HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 04 30 Tuscawilla lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Special Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUnFICA TION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 30, 2002 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Donald A. Gilmore called the Special Meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., Tuesday, April 30, 2002 in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Donald A. Gilmore, present Vice Chairman Gary Hillery, present Committee Member Moti Khemlani, present Committee Member Rande Thompson, absent Committee Member Linda Tillis, present II. CONSENT CONSENT A. Approval Of The April 16, 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes. After brief discussion, the Committee agreed to approve this Consent Item at the next Meeting. III. REGULAR REGULAR A. Construction Review. Discussion ensued regarding the Commission's approval of the two (2) change orders at the April 22, 2002 City Commission Meeting. Committee Member Moti Khemlani questioned "Who is responsible" for "All the additional expenses';. He also advised that he is "Planning on running an investigation". Mr. George Edwards, P.E., Capital Projects Coordinator, Public Works Department, distributed a map of the Tuscawilla entrance at Deer Run. City Manager Ronald W McLemore arrived at 7:27 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING -APRIL 30, 2002 PAGE 2 OF 7 Mr. Vincent Gregorio, 1063 Deer Run, Winter Springs, Florida: questioned whether the City could contact Seminole County and request a sign be placed on Dyson Drive, instead of Deer Run, and have the County maintain it. Ms. Myrtha Luna, 1111 Gator Lane, Winter Springs, Florida: questioned the placement of the minor entranceway signage on Deer Run. Discussion. Mr. Oscar Luna, 1111 Gator Lane, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed safety concerns with the placement of the wall in his front yard; lines of sight; and the possibility of moving the wall to the south side of his driveway. Tape I/Side B Discussion developed on easements. Manager McLemore advised, "They [Homeowner's] may have to give us an easement." Chairman Gilmore asked, "Is there a problem in that...." Mrs. Luna stated, "Show us the money." Manager McLemore responded, "It has got to be give and take here, it would be a very small sliver ofland." Mrs. Luna stated, "Right." After discussion developed regarding the placement of the walls on Deer Run, the Committee suggested that Mr. Bill Starmer of Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture Inc. (sri) and the interested parties meet to decide on a proper location for the walls. Ms. Jodie Vernooy Starzyk, 1157 Howell Creek Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on behalf of her parents, Ron and Elaine Vernooy, and stated their desire to be more educated as to the placement ofthe wall on Howell Creek Drive. Mr. Bill Starmer, President, Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture Inc. (sri), 890 Northern Way, Winter Springs, Florida, advised the residents, "I will get the names and phone numbers and we'll call you sometime in the next week or so." Mr. Starmer asked Mr. Edwards, "You sent letters to Howell Creek, Dyson, and Deer Run correct?" Mr. Edwards stated, "Not from my office." Discussion. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE OFFICIALLY - THE CITY SHOULD TAKE THE FIRST STEP TO OFFICIALL Y CONTACT ON THE PHONE, AND LET THEM KNOW THAT THE LETTER, A WRITTEN LETTER IS IN THE MAIL IMMEDIATELY. AND I AM REQUESTING THAT FROM THE CITY, AND RON [McLEMORE] IS HERE. SO I WOULD LIKE THAT LETTER TO GO OUT PRONTO." MANAGER McLEMORE ASKED, "HOW FAR?" COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI STATED, "JUST TO ALL THE - SIX (6) FAMILIES." MANAGER McLEMORE ASKED, "JUST THE ONES WHO'S PROPERTY IS IMPACTED?" COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI STATED, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING -APRIL 30, 2002 PAGE30F7 "THAT IS CORRECT." