HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 08 07 Planning and Zoning Board Special Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 7, 2001 I. CALL TO ORDER The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Plmming Agency Special Meeting was called to order Tuesday, August 7, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Tom Brown in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call: Chairman Bill Fernandez, absent Vice Chairman Tom Brown, present Board Member Brent Gregory, present Board Member Rosanne Karr, present Board Member Carl Stephens, Jr., present II. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR A. Discussion of Comprehensive Plan Elements. Vice Chairman Brown read a Memorandum from Mr. Earnest McDonald, AICP, Advance Planning Coordinator and then said, "I spoke with Mr. McDonald on the phone to plan this Meeting a little bit. And what I would like to do if it is agreeable with the Board, I have made a mock up of the thirteen (13) Elements that are in the Comprehensive Plan. Some of these, of course like I stated are - we do not have the information yet. Other ones we have the complete information and partial information. We will go through these first - go through them and check out all the various ones that everyone has information and we'll collectively put them on here and what I spoke to Mr. McDonald about was I would turn these over this evening. This is Planning and Zoning's sheets that I have set up along with the EAR book at the end of the Meeting and Debbie will give this to Mr. McDonald who will then work with the people from the Land Design and then he is going to return these to me by the 20th so we as the Planning and Zoning Board will have all of our information in front of us so we can readily discuss any items that were not picked up in the drafts. Is this satisfactory with the Board?" Board Member Brent Gregory said, "Mr. Chairman, point of clarification and a request. Before that Meeting I had read them on a cursory bases and then after that Meeting I went back and I read them again and made all my notations. And I was wondering since some of this material is new to us tonight, I'm just worried that we're going to get deep in to this, we're not going to get to all of them and I prefer, from my own prospective, if we CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - AUGUST 7, 2001 PAGE 2 OF 8 could do the ones we've already started again. Then I can give you all the comments I'm really sure of." Vice Chairman Brown agreed. The Board discussed the "Marking up" of one (1) copy of the Elements when Board Member Rosanne Karr said, "If you want I can write them on there." Discussion. Vice Chairman Brown stated, "We did not have all the pages on the Future Land Use so I would request that we save that for the last one this evening, if that's satisfactory. We don't have all the pages, this will be one that we'll have to review if we do get the pages prior to the 20th and then complete that one. Everyone should have pages 1-32 through 1- 41." Discussion. Vice Chairman Brown said, "Our Meeting in September is a Public Meeting - that means if we get them on the 19th we'll still have a few days but we're going to be working individually and try to get them as best we can into the second section. Then we have the 5th. Then I believe there's - the 24th of September, so that gives us another month. The City Commission will hold a Public Hearing so I'm sure that anything that we find up to the 24th - because they're going to be - I don't know how much effort they're going to be able to get into these pages but I'm going to put as much effort, this Board is, that we can. And I think we will. So that gives us to the 24th. So, if we - have any corrections or additions that we want to make we can come to the 24th Meeting of the City Commission, which is their final Meeting for transmittal. And if we have anything that we've caught at that time, as the Planning and Zoning Board, I'm sure that they would accept it as of that date, so we really have until the 24th of September as a dead deadline." Further discussion. The Board made the following general suggestions: . That every element should have a cover sheet; each page is marked draft; every draft is time stamped: and a definitions section be developed for graphs, charts, maps, tables, and figures. Board Member Karr commented, "Can I just add one thing. In addition to what you are saying about the tables, the charts, the figures. They should - the table, any figures, any maps should be inserted immediately after they are called out, instead of put at the end of the Chapter, lumped together at the end of the Chapter. Because that's the way documents should be put together so you won't forget what this is about." . "All acronyms should be indicated, what they mean, who they are in the beginning somewhere in the Comprehensive Plan." . That Page sequences be correct. . Define map chart graph and exhibit. . That each Element should state a purpose. Vice Chairman Brown complimented the Consultants on including many of the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendations in the Comprehensive Plan. Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - AUGUST 7. 2001 PAGE 3 OF 8 Next, Vice Chairman Brown requested that Mr. McDonald listen to the tape of tonight's Meeting. POPULATION Board Member Karr referred to Page P-1 B. "HISTORIC POPULATION TRENDS 1960-2000", fourth paragraph, and requested an explanation to "Why we have slowed annexations?" Board Member Gregory said, "But what it said was - at some place in this report that the big land areas that are contiguous to Winter Springs has already been annexed. Now it is only little parcels here, a little parcel there, and they're not real populated like over toward the Black Hammock area so that we wouldn't be getting people, we might be getting a little land around the lake and what have you - but Battle Ridge was the example." Board Member Karr stated, "I didn't feel like that it explained very well, the slowed annexations, and the reason why we're not pursuing, because there is one specific intersection I'm thinking of that we could really actively seek as an annexation and that's Tuskawilla and Red Bug." Board Member Gregory suggested "I agree with you on that annexation. But maybe what you should be asking is, 'How did you arrive at this conclusion and would you please explain.' Because obviously they talked to somebody to write this report so someone is telling them this is what we are doing." Board Member Karr agreed and said, "Right, okay, so do you want me to write in there, 'Explain annexations'." Vice Chairman Brown requested, "Reference 1-4 in the EAR also." Board Member Gregory said, "Or is this the feeling of the Consultants or is there some documented evidence that we are acquiring less property and we don't see it." "Referring to Page P-3 E. "EY ALUATION OF FORECASTS", Board Member Karr asked, "Did 9J5 ask us to provide results with each technique, if not why include it. Do you understand those comments?" Tape I /Side B Vice Chairman Brown then said, "You can generalize your notes on the sheet that we are turning in because Mr. McDonald is going to listen to the tape." Referring to Board Member Karr's prior comment Board Member Gregory stated, "I had a huge problem with that also because when you turn back here - I forget what page number is, but where you got the table, where it talks about the future population projections and it talks about geometric and linear and it goes - the disparity in those projections is like night and day. And I just found myself wishing that they would in an in sync way in that report come up with a number and then tell us why. They could reference the fact that linear and geometrically are five thousand percent (5,000%) different but what is the number that we are really expecting, and I just never could find that number." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - AUGUST 7, 2001 PAGE 4 OF 8 Board Member Karr said, "But where does it come from and why is it relevant? I wrote 'It's umealistic.' Is it relevant when they said 806,481 residents? That will never happen." Board Member Gregory responded, "And if you don't know how many residents, how can you plan for your City's growth if you have no idea how many residents you're going to have. I mean you have to get this nailed down, better than that. " Regarding Page P-4, last paragraph, Board Member Karr asked, "What are we doing to encourage employers to come to the City?" Brief discussion. Board Member Karr then referred to Page P-5 and stated, "We're saying do we want more growth, its talking about - as noted above it 'It is unlikely that Winter Springs will experience an annual growth rate as high as it was in the past, rendering the geometric forecast unfeasible.' And that to me was repeating what we were saying earlier about - talking about the geometric forecast of 806,481, which is completely out of the ballpark. I just wondered, why do we have to say it all?" Discussion. INFRASTRUCTURE With discussion, Board Member Carl Stephens, Jr. voiced his concern that the question of "What are we going to do to protect the aquifer?" is not addressed in the Element along with a map. Discussion. The Board discussed Page IV -4 b. Local Regulations. Vice Chairman Brown suggested that "There should be tie-ins between the Lake Jesup maps, and so forth in Section 2." RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE Vice Chairman Brown said, "I went through quite a bit of this and the major one that I found, I'm surprise that we have an inventory of Private Recreational