HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 03 23 Regular 602 Farmer's MarketCITY COMMISSION
ITEM 602
March 23, 2009
Regulaz Meeting
Public Hearin
Re ular X
REQUEST: The Community Development and Parks & Recreation Departments wish to
update the City Commission regazding options for a Farmer's Mazket in the City of Winter
PURPOSE: Provide the City Commission with information relative to the options available
for the location, structure, management, financing, and advertising associated with the operation
of a successful farmers market enterprise. -
BACKGROUND: In February 2007, the City was approached by Angie Federici, requesting
to establish a farmer's mazket in the Tucawilla Squaze retail area. In Early 2008, the farmer's
mazket was moved to the Town Center along S.R. 434 and, most recently, has been operating in
the round-about located on Cliff Rose Drive just north of Tree Swallow Drive.
Ms. Federici addressed the City Commission during their January 26, 2009 Regular Meeting and
spoke to the need for more advertising for the Farmer's Mazket. This discussion encompassed
banners, signage, a link on the City's Website, and the licensing of vendors. Staff was also
directed to look at surrounding community events that are similaz in nature and evaluate their
procedures and processes and bring the information back to the Commission for their
Staff met to discuss possible locations for the Farmer's Market (market). Most of those
discussion centered around keeping the mazket within the Town Center. During our last
meeting, a representative of the market was present and staff reviewed the location options and
the pros and cons of each. Those location options are shown on Attachment A of this agenda
Location #1 is along S.R. 434 in front of Building #1 of the Town Center. This was the first
location of the mazket in the Town Center. The market was located in front of the businesses in
Building #1 and there were some concerns with loading and unloading of the vendors in this area
causing traffic back-ups on Cliff Rose Drive and other access areas. Obviously, this site
March 23, 2009
afforded excellent visibility from SR 434 but less than desirable access. There is limited room
for growth at this site. This area is not City-owned and will require some third party insurance
Location #2 is the round-a-bout where the market is currently setting up on Saturdays. This site
necessitates the closing of Cliff Rose Drive north of Tree Swallow Drive and offers little room
for growth. Building 17, located at 1401 Blumberg Blvd. is now open and, as it becomes more
occupied, traffic through the round-a-bout will increase. This area does not afford direct
visibility from either SR 434 or Tuskawilla Road. Again, this site is not City-owned. This site
should be considered temporary.
Location #3 is the area around the Magnolia Park fountain. This area worked well during the
Fall Festival events and, once the vendor tents were placed around the fountain, a "bazaar" or
open market atmosphere was created. This location affords room for expansion, has parking
nearby, and electricity is available. While the site is located along Tuskawilla Road, the road
would not need to be closed during the market's operation. Visibility from SR 434 is a concern
with this site. The site is City-owned.
Location #4 is westernmost half of the City Hall parking lot. The eastern half must remain open
for fire department access. As of the writing of this staff report, staff has no official
determination from the Fire Department as to the logistics of using the City Hall parking lot.
This site affords room for expansion and nearby parking. Dependent upon the City
Commission's direction, restroom facilities inside the City Hall lobby could be provided at this
location. There could be conflicts between the market and any Saturday events at City Hall.
Location #5 is along any of a number of sidewalks within Central Winds Park. This location
provides room for expansion and, dependent upon the specific location within the park, access to
electrical power and rest room facilities. There is limited to no visibility from SR 434 dependent
upon the exact location within the park. There is the possibility of conflicts with park events.
Location #6 is comprised of vacant lots 5, 6, and 7 within the Town Center located along the
southern side of Blumberg Blvd. This location provides for room for expansion and parking is
close to the location. These sites are scheduled for development at a future date so this location
should be considered temporary. This is not City-owned.
The management and structure of most of the existing markets that staff reviewed locally involve
some form of City oversight, usually from the Parks & Recreation department. A market
Manager can be a City employee or a contracted person. The City provides a list of policies and
procedures that govern the operation of the market. Such things as hours of operation,
designated unloading/loading zones, stall size, fees, and vendor category percentages, among
other things, are elements of the policies and procedures. Specific examples of existing policies
and procedures are contained in the attachments to this agenda item. Staff would request that the
Commission review these items and provide staff with any recommendations that they deem
appropriate. There are standard application form for the vendors, which include full-time, part-
time and charitable. The Lake Mary, Longwood, and Maitland markets do not require the
March 23, 2009
vendors to have a local business tax receipt. They must have a Seminole or Orange County
Business Tax Receipt. The vendors pay a registration fee for their space. There are obviously
many elements to be considered regarding the management and structure of the market.
