HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 10 04 Village Council Regular Minutes
OCTOBER 4, 1960, at 8:00 P. M.
Vice- Mayor Fasula called the meeting to order. In attendance were
Messrs. Fasula, Jackson, Terebro and Webster.
The Village Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting held
August 2, 1960. Mr. Fasula called for any corrections or additions.
Hearing none, the minutes were approved as read.
The Village Clerk then noted that no meeting had been held on
September 6, 1960, due to lack of a quorum.
Mr. Fasula then stated that Mayor Liddicott had tendered his resig-
nation as Mayor, effective as of August 5, 1960. Upon motion duly made and
seconded, the Mayor's resignation was accepted as of August 5, 1960.
Mr. Fasula then stated that the next order of business would be the
appointment of a Councilman. Mr. Jackson stated that this matter had been
discussed by Council since the date of Mayor Liddicott's resignation, and
that they had felt the appointment should be for a resident of the Village and
a property owner. He stated that he would like to present the name of Robert
C. Memory for councilman. The motion was seconded by Mr. Terebro and
upon unanimous vote of Council, Mr. Memory was appointed as Councilman.
Mr. Fasula then stated that the next order of business would be the
appointment of a Mayor. Mr. Webster made a motion that Mr. Fasula, who
has been acting as Vice- Mayor, be appointed to carryon the duties of Mayor.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Jackson, and by una.uimous vote of Council,
Mr. Fasula was elected Mayor to fill the vacancy.
Mr. Fasula then stated that it was necessary to appoint a Vice- Mayor,
and upon motion of Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Terebro, Mr. Jackson
was nominated. Upon unanimous vote, Mr. Jackson was elected to fill the
vacancy of Vice- Mayor.
Judge Ambrose Oliff, who was present at the meeting, thereupon ad-
ministered the oath of office to Mr. Fasula as Mayor, Mr. Jackson as Vice-
Mayor, and Mr. Memory as Council, all repeating in unison the oath, and
each his office, as follows:
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the
Constitution and Government of the United States of America and
of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign,
and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same;
and that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of
(Mr. Fasula: Mayor); (Mr. Jackson: Vice-Mayor); (Mr. Memory:
Councilman), of the Village of North Orlando, Florida, upon which
I am about to enter, so help me God. "
The next order of business was the presentation of a replat of a
new subdivision in North Orlando. Mr. Webster moved that the subdivision
be accepted as replatted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jackson, and
unanimously carried.
Mayor Fasula then stated that Silver Creek Precision Company had
purchased a fire engine in Dunkirk, New York, for the Village of North
Orlando. That the next problem would be driving the truck here, but that
it would be done within the next few weeks. He also stated that he would
like to recommend Mr. Webster as representative Councilman to have the
fire truck under his supervision. Mr. Webster accepted the appointment.
The Mayor asked if there was any new business. One of the residents
brought up the question of having police protection at night. He stated that
he thought it would be a good idea if the residents would pay a small sum
each month and have the Village hire someone, or if they could to get a
couple of men. The Mayor stated that if the residents desired such protection
and were willing to pay for it, that he felt it could be arranged and that he
would look into the matter.
Mr. Pierce inquired whether anything could be done to fix the roads
that were damaged by the recent hurricane. He said he had talked with
Commissioner Dunn who stated that the Village was entitled to ask the Civil
Defense for help to repair the washouts. He suggested that bridges be put
in instead of the present culverts. Judge Oliff stated that the Village of
Longwood had received help from the Civil Defense and suggested that the
Village of North Orlando contact Mr. A.B. Peterson of St. Johns Realty
in Sanford. Mayor Fasula stated that he would get in touch with him and
see what could be done to help repair the damage to the roads in North
Or lando.
The subject of establishing the recreation area was also brought
up, and the Mayor stated that the matter was in the hands of the builders
and that he expected to have definite word on that and also the 7-Eleven
Store the next week.
The Mayor called for any other business to come before the
meeting. Hearing none, he announced that the next meeting would be
held on November 8, 1960. Upon motion of Mr. Terebro, seconded by
Mr. Jackson, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
elizabeth s helmly
Village Clerk
'1'he undersigned fu~er hereby subn1t.8 h1s re.1gnat1on
aa Salesmanager for Second Party # effec't1ve immed~t..ly.
IN WITDSS WBBRBOF # I have hereunto .et. my hand and ..a1
th1s .s-~ day of August., 1960.
Signed, ...led and delivered ~--f'~ . ( . ( .. !..7'C,\
in the pre.ence of I r ~ I ~ ~ kM-- (. u- (8M
~ ~ Roy B. L1cSd1co'tt.
I BERnY CmRTIn that on th1. day, 'befoN me, an officer
duly au~r1zed in the Stat.e afor...1d and in the Cowat.y
.fore.a1d to t.ake acknoW1edgmen't8, personally appeared ROY H.
LIDDICO'l"l', to IDe known to be the per80ft deaer1bed J.n and who
executed the foregoing 1nat.~t. and he aCknowledqed before
me that. he execut.ed the same.
WITHBSS I8Y hand ~Jfflcia1 ...1 J.n the County an.d Stat..
l.st. afore.a1d this ~;<.A, day of ~, 1960.
Notary Public, State of FlorIda at Large
MyCommiss;on Expires JUly 23, 1963
Bonded by I-\merican Surety Co. 01 N. Y.
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