Facilities which is Page VI-22. And I don't know whether this is supposed to be all the private recreational facilities that are here, in the City of Winter Springs or not but I assume it is. Anyway the Wedgewood Tennis Villas is missing, it has one clubhouse, four (4) tennis courts. Greenbrier has a swimming pool. I'm not aware - whether their clubhouse is called a clubhouse. Georgetown also has a pool. The development on Vistawilla, which I don't remember the name - they have a pool because you can see it right on Vistawilla Drive and this chart would have to be completed if this is all the private recreational facilities." Board Member Stephens spoke of "Green spaces and open space" not being shown in this Element. Vice Chairman Brown said, "Okay, Carl I've listed on the cover page your Shore Road, green space." Board Member Stephens said, "Just mention it that's all CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - AUGUST 7, 2001 PAGES0F8 because they dOh't mention Shore Road there or anywhere." Board Member Stephens further stated "What I worry about is that if we don't list it some day will it disappear?" Brief discussion followed about a swimming pool. It was discussed that pages VI-2 through VI-9 were missing. Board Member Gregory commented that on Page VI-IO, just above community parks, "The last sentence of that last paragraph say 'Map VI-2 depicts existing and future portions of the 'Cross Seminole Trail.' So I turned to page VI-21, which has that VI-2, and I don't see anything about a map of 'Cross Seminole Trails.' This is a chart about a parks and recreation facilities." Board Member Karr asked, "Is there not a map? There is a map - behind there. It says Map VI-2 'Cross Seminole Trail. ", Board Member Karr said, "There's no page number. That's why I said that each call out should be right behind it's reference." Board Member Gregory said "It should be Exhibit 2 instead of a map or chart with the same number because it's confusing." Vice Chairman Brown responded, "I got it. VI-2, 'Cross Seminole Trail', no page number. Please add page numbers, again, like I said and in order." Board Member Gregory questioned including Gold's Gym and AMC Theaters in the list of Private Facilities. Board Member Gregory added referring to Page VI-13, last paragraph, first two sentences, "I guess I just - question that being put so close to Gold's Gym. It seems to me that they are saying as long as there is a Gold's Gym in the area we can develop new houses but if you don't have a Gold's Gym - I just think that should be separated from number two (2) by a space or something because it just reads wrong to me." Board Member Karr said, "I understood that to mean that if there's already a Gold's Gym there that you don't want another one within a certain number of miles from it because it's already there you don't need another one." Board Member Gregory spoke of the City developing a Concurrency Ordinance and stated, "I think there needs to be some - maybe a transition between Private Facilities and Concurrency Ordinance would be in order. I would just suggest a transition phrase or something. I don't think they mean there - can't be two (2) Gold's Gym." Board Member Karr said, "Again I think that's where Tom was saying that they need to expand their list on Table 6-3." Vice Chairman Brown stated, "Yes, - I have indexed it in this mock up. There's a lot of references back to the EARs, the City has several parks throughout the City - Private Facilities. Then they mention basketball courts and - that are maintained and they don't cover - I don't think it ever came up like on the Gold's Gym. But I did hear Mr. Gregory, I referenced you, which I'm sure you don't mind and the problem with this Gold's Gym and what's the story between these." Tape 2/Side A Board Member Gregory questioned if the "Documentation can support the whole City's recreational needs" referring to Page VI -14 and the Board agreed that this should be CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - AUGUST 7, 2001 PAGE 6 OF 8 rewritten. Vice 'Chairman Brown agreed and commented, "1 made a note indicating on VI-14 that this be rewritten and rearranged." Board Member Karr informed the Board the following corrections should be made: on Page VI-IS under Regional Facilities, the third line down there should be a period and not a coma; and Page VI-16, d. Mini Parks, second paragraph, on the fourth line the word "consequentially" should be "consequently". Board Member Gregory said that there should be a section for definitions of terms such as private parks and mini parks. He further added that "On Page VI-20 that's the second page - is it a table or a chart - the inventory of City parks and recreation facilities, it (VI- I) is the table number you turn the page it's continuation but it is not labeled." The