HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 04 15 Winter Springs Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS AD HOC CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 15, 2010 I. CALL TO ORDER The Meeting of Thursday, April 15, 2010 of the Winter Springs Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee was called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Charles Lacey in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Charles Lacey, present Vice Chairperson Tom Freeman, arrived at 7:15 p.m. Committee Member George Acha, present Committee Member Pamela Carroll, present Committee Member Steve Glazier, present Committee Member Beth King, present Committee Member George Markward, present Committee Member Bill Poe, present Committee Member John Ryser, absent Committee Member Helga Schwarz, absent Committee Member Sandy Traeger, present After a moment of silence, Boy Scout Charles Poe, Troop #196 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Committee Member Steve Glazier spoke of being proud to live in Winter Springs and commented for the Record about the search for Ms. Nadia Bloom and commended the Chief of Police Kevin Brunelle of the Winter Springs Police Department. II. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT Office Of The City Clerk Requesting Approval Of The April 1, 2010 Winter Springs Ad Hoc Charter Review Conunittee Meeting Minutes. "MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES (APRIL 1, 2010) AS CIRCULATED." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KING. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS AD HOC CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING - APRIL 15, 2010 PAGE 2 OF 6 VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER ACHA: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KING: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER MARKWARD: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TRAEGER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARROLL: AYE CHAIRPERSON LACEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER POE: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GLAZIER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. III. GENERAL PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. IV. OLD BUSINESS Any Discussion Items Suggested By The Winter Springs Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee. There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. V. NEW BUSINESS Review Of Articles I. Through XIII., City Charter, And/Or Any Other Discussion Items Suggested By The Winter Springs Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee. Chairperson Lacey spoke of the Draft Report that the Committee had been provided and asked, "Is there any other suggestion on how to proceed ?" Committee Member Bill Poe added, "I am quite comfortable with the Draft Report becoming the Final Report." With further discussion, Chairperson Lacey stated, "I substantially concur with that, but I do have a couple of suggested changes myself - does anyone have a significant amount of changes that they think need to be considered ?" No comments were noted. Continuing, Chairperson Lacey explained, "The first comment I have comes on Page `2' under item 2. Section 4.01." Chairperson Lacey stated, "If you turn to Page `2' under item number 2. Majority view which accurately reflects what our Vote was, I would like to add in there another paragraph that also reflects one of the sub -Votes we had in that where we considered the option of increasing the number of Commission Districts or reducing the number of Commission Districts. When we looked at that it was five (5), we had to go either six (6) or four (4) and we had a Vote to go down to four (4) Districts and it was a unanimous Vote. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS AD HOC CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING - APRIL 15, 2010 PAGE 3OF6 So, I think the Report should reflect the fact that we did consider those two (2) options and unanimously recommend a reduction in Districts. Is there any objection to that ?" There were no objections voiced. "I WILL MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ADD THAT LANGUAGE AS A SECOND PARAGRAPH TO THE `Majority view'." MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON LACEY. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KING. DISCUSSION. CHAIRPERSON LACEY ADDED, "THE PARAGRAPH THAT SAYS, `Majority view', ANOTHER PARAGRAPH AFTER THAT, THAT SAYS SOMETHING TO THE EFFECT THAT, `THE COMMITTEE CONSIDERED THE OPTION OF INCREASING COMMISSION DISTRICTS FROM FIVE (5) TO SIX (6) AND REDUCING COMMISSION DISTRICTS FROM FIVE (5) TO FOUR (4) AND VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO RECOMMEND A REDUCTION TO FOUR (4) COMMISSION DISTRICTS'." REFERRING TO PREVIOUS NOTES, CHAIRPERSON LACEY EXPLAINED, "THERE IS A SPECIFIC PLACE IN THE MINUTES FROM THAT MEETING WHERE WE HAD THE VOTE, IF ANYONE WANTS TO REFER TO IT. ACCORDING TO MY NOTES, IT WAS ON THE MARCH 4 (2010) MEETING IN THE MINUTES ON PAGES 3 AND 4. WE HAD A SPECIFIC CONSIDERATION OF WHETHER TO INCREASE OR REDUCE THE DISTRICTS AND WE VOTED TO REDUCE THE DISTRICTS." CITY ATTORNEY ANTHONY A. GARGANESE STATED, "IF I MAY, I AM GOING TO JUST REFLECT THAT AS A 'NOTE' UNDER THE `Majority view' THAT ONCE IT WAS DETERMINED THAT THE `Majority view' WAS TO HAVE A VOTING MAYOR, YOU CONSIDERED