Many of the markets reviewed for this agenda item receive some form of financial support from
the associated city. Longwood invested approximately $3,000 for advertising banners for their
market. One of the items requested by Ms. Federici was assistance with advertising. Depending
on which market site the Commission approves, staff will develop an advertising strategy to
address the site specific needs. This strategy will probably involve the use of banners (see
Attachment B) or other signage, such as the mobile message board, as well as a link on the City's
website. Getting potential customers to the market site is, obviously, of paramount importance.
Potential additional costs would be the payment of a contracted market manager and any
incidental costs associated with the market. One local market pays $120 each week for the
manager and approximately $95 a week for aport-o-let. Staff welcomes any additional direction
from the Commission on this item.
The Community Development and Parks & Recreation Department staff recommends that the
City Commission review and discuss the various aspects of site location, structure, management,
financing, and advertising associated with the operation of a successful farmers market and
provide staff with any directions they deem appropriate. Staff will pursue those specific
directions toward implementation.
A Location map
B Banner example
C Market Information - Winter Park
D Market Information - Longwood
E Market Information -Maitland
F Market Information - Sanford
G Market Information - Lake Mary
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Saturday Farmers' Market /City of Winter Park
You A.re Here: Home Vicitnr'i Shopping Dining & More Saturday Farmers' Market
„$hopPing Uining ffi More Home Saturday Farmers' Market
Things To Enjoy
The Winter Park Farmers' Market i Contact Information
Saturday Farmers" Market held at the old train depot, locatad ar
_--- ' 200 West New England Avenn> K Patterson
i Merchant Associations has been restored into an his?.. kpatterson@cityofwinterpark.org
° ~,,, ~~ ~
landmark that hosts this NUf~ti; p: 407-599-3397
UNt produce ana plane market in
Central Florida. The market takes
place every Saturday morning from :'
a.m. to 1 p.m. and is a popular
community gathering place that
provides fine produce, plants, bake;J
goods and so much more.
Please note: The Winter Park Farmers' Market is closed each year on the third
Saturday in March due to the Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival.
City of Winter Park
401 Park Avenue South
NJinter F'ark, Florida
Main Line: 407-599-3399
Complete Fee Schedule and Rules available upon request for
interested vendors.
Quick Links: Home ~ Contact Us ~ Weather ~ Webcam ~ Site Map
Priuaey Notice: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail
address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead,
contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please Note: Dates, times and locations of all rcreetings and events are suGject to change.
http://www.ci.winter-park.fl.us/Pages/Visitors/Shopping_Dining_and_More/Saturday_Far... 3/ 12/2009
The annual Easter Egg hunt, Winter Park's
oldest city event running for over 50 Years,
sees three generations of family members
J 2009, City of Winer Park
__ ~ ~ _ City of Winter Park
_ ;;'~`, Saturday Farmer s Market
Application for Inquiry
Parks & Recreation
Kesha Patterson
401 Park Ave S.
Winter Park, FL 32789
Vendor Name:
Company Name:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
We are interested in selling the following items:
Begin Date:
State: Zip Code:
Is electricity needed? r Yes r" No
This application does not reserve space at the Farmers Market, this will place you on the waiting list based
on availability and type of product. By signing below, applicant acknowledges that this application does not
reserve space.
Signed By
Mail to:
City Of Winter Park
Parks & Recreation
Att: Kesha Patterson
401 Park Ave. South
Winter Park, FL 32789
Print Form
Application request date:
City of Winter Park Farmer's Market Policies
Approved by City Commission 8/8/00
Updated 4/25/2007
1. The Market will operate on Saturday from 7:OOam to 1:OOpm.
2. Each vendor must obtain an occupational license from the City of Winter Park.
3. Vendors must be set up not later than 6:30am, so that there is no interruption in service
4. Vendors will be limited to the sale of plants, bakery, produce, dry goods, consumable items, related items sold by
Farmer's Market vendors and holiday/seasonal items. The sale of other retail flea mazket items will not be allowed,
crafts and antiques sale will not permitted.
5. Vendors must obtain, display and keep current applicable state, county and city licenses. All vendors are required to
display business names at all times.
6. Lazge trucks, those over 1.5 tons must unload and exit the area no later than 6:OOam
7. Vendors who must use a vehicle as an integral part of their business aze limited to a vehicle with a weight of 1.5 tons or
less. Using the vehicle as a holding azea is not considered integral to the business.