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY. DISCUSSION. CHAIRMAN GILMORE STATED, "BY CONSENSUS GEORGE [EDWARDS] OR SOMEONE IN THE CITY WILL GET A LETTER OUT TOMORROW ADVISING AT LEAST SIX (6) IF NOT SEVEN (7) - HOMEOWNER'S THAT ARE INVOLVED, ASK THEM TO GET IN TOUCH WITH BILL STARMER. OR TELL THEM THIS - WILL BE DISCUSSED AT THE NEXT MEETING. LATER WE WILL DECIDE WHEN THAT MEETING WILL BE. IN THE MEANTIME, [BILL] ST ARMER'S AVAILABLE FOR DISCUSSION. BY CONSENSUS WE'VE DONE THAT, WE DON'T NEED TO VOTE THAT ISSUE." Manager McLemore stated, "It will be done tomorrow." After discussion, the Committee agreed by consensus to issue a "Stop Order" on construction until further notice. Chairman Gilmore asked Manager McLemore, "Ron can you prepare that?" Manager McLemore agreed. The Office of the City Clerk distributed a copy of two (2) emails sent to City Hall from Mr. Fernando Fuentes (985 Shetland Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida) requesting the construction in his yard be completed. Committee Member Khemlani asked, "Has there been any communication in response to Mr. Fuentes' emails? Any acknowledgments, any phone calls from anybody from the City?" Mr. Edwards stated, "I responded in writing to his first email - I responded by letter to him. I explained to him what the schedule was for completion of that structure. Then I got a telephone call from the Real Estate Agent and - I said I am sorry we have not got that finished yet, and I said is this creating a problem for you and she [Real Estate Agent] said no." Discussion. Tape 2/Side A Chairman Gilmore stated, "Somebody has to come and tell us and [Fernando] Fuentes when that job is going to be done." Mr. Edwards stated, "The schedule is to complete the punch list items on islands eight (8) through twenty-three (23), then go to the minor entrances, which priority has been given to Shetland and Citrus." Discussion. Chairman Gilmore asked, "George will you be in touch with Mr. Fuentes, or who is going to be in touch?" Mr. Edwards stated, "I will after Thursday. We have a Thursday morning Meeting with Cathcart [Construction, Inc.]. Then I will try to get in - contact." Chairman Gilmore also asked, "Will you mark the Members of this group for a copy of your communication with Mr. Fuentes so we know...." Mr. Edwards agreed to let the Members know before the next Meeting. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING -APRIL 30, 2002 PAGE40F7 Mr. Starmer distributed a document to the Committee addressing comments requiring direction and clarification from the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Committee Members, and comments/issues that have been acknowledged and are being corrected. Discussion developed on the pond bottom at the Winter Springs Boulevard west entrance. Mr. Starmer distributed a listing of the Sub-contractor's previous job sites for companson. Tape 2/Side B With further discussion, Chairman Gilmore stated, "I would like a maintenance person to come to this Meeting to discuss the maintenance of the pooL" Committee Member Linda Tillis stated, "Can maybe some of the experts that Bill [Starmer] works with come and give us some idea what to expect for maintenance?" Chairman Gilmore agreed. Mr. Starmer stated, "I will invite the two (2) companies from a design and construction standpoint. I'll ask for their recommendation, who to come and speak about maintenance, unless you want to independently speak with somebody." Chairman Gilmore said, "No we're looking to you to provide that." In summary, Committee Member Tillis stated, "The way I understand it is there is no reason for us to halt further work on the fountains or pools. We can proceed as usual. In the meantime we're bringing in somebody to help reconfirm that our decision was the correct one to go with this type of design, to explain how we got there, and then also to give us some indication of what to expect to maintain these things as we go forward." Discussion developed regarding signage height and the gap between the letters, and the faux marble background. Tape 3/Side A Discussion. Manager McLemore asked Mr. Starmer in regards to signage height, "Is what's in the field constructed, what you designed on this issue we're talking about?" Mr. Starmer answered, "Precisely, yes it is. What was constructed is what was drawn." Manager McLemore said, "Well then is what was constructed below the grade, and when we say grade are we talking about the grade of the street?" Mr. Starmer said, "Grade has never been an issue to me. The height of the sign has been an issue. If we want to add grade then I can add grade as another issue. 