HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 10 25 Planning and Zoning Board Special Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PI,ANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 25,2000 I. CALL TO ORDER The Planning And Zoning BoardlLocal Planing Agency Special Meeting was called to order Wednesday, October 25,2000, at 7:07 p.m. by Madam Chairperson Rosanne Karr, in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call Chairperson Rosanne Karr, present Vice Chainnan Bill Fernandez, present Board Member Tom Brown, present Board Member Brent Gregory, present Board Member Carl Stephens, Jr., present Also Present Commissioner Michael S. Blake, arrived at 8:58 p.m. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning Coordinator Approval Of the October 4, 2000 Planning And Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency Meeting Minutes MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. "I HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO REVIEW THESE MINUTES THAT WERE CIRCULATED IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. I DON'T KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY TYPOS OR TRA T ANYONE WANTS TO REQUEST - BUT I'LL GET IT ON THE TABLE AND WE CAN DISCUSS IT. I WILL MOVE THAT WE ADOPT THE MINUTES AS CIRCULA TED IN ADVANCE OF THE OCTOBER 4, 2000 MEETING." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER STEPHENS. DISCUSSION. The Board discussed Vice Chainnan Bill Fernandez's Motion on page six (6) of eight (8), that Tony's last name is Matthews; and on page five (5), that "Lead way or discretion in this matter" should read "Lee way or discretion in this matter". VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ AMENDED IDS MOTION. "MADAM CHAIR, I AM WILLING TO AMEND MY MOTION TO ACCEPT THOSE TYPOGRAPIDCAL OR ADDITIONS; AMENDMENTS TO THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4, 2000 AND MOVE THAT THEY BE ACCEPTED AS AMENDED." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER STEPHENS. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 2 OF 12 VOTE: CHAIRPERSON ROSANNE KARR: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: AYE BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: AYE BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. At the request of the applicant, Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning Coordinator asked that the Board hear Item "D" first. The Board agreed to the request by consensus. .:..:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED, AS DOCUMENTED. .:. .:. ll. REGULAR AGENDA D. Springs Land/Jessup Shores Large Scale Plan Amendment Mr. Grimms was asked ifin the Board's role as Local Planning Agency, should a Motion should be made with a finding of fact~ and if he would summarize the report. Mr. Grimms summarized the surrounding land's zoning; the compatibility~ and read the Staff's findings and recommendation. The Board reviewed the location and size of the property~ for the audience, the future process that this Item and other Large Scale Plans Amendments would follow~ and the history of the property. Mr. Tom Dailey, Dailey Design Group, 861 West Morris Boulevard, Winter Park, Florida: Informed the Board that he would answer any questions anyone may have. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. "MADAM CHAIR, I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT BASED ON THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINDINGS, AND STAFF RECOMMENDS THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MAKE THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION: THA T THE CITY COMMISSION HOLD A FIRST (TRANSMITTAL) PUBLIC HEARING AND TRANSMIT OT THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS THE PROPOSED LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (lLS-CP A-4-00), TO CHANGE THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) DESIGNATION FROM 'MIXED USE' TO 'TOWN CENTER' ON THE SPRINGS LAND/JESSUP SHORES PROPERTY ON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND WNING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 3 OF 12 LAND USE ELEMENT (VOLUME 2 OF 2) AND, ITEM TWO (2), HOLD A SECOND HEARING, AFTER RECEIVING AND REVIEWING THE ORC REPORT, TO ADOPT THE PLAN AMENDMENT." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. "MADAM CHAIR, BILL FERNANDEZ SPEAKING, I'LL SECOND MR. BROWN'S MOTION WITH THE UNDERSTANDING AND I BELIEVE I HEARD HIM SAY IT, THAT IT INCLUDES STAFF'S FINDINGS UNDER ROMAN NUMERAL THREE ON PAGE ELEVEN (11) AND TWELVE (12)." DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE CHAIRPERSON ROSANNE KARR: AYE BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: AYE BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. A. Morse Foundation Large Scale Plan Amendment Mr. Grimms reviewed the staff report; and read the Staff's findings and recommendation. Discussion ensued regarding the two attachments; the applicant's request in the past; the drainage; the replacements of trees; zoning; higher standards; and the archeological studies in the area. Mr. Scott Henderson, Henderson Planning Group, Inc.. 112 South Lake Avenue, Orlando, Florida: spoke of representing the applicant; the past application; that the Board will be seeing their plans in the future; and that he would answer any questions. The Board discussed the boundaries of the land; that the land will be developed as a cohesive plan; if applicant will watch out for low-density neighbors; the primary access to the property; and contacting the neighbors. Tape liS ide B Ms. Addie Knodel: spoke of the uniqueness of the land; of the county wanting to purchase land in the area for conservation; and that the Board should consider "leaving it as is." Discussion continued concerning regulations in the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations; what is the maximum that could be built under the present zoning; and the size and boundary line of the GreeneWay Interchange District. Mr. Brandon Moore, 1352 Orchard Drive, Winter Park, Florida: spoke of wanting to see the land preserved. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 4 OF 12 The Board discussed having to follow the guidelines; that only recommendations can be make by the Board; how the audience received notice of the meeting; the notice requirements; and the roles and authority of the Board and City Commission. Mr. Henderson spoke of the process of this transmittal; the wetlands; and of the applicant complying with all regulations. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. "I'D LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION. BASED ON THE STAFF'S REPORT AND FINDINGS, STAFF RECOMMENDS THE LOCAL PLANING AGENCY MAKE THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION, WHICH I WILL MAKE: THAT THE CITY COMMISSION HOLD A FIRST (TRANSMITTAL) PUBLIC HEARING AND TRANSMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAffiS THE PROPOSED LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (L8-CPA-I-00) TO CHANGE THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) DESIGNATION FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY 'SUBURBAN ESTATES' (1 DU PER ACRE MAXIMUM) TO THE CITY'S FLUM DESIGNATION OF 'GREENEWAY INTERCHANGE' (MIXED USE - IDGHER DENSITY AND INTENSITY) THE ELIZABETH MORSE FOUNDA THON PROPERTY ON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT (VOLUME 2 OF 2) AND, NUMBER TWO, HOLD A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING, AFTER RECEIVING AND REVIEWING THE 'ORC' REPORT, TO ADOPT THE PLAN AMENDMENT. AND I'D LIKE TO SAY IN MY MOTION TO THE PEOPLE AND WHO I ADDRESS THIS EVENING IT STATES IN MY MOTION, THE FffiST PART, THAT THE CITY COMMISSION HOLD THE FffiST TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC HEARING, TO TRANSMIT SO THERE IS AN OPEN MEETING WITH THE CITY WHEN TillS IS TO BE TRANSMITTED AND THAT WHERE YOU HAVE TO TAKE YOUR ACTION." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. DISCUSSION. Tape 2/Side A VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE CHAIRPERSON ROSANNE KARR: AYE BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: NAY BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: NAY BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE50F 12 B. Weaver Large Scale Plan Amendment Mr. Grimms reviewed the surrounding land designations, and read the Staff's findings and recommendation. Mr. Donald Weaver, 844 Lake Mills Road, Chuluota, Florida: spoke of wanting to be compatible with Battle Ridge; can't go into Oviedo because his land is not contiguous with Oviedo; and would answer any questions. Mr. Michael Holbrook, Bowyer-Singleton and Associates: spoke of being here on behalf of the applicant; of supporting the Staffs recommendation; and would answer any questions. Mr. Tony Matthews, Seminole County Planning Division: spoke of the letter distributed to Board Members; of the history of the land in the area of Battle Ridge; the County's Joint Planning Agreement with the City of Oviedo; and requested the Board deny the land amendment and in that denial recommend that the City Staff continue to work to formulate a Joint Planning Agreement with the County. Mr. Robert King, 2211 Black Hammock Road, Oviedo, Florida: spoke of being against the proposal because of the