THE NUMBER OF DISTRICTS AND IT WAS UNANIMOUS TO GO TO FOUR (4) DISTRICTS AND YOU DIDN'T ACCEPT THE SIXTH DISTRICT. I WILL NOTE THAT." CHAIRPERSON LACEY REPLIED, "GOOD." • ATTORNEY GARGANESE ASKED, "IS THAT FAIR ?" CHAIRPERSON LACEY ANSWERED, "THAT IS ACCEPTABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MOTION." VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER KING: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER MARKWARD: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TRAEGER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARROLL: AYE CHAIRPERSON LACEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER POE: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GLAZIER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER ACHA: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS AD HOC CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING - APRIL 15, 2010 PAGE 4 OF 6 "MOVE TO APPROVE THE DRAFT TO SUBSTANTIATE OUR FINAL REPORT." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KING. DISCUSSION. CHAIRPERSON LACEY CLARIFIED, "MOTION TO APPROVE THE DRAFT AS AMENDED BY TONIGHT'S MEETING AND SUBMIT TO THE COMMISSION." NEXT, CHAIRPERSON LACEY ASKED ATTORNEY GARGANESE, "DO YOU FEEL THAT WE HAVE A COMPLETE DOCUMENT THAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH AS OUR ADVISOR ?" ATTORNEY GARGANESE REPLIED, "YES, I DO." VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER MARKWARD: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TRAEGER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARROLL: AYE CHAIRPERSON LACEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER POE: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GLAZIER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER ACHA: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KING: AYE MOTION CARRIED. With further discussion, Chairperson Lacey announced, "If the Committee wishes, we can have another Meeting to review the actual Final Report, now that there are changes. But, my feeling is that they are insignificant enough that we can probably pass that step. Is there any thought on that ?" Committee Member Beth King asked, "Can we just have an email with that update to Page 2 and then respond back ?" Attorney Garganese stated, "I could send everybody a copy of the Final Report and as I said, I am just going to include a note under that `Majority view' that simply says that `Once a Majority view' is established, the Committee considered the number of Districts whether it be four (4) or six (6) and unanimously approved four (4). So, that is basically what it is going to say — you have a couple of housecleaning, actually one (1) housecleaning issue regarding the Approval of the Minutes because this looks like this could be the final Meeting. You are delegating authority to the Chair (person) just to finalize the Minutes and Approve them." Vice Chairperson Tom Freeman arrived at 7:15 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS AD HOC CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING - APRIL 15, 2010 PAGE 5 OF 6 Chairperson Lacey asked, "Do you need a Motion to that effect ?" Attorney Garganese replied, "Yes. It appears to be simple Minutes." "MOVE TO APPROVE THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO FINALIZE FINAL MINUTES OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER REVIEW." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KING. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER TRAEGER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER CARROLL: AYE CHAIRPERSON LACEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER POE: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER GLAZIER: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON FREEMAN: NAY COMMITTEE MEMBER ACHA: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KING: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER MARKWARD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Lastly, Chairperson Lacey asked Attorney Garganese, "I believe that we will report to the Commission that our business is done, convey to them a copy of the Report and they will most likely then have a Special Meeting or Workshop to review the product. And I assume that the entire Committee would be invited to participate in that." Attorney Garganese responded, "Yes." Chairperson Lacey then asked, "Will we disband as a Committee at this point or stand until that point as a formal Committee ?" Attorney Garganese replied, "One of the action items for the Commission will be to accept the Final Report and then they would dismiss the Ad Hoc Committee if they think your work has been completed. The Committee needs to stay in tack just in case the City Commission refers something back to you for further consideration. So, the Committee still stands until you are formally dismissed by the Commission." VI. GENERAL PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS AD HOC CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING — APRIL 15, 2010 PAGE 6 OF 6 VII. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Lacey adjourned the Meeting at 7:21 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: /IR AN L. BROWN PUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: •r " v' AIRPERSON WI1£E1, -4PRIN ` AD HOC CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE I ; l NOTE: These Minutes were approved on May 14 , 2010.