HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 05 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
SEMINOLE COUNTY, MAY 3, 1960 AT 8:00 P. M.
Mayor Liddicott called the meeting to order. In attendance
were Messrs. Jackson, Fasu1a, Terebo, and Webster.
The Village Clerk read the Minutes of the previous meeting
held April 5, 1960. Mayor Uddicott called for any corrections or addi-
tions - hearing none they were approved as read.
MAYOR LIDDICCYrT: Is there any old business to c CIne before
the meeting?
MR. JACKSON: I talked to the Ben Griffin Associates regard-
ing our Uability Insurance for the Village and they will have their
survey completed by the first part of next week. We will have the Ben
Griffin Associates give us a bid, also secure 3 other bids on this in-
surance coverage. As brought out in a previous meeting, we want to get
one bid from Orlando, one from winter Park, ani another from Sanford.
However, due to tre fact tl:a t Ben Griffin is making the survey for us
free of charge, I feel that they should be given a chance to be one
of too bidders.
MAYOR LIDDICOTI': Any other business?
MR. BIGELCW: Mr. Roy of the Winter Park Telephone Company
had promised to come to the meeting tonight to report on the telephone
situation. I am sorry to report that he isn't here. I do want to say
that we may be able to get Southern Bell to raise their rates and cut
out the toll charge to Orlando.
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: I would like to advise that on May 11th the
Winter Park Telephone Company and Southern Bell Telephone officials are
holding a meeting with the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce at
Ed Spencer's Restaurant in Sanford and I understand the purpose of
this meeting is to discuss this telephone problem. Of course, I
might add that I feel we are making progress and we will have more
to report on this matter, I hope, by the next meeting.
At this point in the meeting Mayor Liddicott welcomed the
many visitors to the Town Meeting. He further stated that he was
glad to see so many people taking an interest in the Town Council
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: Is there any other business?
MR. JACKSON: I have an Ordinance to present, Your Honor.
An Ordinance to License am to Regulate the keeping of dogs
within the Village of North Orlando, Florida; establishing the method
by whim said licenses shall be obtained; fixing the fees to be paid
therefor; prescribing certain rules and regulations pertaining to the
keeping of dogs; providing for the impDunding of dogs in the dog pound
of tte Humane Society of Seminole County, Florida; am providing penal-
ties for the violation of the provisions of this Ordinance.
WHEREUPON 'M"..r. Jackson read this Ordinance, known as Ordinance
#16 and copy of whim is filed in the binder at the City Hall, verbatim
to tr.e Council.
At this time there was quite a lengthy discussion concerning
this Ordinance and many questions were asked pertaining thereto. However,
it was deemed that all of these phases had been covered in tr.e Ordinance.
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: Gentlemen, you have r.eard the reading of
Ordinance #16 which is to be known as the Dog Ordinance, what is your
MR. FASULA: I make a motion that we accept this Ordinance at
its first reading.
MR. WEBSTER: I second this.
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: It has been regularly moved and seconded that we ac-
cept this Ordinance. All those in favor signify by tb:l usual sign of
aye. All those opposed. Hearing none - the ayes have it and it is so
MAYOR LIDDICGrT: The next order of business will be the
reading of a Petition.
At this point Mayor Liddicott turned the chair of the ~eting
over to Vice Mayor Fasula as Mayor Uddicott had a personal interest in
the next order of business to com before the Council.
A petition was read by Mr. Fasula as follows:
WHEREAS The Village of North Orlando, Florida has the
power under its Corporate Charter to annex property
into its territorial limits when so petitioned by the
owners of said property, and
WHEREAS The owners Roy H. Liddicott and Mildred E.
Liddicott have so j:letiti.oned the Council to annex
certain parcel of land adjacent to the present Vil-
lage Limits, description attached.
NCW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, that the Village
Council of the Village of North Orlando, Florida,
approve and accept this PETITION, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an Ordinance be drawn
to be known as Ordinance #17 and presented to the
Council for its approval at this meeting, be posted
ani brought bef'ore the next regular meeting of' the
Council for final approval.
