HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 04 16 Tuscawilla lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 16, 2002 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Donald A. Gilmore called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., Tuesday, March 19,2002 in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Donald A. Gilmore, present Vice Chairman Gary Hillery, present Committee Member Rande Thompson, present Committee Member Moti Khemlani, present Committee Member Linda Tillis, present II. CONSENT CONSENT A. Approval Of The March 19,2002 Regular Meeting Minutes. Chairman Gilmore asked, "Do I hear a Motion." Committee Member Rande Thompson added, "Second page, very bottom. I was talking about the sidewalk being too close to Vistawilla. It's not the fact that it was too close, it was more of the fact that some of the Community had talked about putting some kind of a railing up there because of it's proximity to the road for kids. I'd like that to be noted in there. " MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. "I MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 19TH AS AMENDED." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion ensued regarding citizen's requests to install a railing along the western side of Vistawilla Boulevard, where the sidewalk is at a close proximity to the roadway. Chairman Gilmore suggested, "I think it's an issue with the City and George [Edwards, Capital Projects Coordinator, Public Works Department] should look at that." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING ANI) BEAUTIFICATION DISTl~ICT ADVISORY COMMITrEE REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 16,2002 PAGE 2 OF 7 Mr. Scott Ritchey, 155 Cherry Creek Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: for continuity throughout the Tuscawilla community, Mr. Ritchey suggested better lighting be installed along collector routes. Discussion developed. Mr. Dan Bennett, 153 Cherry Creek Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of damage made to the entrance of "The Reserve at Tuscawilla" by two (2) different Contractors. Much discussion. Mr. Bennett said, "George [Edwards] mentioned to me that there has been five thousand ($5,000.00) withheld from Al Roe, is that correct?" Mr. Edwards stated, "That is correct." Mr. Bennett said, "Fifteen thousand ($15,000.00) from the other gentleman?" Mr. Edwards answered, "Correct." Mr. Bennett stated, "If for some reason we can not have these people show up and we resolve this, and I submit you a bill, are you going to cut me the check to fix my problem out there if! can't get these guys together? Because as you know over the months I have scheduled several Meetings with these guys. And as I told you on the phone, no more, my time is up. If they don't show up this time where do we go next because then it's going to be more costly on both ends." Mr. Edwards stated, "Well, we'll take the money out of Cathcart's contract." Mr. Bennett said, "Okay, so we're going to submit to you a check for the repairs that we're going to be doing. We will submit a check from the "Reserve at Tuscawilla," not a check but a bill from the "Reserve at Tuscawilla," to repair our damages if we cannot meet at this last Meeting. We want to resolve the problem, we want the decision maker there. I am assuming it is Matt [Blanchard] and it is Al [Roe], is that cOlTect?" Mr. Edwards answered to the affirmative. Mr. Bennett reiterated, "Okay, I have no problem if that Meeting is occurred. If not then we'll send you a bill - you will pay us a check." Mr. Bennet also spoke of a "Wake up letter" listing $20,000.00 in damages he sent to the City. Committee Member Khemlani stated, "I think we should have Ron [McLemore] and Kip [Lockcuff, Public WorkslUtility Department Director] come down here" to discuss this matter. Tape I/Side 8 Discussion followed on the status of a possible reimbursement. Chairman Gilmore stated, "George [Edwards] I think you need to get with Ron [McLemore] and resolve it." Mr. Edwards stated, "Well, actually I report directly to Kip [Lockcuff]." Chairman Gilmore stated, "Well then you tell Kip [Lockcuff]. Maybe Kip [Lockcuff] should be here." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCA WILLA LIGI.ITING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 16,2002 PAGE 3 OF 7 The Committee discussed resuming Public Meetings every two (2) weeks. Discussion regarding the management of the Tuscawilla Beautification District and the Town Center ensued. Committee Member Khemlani asked, "Can I go home assured that there has been an Action Item from either the Minutes or you [Mr. Edwards] to talk to Mr. Ron McLemore and explain to him that this process - that we need to have a discussion of how this process needs to be pulled together where we have this tight control or aggressive follow through?" Chairman Gilmore advised, "All right, I will take care of that." After further discussion regarding responsibilities, Mr. Starmer stated to Mr. Bennett, "This - is between George [Edwards] and myself to try and take the issue and get it resolved." Mr. Edwards agreed. III. REGULAR REGULAI~ A. Report From Mr. Bill Starmer, President, Starmer Ranaldi Planning And Architecture, Inc. (sri). Mr. Edwards distributed a copy of the "Monthly Status Report - March 2002" to