HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 03 21 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRlNGS MINUTES TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MARCH 21, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER . Chairman Donald A. Gilmore called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:07 p.m., Tuesday, March 21, 2000, in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call Chairman Donald A. Gilmore, present Vice Chairman Gary Hillery, present Committee Member Moti Khemlani, present Committee Member George Morris, present Committee Member Linda Tillis, present Also Present Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E., Public WorkslUtility Director Ms. Kangee Graham, Landscape Management Consultant Approval of the February 15,2000 Regular Meeting Minutes MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS. "I MOVE THAT WE ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 2000." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER MORRIS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI: AYE CHAIRMAN GILMORE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. II. REGULAR AGENDA A. Finalization of Easements and Agreements Discussion ensued regarding that a fence was being constructed on Father Bluett's property and the County trimming the trees. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 21. 2000 PAGE20F4 Committee Member George Morris stated for the record, "I mentioned last year when we were talking about donating a wall to a Christian organization or Church type organization that we were going to be called out of line. Now I think if we continue that course that's going to come up in the next court case. I don't see why we should have to donate anything to the Diocese." Chairman Donald Gilmore stated, "This was not a donation. This is what we, as a Board wanted, to blend on both sides of the street. I don't know that we're -, we are not donating anything. We said we wanted those walls to extend because we didn't like it on the south side." Committee Member Moti Khemlani stated, "I remember, to go on record. I went on record saying that if Father Bluett was not going to help us in this endeavor to ask the Parish to put the pressure on, it was more like accommodation from the church side towards us rather than the other way around." Committee Member Morris stated, "I don't want to tie this up. I recall specifically the fellow on the other corner came here and offered to let us have his property right a way or whatever, to build an entrance there. At that time it was a smaller entrance like the other entrances. Then we got into the case about Father Bleutt and suddenly he has this whole wall there. The young man, property owner, has a wooden wall with some concrete posts so we over did it for the Father and then suddenly we decided that we're also make the other side the same way so both of those properties are going to get extensive walls along Tuskawilla Road. Committee Member Khemlani then stated for the record, "I would like to hear other members comments on this, on record, because I don't think it is a donation. I think it is important that all of us go on record." Committee Member Linda Tillis stated, "To my recollection, I would lean more towards yours and Moti's opinion, as I recall some of the discussion Kangee mentioned. We looked at this, and wanted a symmetric looking thing and it didn't make sense to stop the wall in the middle of someone's property so we extended it. That makes sense to me, I don't have a problem with it." Committee Member Gary Hillery stated, " I thought it was a quid pro quo arrangement. We were trying to convince him that we wanted to do this and we weren't sure he was going to do it so we went ahead and decided to extend it but I don't remember the details or the discussion. I just remember that was what I understood" Chairman Gilmore stated, "As I remember it, there were two issues. One we wanted something and we gave something in return but as much as in any single thing we thought it would look kind of dull just sitting there by it's self, with a wooden wall and some other things. I think some of us had a little concern about the kids, I know I did." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 21,2000 PAGE 3 OF4 Ms. Kangee Graham stated, ''The length of wall or us building a wall had a impact on him, I really don't feel that had a impact on him going in and okaying that easement. I feel that it was a bonus and it was based on what Bill Starmer said, and I brought up at one of our meetings why we didn't do the whole thing because it didn't make any sense to have a partial wall and everyone said 'No, no where do we stop, how long, how far.' but then when Mr. Starmer came in and said, 'it's not going to look right, - we need to do that,' everyone was in agreement with that. So, that's how I remember it." Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E., Public WorkslUtility Director informed the Committee that the issue would be revisited because easement agreements have not been exchanged and members could "Reconsider, refresh your memories or whatever". B. Maintenance Specifications Mr. Lockcuff informed the Committee of the status of the Shetland Avenue easement; that he will have drafts of the easements at the next meeting; that the legal descriptions will be completed for May's meeting; of the status of the annexation proposal of the Dyson Road; that the Maintenance Agreement was given to him; and that he needs to know ifpest control and fertilization will be separate contracts. Discussion ensued regarding contracts for fertilization, pest control, lawn maintenance, and irrigation; Ms. Graham preparing a pro/con list on all the details regarding keeping the services separate or combined in the contracts; and Chairman Gilmore requested Committee Members to review the Maintenance Agreement before the next meeting. Mr. Lockcuff informed the Committee that on March 13, the City Commission agreed to hire Attorney Arthur England for the City's appeal. The Committee discussed the lawsuit; a pond in the road at Lynx Trail and Leopard Trail; damage to residents yards from cars driving off the road on Citrus Road, Shetland Avenue and Calico Court which Mr. Lockcuff agreed to look into it; and the Committee complimented the Parks and Recreation Department on Trotwood Park's improvements. Mr. Lockcuff departed at 7:50 p.m C. Continuing Development of the Committee's Procedure Manual The Committee discussed how the proposed By-laws were developed and it was decided that the Committee would review the By-laws, page by page and make changes and corrections as needed. Tape l/Side B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMIlTEE REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 21, 2000 PAGE 4 OF 4 Discussion ensued regarding that the City Clerk's Office would make the changes agreed upon by the Committee; and at a future meeting, the By-laws would be reviewed again. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI. "I MOVE THAT WE ACCEPT LINDA'S SUGGESTION TO HAVE THE BY-LAWS TYPED ACCORDINGLY FOR FINAL REVIEW." COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS SECONDED. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER MORRIS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER KHEMLANI: AYE CHAIRMAN GILMORE: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. E. Other Business The Committee's next meeting will be April 18. 2000. III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Discussion of Easements and Agreements . Maintenance Specifications . Review of the Committee's Procedure Manual IV. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN HILLERY. "I MOVE THAT WE ADJOURN THIS MEETING". COMMITTEE MEMBER TILLIS SECONDED. THE COMMITTEE AGREED TO THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. Chairman Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 8:43 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Debbie Gillespie, City Clerk's Office City of Winter Springs DOCS\Arl\Comminees\TLBDAC\M INUTES\1999\minllbdac-0321 OO.doc