8. Vendors Categories
a. Full time vendors' must pay on the last Saturday of each month or entire upcoming month and will be
provided a reserved space. A vendor who participates a minimum of forty weeks a year and is provided a
reserved space.
b. Seasonal Vendors are vendors that sell seasonal merchandise and participate on a weekly or part-time basis.
Seasonal vendors may receive a stall on a weekly basis with no permanent location or six working days
prior to Market date and must pay the Saturday one-week prior to the requested market date.
Approved by City Commission 4/11/2007
9. Full Time Vendors Fees: Part-Time Vendors Fees:
A) 12x10' s ace- $21.00 (A) 12x10' s ace- $31.00
B Additional 6 feet- $12.00 er week B Additional 6 feet- $22.00 er week
C 12x10' insides ace with or without C 12x10' insides ace with or without
Electrici - $27.00 week Electricit - $37.00 week
D Outsides ace with electrici - $25.00 D Outside s ace with electricit - $35.00
Per week Per week
10. Due to safety and health reasons, dogs are not allowed in the building. Dogs are however allowed on leashes on the
1 1. The City reserves the right to relocate vendors within the market and to limit the quantity of stall space sold to any
12. Vendors are responsible for cleanup in the vicinity of their operations
13. Space for chazitable nonprofit groups shall be limited to one group per week and two times per year per group. These
groups will not be required to pay the published fees but submit their request in writing to the Division Chief for
14. Three consecutive no shows will constitute an automatic termination
15. First offense of fraction will carry a written warning. A second offense will result in terminating a vendor.
16. No one vendor may reserve more than 10% of the market space.
Vendors Categories Percentage:
1. Produce Vendors ...........................................................20% of present Market Vendors
Z. Large Plant Vendors ......................................................25% of present Market Vendors
3. Small Plant Vendors ......................................................10% of present Market Vendors
4. Bakery Vendors ............................................................10% of present Market Vendors
5. Other Vendors ..............................................................35% of present Market Vendors
6. No more than two primary small vendors may utilize the Market at one given time.
7. Secondary items must cover an area no greater than 25% of the total display space assigned to the vendor
Application for Inquiry
Attention: Chris Capizzi
Phone: 407-260-3484
Fax: 407-263-2336
174 W. Church Avenue
Longwood, Florida 32750
Application request date:
Vendor name:
State: Zip:
Phone: E-mail:
We are interested in selling the following items: Attach one photo
Begin date:
This application does not reserve space at the Farmers' Market; this will place
you on the waiting list based on availability and type of product. By signing
below, applicant acknowledges that this application does not reserve space.
Signature: Date:
Approved by City Commission 8/18/2008
1. The Market will operate from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.
2. Vendors must be set up no later that 8:00 am so that there is no interruption in
service. Vendors will be warned if not in place by 8:00 am or if vendor breaks
down setup before 1:30 pm. Second occurrence, vendor not permitted to return.
3. Large trucks, those over 1.5 tons, must unload and exit the area no later than 7:30
4. Vendors will be limited to the sale of plants, bakery produce, consumable items,
and related items sold by Farmers' Market vendors. The sale of other retail flea
market items, crafts, and antiques will not be permitted. Seasonal items may
be allowed at the discretion of the Market Manager.
5. Each vendor is exempt from obtaining a Local Business Tax Receipt from the City
of Longwood, but is required to obtain one from Seminole County.
6. Vendors must obtain, display and keep current applicable state and county
licenses. All vendors are required to display business names at all times.
7. Vendors who must use a vehicle an as integral part of their business are limited to
a vehicle with a weight of 1.5 tons or less. The vehicle must fit into the area
provided. Any vehicle the City deems intrusive will park elsewhere.
8. If a vendor needs power, special arrangements may be made with the City.
9. Vendor Categories:
a. Full time vendors (participate a minimum of 18 weeks during 6-month trial
period) must pay on the last Saturday of each month for the entire upcoming
month and will be provided a reserved space.
b. Part time vendors (ad hoc basis) may receive a space on a weekly basis with
no permanent location. Application must be submitted six (6) working days
prior to Market date and payment is due prior to the requested Market date.
10. Vendor Fees (6-month trial period):
Full Time Vendor Fees Part Time Vendor Fees Charitable
12'x10' s ace - $20.00 12'x10' s ace - $20.00 12'x10's ace - $0
11. The Market will close during times of inclement weather.
12. The Market will close the Saturday before Thanksgiving (November 22, 2008) for
the Longwood Arts and Crafts Festival.
