HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959 11 03 Village Council Regular Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Liddicott. Roll call was made by the
Village Clerk. In attendance were Messrs. Liddicott, Jackson, Fasula, Terebo,
and Webster.
Next in order was the reading of the minutes of the previous
meeting held October 6, 1959.
MR. LIDDICorT: Are there any additions or corrections?
MR. JACKSON: :M'..r. Mayor, I have a correction, please. Sections
11 and 12 were handled by "Resolution" instead of by "Motion" as stated in the
minutes. The reason for this being that the property is already in the Village
I of North Orlando and t.he Council was approving t.he subdivision of t.hese WO
Sections. (Note: The minutes of the meeting held Oct. 6, 1959 have been cor-
rected in pen and ink showing this change in wording.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Are there any other alterations or corrections?
Hearing none - they will stand as read with this o~e correction.
MR. LIDDICorT: Any new business, Gentlemen?
MR. JACKSON: First I would like to present an Ordinance for
consideration and passing on and in presenting it I would like to state that
if the vote is unanimous, it should be adopted on one reading as it is urgent
that we get this in effect before the present activity gets any further along.
MR. LIDDICorT: 1fhich Ordiance is it?
MR. JACKSON: Relating to the occupational licenses.
MR. TEREBO: I have read this Ordinance 112 thoroughly and I
make a motion that we accept this Ordi~ance on an emergency basis.
HR. lNEBSTER: I second this motion.
MR. T.J:DDICaI'T: It has been regularly moved and seconded that
Ordinance #2 be accepted on an emergency basis. All t~ose in favor signify
III Oy the usual sign of aye. All those opposed? Hearing none - the ayes have
it and it is so ordered.
MR. LIDDICarT: Gentlemen, I would like to present the follow-
ing Ordinances on emergency basis due to the fact that they relate to the
health, well-being, and safety of the people in the Village and if the vote
is unanimous that they be adopted in one reading.
The following Ordinances cover what is known as the Criminal
ORDINANCE #3. An Ordinance providing for the establishing
of a Municipal Court in the Village of North Orlando - providing for and
setting up regulations relating to the said court and providing that such
Ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage.
MR. TEREBO: I make a motion that we accept Ordinance #3.
MR. WEffiTER: I second it.
MR. LIDDICaI'T: Gentlemen you have heard the Ordinance,
all those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All those opposed?
Hearing none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
ORDINANCE NO.4. An ordinance relating to offenses against
public morals and providing a penalty for the violation thereof.
MR. FASULA: I make a motion that we accept Ordinance #4.
MR. TEREBO: I second it.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Gentlemen you have heard Ordinance #4, all
those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All those opposed? Hearing
none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
- -_....---_._------~~._----~ .--
ORDINANCE No. 5 - An Ordinan~e describing the offense known
as disorderly conduct making it unlawful to be guilty thereof within the
Village limits of North Orlando, Fla., and providing a penalty for the violation
MR. WEBSTER: I make a motion that we accept Ordinance No.5.
MR. FASUT-A: I second this.
MR. LIDDIcarT: Gent 1e men you have heard Ordinance #5, all
those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All those opposed? Hearing
none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
ORDINANCE No.6. An Ordinance relating to obstructing justice
and resisting arrest and to provide penalties for violation thereof.
MR. TEREBO: I make a motion that that we accept Ordinance No.6.
MR. WEBSTER: I second this.
:r-m. LIDDICOTT: Gentlemen you have heard Ordinance 1/6, all
those in favor signify by the usus.l sign of aye. All those opposed? Hearing
none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
ORDINANCE No.7. An Ordinance relating to offenses against
public and private property and to provide penalties for violation thereto.
MR. FASUrA: I make a motion that we accept Ordinance No.7.
MR. TEREBO: I second this.
MR. LID!)ICOTT: Gentlemen you have heard Ordinance No.7, all
those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All those opposed? Hearing
none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
ORDINANCE No. 8 An Ordinance regarding misdemeanors and to
punish any person guilty of such acts within the Village limits of the Village
of North Orlando, Florida, which should be recognized by laws of the State
of Florida as a misdemeanor and to provide penalties for violation thereof.