land use designation and changing the value of the property. Commissioner Michael S. Blake arrived at 8:58 p.m. Discussion continued regarding the boundary lines of area properties; the' urban service area line; and the Joint Planning Agreement. Ms. Debra Pierre, City o/Oviedo: spoke of the two letters presented the Board on behalf of the City Oviedo; and being against the proposal. Chairperson Karr left the dais at 9: 11 p.m. Discussion ensued with the City of Oviedo and Seminole County regarding the notification ofthe issues and their procedure to submit the letters. Commission Michael S. Blake departed at 9:16 p.m. Mr. Robert King: wanted to reiterate what the County has written in their letter; that the property should be annexed prior to receiving a land use designation; and he wants to see a Joint Future Land Use Map between the Cities and the County. Chairperson Karr returned to the dais at 9:18 p.m. Mr. Grimms spoke of his conversations in the past weeks with the City of Oviedo and Seminole County. CITY OF WINTER SPRThIGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 6 OF 12 Board Member Brown left the dais at 9:23 p.m. The Board discussed "buildable acres"; and whether applicant's property can be seen from the Greenway. Board Member Brown returned to the dais at 9:24 p.m. Tape 2/Side B Mr. Holbrook spoke of the amount of time the complete process takes; utilities being brought to his property line because of the area's growth; and "Wanting to do this in a logical planned process". The Board asked the City Attorney if changing the Comprehensive Plan changes the zoning; whether there are any legal problems, in light of, the letters received; and zoning classifications. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER GREGORY. "I MOVE TO ACCEPT THE STAFF FINDINGS AND THEIR RECOMMENDATION." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBERS BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHA~ERSONROSANNEKARR: NAY BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: NAY BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: AYE BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: NAY MOTION DID NOT CARRY. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. "MADAM CHAIR I'D LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION. I WOULD RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COMMISSION NOT TRANSMIT TIDS MATTER TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR CONSIDERATION OF A 'ORC' (OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS) REPORT, NOT TO HOLD A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE ANY 'ORC' REPORT, AND THOSE ARE FOR THE VERY REASONS THAT I EXPRESSED PREVIOUSLY UNDER DISCUSSION AND THE LETTERS, THE FIVE DIFFERENT LETTERS THAT WE'VE RECEIVED - TWO FROM OVIEDO, ONE FROM SEMINOLE COUNTY, ONE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF MACKINLEY MILLS, AND ONE FROM MR. JAMELL AND THE PRESENTATION OF THOSE MEMBERS - OF THE PUBLIC, WHO ARE PRESENT HERE AND MADE PRESENT A TIONS TillS EVENING OPPOSING TillS RECOMMENDATION DURING TillS TRANSMITTAL." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER STEPHENS. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 7 OF 12 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: AYE BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: NAY BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: NAY VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE CHAIRPERSON ROSANNE KARR: AYE MOTION CARRIED. The Board discussed meeting with the City Commission. C. Minter Large Scale Plan Amendment Mr. Grimms spoke of the application for annexation and re-zoning being submitted concurrently; and summarized the Staff's report. He read the request, the findings and the recommendation. Mr. Tom Minter, 1700 DeLeon Street, Oviedo, Florida: spoke of the history of the property; and DeLeon Street was in the urban service area line at one time. Mr. Robert King spoke of the area's growth; and that he is fighting "the City not my neighbor"; and is against the project. Mr. Tom King, 2151 Black Hammock Road, Oviedo, Florida: wanted to reiterate what Robert King, his brother, said; the effect on neighboring properties, with different zoning classifications; and the Board having common sense to do the right thing. Tape 3/Side A The Board continued to discuss vanous zoning classifications; and the growth in Seminole County. