HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 08 08 Village Council Regular Minutes
AUGUST 8, 1961, at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Fasula called the meeting to order. In attendance
were: Mayor Fasula, Councilmen Memory, Terebo and Webster.
The Village Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting
held June 6, 1961. Mayor Fasula called for any corrections or
additions. Hearing none, the minutes were approved as read.
No Council meeting was held during the month of July,
due to lack of a quorum.
The Mayor asked for any old business to come before the
meeting. Inquiry was made about the telephone survey. The Mayor
reported that representatives of both telephone companies, Southern
Bell and Winter Park, were having a meeting with him on Friday,
( August 11th. He stated that the survey taken of subscribers
indicated that Sanford telephones were now desired, and that the
majority were asking for service from Southern Bell.
The Mayor announced that during July Mr. M.C. Gordon of
Sanford had been appointed as assistant engineer of the Village,
Mrs. Lois Strickland as Assistant Village Clerk, and Mayor Fasula
as assistant Zoning Chairman. He stated that because of the new
building program anticipated that it would be necessary to get
signatures for immediate recording of new plats to be filed.
Mayor Fasula again brought up the subject of maintaining
police protection in the Village. He gave a report of the
amount of money collected from fines and from contributions of
residents, and stated that it would be impossible for the police
department to continue beyond one more week unless some steps
were taken to provide for the operating expenses. He expressed
regrets at the thought of losing Jack Sutton, who has been doing
such a fine job protecting the Village. Mr. Anderson offered to
contact some of the residents to see if block captains could again
take up contributions from the residents.
The Mayor read the notice of the Civil Defense program being
set up by Mr. Rhodes.
Mr. Anderson reported that he had plans for the Civic
Association building, and that he was trying to arrange for
FHA financing.
The Mayor reported that bids had been let out for the
new sewer and water plants.
Mayor Fasu1a also stated that the Village had signed a
resolution with the utilities company stating that the Village
would be responsible for any damage resulting from the paving
of the State Road through North Orlando.
The Mayor stated that there was a vacancy in the Council
due to the resignation of Councilman Joseph Jackson, and that the
vacancy needed to be filled. Councilman Terebo placed in nomina-
tion the name of Ruel T. Stripling to fill the vacancy. Couneil-
man Webster seconded the nomination. There being no further
nominations, Ruel T. Stripling was unanimously elected to fill
this vacancy.
The Mayor then stated that since Councilman Jackson had
been the Vice-Mayor, that it was also necessary to fill that
f vacancy. Councilman Memory nominated Councilman Webster for
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~ Vice-Mayor. The nomination was seconded by Councilman Terebo
and Councilman Webster was duly elected to the office of Vice-
There being no further business to come before the
meeting, on motion of Mr. Terebo, the Council meeting was
Respectfully submitted,
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~~abeth S. Helml; - "--ar
Village Clerk