HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 03 23 Regular 605 Re-Roof Civic CenterCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 605
March 23, 2009
Regular Meeting
Public Hearing
Re ular X
Mgr. / Dept.
REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department is requesting that the City Commission
approve a supplemental appropriation from General Fund Reserves up to the
amount of $27,484 to provide the funding to re-roof the Civic Center by Collis
Roofing Company.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to provide the necessary funding to re-roof the Civic
Center prior to the rainy season.
• The Civic Center roof leaked again in seven (7) different locations during Tropical Storm Fay.
It is rotted in several places, including a hole in the west end of the building as big as a fist.
• Staff listed the roof in Category E (Building and Equipment) for potential FEMA or Insurance
Funding. It was inspected by adjusters. The roof was deemed to be old and deteriorated. The
final insurance ruling was that the damage sustained did not meet the 5% windstorm
• The Civic Center roof appears to be the original roof. It has been patched several times over
the past 20 years for roof leaks.
• The Civic Center is used for various classes and programs, rentals (including weddings and
parties), and the Spring and Summer Day Camps.
• Due to the fact that the Winter and Spring have been dry, no problems have occurred in the
building. However, due to the deteriorated, aged, and potentially unsafe conditions which
would occur again during a rainy season, staff recommends the re-roofing of the Civic Center.
• Staff solicited quotes and received four (4) from $24,985 to $26,900. The quotes were as
Collis - $24,985
Hall and Brothers - $25,333
Martin - $26,283
DR&G, Inc. - $26,900
The best and lowest was Collis Roofing at $24,985. Staff recommends a 10% contingency for
deteriorated and or rotten wood. A total of $27,484.
• Sufficient funding for the expenditure is not available in any Parks and Recreation budget.
Agenda Item Regular 605
March 23, 2009
Page 2
$24,985 and 10% contingency, total $27,484 from General Fund Reserves.
The Parks and Recreation Department is recommending that the City Commission approve re-
roofing the Civic Center with a supplemental appropriation from General Fund Reserves not to
exceed $27,484.
Attachment #1 Tropical Storm Fay Listing and Denials
Attachment #2 Collis Roofing Re-roof estimate
92/16x2999 15:97 799099999
PAGE 91/92
', r ' R ~ ~ n i 25 E Colaniol 1?riva • t'.0. Box 530065.Orlanda, FL 3Y853-0065 • Phone: (4077 425-91 ~l2 ~ fez: (407} 925-9318
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~ ./~r- 2008 FlC Eegislative Conference ; 004 F1(Annual (onference
November 20-21, 2008 August 13-1 i, 2009
Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport Hotel Orlando World Center Morriait
TO: Y1 ' .
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hove been seM,
City of Winter Springs
Tropical Stmm Faye
Statement of Loss
Insurable ~
Location i Description ~ Limit Deductible 5N. Loss Damage 'Settlement Loss Description _
08.002 1Civic Center $273,000 $5,460.t1U $21,b/b.UO 0
-_-- - --- --- --
- 0 :FIaI rnodiGed bitumen roof was leaking. No
------ --
• ~ iwinrr rfamano nr li[[inn u~ac [n. inrt r aa4:nn
~ ---.- - .- --
._-._ _. --__- .-._-._. .__- ... -_ - _... _ __ ---
---.-.. _ ... -.
__. _- -_ ---
:roof resulted in interior ceiling file damage and
' ~ minimal watt staining. !Jo floor damage found.
:22,575.00 Rouf replacement bid
- - ~ -~ - - : - - ~ ~- - l -~ ~- -~
~R9-001 Police Station ~ ~'i3,d~i3,Q00 , $t's9,O60.fI0 : 52,750 ' L7 ~-- --_.._.. ... --
0 Flat m_odifted bitumen roof had possible but
- - - - -limited x'ind damage and maintenance required.
. •. Roof damage was repaired far X2,500.00._ Roof
--- :damages, possr~fe caused by wind, stained
. _-- -- _ -
---- - - - - - ---- -- ---_'ceiling tiles that were replaced in house with
;materiel on frar~d. $250-00 allowance estimated.
_ . __ _ ._ Tutal repairs - 52,750.00
Jnlisted Fire Station 26 _ 0 T _Unknotvn ~31,S54.t35 0 _ ~ - - lNind caused minimal damage !o roof antenna,
_ _ _
-- -- - _ .soffit, ar~d siding. RepaFrs 1es_s than $3,p_00.00.
-- . _
- - _ --- -- - - - --- ---
-- -- -- ;tJlold and water damage to dry~-,ratl and _ _
. _
;kilchen cabinets was also found- Mold and
--- --- -- - -------- !water damage a result of leakin WInd6~~S thel
--- - - -
-------- ;were rotting eno deteriorating. This was an on
_ ~gnlrxt maintenance and neglect issue.