13. Due to safety and health reasons, no pets of any kind, except service dogs
and companion animals, are allowed on the grounds.
14. The City reserves the right to relocate vendors within the Market and to limit
the quantity of stall space sold to any vendor.
15. Space for charitable non-profit groups shall be limited to one (1) group per week
and one (1) time per year per group. If no group is scheduled, requests can be
submitted for additional weeks. These groups will not be required to pay the
published fees but must submit their request in writing to the Market Manager for
16. Vendors are responsible for the complete cleanup in the vicinity of their operation.
No cardboard boxes, fruit, trash, or displays are to be left behind.
17. Two consecutive no shows, without notification to management, will
constitute an automatic termination of a vendor.
18. First offense related to policy #17 and #18 will carry a written warning. A
second offense will result in terminating a vendor.
19. No one vendor may reserve more than 10% of the Market space.
Vendor Category Percentages:
1. Produce vendors .............................................25 % of present Market vendors
2. Large plant vendors ................................... .....25 % of present Market vendors
3. Small plant vendors .................................... ......10% of present Market vendors
4. Bakery vendors .......................................... ......10% of present Market vendors
5. Other vendors (ice cream, honey, pasta, etc) .... ......30% of present Market vendors
6. No more than one primary small vendor may utilize the Market at one given
time. Eliminates duplication.
7. Secondary items must cover an area no g reater than 25% of the total display
space assigned to the vendor.
City of Maitland, Florida
Departments Maitland Fanners'
Online Forms The Maitland Farmers Market at
Lake Lily Park offers a unique
City Documents urban shopping experience.
About Maitland Visit us each Sunday morning
from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. and find
Publications an abundance of farm-fresh
fruits and vegetables, bedding
Privacy Statement plants, as well as specialty
items such as honey, baked
Contact Us goods and herbs. The Market
offers only the finest quality
Links food, fresh from the grower and
provides a colorful, bustling
outdoor environment.
Located off of Maitland
Avenue at Lake Lily Park
We invite you to join us at the
Maitland Farmers Market!
Weather Permitting!
Closed on:
April 12, 2009 Easter
April 19, 2009 Spring Arts
October 4, 2009 Rotary Art
December 27, 2009 Christmas
Questions???? Please call
407-539-6269 or email
aparson@ itsmymaitland.com
~ Search
Files Available for Viewing or Size
Download (kb)
Application for Market Vendor 188
Vendor Policies and Procedures 217
Vendor P & P Page #2 87
Review From Life in Altamonte 409
Springs Magazine
Review Continued 395
Contact Ashton Parson 407-539-6
Application request date:
Vendor Name Or Business Name:
Contact Name:
aitland FL 32751
269 Fax 407-539-6282
Ciry: State; Zip:
fmone: E-mail:
Faz number:
We are interested in selling the following items: Attach one photo of display
[f your appf~atian is approved the date you would like to begin: ~(t09
Is efectr'K~y needed?Yes ar No (arcle one)
Space size?
By signing below,theapplicant acknowledges hislfler understanding thatthis
Application fa Consideration does not reserve a Farmers Market space, The appl~ant
further acknowledges that this apphCation places them,~heir business on a waiting iis4
based on spaceavaiiabilirywithin a produckcategory,
Signature: date:
Application for Market Vendor Consideration
http://www.itsmymaitland.com/community-events.aspx?a=viewPost&PostID=4566 3/12/2009
Maitland News Community Events and Programs
City of Maitland, Florida
Page 2 of 4
n r. cv nx as ltr talrr era ra acre"
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A4aitland Farmers Alarket (tu Lake Lily - 2009 Policies & Procedures
Operating Dacs/Hours: Sunday's gam-2pm
Scheduled cloak'<1 !)ales: April 12, Anil 19, October 4, December 27
I. Licenses•
I {, :tlu,t lv„ a , a)id .wculvtiurul lice-r,w• In,m Urany;.~ ur ~rminvi.' C'uuntr.
i Ill M1luw •.Ibldn,, displac, aml keep apFvliral,lr ,talc. room,' licm.aw for ,prorfx' prrxluct.
ICI lfarkrt 3danayr-r more haac a mpr nl all lirrnx,.+Inibrr,«t up.
2. Set-Un/Clean-Uu:
i:tl l'„,.1.n, ,,,u.r I>,~Tt up a rel. „dJak~a Ivr4ad iu Jn~ PnyH~r lat na, laver tl,x+ E:<ian,. Irre arri,rl. ar.• .abjcal ru Lt« .rr up
Iba egad] o-, <u„ uc«k : tom. V.xulur> are rrwprm.ihle fur inf,nmaig hind hdP of al! rule., incluJinp parting.