the Committee Members. Discussion. In regards to the Vistawilla entrance, the following problems were noted: >- Weeds prevalent. >- Half a brick has fallen out of the wall. >- Crack in sidewalk. >- Missing a brick cap. >- Holes need to be plugged. >- The "A" in the signage is popping out. Discussion developed on the location of signage and letters "Popping off' and Mr. Starmer stated, "We'll take a look at it, we'll assess it and we'll see that it gets fixed." Tape 2/Side A Ms. Kangee Graham, Landscape Consultant, spoke of the Seneca Boulevard wall bricks being an inch and a half (1 Yz") off. Mr. Starmer stated, "1' lllook at it." Discussion developed on the pond at the Winter Springs Boulevard west entrance, the potential problems due to the unacceptable finish and the red mortar stain from the installation of the wall, and solutions. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 16,2002 PAGE 4 OF? Chairman Gilmore stated to Mr. Edwards, "I'd say that it is the temperament of this Board that you go back to the Contractor and - say solve the problem, it's unacceptable." With discussion, the Committee agreed to hold a Special Meeting within the next two (2) weeks - the date to be determined by the Office of the City Clerk. Committee Member Khemlani departed the Meeting at 9:02 p.m. Mr. Edwards distributed "Contract Change Order Number Three", "Contract Change Order Number Four", and "TiBD Construction Improvements Balance Sheet". Tape 2/Side B Discussion. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON. "THE LINE ITEM NUMBER THIRTY (30), "CHANGE ORDER NUMBER FOUR (4)", I MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE ADDITIONAL THREE (3) SECONDARY WALLS - FOR DYSON, HOWELL CREEK, AND DEER RUN AT $47,140.83." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRMAN GILMORE: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion developed with Mr. Starmer, addressing "Change Order Number Three". Chairman Gilmore recessed the Meeting at 10:09 p.m. Tape 3/Side A Chairman Gilmore reconvened the Meeting at J 0: 12 p. m. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON. "I MAKE A MOTION, AND AGAIN THESE ARE ON APPROXIMA TE DOLLARS, I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE THE APPROXIMATE FORTY-SIX (46) PADDLE SIGN INCREASE AND THE ELEVEN (11) REVISED SIGNAGE, MEANING STOP SIGNS, NECESSARY SIGNAGE, AND THE APPROXIMATE DOLLAR VALUE OF THAT IS $18,700.00." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 16,2002 PAGE 5 OF 7 VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE CHAIRMAN GILMORE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY. "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE ITEMS TWO (2), THREE (3), ANJ[) FIVE (5), SLEEVE IRRIGATION, INSTALLATION OF FIFTY-FIVE (55) CURB AT SENECA, AND TUSCORA WALL MODIFICA TIONS." SECONDEJ[) BY COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON : AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE CHAIRMAN GILMORE: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED AS DOCUMENTED. .:. .:. REGULAR C. Pavers On Winter Springs Boulevard At Seneca Drive. Discussion. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. "I MOVE THAT WE DO NOT APPROVE ITEM TWENTY -NINE (29), ADDING BRICK PAVERS TO ISLAND TWENTY-THREE (23)." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE CHAIRMAN GILMORE: NAY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 16,2002 PAGE 6 OF 7 .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE BOARD AGREED TO DISCUSS REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "A" AGAIN. .:..:. III. REGULAR REGULAR A. Report From Mr. Bill Starmer, President, Starmer Ranaldi Planning And Architecture, Inc. (sri). Discussion. Chairman Gilmore stated, "I would like to hear a Motion that we authorize Starmer [Bill] and Kip [Lockcuff] or whomever, to proceed to correct the problems on north and south sides of Winter Springs [Boulevard] and Tuskawilla [Road], to the tune of approximately $11,963.00, in accordance with our discussions tonight." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY. "I MOVE." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. DISCUSSION. CHAIRMAN GILMORE STATED, "I THINK THAT IT'S NOT UNFAIR TO ASK THE ARCHITECT AND THE CITY ENGINEERING PEOPLE TO, IF NOTHING MORE, MAKE A SKETCH OF THAT AREA, AND SHOW US SOME GRADE ELEVATIONS ON IT. IS THAT A FAIR STATEMENT BILL [STARMER]?" MR. STARMER ANSWERED, "YOU CAN ASK WHATEVER YOU WANT." VOTE: CHAIRMAN GILMORE: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER THOMPSON: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR B. Sight Distance Requirements. This Agenda Item was not discussed. REGULAR D. Status Of The Landscape And Hardscape Maintenance Supervisor Contract. This Agenda Item was not discussed. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITrEE REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 16,2002 PAGE 7 OF 7 IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Construction Review. V. REPORTS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT With consensus of the Committee, Chairman Gilmore adjourned the Meeting at 10:35 p.m. \BOARDS\Tuscawilla\alll\minutes\2002\04I602 REGULAR.doc NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the May 7, 2002 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Meeting.