HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 06 16 Tuscawilla lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING JUNE 16, 2004 I. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman Gary Hillery called the Regular Meeting of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee to order at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 16, 2004 in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Vice Chairman Gary Hillery, present Committee Member Moti Khemlani, present Committee Member Rande Thompson, present Committee Member Linda Tillis, present Vice Chairman Hillery led the Pledge of Allegiance. Vice Chairman Hillery discussed the resurfacing of Winter Springs Boulevard and the sidewalk issue at Shetland Avenue. Discussion. Mr. Edward L. Turner, President of Wedgewood Golf Villas Homeowner's Association, 926 Wedgewood Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the Committee regarding his concerns for Northern Way. Mr. Turner then commended the Committee for a job well done. Further discussion ensued regarding mowing in the right-of-ways of the City. Mr. Steven Richart, Urban Beautification Coordinator, Public Works Department said, "What I would recommend that you [Mr. Turner] do first, write a letter with your concerns to the City Manager [Ronald W. McLemore]." Mr. Richart stated, "I can even pass this information along to him [City Manager]." Mr. Turner said, "My next homeowner's meeting, I am going to recommend that we [Wedgewood Golf Villas Homeowner's Association] do not do [anything], if! do not get some positive input from you." CITY OF WINTER SPRfNGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETfNG - JUNE 16,2004 PAGE20F7 Mr. Richart stated, "Weare bound by one specific area right now - to address your area would be out of our bounds." Mr. Turner asked, "Where can I read that, Sir?" Mr. Richart said, "I would have to get you [Mr. Turner] the original Declaration. I could do that for you." Mr. Turner said, "Okay." Ms. Dolores Germain, Vice President of Wedgewood Golf Villas Homeowner's Association, 939 Wedgewood Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the Committee regarding the right-of-way areas along Northern Way. II. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT A. Approval Of The May 19,2004 Regular Meeting Minutes. "I MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 19TH [2004]." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Committee Member Moti Khemlani said for the record, "I have been on this Board from the very beginning and I just want to congratulate Joan [Ms. Brown, Deputy City Clerk]. This is the first set of Minutes that I have seen that I am able to put the hat of the person who - does not sit here on these Meetings and can read it, and make sense of it. Because you [Ms. Brown] go out of your way and I really applaud you, Joan - you put in parenthesis things that we are thinking, but not saying in words so [the] reader - when you get these, and you put in 'Budget Report', I think that - is a very nice added value and I want to thank you for doing that. So, that in the future, people who read these things are not going to waste legal fees unnecessarily - so I thank you very much for doing this work." Ms. Brown said, "Thank you." Vice Chairman Hillery said, "I second that. " III. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR A. Election Of Officers. Brief discussion. CITY OF WfNTER SPRfNGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 16,2004 PAGE30F7 "I MOVE THAT [COMMITTEE MEMBER] RANDE THOMPSON BE OUR VICE CHAIRMAN." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. DISCUSSION. COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON SAID, "I AGREE." VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. "I WOULD MOVE FOR THE RECORD, THAT [VICE CHAIRMAN] GARY HILLERY BE THE CHAIRMAN FOR THE REMAINING TERM OF THIS TLBD [TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE]." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN THOMPSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN THOMPSON: AYE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR B. Budget. Mr. Richart presented this Agenda Item. Discussion ensued regarding the "Excel" worksheet that Committee Member Linda Tillis assisted with. Committee Member Khemlani said, "I like to see a 'Table of Contents' on a Report." Tape 1/Side B Committee Member Khemlani stated, "I think this [Budget Report] is a beautiful service that you [Mr. Richart] perform for us." Mr. Richart said, "Thank you." Discussion. CITY OF WfNTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETfNG - JUNE 16,2004 PAGE40F7 Committee Member Khemlani, "I would like very much, if you do not mind - somewhere in the 'Table of Contents', just with an 'Asterisk', explaining the titles and what they mean. It would be very helpfu1." Mr. Richart said, "Maybe I could do that every quarter." With discussion, Mr. Richart stated, "Maybe we could have a yearly recap where I could break it down into - 'power for the fountains' - and break it down into categories." With discussion on converting the "Excel" program with the "Munis" program, Vice Chairman Thompson stated, "Let me sit down with you [Mr. Richart] one day and I can show you." Committee Member Khemlani stated, "I think sometimes - we have to spend a thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for consulting with an expert who can do that, that - might be well worth the time to help you [Mr. Richart] doing that so that we [Committee Members] are in the twenty-first century all the time." Regarding the format, Mr. Richart stated, "What we have here is a Budget Report." Mr. Richart added, "This gives you [Committee Members] an itemized line code definition of what [has] happened." Vice Chairman Thompson asked, "Could you get a - just take anyone of these [Budget] Reports and then if you [Mr. Richart] could do it just one time." Mr. Richart said, "We will make categories - 'Irrigation parts'. Maybe we could do it once a year." Committee Member Khemlani stated, "Fine." Committee Member Tillis stated, "Maybe we could do it mid year." Mr. Richart said, "Yes." Discussion. REGULAR C. Maintenance Items And Progress Report. Chairman Hillery discussed the lighting issue. Discussion. "I WOULD LIKE TO MOVE THAT WE APPROVE THE PROPOSAL BY LIGHTS CAPE FOR REPLACING THE OLD FLOOD LIGHTING TO THE NEW LIGHTS CAPE PROPOSAL FOR THE FRONT ENTRANCE AT TUSCA WILLA." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. SECONDED BY CHAIRMAN HILLERY. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WfNTER SPRfNGS MfNUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETfNG - JUNE 16,2004 PAGE50F7 VOTE: CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN THOMPSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Richart said, "I found out we can put on colored lenses on our fountains [Tuscawilla entrance] at the Holidays for a hundred dollars ($100.00). So, if we want to do that, we can go with green, red, and amber and then have the middle just clear like it is now and we can have colored lighting around. the Holiday times - if you - want to do it." Committee Member Khemlani stated, "I personally like the white." Committee Member Khemlani said, "I just think that the white adds class to the entire thing." Mr. Richart said, "It is there for your [Committee Members] consideration." Committee Member Tillis said, "Yes, I prefer the white lights too." Chairman Hillery said, "What about the coloring of the lights that shine up on the waterfall?" Committee Member Tillis said, "I prefer white." Mr. Richart stated, "Well, they would come out and do one test night - it is up to you [Committee Members]." Mr. Richart added, "Think about it and if we want to try it out, they will not charge us." With discussion, Vice Chairman Thompson said, "That was my thought. It is a change. It is a nice - it is something. Could we achieve the same thing as Gary [Chairman Hillery] was saying - do we have power that we could string lights along the wall?" Mr. Richart said, "Well, that is where I do get into an opinion on this. I have gone with colored lights and I have gone with clear lights for Holiday Seasons and normally you do want to try to string the clear ones. The colored ones just do kind of cheapen the look in my opinion. We can try anything, but I would stay with the - white lights if you do light anything up." Committee Khemlani said, "Especially the waterfall." Committee Member Tillis said, "I am definitely not opposed to trying it out." Committee Member Khemlani said, "If you are doing it for Holiday, I do not care." Mr. Richart stated, "He will do it for nothing. He will come in and let us see it at night." Committee Member Tillis said, "I think it is worth a try." Discussion. Vice Chairman Thompson stated, "Do it over a weekend and then let us [Committee Members] know that we can maybe drive by and then - see if anybody in the community notices and says something. Then if they do and if they say something - then we know - to me that is the decision - if it is positive feedback." Mr. Richart stated, "Okay." Mr. Richart stated, "We will set up a time. Maybe, as we get close to Thanksgiving, we will maybe do it over a weekend." Chairman Hillery stated, "It will be different." CITY OF WfNTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 16,2004 PAGE60F7 REGULAR D. Update On Street Lighting And Decorative Sign Project. Mr. Richart presented this Agenda Item. Much discussion ensued regarding reducing the pncmg and cost analysis with Gil Defreitas of Progress Energy. Mr. Richart said, "We will bring that [to the] next Meeting for you [Committee Members]." Committee Member Khemlani said, "I would rather recommend also that [the] City Manager - after we meet next time and make a recommendation - the City Manager be authorized to pursue this." REGULAR E. Update On The Reclaimed Water Backup Study. Mr. Richart presented this Agenda Item. Discussion. Tape 2/Side A Further discussion ensued regarding reclaimed water. IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS · Presentation of lights. . Water contingency plan. V. REPORTS Not discussed. VI. ADJOURNMENT With consensus of the Committee, Chairman Hillery adjourned the Meeting at approximately 9:00 p.m. CITY OF WfNTER SPRfNGS MfNUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETfNG - JUNE 16, 2004 PAGE70F7 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: AN L. BROWN PUTY CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the October 20,2004 TuscawilIa Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Meeting.