Ill) vtxrdon an' n'.pnn.tilc fur runlpl,•tr clean uy in the ria inilr a(tlx•ir operation.. [k,,,•: an+I orl,«r lac€,' Iratilt item. Inu.l he
rake, u, Ih+. nppn,prialc dump*trr.
I(J V',m:h.n. ar« rrxlxnv.ihl.• L,r pr.n i.li„g I,n,h.•r „luiprrrcnt 6,r .v . uP nnludiat; uIJ.~, runt.. xr,~n+i.u, aaadx, em.
i. A(rcetuable Prrxluct CaU•~rories:
I'lanr. Ha4cn Ir.~n,• It<xlure fht-t;cenf. C,mamtulJc (iu,xl,
Elc:a <,I x, „a, .:,1<I h,~ Fanm r. Markel , rnd~,n anal holidax a.mal ilrnn.
Jtn~~c'uelrtahle. ProduetlGtcneories:
&-m;VFI«a ALr4«r Prrnlmt Crab. antiyu«, an
4. Vchix.Irs:.
({I Luc, trm kv nh.,,e user I. i uma um?I untu.u3 an,l exit fhc m.u'k4a br &t"fliam unlx-cr mlxr dn-xtgemrnts ha,.' lo.m
.,rang.,l .,ioh the Mxrkct Mana~'r.
iRi \'unhu.. n L„ uw" a x.•hirl. ... sa inn~ral Part ut Ju•ir buxhx•.,rx arc IbuacJ n, I aehiulr nvirLwY I. i mn.
or I... U.ilrg the .ohid« a> a boldwg, anal o not cun,idcred ime~rdl to tl>.. huv4nex..
S. Safety_Considrrafinns:
i 41 tilretahinc +x,nowon cor{~ a+r„xs an' •id+n,aik or +,-alk,+av i< Plvddt.iusl.
lR) C,xdinq cya,[pmrnr, rlnfing afi.h,v. ~mlll., dr+y, 14yrr., .,r •.;milar «gnipwrme ma.r h« plurd ina Irrrl la,<'ni.m a«I .reared
a rr dm prul,J,u,1.x.Yauuui ydllx ur laurel. to Yuoxtx.
I ('ILate dn'iadl. all[, .ere r«nn,f Ing Vrinrle,' fl'aul Jk' julk Illtt.l piuNde ul Cl\ :,dlkrn In brad of arld IHdtinrtl Jurfr .(•hirle..
6. Vendor C'laasil'ICationa:
FULL. "fl MF.: Mx.r p,l.' tlsr le ~ almdar d'rah mnndl I'rn IM' nrxkx aumdod, Afua participate linen Ica.t •W x'aakx IxT rear en
zebra ...I .pa . .
m.r~.a~r. ,~
SftASO W t/ I'AKl' ti l ME: V'rawlon Jar +ell .cax,nul hour. anJ paniailuu' eel a u,•vk au n'r ~k lvsi.. 5raweuF ,+m.hn . nu.
,,, . y,;,a:. < , c:'41t' Laxi. Mn arc rve Kr,t xa,rd a p«n ern I+nniaxt, Pa1"mmt mua M mcr+re,i a, tha• fSarhet
ASaxavi°r „I«:, Il .nhl,:,. ,.. ,la, ufea rl,rf.rr rppr.nr<{dy«.
CHARITABLE UR('.ANVAT16Nti: ILuitrt w I rruty, In'rua.k,1 tiuo.lxv ,ear In•r grory. ClurhalJc urq.rJzauw.
au rxa ,abjcu u, puLtiau.i (r, bal. aunt turn in xr a17,luatha, and n'.ri.e alytroral Inma the S9xk.t 17antt r us xxt lye.
7. tVerkl,~~ tens b}' Velxlnr Classifu:atkrra:
full T'imr ScawmaF7 Part Time Chariubla•
1?\10 tti 7!X1(1 .S?i 12\10 ~No Fax•
A.4fiti,u,d ti t1. s f o .4.klni,ma161i. S l i V.. Eh. tria
IJvauic Si lJr.u'i. 570 Mu+t ku,ca i01 C 1 IU#
Ventlor Policies and Procedures
8. )~a=tj5ena:
r11 t • \:. a )II ~~., ,lwwr' ,.r u.n•uuxxd aMr,H.a n'JI r.•>ah ul aummatia ueronotam and nh„yuuhi„r, x,f apu,'. t'u.,d,ar ,na:<
gi.« al by+t ?F h.xrc n,.-niu•,rfaM.•In«.
ll1) iMnir« M•hat i.u mdl r«,uh in xltnumi. termuurk,n and relirv{uidrirt{; af.pdcr
l('i Sn,nLm; uuak' ,~,n knm ru,r ., hJe ,.,u,hu+brY ba.ea'r> 6 nru pa:n,nnd.
rl7f i 51u <at la,'16+•.rJl in...wa. dti,r ., n~k dx'Iq «m :. 41..
