HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 04 05 Village Council Regular Minutes
SEMINOLE COUNTY, April 5, 1960 AT 8 :00 P.M.
Major Id..ddicott called the meeting to order. In attendance
were Messrs. Jackson, Fasu1a, Terebo and Webster.
The Village Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting
held March 8, 1960. Mayor Liddicott called for any corrections or addi-
tions - hearing none they were approved as read.
The Clerk then read the minutes of a special meeting held on
March 16. Mayor Liddicott again called for any corrections or addi ti ons _
hearing none they were approved fS read.
Mayor Liddicott then announced that the meeting was open for
discussion to the townspeople who attended the meeting.
~rst to take the floor was Mr. Pettit who resides at 80 S.
Cortez Avenue - North Orlando, Fla. He reiterated his complaint on the
same subject discussed in detail at the previous town meeting, namely,
stray qO'gB being a general nuisance and strongly recommended that the
Council draw up an Ordinance to compel dog owners to fence or leash their
dogs. Mayer Liddicott informed Mr. Pettit that he would talk to the City
Manager in Sanford, Mr. Knowles, and ascertain from him the best procedure
to follow in this regard. He was also going to check with the Humane
Society in Sanford as to their picldng up stray dogs. Mayor Liddicott
stated that he would try to have sOllBtbing definite to report on this
situation at the next meeting.
The Chair then recognized Mr. Bigelow, of 70 So. Cortez
Avenue who brought up the subject of the telephone situation at North
Or1amo. He had been in contact with the Winter Park Telephone Company
and they had indicated that if sul)ficient numbers of people signed a
peti tion that the winter Park Telephone Company would present it to the
utilities Commission - and they would make the final decision, that is,
if the Utilities Commission decided in favor of the Winter Park Tele-
phone Company, the franchise for this area would be given to them in-
stead of to the Southern Bell Telephone Company, Sanford, as is present-
ly the ease. Mr. Liddieott instructed Mr. Bigelow to proceed with the
petition and he would turn it over to the North Orlando Company's Public
Relations Department or to the Village Attorney for further handling.
He will report on this further at a later meeting.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Is there any other business to come before
the meeting?
MR. JACKSON: I would like to make a report on the Liability
Insurance for the Village. The Ben Griffin Associates are making a survey
as to what our insurance requirements are for the present, also, a report
on what we will need in the future. We will then request bids from
several different agencies in the area.
MR. LIDDICOTT: I will proceed with getting the local bids
as soon as the survey is received. I will endeavor to get bids from
agencies in Orlando, Winter Park, and Sanford.
MR. JACKSON: Is there anything new to report on the fire
MR. FASULA: I wrote the Jacksonville Air Station and they
reported back that they have no equipment for sale at present but they
would put us on their mailing list.
MR. LIDDICOTT: If there is no further business to come 00-
fore the meeting, the Chair will entertain a motion that we adjourn. Upon
motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfu4-1y submi ]:li?~: E /7 n
M~~~ Lois C. Strickland -
Village Clerk