HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 02 16 Planning and Zoning Board Special Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LP A SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER The Planning And Zoning Board./LPA Special Meeting was called to order Wednesday, February 16, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Carl Stephens, Jr., in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call Chairman Carl Stephens, Jr., present Vice Chairman Marc Clinch, present Tom Brown, absent Bill Fernandez, present Rosanne Karr, present Also Present Mr. Charles Carrington, AICP, Community Development Director Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator II. SPECIAL AGENDA Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator asked if the Board would be interested in hearing Agenda Item "B", Lamoureux Rezoning (REZ-l- 2000) prior to Item "A", Eckerd Drug Store at S.R. 419 and 434, Revised Final Engineering Plans and Landscape Plan. The Board agreed to this. Mr. Grimms then introduced Ms. Sue Cook, Community Development Department Administrative Secretary who was assisting with the recording of tonight's meeting. .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) AGENDA ITEMS WERE HEARD IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER. .:. .:. B. Lamoureaux Rezoning (REZ-I-2000) Mr. Grimms first noted the location of the Lamoureux property as east of Beltway; on the north side of State Road 434; on the west side of the entrance to Battle Ridge, and east of the Wofford! Slappey Property and the Winter Springs Executive Park Development. Mr. Grimms further explained that the applicant, Mr. Robert Lamoureux is requesting a change of Zoning Map designation [Tom County "A-I" "Agriculture" to the City's "C-I" "Neighborhood Commercial". CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LPA SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 16,2000 PAGE20FS Discussion followed regarding the applicant's reasons for rezoning; that the acreage was approximately 2.5 acres; the general location of the parcel; zoning designation; other nearby parcels; the proposed zoning and compatibility issues; impact concerns on surrounding properties; buffering; the applicant's willingness to abide with existing developl11ent and aesthetic standards; and traffic impact issues on State Road 434. Mr. Grimms added that Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Board make the following recommendation to the City Commission: "That the City Commission approve the request for rezoning fyom Mr. Robert Lamoureux of the 2.5 acre parcel from County zoning designation' A-I' 'Agriculture' to City zoning designation 'C-l' 'Neighborhood Commercial '''. Site specific change of zoning; specific findings of fact in recommendations and conclusions; clarification of zoning designations; plot plans depicting the zoning of various surrounding properties was also discussed. Matters dealing with Attachment "B" (of the Agenda Packet) submitted by Action Enterprise Used Cars; the applicant's future ownership of the property; pending agreements with the City; whether the applicant was willing to enter into a recordable document (i.e., Developer's Agreement; Quit Claim Deed; or an Ordinance) covering the subject property as advised by City Attorney Anthony Garganese; and other property owners were next discus~ed. Board Member Bill Fernandez spoke of the Town Center Overlay Zoning District; Schrimsher Properties; the executing and recordation of a Quit Claim Deed; and encumbrances and restrictions. Further discussion ensued concerning the executing of a recordable document; the Ordinance extending the Overlay Zoning District; and related Ordinance concerns. Mr. Robert Lamoureux: as the property owner, addressed the Board and spoke of the possibility of selling his property. Mr. Lamoureaux also asked for clarification on the guidelines of new ordinances and the recording of the document. Mr. Grimms then informed the Board of future dates for readings and related adoptions of the proposed Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments; in addition to rezoning designations. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. "1 WOULD LIKE TO MOVE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COMMISSION - APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR REZONING OF THE 2.5 ACRE PARCEL FROM COUNTY ZONING DESIGNATION 'A-I' 'AGRICULTURE' TO CITY ZONING DESIGNATION 'C-l' 'NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL' BASED ON STAFF'S REPORT, AND IN PARTICULAR, FINDINGS UNDER ROMAN CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDfLPA SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 16,2000 PAGE30F5 NUMERAL THREE, ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE OF THOSE FINDINGS TOGETHER WITH THE FURTHER RECOMMENDATION, WITH THE APPLICANT'S VERBAL CONSENT AND AGREEMENT THAT HE EXECUTE EITHER A QUIT CLAIM DEED CONT AINING RESTRICTIONS OR ENCUMBRANCES THAT IS IN RECORDABLE FORMAT, THAT IS WITNESSED AND NOTARIZED, TO BE GIVEN TO, THE LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, OR MR. GRIMMS, OR THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, TO BE HELD CONTAINING LANGUAGE THAT INDICATES HIS WILLINGNESS TO ACCEPT THE STATE ROAD 434 CORRIDOR NEW DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT ORDINANCE AND ZONING ON HIS PARTICULAR PROPERTY. THAT DOCUMENT TO BE HELD BY THE CITY UNTIL SUCH TIME AS EITHER, THE CITY PASSES ITS' ORDINANCE AND/OR HE ATTEMPTS TO SELL THE PROPERTY BEFORE THE ORDINANCE IS PASSED. THAT'S MY MOTION." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROSANNE KARR. DISCUSSION. VOTE: MARC CLINCH: AYE BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE ROSANNE KARR: AYE CARL STEPHENS, J&.: AYE MOTION CARRIED. A. Eckerd Drug Stores at S.&. 