9. n'tarkce S~dare Perernu~re Aasignnarnfs: rua I'„nLnr ('ncYarrl
pmdm,• ?tw„ lace,' 11xtr ., •, ,mall Pbnr, xr,. f4k«rv lu^„ udn•r t'ntdua ii4,
`xvax,dxrirrn•n, Yee I.xrkan 2i". nl'ruul .p+.a-ar.ynt.d.
Itl. Suave Asvibrntnenfs:
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City of Maitland, Florida
Page 3 of 4
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First Page of Review
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City of Maitland, Florida
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Page 4 of 4
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City of Sanford Florida
Farmers' Market
The Place to be on Saturday!
Every Saturday 9:00 am-2:00 pm
The Sanford Farmers Market is a fabulous year-round green
market with many unique vendors.
We offer farm fresh produce, organic produce, hydroponics
produce, free range organic eggs, gourmet cheese, fresh baked
breads, butter, local honey, baked goods, sweets, jams, pickles,
pastas, fresh roasted-at-the-Market coffees, teas, herbs, spices,
plants, lotions, soaps, dog treats, candles, aromatherapy,
orchids, popcorn, knife sharpening, Tupperware, and so much
For your entertainment: Massages, Kid Zone Play Area, Face
Painting, and live music performing monthly.
Come enjoy the shopping, food and refreshments. Bring your
family, friends and pets!
Every Saturday from gam - 2 pm ... Magnolia Square in the
heart of Downtown Sanford on 1st Street.
For more information, visit SanfordFarmerMKT@aol.com or
http://www. myspace.com/sanfordfarmersmarket.
Did you know? Not only are you supporting local farmers,
local businesses and your community by coming to the
market, but... much of our produce is local, which is
better for you and better for the environment. Our
produce and farm fresh organic free range eggs are
fresher (and cheaper) then the grocery store!!!
For information, contact Michelle Ferrell at 407.328.1521 or by
e-mail to sanfordfarmerMKT@aol.com or visit
Why Support Locally Grown?
People worldwide are rediscovering the benefits of buying local food. It is fresher than anything in the
supermarket and that means it is tastier and more nutritious. It is also good for your local economy--
buying directly from family farmers helps them stay in business. The Farmers Market is also less
expensive then your local grocery store. Do a price comparison, you can save almost half the cost on
most of your produce items.
Short History:
Farmers' markets are one of the oldest forms of direct marketing by small farmers. From the traditional
"mercados" in the Peruvian Andes to the unique street markets in Asia, growers all over the world
gather weekly to sell their produce directly to the public. In the last decade they have become a favorite
marketing method for many farmers throughout the United States, and a weekly ritual for many
shoppers. In a farmers' market, a group of farmers sell their products once or twice a week at a
designated public place like a park or parking lot. Some farmers' markets have live entertainment.
Shopping at a farmers' market is a great way to meet local farmers and get fresh, Flavorful produce.