Unlisted Bear Creek Trait t3 ~ Unknown ~1 0,000 00 _ 0 !3 Boardwalk lifted and damaged try-rising water.-
Handrailsand ¢tarrks broken b~ falling trees.
A4atenals and equipment wi11 need to be carried
-- - ----- -- -- ----
-- ~in 1o remove fallen trees 2nd replace damaged
- - -
_ -
, aumtrer $1U,O00.00 esGmaleby City-
004-4.7-9-11 Central 14rinds $22,258.62 `• __ ;Handled und[~r separate claim
op~~pGUE Op c'f'~
~Ilii~~ _r
^ Administration
^ PoBry Holder Relations
O Finandal Services Underwriting
Post Offire Box 530065
Orlando, FL 32853-0065
Health Claims
Post Office Box 538140
Orlardo, FL 32853.8140
^ Workers' Compensatbn Claims
~ Property 6 liability Claims
Post Office Box 5381
Orlando, FL 32853.8
11800) 445.6248
(407) 425.9142
Fax: 1407) 425.9378
November 5, 2008
Kevin L. Smith
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Date of Loss: 08/21 /2008
Our File #: GC2008061038-807
Description: Tropical Storm Fay wind damage
Dear Kevin::
Please be advised, we are closing our file in the above captioned matter as
the damage sustained is under the 5% windstorm deductible.
Sinc ly,
Deb . Str rg
Claims Adjuster
March 17, 2009
City of Winter Springs
Winter Springs, FL 32708
RE: Re-Roof Estimate -Winter Springs Civic Center
Dear Gina,
We propose to supply the materials and perform the labor necessary for the
completion of the new roof as follows:
1) Collis Roofing, Inc. will obtain all necessary permits to complete the work within
compliance of all applicable municipalities.
2) Remove and properly dispose of all existing roofing. Areas to be re-roofed
include the flat portion of the building as well as the mansard shingle roof. All
debris will be placed in dump trailers pulled by Collis vehicles, not in roll off
3) The following description of work to be performed by a State of Florida
Certified and Licensed HVAC Mechanical contractor.
A) Disconnect the (3) three roof top AC units so that the re-roofing project
can be completed.
B) Supply and install (3) new Florida Building Code required hurricane
stands for the removed units.
C) Extend the existing supply and return ducts to accommodate the height of
the new unit stands.
D) Extend the length of the high and low voltage wires to accommodate the
height of the new unit stands.
E) Supply and install new PVC drain lines on all (3) units. Drain lines to be
placed on blocking to prevent premature damage to the new roofing
system caused by the PVC movement.
F) Supply and install (3) new sheet metal dog houses on all units.
4) Perform a roof decking inspection for deteriorated and/or rotten wood. Wood
replacement will be billed separately at a rate of $45.00 per man hour plus the
cost of any materials.
5) Re-nail the existing roof decking to meet the current Florida Building Code.
485 Commerce Way
Longwood, FL 32750
Ph: (321) 441-2300
Fax: (321) 441-2313
Lic#: CCC 058022
6) Supply and install a layer of new #30 felt to the roof decking on the mansard
portion of the building.
7) Supply and install a new (3) ply modified bitumen roof over the flat roofing
portion of the building. The roofing system will consist of (1) ply of Polyglass
UDL base sheet mechanically fastened to the wood decking, (1) ply of Polyglass
SAV smooth surfaced modified bitumen mid-ply over the entire roof, and (1) ply
of Polyglass SAP granulated surfaced cap sheet as the finished roofing product.
8) Supply and install a new walk pad track to match the existing so as to allow for
foot traffic while performing maintenance on the AC units.
9) Supply and install new eave metal, valley metal, and other flashings as required.
10) Supply and install new CertainTeed Architectural Roofing shingles on the
mansard portion of the building.
**Note: All shingles will be secured with (6) nails per shingle.**
11) Supply and install (2) new retro-fit drains to the existing drain locations.
12) Supply and install all new lead boots, bath vents, and roof vents to properly
ventilate the roof.
13) Perform a complete and thorough site clean up which will include running a
magnet to pick up any fallen roofing nails.
14) Arrange for the final inspection from the City of Winter Springs.
15) All dump fees, permits and taxes are included in this estimate.
16) Provide a full lien release for all goods and services provided to the job,
contingent upon final and full payment.
17) Supply Contractor's and Manufacturer's Written Workmanship Warranties at
the completion of the job.
All material is guaranteed as specified. The above work to be performed in a
substantial and professional workmanlike manner for the following sum:
* ~ $24,985.00 ~
Please initial to the right of the corresponding price and sign below to accept this
quote. We require no deposit; payment in full is due at the time of completion. We
reserve the right to withdraw this proposal if not accepted within (60) days. The
above prices, specifications, and conditions are satisfactory and Collis Roofing, Inc.
is hereby authorized to perform the work as specified. Payments will be made as
Approved by: Date
Collis Roofing, Inc.: Date