HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959 12 08 Village Council Regular Minutes
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The meeting was called to order by Mayor Liddicott. Roll
call was made by the Village Clerk. In attendance were Messrs. Liddicott,
Jackson, Fasula, Terebo, and Webster.
Next in order was the reading of the minutes ot the previous
meeting held November 3, 1959.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Are there any additions or corrections? Hear-
ing none - the minutes will stand approved as read.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Gentlemen is there any- new business to come
before the Council?
MR. JACKSON: I have an Ordinance to present, Your Honor.
First, I would like to make a few words of explanation. Originally', The
North Orlando Company built and operated the sewer and water plants and sys-
tems. To get FHA approval, this company- entered into a Trust Agreement with
Mr. Oscar Bergstrom of Builders Mortgage Co., as Trustee, guaranteeing the
completion and operation of both plants and systems. Therefore, this
Ordinance, which is an exclusive franchise to operate and. maintain a water
system and sewage collection and disposal system, is made in favor ot The
North Orlando Company. The rates in this franchise for both water and sewer
are exactly the same as set out originally' in this Trust Agreement. This
franchise, if granted to The North Orlando CompaDy', would render the Trust
Agreement null and void.
A new corporation, North Orlando Utilities Compan;r, has
been formed to operate and maintain these systems and The North Orlando Com-
paDy' has sigDitied its intent to assign this tranchi.1S, if' granted, to the
North Orlando Utilities Company.
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MR. LIDDICOTT: You have heard Councilman Jackson explain
the reason tor this Ordinance, what is your pleasure?
MR. WEffiTER: I think we should proceed with the presenting
of this Ordinance.
WHEREUPON Mr. Jackson read Ordinance 1110.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Gentlemen, you have heard Ordinance 1110
read by' Mr. Jackson verbatill.
MR. FASULA: I make a motion we accept Ordinance 1110.
MR. WEBSTER: I second the motion.
MR. LIDDICarT: It has been regular17 JIlO9'ed and seconded
that we accept OrdiDaRce #10. All those in taTor signify by' the usual sign
of aye. All those opposed? Hearing none- the ayes bave it and it is so
MR. LIDDICOTT: Any other business?
MR. JACKSON: Your Honor, I have a couple ot plats presented
by'The North Orlando Company tor your approval and the Council's approyal.
The tirst one is a ResolutiOll ot Acceptance ot a bound&ry' survey ot the
Southeast portion of The North Orlando COIIlpaD7' s property which is part of
the Village and theY' wish it to become a matter ot record, to prevent anY'
question arising in the tuture. This covers the dedication ot the 100 teet
right-ot-waY'in the Village Limits ot the Longwood-OViedo Road.
MR. LIDDICOTT: You have heard the ReSOlution, what is your
pleasure ?
MR. WEBSTER: I lIlOTe we accept the Resolution as read.
MR. FASULA: I second this.
MR. LIDDICOTT: It has been regular17 moved and seconded
that we accept this Resolution. All those in favor signify by the usual
.ign ot aye. All those opposed? Hearing none - the ayes have it and it is
so crdered.
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MR. JACKSON: I have another plat presented bY' the North
Orlando Comp&.nJ' for approval bY' the Village of Section 13 of North Orlando
Ranches. It has been approved bY' the Village Zoning Board and the Village
MR. LIDDICorr: Gent1emen;you have heard the Resolution,
what is ;your pleasure?
MR. FASUIA: I _ke a motion we accept this Resolution.
MR. TEREBO: I second this.
MR. LIDDICO'l'T: It has been moved and seconded that we ac-
cept Section 13 into the Village of North Orlando. All those in favor signify
bY' the usual sign of aye. All those opposed? Hearing none - the ayes have
it and it i8 so ordered.
MR. LIDDICOTr: If there any other business?
MR. JACKSON: There is one matter which I believe would be
considered old business. I have looked into the matter of Traffic Tickets
and due to the fact that we are just starting out and not knowing exactly'
what our requirements will be as to quantitY', I would like to make a rec01ll-
mendation that the Village buy what is known as the blank stock ticket
recoJlllDended by the American Bar Assn., and they can be purchased in quanti-
ties of 2,500 sets at a cost of $100.00.
MR. TEREBO: I make a motion that we purchase the blan1c
stock traffic tickets.
MR. WEffiTER: I second this.
MR. LIDDICO'l'T: It has been moved and seconded that we pur-
chase a supply of the blank stock traffic tickets. All th_e in favor signi-
I ~ 1>7 the usual .1&11 of ayo. All those opposed. lIeariDg DOD8 - tho ayo.
have it and it is 80 oriered.
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MR. LIDDICOl'T: I have a communication from the ABC Garbage
Service Company of Sanford, Fla. regarding garbage collection. Do you
think we are ready to go into the matter of a franchise yet?
MR. FASULA: I think we will be before the next meeting.
MR. WEffiTER: Suggest that we get bids.
MR. JACKSON: I will bave a franchise drawn up and presented
at our next meeting, and I will make a coPT for the ABC C~.
MR. LIDDICOfT: Is there any other business?
MR. WEffiTER: Another item is the matter of the location of
the mail boxes for the residents of the presently occupied houses. This is
presenting a traffic hazard. Whereupon there was a general discussion of
this problem but nothing definite was decided.
Also, there was an informal discussion of the ll.abili ty in-
surance and it was deemed that Mr. Jackson would take this up with Hr'.
MR. LIDDICOTT: If there is no further business, I make a
motion that we adjoura.
MR. WEBSTER: I second this.
(Mrs.) Lois C. Strickland
Village Clerk