HR. WEBSTER: I make a motion that we accept Ordmnce No.8.
HR. TEREBO: I second this.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Gentlemen, you have heard the Ordinance
No.8, all those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All those opposed?
Hearing none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
This concludes the Ordinances covered at this time in the
Criminal Code.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Ordinance No.9. A.n Ordinance adopting the
Florida Model Traffic Ordinance by the Village of North Orlando, Florida
as authorized by Chapter 57-333, House Bill No. 1245 of the 1957 Florida
MR. WEffiTER: I make a motion that we adopt Ordinance No. 9
MR. FASULA.: I second this.
MR. LIDDICCYrT: Gentlemen, you have heard the Ordhmce,
all those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All those opposed?
Hearing none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Gentlemen, these Ordinances have been posted
for public viewing in the Council Chambers and at the 'Ttlater Plant.
MR. JAC'{sON: I make a motion that we appoint Mr. Ambrose
Oliff, Jr., a licensed practising attorney from Sanford, Florida., as judge
of the Municipal Court.
MR. FASUIA: I make a motion that this appointment be made.
MR. WEBST1m: I second this.
'MR. LIDDICOTl': It has been regula:bly moved and seconded. All
those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All thee e opposed? Hearing
none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Any other business?
MR. JACKSON: I believe we have a bill from Lee Travelsted,
Attorney, for drawing up the Ordinanoes in the amount of $150.00. I make a
motion that the Village pay Mr. Travelsted this amount immediately.
MR. FASUIA: I second this motion.
e e
MR. LIDDICCYrT: It has been regularly moved and seconded
that we pay Mr. Travelsted for drawing up the Ordinances the amount of $150.
All those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All those opposed?
Hearing none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
MR. TEREBO: I make a motion that we post e copy of the
Occupational License Ordinance in the Construction Office of Masterbuilders
Corp., in full view of all sub-contractors.
~. FASULA: I second this.
MR. LIDDICCYrT: It has been moved and seconded that we post
up copy of this Ordinance. All those in favor signify by the usual sign of
aye. All those opposed? Hearing none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
Councilman Webster suggested that we go into the matter of
getting a certificate of insurance or bond on all contractors and sub-con-
tractors for the Village's protection. This will be brought up at the
December meeting.
It was also suggested by Mr. v-Yebster that we write a letter
to all new residents welcoming them into the Village of North Orlando.
MR. I,IDDICOTT: Any other business?
HR. JAC\SON: We will have to take up the matter of Traffic
Tickets, printing thereof, etc. J at a later meeting.
Next there was a general discussion on the availability of
jail facilities. Mayor Liddicott informed the Council that the Sheriff
of Seminole County had advised that their facilities were crowded and very
limited. ~~hen the new jail is built there will be a charge of so much per
day for each prisoner. It was further brought out that Oviedo was the
only town in the County with their own jail. The Sheriff did advise that
their facilities would be available in an emergency.
MR. JACKSON: \^Te have a plat of Se,ction 10 of North Orlando
Ranches to approve for North Orlando.
MR. LIDDICOTT: I have a request from the North Orlando
Company to approve the plat covering North Orlando Ranches Section 10. It
has been properly signed and approved by our engineer, Mr. E. Gex Williams,
Jr. and Mr. Davis, Vice Chairman of the Village Zoning Board.
MR. LIDDICOTT: Gentlemen, you have heard the Resolution,
what is your pleasure?
l.ffi. JACKSON: I make a motion the Resolution be adopted.
HR. FASULA: I second this.
MR. LIDDICaI'T: It has been regularly moved and seconded
that we approve the plat covering Section 10 of the North Orlando Ranches.
All those in favor signify by the usual sign of aye. All those opposed?
Hearing none - the ayes have it and it is so ordered.
lJfR. LIDDICaI'T: If there is no further business to come
before the Council, I make a motion that we adjourn.
MR. i.vEBSTER: I second this.
Respectfully submitted:
CJ;a ~ f~ c/. ;j~
Mr . 101.s C. Strickland
Village Clerk