• Lake Meadows Naturals Farm: Farm Fresh Eggs
• Jonathon & Amy's Farm Fresh Produce: Beautiful Fruits and Veggies, some straight from their
• Sam & Carmen's Fresh Produce: Always great selection and prices
• Tropical Heat: Local Organic Produce & Organic Local Fruits Trees
• Citrus Farm: Selling fresh local grown citrus fruits
http://www.sanfordfl.gov/events/farmers_market.html 3/12/2009
City of Sanford Florida
• Rest Haven Farm: Hydroponics Produce & Beefsteak Tomatoes
• Gourmet & Specialty Cheese
• C'est Prouve: Fresh Breads & Pastries
• Divine Bath & Body: Organic Bath & Body Products
• Frederickson Apiaries: AMAZING Honey (many Flavors)
• Down To Earth-Floriculture & Garden: Native plants, tropicals, bird & bat houses
• Custom Kettle Korn: Popcorn
• Orchids by Wee: Orchids
• Garnets Pecans
• Massage Therapist
• Homemade Candles & Incense
• Aromatherapy Natural & Organic Body Products
• Merlin's Herbs (Teas, Spices & Tinctures)
• Exotic Air Plants
• DOGgone Gourmet Treats
• Cuban Food
• Fresh Potted Herbs
• Magnolia Cornbread Mix (tons of flavors) & Beer Batter Fish Fry
• Parrish's Pickles
• Merlin's Herbs: Teas Spices & Tinctures
• C'est Prouve: All Natural Bath & Body
• Olive Affair: Olive Oil and Tapenade
• Cakes & Desserts
• Pappardelle's: Lots of Pasta
• Gourmet Sherbet: Bees Wax Balm Co
• Muffin & Mixes
• Native American Scent Creations: Handmade scents for the home and auto
• Organic Homemade Soup Mixes
• Knife Sharpener
• Fresh Roasted Coffee (take home whole bean)
• Vegetarian Burger Mix
• Healing All Natural Soups
• African Violets
• Handmade Soap
http://www. sanfordfl. gov/events/farmers_market.html
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Lake Mary Farmer's Market
http://www.lakemaryfarmersmarket. com/index.html
Copyright 2008 Lake Mary Farmer's Market. All Rights reserved
Lake Mary Farmer's Market
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Shop ar the Market
Market's Layout
Become a Vendor
Market Policies
Vendor Information
Vendor Application
Vendor Cateyories
Non Profit Agreements
Farmer's News & Events
Contact Us
Market's Friends
Lake Mary Local
Page 1 of 3
City of Lake Mary Farmer's Market Policies
Approved by City Commission 08/23/2007
1. The market will operate from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.
2. Vendors must be set up no later than 7:30 am so that there is no
interruption in service. Vendors will be fined if not in place by 7:30
am or if vendor breaks down setup before 1:00 pm.
3. Large trucks, those over 1.5 tons, must unload and exit the area no
later than 7:00 am.
4. Vendors will be limited to the sale of plants, bakery, produce,
consumable items, and related items sold by Farmer's Market
vendors and holiday/seasonal items. The sale of other retail flea
market items, crafts, and antiques will not be permitted.
5. Each vendor is exempt from obtaining a Local Business Tax Receipt
from the City of Lake Mary but is required to obtain one from
Seminole County. Each vendor is required to pay a $25.00
Registration Fee once a year.
6. Vendors must obtain, display and keep current applicable State and
Seminole County licenses. All vendors are required to display
business names at all times.
7. Vendors who must use a vehicle as an integral part of their
business are limited to a vehicle with a weight of 1.5 tons or less.
Using the vehicle as a holding area is not considered integral to the
8. All generators must be silent and approved by Farmer's Market
9. Vendor Categories:
a. Full-time vendors (participate a minimum of 40 weeks per
year) must pre-pay on the last Saturday of each month for
the entire upcoming month and will be provided a reserved
1. Part-time vendors (participate on a weekly or seasonal
basis) may receive a space on a weekly basis with no
permanent location. Application must be submitted six (6)
working days prior to market date and payment is due the
Saturday prior to the requested market date.
Full-time vendor Part-time/seasonal
No Scheduled
http://www.lakemaryfarmersmarket.com/market~olicies.htm 3/12/2009
Lake Mary Farmer's Market
fees: vendor fees:
(A) 12'x10' space - (A) 12'x10' space
$20.00 $30.00
(B) Additional 6' - (B) Additional 6' -
$8.00 $10.00
(C) 12'x10' gazebo (C) 12'x10' gazebo
space w/ electricity - space w/ electricity -
$35.00 $40.00
(D) Outside space (D) Outside space
with electricity - with electricity -
$25.00 $35.00
Per week Per week
11. The Market will close during times of inclement weather.
12. The Market will close if Christmas falls on a Saturday.
13. Due to safety and health reasons, no pets of any kind are allowed
on the grounds.
14. The City reserves the right to relocate vendors within the market
and to limit the quantity of stall space sold to any vendor.
15. Vendors are responsible for the cleanup in the vicinity of their
operation. No cardboard boxes, fruit, plants, trash, or displays are
to be left behind.
16. Space for charitable nonprofit groups shall be limited to one (1)
group per week and two (2) times per year per group. These
groups will not be required to pay the published fees but must
submit their request in writing to the Parks & Recreation
Department for approval.
17. Two consecutive no shows, without notification to management,
will constitute an automatic termination of a vendor.
