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WHEREAS tlle Village Councu ot the Village ot North Orlando
is require.. under its Corporate Charter as authorized by the Isg-
is1ature of tae State of Florida to appoint one ot its members as,
and to be, Mayor of said Municipality, aat
WHEREAS t1U.s appointmeJlt skall be by Resolution of the Village
CouncU, and
WHEREAS Roy H. Liddicott is t~i1iar with the ~ respoBsibill-
tie. of this otfice, and
WHEREAS Roy H. Liadicott i. eligible .i able to accept tllese
responsibi1i tie., ani
WHEREAS Roy H. Liddicott US expressed his w11l1Dgnes8 to taitll-
!'u:l.l7 perform and enter upon all of tlIe duties ot said Office,
NOW, TBEREFCRE, Be It Resolved by the V1l1age Council of the
Village of North Orlando, Florida, that the said ROT H. Liddicott
shall be and is here"" appointed Mayor of said Village, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Roy H. Liddicott shall hold tlds
office until the first electioa to be hel. under the Village Charter
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