HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959 08 04 Village Council Regular Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Uddicott.
The Village Clerk called the roll and the following
members were present: Messrs. Uddicott, Jackson, Fasula, Webster and
Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Lois
Strickland, Village Clerk. There were no objections or corrections to
the minutes and they were approved as read.
The first order of business was PEl'ITION No. 1 covering
the request of Masterbuilders Corp. and The North Orlando Company for
annexation of properties into the Village of North Orlando, Florida.
Mr. Jackson was aclmowledged by the chair and made the
following correction:
"Description of the property in Petition No. 1 designated
only lots but I want it understood that this included the
streets bordering the lots as well".
Mr. Jackson: I move that Petition No.1 be accepted on
final reading. Mr. Terebo seconded the motion. It being regularly moved
and seconded the motion was adopted unanimously.
Next order of buSiness was ORDINANCE No. 1 which had its
first reading at the previous meeting July 7, 1959. This Ordinance covers
annexation of considerable properties and full legal land description can
be found in the Ordinance Book and in the minutes of Council Meeting held
July 7, 1959.
Mr. Jackson was acknowledged by 'Hr. Liddicott, Mayor,
and thereupon made the following motion.
Mr. Jackson: I move Ordinance No. 1 be adopted.
Mr. Terebo: I second the motion.
It being regularly moved and seconded the motion was
unanimously adopted.
Mr. Liddicott called for discussion of any other Old
There bring none, the meeting was opened for New Business.
Mr. Liddicott: I have a few items I would. like to report
on and explain -
A copy of the Proceedings of the first meeting to organ-
ize the Village of North Orlando which was held on June 24, 1959 has been
recorded in Book 243, Page 184, of the official records of Seminole County,
Inasmuch as we haTe not received a certified copy of
House Bill 2474 providing for the establishment and creation of the Village
of North Orlando, Florida, a letter has been sent to the Secretary of
State at Tallahassee, Florida, asking him for three (3) certified copies.
I am also in receipt of a letter from the Florida League
of Municipalities wanting the names of all the officials of the Village
for their official publication. As I understand it, there is no cost to
t~ Village for having these names published. The Chair will entertain
a motion -
Mr. Fasula: I make a motion that we write and give the
names of our officials.
Mr. Webster: I second this
Mr. Mayor I have a suggestion to make
in this regard. I suggest that when
we submit these names of our officials
that we only give one title for each
person, that is, in my case I have
several titles of office in the township
and I would like to have you use one
tile only.
This suggestion was agreed upon by all.
The motion having been moved and seconded
was carried unanimously.
Mr. Liddicott: I have received an invitation from the town
of Casselberry to attend a conference of
all the mayors in Seminole County. This will
no doubt be very informative and the plan is
to have a meeting quarterly and each town is
to be the host in their respective turns.
It was deemed by the group that the above item did not have
to be voted upon.
M..r. Liddicott: I have a letter from Mr. Gene FiSher, Master-
builders Corp. regarding the telephone situation in the Village of North
Mr. Jackson:
Whereupon the Village Clerk read the letter to the Council -
Mr. Liddicott: Any suggestions, Gentlemen'?
Mr. Jackson: Can it be worked out on a local basis or do we
have to go to the Utilities Commission through
our Public Relations Dept.
Mr. Liddicott: We will place this item in the hands of
our Public Relations Department to work
out a solution as soon as possible.
Mr. Liddicott: Any further business, Gentlemen?
Mr. Jackson: One question, I understand Mr. Herndon,
Clerk of Circuit Court, Seminole County,
had a heart attack. Has the township
done anything to express our condolences.
}1r. Liddicott:
Flowers have been sent to him from the
Village of North Orlando. Also, we
understand that he is improving.
Mr. Liddicott: Gentlemen, if there is no further business
I will entertain a motion that we adjourn.
Mr. Jackson:
I move that we adjourn.
Mr. Webster:
I seond the motion that we adjourn.