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. "I'LL MAKE A MOTION NOT TO RECOMMEND TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAffiS, NOR TO HOLD A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING ON TIDS PARTICULAR APPLICATION FOR THOMAS MINTER LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE AMENDMENT (LS-ClP A-J-OO), FOR THE REASONS PREVIOUSLY EXPRESSED. I BELIEVE THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MADE A COMMITMENT NOT TO EXTEND SERVICES OUT PASS BATTLE CREEK. IT WAS AN IMPLIED AGREEMENT, I WAS PRESENT AT THOSE MEETINGS, I DO KNOW THAT IT OCCURRED AND I THINK WE ARE REACHING OUT QUITE FAR BEYOND ANY LOGICAL BOUNDARY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. CITY OF WIN1ER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND WNING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 8 OF 12 WE'RE ADDRESSING PROPERTY TRULY THAT IS NOT EVEN IN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS YET AND EVEN THOUGH AN APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION IS PENDING IT CAN BE WITHDRAWN A l' ANY TIME AND IF THEIR PROPER VOTE ISN'T FORTHCOMING FORM THE CITY COMMISSION THE APPLICANT CAN CERTAINLY WITHDRAW AND HE CAN STILL DEVELOP IDS PROPERTY SO WE AREN'T DEPRIVING HIM THE USE OF IDS PROPERTY, 1 DU PER 3 ACRES, BUILDABLE PROPERTY, FOR THE REASONS EXPRESSED BY SEMINOlLE COUNTY. IN THEIR LETTER OF OCTOBER 25, FOR THE REASONS EXPRESSED IN THE LETTER FROM THE CITY OF OVIEDO OF OCTOBER 25, FOR THE REASONS EXPRESSED BY THE PRESIDENT OF MACKINLEY MILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TION DA TED OCTOBER 25, MISS REGINA BERESWILL, AND FOR THE REASONS EXPRESSED BY MS. OR MR. VALERIE EL-JAMIL, FOR THE REASONS PREVIOUSLY EXPRESSED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC IN THEIR PRESENTATIONS UNDER THE - WEAVER, I BELIEVE IT WAS, WEAVER LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND FOR ALL THOSE REASONS I DO NOT ENVISION TIDS AS A GOAL FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRlINGS TO INCREASE THE DENSITY OF THIS PARTICULAR PROPER.TY, OR THE INTENSE USE OF TIDS PARTICULAR PROPERTY AND A TRANSITION AREA THAT SHOULD ATTEMPT TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. IT IS NOT A GATEWAY TO, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, IT IS NOT VISmLE FROM THE '417' AS WAS THE CASSCELL'S PROPERTY AND FOR THOSE REASONS I DO NOT RECOMMEND TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER STEPHENS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: NAY BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: NAY VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE CHAIRPERSON ROSANNE KARR: AYE BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. E. CHC TuscawilIa Road Site Large Scale Plan Mr. Grimms summarized the report; and read the findings and recommendation. The Board discussed the applicant's representative previous appearance; and the location of the property. Mr. Chris Muller, 336 Twelve Oaks Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of his concern of losing the conservation area between the property and the Winding Hollow Subdivision. crry OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDfLOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 9 OF 12 Discussion continued regarding traffic; the applicant plans to develop single family dwellings in the Town Center District; and the homes along Nature's Way. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. "I'D LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION. BASED ON THE STAFF REPORT AND FINDINGS, THAT THE CITY COMMISSION HOLD A FIRST (TRANSMITTAL) PUBLIC HEARING AND TRANSMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS THE PROPOSED LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LS- CP A-5-00), TO CHANGE THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) DESIGNATION FROM 'MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL' TO 'TOWN CENTER' ON THE TUSKA WILLA ROAD SITE PROPERTY ON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT (VOLUME 2 OF 2); AND HOLD A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING, AFTER RECEIVING AND REVIEWING THE 'ORC' REPORT, TO ADOPT THE PLAN AMENDMENT." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: A YlE CHAIRPERSON ROSANNE KARR: AYE BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: AYE BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. F. Traffic Circulation Element Large Scale Plan Amendment The Board discussed that there is "absolutely no change" from the previously viewed document~ and an amendment will be brought back in the future. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. "I WOULD MAKE A MOTION TO THAT WE ACCEPT THE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT, (VOLUME 1 OF 2 AND VOLUME 2 OF 2). SECONDED BY BOARID MEMBER GREGORY. AMENDMENT BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. "THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MAKE THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS, WHICH I MAKE. THAT THE CITY COMMISSION HOLD A FIRST (TRANSMITTAL) PUBLIC HEARING AND TRANSMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS THE PROPOSED LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LS-CPA-6-00), TO COMPLETE AND REPLACE THE TEXT AND MAPS OF THE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT (VOLUME 1 OF 2 AND VOLUME 2 OF 2), IN THE CITY'S COMPREHlENSIVE PLAN. NUMBER TWO, HOLD A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING, AFTER RECEIVING AND CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINtITES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 10 OF 12 REVIEWING THE 'ORC' REPORT, TO ADOPT THE PLAN AMENDMENT, AND ALSO I WOULD LIKE TO ADD TO THAT AN UPDATE, SHOULD CERTAINLY - AN AMENDMENT SHOULD FOLLOW TO CLARIFY THE MAPS AND SOME OF THE SMALL ITEMS THAT NEED TO BE UPDATED. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER GREGORY. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: A YlE CHAIRPERSON ROSANNE KARR: AYE BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: AYE BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: AYE BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. City Attorney Garganese departed 10:50 p.m. G. New Policy 3 Conservation Large Scale Plan Amendment Mr. Grimms spoke of the past path this item has taken; and was asked by the Board if Items "G", "R" and "I" could be included in the same Motion. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. "I WILL RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COMMISSION HOLD A FiRST (TRANSMITTAL) PUBLIC HEARING AND TRANSMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS THE PROPOSED LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LG-CP A-2-98), TO ENSURE 'NO DESTRUCTION OF VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES, WILDLIFE AND WILDLIFE HABITAT OF THOSE SPECIES DE SIGNA TED AS ENDANGERED, TBREA TENED OR OF SPECIAL CONCERN'; (LG-CPA-3-98) TO AMONG OTHER THINGS PROTECT HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT CULTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES FROM DEVELOPMENT OR REDEVELOPMENT; AND (LG-CP A-4-98) TO COORDINA TE THE TOWN CENTER WITH RESOURCE PROTECTION PLANS OF LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL JURISDICTIONS THAT MAY EXIST, FURTHER REQUEST THE DCA (DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS) TO EXPEDITE ITS REVIEW SINCE AN 'ORC' REPORT HAS BEEN ISSUED PREVIOUSL Y AND A RESPONSE TO THE 'ORC' REPORT HAS BEEN MADE AND FINALLY TO HOLD A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING, AFTER RECEIVING AND REVIEWING ANY ADDITIONAL 'ORC' REPORT, TO ADOPT THE PLAN AMENDMENT. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER STEPHENS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON ROSANNE KARR: AYE BOARD MEMBER CARL STEPHENS: AYE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDfLOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE 11 OF 12 BOARD MEMBER BRENT GREGORY: AYE BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN BILL FERNANDEZ: A YJE MOTION CARRIED. H. New Policy 1 Land Use Large Scale Plan Amendment This Agenda Item was included in the Item "0" Motion. I. New Policy 4 Inter-government Coordinator Large Scale Amendment This Agenda Item was also included in the Item "G" Motion. ill. ACTION ITEMS The Board discussed if a letter or paper had been written to the Charter Review Committee. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER GREGORY. "I'LL MAKE A MOTION THAT WE IN ARREARS, OR WHAT HAVE YOU, SUBMIT A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. DISCUSSION. NOTE: A vote was not taken on the motion. Board Members discussed the City's annexation policies~ and the City's growth and area growth. Tape 3/Side B IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . By-laws . Carroll Property IV. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER STEPHENS. "I MOVE THAT WE ADJOURN." SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN FERNANDEZ. DISCUSSION. Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:13 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 25, 2000 PAGE ]2 OF ]2 Minutes respectfully submitted by: Debbie Gillespie. Assistant to the City Clerk City of Winter Springs, Florida APPROVED: ~~ ROSANNE KARR, CHAIRPERSON PLANNING and ZONING BOARDILP A NOTE: These minutes were approved at th~ \ , 2000 Planning And Zoning BoardILoca] Planning Agency Meeting. JXlCSlboards/p]anninglaIVrninutes/] 02500.doc