any and all checks, drafts, notes 01'
orde.'s for the payment of money from time to time issued, accepted or otherwise becoming payable by this Corporation,
when drawn upon or payable at said Bank and signed by the persons from time to time for the time being:
W'noilT"o'W' W'. AndAT"~On, 'T'T"Aa.~lll'AT"
(State tlUe, not names, of officers who should sign, and I f joint signatures or countersignature required so state,)
including any such paper payable to or for the benefit of any signer or other officer, agent or employee of this Corpora-
tion, individually, without inquiring into the circumstances of the issuance, acceptance or delivery or the use of the pro-
ceeds the:-eof;
2. That the persons from time to time for the time being the
(State officers' titles)
of this Corporation are and each of them severally is hereby a Ithorized to:
(a) Borrow, from time to time, on behalf of this CQrporation, from said bank such sums of money for such times
and upon such terms as may to them or any of them seem 'advisable, and to execute notes or agreements accordingly
in the name of the Corporation for the payment of any sums so borrowed or advanced;
(b) Discount or rediscount with said Bank any of the bills receivable, acceptances or notes held by this Corporation,
upon such terms as he may deem advisable, and on behalf of the Corporation to guarantee by endorsement or otherwise
the payment thereof;
(c) Apply for and obtain from said Bank letters of credit and to sign and execute agreements to secure said Bank
in connection therewith;
(d) Pledge or mortgage any bonds, stocks, mortgage s, contracts, bills or !tccounts receivable, warehouse receipts,
bills of lading, insurance policies, or other securities or prop erty of this Corporation to secure the payment of any in-
debtedness, liability or obligation of this Corporation to sa id Bank whether due or to become due and whether now
existing or hereafter incurred and however arising; to withdraw any property of the Corporation held at any time by said
Bank, to substitute other property of the Corporation for any withdrawn from the Bank, and to sign and execute trust
receipts for the withdrawal of any property of the Corpora tion released to such officer when required; and generally to
do and perform any and all acts and sign any and all agree ments, obligations, pledges or other instruments necessary .01'
required by said Bank for its protection in its dealings with this Corporation; and all such authorities and powers shall
continue until express notice of revocation has been duly gi ven to and received by said Bank. .'
3. That the Secpp.ary of this Corporation shall furnish said Bank, under the Seal of the Corporation, a certified copy
of this resolution, and also forthwith or hereafter from time to time a certified list of the names of all persons who may be
now or hereafter from time to time such officers or representatives of this Corporation; and until receipt by said Bank of
notice to the contrary, duly certified by an authorized officer of this Corporation, under the Corporate Seal, said Bank shall
be authorized to act upon this resolution and to deal with the persons named in such list or amended or revised list as the offi-
cers or representatives of this Corporation duly authorized to act in pursuance hereof, andof any similar or related resolution
of this Board of Directors; all prior authorizations in conflict herewith being hereby revoked.
I CERTIFY that the foregoing i8 a true copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of ViJ1?g8 CCUllGil
~Tj 11 ~ g~ n-f' Nn,..tn r1rla"no , a Corporation duly organized and existing under .the laws of
(Name of Corporation In full)
having its principal place of business in Nwta Opla,t:}dcFlwida
(Nome of State where organized) (Name of Clt~ or Town and State)
duly adopted in acc01-dance with the By-Laws, and recorded in the minutes of a meeting of said Board held on
sv~tamb&l? 11 , 1962-., and now in fun force and effect;
ate of Meeting)
1 FURTHER CERTIFY that the following are the officers of said Corporation, duly qualified and now acting as sncll:
/s/ li'RA"':(K T 1i't.~TTI~
--LSI R. C. MEMOij.Y
. .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntq,Aubscribed my name and affixed fhe Scal of said COl'pol'llli'>l1 IlIis
rIlt)! of ~Apt.AmbeT" , 19~.