18. First offense will carry a written warning. A second offense will
result in terminating a vendor.
19. No one vendor may reserve more than 10% of the market space.
20. After unloading, all vendor vehicles with a trailer are required to
park in the lot at Lake Mary Elementary School on the south side of
Lake Mary Boulevard or other location as designated by the Parks
and Recreation Director or his or her designee. All other vendor
vehicles are required to park in the City Hall employee parking lot
on Country Club Road for the duration of the market.
21. All potential vendors must fill out and mail in the application. Go to
www.lakema~farmersmarket.com_to download. Vendors are
selected on a first come first serve basis as spots become available.
Vendor Category Percentages:
1. Produce vendors ........................ ..25% of present market vendors
2. Large & small plant vendors......... 25% of present market vendors
3. Bakery vendors .......................... ..10% of present market vendors
4. Other vendors ............................ ..40% of present market vendors
5. No more than one primary small vendor may utilize the market at
one given time.
http://www.lakemaryfarmersmarket. com/market~olicies.htm
Page 2 of 3
Lake Mary Farmer's Market
6. Secondary items must cover an area no greater than 25% of the
total display space assigned to the vendor.
Holidays include:
1. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas
2. Valentine's Day (set up allowed two (2) Saturdays prior to holiday)
3. Easter (set up allowed two (2) Saturdays prior to holiday)
4. Mother's Day (set up allowed two (2) Saturdays prior to holiday)
5. Father's Day (set up allowed two (2) Saturdays prior to holiday)
Contact: Melissa Flippin
Page 3 of 3
Copyright 2008 Lake Mary Farmer's Market. All Rights reserved
http://www.lakemaryfarmersmarket.com/market~olicies.htm 3/12/2009
City of Lake Mary Farmer's Market
Application for Inquiry
Attention: Melissa Flippin
P.O. BOX 958445
Lake Mary, FL 32795-8445
Fax 407-585-1467
Application request date:
Vendor name:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: E-mail:
Fax number:
We are interested in selling the following items: Attach one photo
Begin date:
Is electricity needed? Yes or No
This application does not reserve space at the Farmer's Market; this will place you on the
waiting list based on availability and type of product. By signing below, applicant
acknowledges that this application does not reserve space.
Signature: Date:
Lake Mary Farmer's Market
Vendor Categories
Product Categories
Produce Vendors- 25% of the present market vendor space. This vendor
can sell any type of products related to citrus, vegetables, cultivated or
naturally grown items of relation to produce.
(Example: produce vendor may carry citrus in addition to having a
primary small vendor that sells citrus)
Large/Small Plant Vendors- 25% of the present market vendor space.
This Vendor can sell general plant products ranging from large
landscaping items to small potted plants. This vendor can also sell general
plant items such as foliage, potted plants and flowers.
(Example: small plant vendor may sell orchids in addition to having a
primary orchid vendor)
Bakery Vendors- 10% of the present market vendor space. This vendor
can sell baked goods, desserts, pastries, and pies.
(Example: a bakery vendor may sell bread in addition to having a small
primary bread vendor)
• Other Vendors- 40% of the present market vendor space. This vendor
consists of any vendor that falls under the guidelines for the Farmer's
Market but not one of our general vendor categories.
Selected non-profit organizations shall be granted usage of a booth at the Lake Mary Farmer's Market held on Saturday
mornings Lake Mary City Hall.
1. Organizations will not be granted use of a fundraising booth more than twice in a calendar year.
Space may not be requested more than 11 months in advance of desired date.
2. Items offered for sale or at no cost shall not compete with any established farmer's market vendor.
3. Requesting entities must be located in Lake Mary and the event or function must directly benefit
Lake Mary, its residents, or its property.
(must be a Lake Mary organization)
All boxes must be checked before request may be submitted for management approval
Resident Items offered do not compete with vendors Request less than 11 months out
Benefiting Lake Mary Date of last request
I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this contract. I understand that the City of Lake Mary reserves the
right to cancel this contract with seven days notice. All of the above information is true and correct; violation of any of
the above provisions may result in the immediate termination of use of the Lake Mary Farmer's Market booth with no
rescheduling of dates. Incomplete or unclear fundraising plans and requests will be returned and the request date released.
By execution hereof, the undersigned releases and discharges and agrees to hold harmless the City of Lake Mary from any
and all claims, demands, action, or right of action arising out of , or by reason of, the use of the Lake Mary Farmer's
Market except due to the sole negligence of the City. By signing this contract, the undersigned agrees to all of the rules
and regulations listed above.