~ #' ~
.~, the undersigned owners of the following described land
All of that pttrt of Lot 55, Block "0" of the D.R.
r1i.tchell Survey of the Hosea S. Levy Grant, aa recorded in
Plat Book I, page S, of the public P.ecorda of Sctdnole
COUnty, l!1odda, lase the North 15 chains and also leaa a
parcel of land in the Soutb~st corner of said tract 55,
more particularly described aa follOW1I
l3eglanlnr; at the South';,rest comer of said Lot 55: Thence
r~ OOt41 '02n.!est along the lest line of 8.1.id Lot !3S,
349.94 ft., Thence S(\uth 8809'12n G..t, 632.94 ft..
Thence South 00*53'30" East, 323.48 ft. to the South lioo
of said Tract 55, Thence South 89*59 '37"Jest alon.g the
South lioo of said Tract 55. 632.94 ft. to the Joint Of
l3eglnn1ng s
ai-olands situate, 1y1ng arid being in:>Om1nole County,
Do hereby petition the Village of North OclaOOO to annex the
said property into the ter~itoria1 limits of the Village of
No:th Odando. Florida
}"l ~c{Lu-.~
North Orlando, Florida
May 3, 1960
MR. TEREBO: I move that the PETITION be acknowledged
as a first reading.
MR. JACKSON: I second this movement.
AN ORDINANCE was presented as follows:
BE IT ORDAINED that tl'e Village of North Orlando, Florida,
shall hereby annex into its territorial limits the follow-
ing descri bed property:
All of that part of Lot 55, Block "D" of the D.R.
Mitchell Survey of the Moses E. Levy Grant, as
recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public
Records of Seminole County, Florida; Less the
North chains and also less a parcel of land in
the Southwest corner of said tract 55, more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 55,
thence N~~-OO. L7' 02" West along the West line of
said Lot 55,349.94 ft.; Thence South 88*09'12"
East, 632.94 ft.; Thence South 00-53' 30" East, 323.48
ft. to the South line of said Tract 55; thence
South 89*59' 37" West along the South Line of said
Tract 55,632.94 ft. to the point of Beginning:
Said lands situate, lying and being in Seminole
County, Florida
MR. WEBSTER: I move that this Ordinance be accepted as a
first reading.
MR. JACKSON: I second the movement. It being regularly
moved and seconded the motion carried. Mayor Liddicott abstained
from voting.
Mayor Liddicott then took the chair again and continued the
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: I would like to report that the State Road
Department has surveyed the Longwood-Oviedo Road which does indicate
that improvement to the road can be expected. I will write again to
the County Commissioner to ascertain how soon we can expect more work
to be done.
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: I would like to read a letter at this time
from Mr. E. Gex Williams, Village Engineer, who has tendered his resigna-
tion from this position. Does the Council want to comment on this?
MR. JACKSON: Yes, Mr. Williams has served one year in this
capacity at no cost to the Village and we do appreciate his time and
efforts. We will of course have to obtain another man to take this
post, but in the meantime, I want the Village to write Mr. Williams
and request that he stay on in a temporary capacity until we can re-
place him.
}'T.AYOR LIDDICOTT: I will write this request, am report
later to the Council of his decision.
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: Is there any other business to come before
tre meeting?
MR. PETTIT: Do we have a Speed Limit Ordinance?
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: Of course, the Longwood-OViedo Road is
patrolled by Seminole County - but, we are working on this ana will
soon draw up our own Ordinance governing speed limits in the Village
}'T.AYOR LIDDICOTT: I want to report at this time that our
present Village Clerk, Mrs. Lois C. Strickland, is resigning due to
the press of other work and I want to introduce to you Mrs. Elizabeth
Helm1y who will be sworn in as Village Clerk at our next meeting.
MAYOR LIDDICOTT: If there is no further business to come
before the meeting at this time, the Chair will entertain a motion
that we adjourn.
MR. FASULA.: I make a motion that we adjourn.
MR. TEREBO: I second this.
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(M~.) Lois C. Strickland
Village Clerk
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