HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 06 14 Planning and Zoning Board Special Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDlLOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 14, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER The Planning And Zoning BoardlLPA Special Meeting was called to order Wednesday, June 14, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Carl Stephens, Jr., in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call Chairman Carl Stephens, Jr., present Vice Chairman Marc Clinch, absent Board Member Tom Brown, present Board Member Bill Fernandez, present Board Member Rosanne Karr, present Also Present Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator II. SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS A. First Baptist Church Of Winter Springs - Proposed Rezoning from RU to C-l. Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator explained that the applicant wants to construct a church and meeting hall: the location of the property; that he has reviewed other housing developments in the area; the nuisance potential of proposed rezoning to surrounding land uses; the Staffs Findings and the Recommendation that the City Commission approve the request for re-zoning based on the Staff Report and the Findings. The Board discussed that the Board "Must make specific findings of fact and conclusions of law relative to that particular parcel of property"; whether the Board will see the final engineering plans; the Shore Road connection to the property; the Church's plan to not allow cut through traffic by constructing a barrier; the difference between RC1 and RU zoning designations; that the entrance on State Road 434 will be an extension from State Road 419 which have a traffic signal; and if the community will be allowed to use the facility for a large memorial service. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 14,2000 PAGE20F4 MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. "I'LL MAKE A MOTION - THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR THE REQUEST FOR REZONING BY THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WINTER SPRINGS, OF THE APPROXIMATELY SEVEN (7) ACRE PARCEL FROM R-U "RURAL-URBAN" (1 DU PER ACRE MAX) ZONING DESIGNATION TO ZONING DESIGNATION C-1 "NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL", BASED ON THE SPECIFIC FINDINGS UNDER ROMAN NUMERAL HI AND THE REPORT FURNISHED BY STAFF TO WIT THAT THE ZONING IS SIMILAR TO NEARBY PARCELS ON 434 ON THE NORTH AND WEST SIDES AND ALSO SOUTH SIDES; THAT IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE COMMERCIAL NATURE OF THE 434 URBAN ARTERIAL IN TERMS OF EXISTING COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS; THAT THE CITY HAS DEVELOPED STANDARDS IN THE NEW DEVELOPMENT AREA OF THE 434 VISION PLAN AND - THAT THOSE STANDARDS WILL APPLY TO THIS PROPERTY AND THEREFORE THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE CAN ENSURE THE PREVENTION OR MINIMIZATION OF POTENTIAL NUISANCES. THAT THE CHURCH STRUCTURE AND MEETING HALL WOULD OCCUR ON THE SEVEN (7) ACRES AND NOT TO BE EXPECTED TO GENERATE A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC THAT WOULD LOWER THE SERVICE ON 434, AND THAT THE SHORE ROAD ACCESS WOULD BE RESTRICTED TO CHURCH USES OR CHURCH TIMES AND THAT THEY WOULD USE SUCH TRAFFIC CALMING OR MINIMIZING TECHNIQUES AS THE CITY AND CHURCH CAN WORK OUT, WHETHER IT WOULD BE LANDSCAPING OR IMPEDIMENTS OR OTHERWlSE TO PREVENT ACCESS FROM SHORE ROAD DIRECTLY TO 434. BASED ON THOSE SPECIFIC FINDINGS, I MAKE THAT RECOMMENDATION." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER TOM BROWN: AYE BOARD MEMBER BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER ROSANNE KARR: AYE CHAIRMAN CARL STEPHENS, JR.: AYE MOTION CARRIED. B. Update Of The City Zoning Map. Mr. Grimms informed the Board that, two years ago, the Board and City Commission adopted the City Zoning Map by Ordinance and that it is not necessary to adopt it yearly; and will update the map from any additional Ordinances. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 14,2000 PAGE 3 OF 4 Discussion ensued regarding whether Staff will recommend to the City Commission to change the Ordinance that requires the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency to approve the City Zoning Map every year; whether there is any follow up by Staff to make sure that the Zoning Map is updated; that Staff could bring it periodically before the Board for review; and the map will be available to the public on the City computer system. III. ACTION ITEMS A. Ear-Based Plan Amendment Report Mr. Grimms explained that Department of Community Affairs has given the City a year and a half to complete the report, which he is working on. B. Topic List The Board was informed by Mr. Grimms that he has Committee Member Tom Brown's list; and that he will update it and include tonight's meeting. C. By-Laws Mr. Grimms reminded the Board that the City Attorney is reviewing the By-Laws and will come before the Board with his recommendation at a later date. Committee Member Brown gave Mr. Grimms copies of minutes of when the By-Laws were discussed in the past and requested that he pass them on to the City Attorney. D. Letter To City Manager on Board's Role On Annexation The Board was informed by Mr. Grimms that he will speak to the City Manager prior to the next Regular Meeting regarding this matter; and that the City has received interest by several Property Owners to annex into City. Chairman Carl Stephens explained that at the past City Commission Meeting he presented a letter recommending that Section 20- 26. of the City's Code of Ordinances be reformed; and that the City Commission agreed to repeal Section 20-26. IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Letter To City Manager on Board's Role On Annexation . Land Development Regulations . State Road 434 Corridor Revisit and Revise CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 14,2000 PAGE 4 OF 4 The Board discussed the status of the sign ordinance; whether this Board would have any involvement in a joint planning agreement between the City and County; whether it is necessary to note in the minutes arrival and departure times; and that the Board would like to occasionally review the City Zoning Map. v. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER KARR. "I MOVE THAT WE ADJOURN." THE BOARD AGREED BY CONSENSUS. Chairman Stephens adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Debbie Gillespie, City Clerk's Office City of Winter Springs, Florida APPROVED: ~~d CARL STEP ENS, J~ CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These minutes were approved at the ~\ fi'""\ ,2000 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Meeting. S :\City Clerk\Docs\ W ord\BOA RDS\P LANNIN G\aI1I\M INUTES\2000\P &Z061400.doc