HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 04 17 Tuscawilla lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 17,2001 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Donald Gilmore called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 17, 2001, in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call Chairman Donald A. Gilmore, present Vice Chairman Gary Hillery, present Committee Member Lee Jensen, absent Committee Member Moti Khemlani, present Committee Member Linda Tillis, arrived at 7:49 p.m. Also Presen t Mr. George Edwards, P.E., LL.B., Capital Projects Coordinator Ms. Kangee Graham, Landscape Management Consultant Mr. William Starmer, President, Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc. ( sri ) Approval Of The April 3, 2001 Special Meeting Minutes. The Committee discussed the absence of Committee Member Jensen. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLARY. "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE THE MINUTES." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. DISCUSSION. THE COMMITTEE APPROVED THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. MOTION CARRIED. .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS ARE DOCUMENTED IN THE ORDER DISCUSSED. .:. .:. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITIEE REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 17,2001 PAGE 2 OF 4 II. REGULAR AGENDA B. Easement Agreement At Shetland Avenue Mr. Fernando Fuentes, 985 Shetland Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the Committee with his opinions of the three (3) Shetland entrance plans, proposed Plan B, and requested the City pay for several items. The Committee discussed the Shetland entrance plans. The Committee decided to use Plan B. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY, "I MAKE A MOTION WE TURN THIS OVER TO MR. STARMER TO GIVE US A DRAWING AND COST ESTIMATE FOR WHAT WE HAVE DISCUSSED THIS EVENING, SO THAT WE CAN MODIFY IT OR APPROVE IT, THE CIRCULAR DRIVEWAY, THE ITEMS THAT ARE LISTED ON THE 17 APRIL LIST." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. DISCUSSION. MOTION APPROVED BY CONSENSUS. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. William Starmer, President, Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc. (srz), asked Mr. Fuentes, "You don't have any problem with the City having a surveyor come down and get estimates, and sizes of those trees?" Mr. Fuentes stated, "No. Let me know when you have something that I need to look at." Mr. Starmer added, "So with that, I am indirectly asking George to have Tinklepaugh expand their survey, so we can pick up the driveway and trees." Mr. George Edwards, P.E., LL.B., Capital Projects Coordinator, agreed to do this. Tape I/Side B Discussion ensued on a handout provided by Mr. Edwards concernmg the Public Improvements and Maintenance Easement and Agreement from the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association. Committee Member Linda Tillis arrived at 7:49 p.m. Chairman Gilmore stated, "May I make a suggestion that the word 'to' in front of 'Tuscawilla' be eliminated before they approve that - in the last sentence." He also stated, "So I take it that the City is redoing this, right?" Mr. Edwards said, "Anthony said he would get the Easement documents back to me within a week. I will then take them to Mervin Warner and see if we can't get them signed." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITIEE REGULAR MEETING - APRlL 17,2001 PAGE 3 OF 4 Discussion. Tape 2/Side A Mr. Mervin Warner, 673 Keuka Court, President of the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association: spoke of his verbal agreement with the City Manager regarding refunding funds. He also spoke of an easement reimbursement of funds for Attorney fees. Discussion ensued. The consensus of the Committee was that a letter regarding funds should "Come to us through Ron McLemore". Discussion ensued regarding the reimbursement of Attorney fees. Chairperson Gilmore asked Mr. Edwards, "Under the terms of the Easement, are we obligated to pay theiE Attorney fees?" Mr. Edwards stated, "No. The Easement specifies that the parties pay their own fees." [Mr. Edwards clarified that this pertains to "The Easement document itself, and Attorney's fees that might occur as a consequence of a dispute in the document, after the document has been executed."] The Committee then advised Mr. Warner to submit a bill to the Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee. Discussion on the Tuscawilla entrance at Seneca Boulevard and Winter Springs Boulevard followed. A. Maintenance Specifications Ms. Kangee Graham, Landscape Management Consultant, spoke of Cathcart Construction and their subcontractors. Ms. Graham stated that the specs for maintenance are complete and Mr. Edwards has them. Discussion. C. Contract Construction. Mr. Edwards explained to the Committee that In two (2) weeks the Bonds will be executed, and we can proceed after that. D. Sale Of The Bonds Chairperson Gilmore asked, "When is the Bond issued sales going in?" Mr. Edwards responded, according to City Attorney Garganese, "In a couple of weeks." Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITIEE REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 17,200 I PAGE 4 OF 4 III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Wall Discussion . Dyson Entrance . Maintenance Specifications . Rescheduling Of Meetings The Committee agreed to hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, May 2,2001. The Committee asked for either City Manager Ron McLemore, or a representative attend the Special Meeting on May 2,2001, to discuss the plans for the Dyson entrance. Chairperson Gilmore asked the City Clerk's Office to determine if the TuscawiIla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee could hold their meetings on Wednesdays, instead of Tuesdays, due to Committee Member Lee Jensen's other commitments. IV. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. "I MOVE THAT WE ADJOURN." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY. DISCUSSION. THE COMMITTEE AGREED TO THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 9:14 p.m. NOTE: These minutes were approved at the May 15,2001 Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Committee Meeting. Docs\ Word\BOARDS\ Tuscawilla\aIIl\minutes\200 1 \mintlbdac-04 I 701 regular.doc