419 and 434 Revised Final Engineering Plans and Landscape Plan Mr. Griml11s explained to the Board the applicant's desire to be located'in the City; the commercial establishment of the City; the proposed location of the applicant (State Road 419 at 434); the applicant's compliance to Staffs requests; and the presenting of the applicant's request to the next City Commission Meeting. Mr. Grimms thanked the Board for granting a request for this Special Meeting and discussed issues concerning the Development Review Committee; the applicant's compliance of regulations; and the Development Review Committee's recommendation to the City Commission. Mr. Carrington informed the Board of the Developer's request to expedite the approval process; the recommendation from the Development Review Committee; the Developer's request for a waiver of Section 20-452(14)(b); an endangered species survey; the planters along State Road 434; the estimated removal and replacement of 331 trees; the remaining tree drip line; scheduling a pre-construction meeting; clearing and grubbing; any and all waivers being memorialized into an agreement; approval by the City Commission at the time of final plan approval; and an agreement currently being reviewed by City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LPA SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 16.2000 PAGE40F5 Mr. Carrington then introduced the developer's representative, Mr. Robert Fike, to the Board. The Board discussed with Mr. Carrington the procedure for monies collected from the trees to be removed; a traffic study; the need for the proposed Eckerd Drugs; retail establishments; empty buildings; and the involvement .of the Department of Transportation with the proposed project. Board Member Fernandez mentioned the ownership of the property; the Arbor Ordinance; the removal of trees; monies collected for replacements; and gopher tortoises. Members of the Board further discussed the detailed plans submitted by Ron Henson Design Service Group, (represented by Mike Buchanan); permitting from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission regarding the gopher tortoises; the design of gate swings and dumpster enclosures; the mixing of commercial traffic; vehicles using the drive through area; access of fire trucks; emergency by-pass; the 10-foot radius; a landsc~pe island waiver request; a request for ten continuous parking spaces; planters; columns; the sidewalk along State Road 434; ownership and maintenance of the lift station; fencing and gates; fencing of lift stations maintained by municipalities; lift station telemetry; the location and number of fire hydrants; slotted drains; concrete aprons; manholes; comments that have been received from Bill Stal111er, a consultant for the City of Winter Springs; a development ,agreement; the size of the remaining trees; and root saving grates. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. "I WILL MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS FOR THE ECKERD'S SITE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SANFORD OVIEDO AND SANFORD LONGWOOD SPLIT, 419, 434 CORNER. MY MOTION IS TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL SUBJECT TO A DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT CONTAINING THE LANGUAGE PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED BY MR. CARRINGTON TO WIT, THEY GET CITY WAIVER OF SECTION 20-452.(14)(b) DEALING WITH THE TEN CONTINUOUS PARKING SPACES UNBROKEN BY A LANDSCAPED ISLAND. FURTHERMORE, THAT THEY GET A PERMIT FROM THE FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION DEALING WITH ANY TORTOISES, WHATEVER THE NUMBER IS, AND THE RELOCATION OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF SAME; THE PLANTER REQUIREMENTS WHICH HAVE ALREADY BEEN SUBMITTED TO US IN A DRAWING TONIGHT, TO SHOW THAT THEY ARE UP AGAINST THE BUILDING. OF COURSE UNDERSTAND, THAT THERE WILL BE SOME LANGUAGE IN THERE ABOUT THE OFF SITE ROADWAYS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT DOCUMENT A TION WITH SCALE DRAWINGS FROM THE SURVEYOR SHOWING THE LOCATION THAT THE CITY ENGINEER, MR. JENKINS, HAS ADDRESSED. I AM NOT SURE WHERE THE THRUST RESTRAINT SHOP DRAWING IS THAT MR. LeBLANC MENTIONS BUT THAT IT BE MADE ADDRESSED TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AS OPPOSED TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING nOARD/LPA SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 16,2000 PAGE 5 OF 5 SEMINOLE COUNTY; THAT WE GET THE REIMBURSEMENT OR COMPENSATION FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE 300 AND SOME TREES ($25,500.00). I HOPE I HAVE COVERED FIVE WAIVERS, WHATEVER WAS MENTIONED BY MR. CARRINGTON - THAT IS MY MOTION". SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MARC CLINCH. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE ROSANNE KARR: AYE CARL STEPHENS, JR.: AYE MARC CLINCH: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Carrington thanked the Board for holding the Special Meeting; and helping Staff and the Developer move forward with the proposed project. III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Discussion ensued regarding Land Development Regulations; review of different developments; Parks and Recreation; open spaces; previous Boards; legal review; new Board Members; new Staff; review of the last draft (Land Development Regulations); revising of the last draft; extensi()n for the submittal of the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) from the Florida Department of Community Affairs; updated maps showing zoning and annexation changes; Sam Smith Park; and W-2 forrn,s. IV. ADJOURNMENT With the consensus of the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8: 10 p.m. Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs Sue Cook Community Development Department City of Winter Springs, Florida APPROVED: ~~~. CARL STEPH NS, JR., ~AIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LP A NOTE: These minutes were approved at the ~ / .2000 Planning And Zoning Board/LPA Meeting.