HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959 07 07 Oath for Appointed Officers
I do solemnly near tu.t I will support and protect and detend
the Const1tuti01'l and GoTerDJlleDt of the UBited. States ot AJaerica and ot
the State ot Florida agaiast all enema, ciomestic anci toreign, and
that I v.Ul 'bear true taith, loyalty and allegiance to t. same; anel
that I w.U1, to the best ot my ability and knowledge, fa1tktully pertol'm
all of tM iuties ot the Office ot of tIle
Village ot Horta Orlaado, norida, upon Wldch I am about to eater, so
help me God.
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Witnessed and Acknowledged
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Juae 26, 1959