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Mrs. Lois C. Strickland
Town Clerk
We, the undersigned owners of
Tract A, and Lots 1 to 16 inclusive of Block 15, and Lots 10
and 11 of Block 16, and Lots 1 to 6 inclusive of Block 16,
and Lot 6 of Block 19, all in North Orlando, as platted and
recorded in Plat Book 12, Pages 10 and ll; also tots 1 te
19 inclusive of Block 24, and Lots 1 to 22 inclusive of
Block 25, and Lots 1 to 25 inclusive of Block 26, and Lots
1 to 16 inclusive of Block 27, all in North Orlando First
Addition, as platted and recorded in Plat Book 12, Pages
23 and 24; also Lots 120, 121, 122, and 123 lying within
D. R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant as recorded in
Plat Book 1, Page 5, of the Public Records of Seminole
county, Florida
do hereby petition the Village of North Orlando to annex the said proper-
ty into the territorial limits of the Village of North Orlando.
(Signed)Gene S. Fisher
(Sig.d) Arnold P. Rosen
(Signed) William E. Hayes
(Signed) E. Raymond Moss
Mr. Terebo: I move the PETITION be acknowledged as a
first reading.
Mr. Webster: I second this movement.
An ORDINANCE was presented as follows:
Be it ordained that the Village Council of North OrlandO,
Florida shall hereby annex into its territorial limits the following
described property:
Beginning at the intersection of the East right-of~ay
line of Moss Road and the center line of Longwood-Oviedo
Road as shown on the plat of NORTH ORLANDO and recorded
in Plat Book 12, Pages 10 and ll, of the Public Records
of Seminole County, Florida; THENCE Northerly along the
East right-of~ay line of said Moss Road to an intersec-
tion with the North right-of""Wa,.. line of North Third
Street as shon. on the said plat of NORTH ORLANDO;
THENCE Northwesterly along the said North right-of-way
line of North Third Street to an intersection with a
Northerly prolongation of the West right-of-way line of
Flamingo Avenue as shown on said plat of NORTH ORLANDO:
THENCE Southwesterly along the West right-of-way line of
Flamingo Avenue to the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 16,
of NORTH ORLANDO, as shown on plat Book 12, Pages 10 and 11,
of the Public Records of Seminole Count,.., Florida; THENCE
Westerly along the South line of tots 9 and 12 of said
Block 16 and a Westerly prolongation thereof to the West
right-of-way line of Fairfax Avenue; THENCE Southwesterly
to the Southeast corner of Block 17 of said plat; THENCE
Westerly along the South line of said Block 17 to the
Southwest corner of Lot 11, Block 17, THENCE Southwesterly
to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 16, as shown on
said plat of NORrH ORLANDO: THENCE Southerly along the
West line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of said Block 18;
THENCE westerly along the South line of Lot 7 of said
Block 16; THENCE CONTINUE Westerly along the South line
of Lots 7 and 9 of Block 19 of said NORTH ORLANDO: THENCE
Northerly along the East right-of-way line of Edgemon Avenue
to the Southwest corner of Lot 14, Block 20, of NORTH
ORLANDO, as shown on Plat Book 12, Pages 10 and ll, of the
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; THENCE Westerly
along the North right-of-way line of North First Street
as shown on NORrH ORLANDO First Addition as recorded in
Plat Book 12, Pages 23 and 24, of the public records of
Seminole County, Florida, to the Southwesterly corner of
Lot 11, Block 22, as shown on said plat of NORTH ORLANDO
First Addition; THENCE Northerly along the "East right-of-
way Une of Bombay Avenue to the S outbwest corner of Lot 9,
Block 21, as shown on said plat of NORTH ORLANDO First
Addition; THENCE West along the North right-of-way line of
North Second Street to the West right-of""Way line of Algiers
Avenue as shown on said plat of NORTH ORLANDO First Addition;
THENCE Southerly along the West right-of1ay of Algiers
Avenue to the center line of Longwood-OViedo Road as showa
on said plat of NORTH ORLANDO First Addition; THENCE
Easterly along the said center line of Longwood.-oviedo Road
Said land situated, lying, and being in Seminole County,
Be it further ordained that this annexation be full and
complete and the owners of the annexed property shall
have the same rights, privileges, liabilities, and re-
sponsibilities of all other owners of property within
the territorial limits of the Village of North Orlando,
Mr. Webster: I move this ORDINANCE be accepted as a
first reading.
Mr. Terebo: I second the movement.
Mr. Terebo: If there is no further bUSiness, I move
that the meeting adjourn.
Mr. Jackson: I second this.
Lois C. Strickland
Village Clerk