following were suggested by Board Member Karr: throughout the document the word "City" should be capitalized or not; that on Page VI-34 Objective 1.3, "Standard" should be added in italics as the title; on Page VI-34, Policy 1.4.2, in the second sentence, the word "impact" should be "effect"; and Page VI-35 Policy 1.7.4 in the second line, the first word "Mater" should be "Master". Vice Chairman Brown recessed the Meeting at 8:47 p.m. Th.e Meeting was called back to order at 8:51 p.m. by Vice Chairman Brown. FUTURE LAND USE Board Member Gregory commented that on Page 1-32, the Chart "Where it says Conservation and Conservation Overlay Not Applicable. I just do not like that 'Not Applicable' because if you scan this report they mention Conservation Overlay. If it was 'Not Applicable' then they wouldn't be talking about it in the Future Land Use throughout the whole report." Board Member Karr said, "What I think it is saying these are the - you can't use that land so you can't - there is no maximum density or intensity." Board Member Gregory responded, "Then let's just say cannot be developed but 'Not Applicable'." He referred to Page 1-33 and stated "How can it be 'Not Applicable' if it's got policies. If it isn't applicable then it shouldn't even be in the report." Regarding Page 1-37, under "Home Occupations", Board Member Gregory said, "On the Home Occupations, there are four (4) bullets and 1 take exception to some of this wording. He read the first bullet and said, "That means I can't have workers - come from outside and come to my house to work every day, Well that's fine but.. Then the last bullet says 'The number of employees for the home occupation cannot exceed two employees due to parking limitations.' And I'm thinking what if my house has three (3) occupants, they can't park at my house." Board Member Gregory further stated, "So I just thought that needs to be clarified. 1 would recommend, since that conflicts that the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - AUGUST 7, 2001 PAGE 7 OF 8 first one be changed to say 'Business activities within the home should shall be conducted. ,,, Regarding "Natural Resource Protection ", Board Member Karr suggested on Page 1-34, Objective 1.2, "I'm wanting to see some quantification there, to what percentage, limit by a certain percentage or how are we going to limit it?" Then, under Policy 1.2.1, it was suggested that the last sentence under Septic Tanks, the word "is" should be "in". Furthermore, on Page 1-36, Policy 1.4.5, regarding Discourage Urban Sprawl and Encourage Redevelopment, Board Member Karr stated, "I just wanted it to have some quantifiable standard." Board Member Gregory asked, "What do you mean by that? What do you mean by quantifiable standards, for what?" Board Member Karr answered, "Well because I - how much infill development are they going to say is appropriate. That's a legal way out to say it's appropriate to the character of the neighborhood. And who decides what the character of the neighbor hood is?" CONSERVATION Referring to Page 1-41 Board Member Gregory said "I just have one more comment on this - and that's about the where you locate public schools." Board Member Gregory specifically suggested, "It just seemed like - 'Schools shall not be located in a flood plain, schools should not be on top of a wetlands' - I just didn't understand that at all. 'Schools should minimize detrimental impact on residential neighborhoods.' Well, they already do." Board Member Gregory read Page 4 l, Policy 1.11.4. Board Member Karr said, "I said it should at least satisfy the minimum standards because just to satisfy the minimum standards doesn't sound like much. Can you write that in there?" Board Member Stephens referred to page V-9, d. Protection of Ground Water and again questioned, "What are we doing to protect the water recharge, the land in the water recharge area?' Members of the .Board commented on not having done the Transportation, Drainage, and Conservation Elements yet. The Board discussed the possibility of an additional Special Meeting and the City Commission's possible August 20,2001 Workshop. V. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER KARR. "I MOVE THAT WE ADJOURN." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE BOARD THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - AUGUST 7, 2001 PAGE 8 OF 8 Vice Chairman Brown adjourned the Meeting at 9: 11 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ~;, &tJw-,~-^~) DEBBIE GILLESPIE DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: 4IJOiu / -- TOM BROWN, ~~E CHA~AN PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY \Docs\ Word\BOARDS\PLANNING\allI\M INUTES\200 I \08070 I SPECIAL.doc NOTE: These minutes were approved at the Od. "1 ,2001 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Meeting.