1've heard the sign is too low. We offered you a non-cost remedy. All I want to know is it's four inches (4") above the ground today, we're anticipating raising it to twelve inches (12") - is that acceptable, yes or no? If you want me to go back and reevaluate the grade and look at it whether it's in a hole or not, we can do that." Mr. Starmer stated further, "If it's in a hole and it's below grade, then it's going to hold water and that's not acceptable." Manager McLemore advised, "I would like to know the answer to that." Mr. Starmer stated, "I'll go look at it." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING -APRIL 30.2002 PAGE50F7 MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. "I MOVE THAT WE RAISE THE SIGNS ON CITRUS AND SHETLAND BY EIGHT INCHES (8")." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY. DISCUSSION. CHAIRMAN GILMORE SUMMARIZED, "IT HAS BEEN MOVED AND SECONDED THAT WE RAISE THE SIGNS ON SHETLAND BY EIGHT INCHES (8") ON THE FLAT SURFACE, I'LL ADD THAT BECAUSE THAT HAS TO BE IN THERE." VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE CHAIRMAN GILMORE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. "I'D ALSO LIKE TO MAKE A SEPARATE MOTION THAT ON DYSON, DEER RUN, AND HOWELL CREEK, THAT WE RAISE THAT SIGN EIGHT INCHES (8") AS WELL. IT WILL BE STILL ON THE ROUND PORTION, THERE IS NO REAL FLAT PORTION TO PUT IT ON. IT WOULD REMAIN ON A ROUND SECTION BUT IT'S GOING TO BE BUILT TALLER AS LONG AS THERE ISN'T A LINE OF SIGHT ISSUE THAT COMES UP WHEN YOU TALK TO THOSE HOMEOWNER'S." COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS FURTHER STATED, "THEY RUN PARALLEL TO THE STREET BUT THERE'S BASICALLY JUST TWO (2) COLUMNS ON THE END AND THEN A CENTER ROUND PLANTER. SO THE SIGN IS GOING TO GO ON THE ROUNDED WALL. IT'S JUST GOING TO BE EIGHT INCHES (8") HIGHER THAN IT WOULD HAVE BEEN OTHERWISE. AND THAT'S WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE ASSUMING AGAIN THAT WHEN HE MEETS WITH THE HOMEOWNER'S, AN ISSUE DOESN'T COME UP WITH THAT ADDITIONAL HEIGHT." COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS SUMMARIZED, "REST A TING MY MOTION, AT DYSON, DEER RUN, AND HOWELL CREEK, RAISING THAT SIGN BY EIGHT INCHES (8") IS ACCEPTABLE." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE CHAIRMAN GILMORE: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. "I MOVE THAT THE FAUX FINISH ON THE SIGNS IS ACCEPTABLE. I FIND THE FAUX FINISH ON THE SIGNS TO BE ACCEPT ABLE." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING -APRIL 30, 2002 PAGE 6 OF 7 VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE CHAIRMAN GILMORE: NAY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY : AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI: NAY MOTION DID NOT CARRY. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. "I MOVE THAT MR. STARMER GIVE US A RESOLUTION OF THE LIGHTNING BOLT DESIGN, MODIFICATION OF THE LIGHTNING BOLT DESIGN AT THE NEXT MEETING OR SOONER." MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. Discussion developed regarding damage made to trees by the Contractor due to negligence. Tape 3/Side B Manager McLemore stated, "I think I'm going to check from the legal side of it but I would like to get on record with the guy, in writing and put on the record, that he has been warned and he continued to do it." "I am going to do that tomorrow," stated Manager McLemore. Mr. Starmer requested that Ms. Kangee Graham, Landscape Maintenance Consultant and Mr. Michael Mingea, City Forester/Environmental Inspector, Code Enforcement Division, Community Development Department, ascertain a replacement value for the trees. The Committee discussed the rough transItIon of the pavers on Winter Springs Boulevard, and agreed to monitor the brick pavers over the next six (6) months. Mr. Starmer agreed to review industry standards. Discussion. Ms. Graham distributed a letter to the Committee Members, followed by a brief discussion on the drainage of the ponds and surrounding property, and site elevations. Manager McLemore asked Mr. Starmer to "Put that on your list to check." IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS This Agenda Item was not discussed. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING -APRIL 30, 2002 PAGE70F7 V. REPORTS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT With consensus of the Committee, Chairman Gilmore adjourned the Special Meeting at 11 :27 p.m. \BOARDS\ Tuseawillalalll\minutes\2002\043002 SPECIALdoc NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the June 18, 2002 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Meeting.