HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 10 04 General Release Lidicott/N.Orlando Co.
K80W ALL MID1 BY 'ftDISE nBSmr.r81
That. I , ... B.. LIDDICO'ft'. f1rst. ~ for and 1ft
OOD814_at.~ of the s. of Ten Dollar8 ($10.00). or fthU'
valuabl. c.81,4_8t.1_, reae1vec1 frea on btibalf of TDB
B'C)-1\'lIl OI.tLU1DO COIlPUY, a PloJ:148 coS'pOrat.ioa, secoaMl pany,
the recell* wh....f 18 hereby ac1CD.OWle4qe4,
(Vb.....". used. b_.1n ~. t..x:. .. fint. party" aa4
It 88COJl4 pan,... 8hal1 1acl.. 81Dgular -aDd pl_al,
h.u.. legal r........-tat.1 ve, and _1988 .f 1n41-
v1c1ua18, .... t.be 1NC\\lC...... u4 ...1__ Of COJ:pOI'a-
1:1one, .enever the coat.ext. eo ....u 01.' reqa1......)
1fIIDBY ~8., releaae aoqu.lt., .at1sty, aAd ,....ver
c.\iachaqe the ..14 .econd pany, 01 and IX'GM all, aDd aU
.annc of act1_ D4 act.J.", caa_ an4 caa_ of action,
n1U, clebt.8, d.ue8, __ of ...ey, IlCCCNa1:8, ~lJl1g.,
MIL". 'bill., .peel.1Ues, COVGftallt.., eont.:act.8, cont.J:Overa1..,
~t.8, promises, variances, treepa8.es, d_ge8, J~nta,
executione, c1al_ ad demands What-soever, in law or in $CJ\l1 t.y,
\tih1dh ..14 first. party ever had, now has, 01' whic:h any
pe.....l rep.....t..t.l ve, succe...., heir or .88191' of saW
fir8t. pu:t;y, h.....ft.u can, shall or _y have aga1n8t. 881d
second pany, for \lpoD or by r__ of -any -.t.t.ar, C.... OJ:'
t.hift9 w'bat....wJ:' ,1I'0Il 'the begi.mU.n9 of theWOZ'14 to the day
of thes. pres.U.
'the undersifJlWd f\D1:her agr.es s~lt.arl__ly with the
execut.ion of 'this ~t. 1:0 subJl1 t hi. ....l9ft8t.1OD ..
Mayor and aI80 as Cit.y coec11man of t:.he Village .f Borth
__ .iM__ _C.&... ~ _.~__._ ___~......._...... ........._ -...-.-_.&..___._