HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 04 11 Special
Attachment "A"
Richard S. Am:.lri
Ni(hol:J.' B. B:mgos.
K(,lIn Bt'tmctt
Bradly Rocer'B~ttil\, Sr.
Anthon.\' A. (;.ar!:anc:.~t. +
Mit(;3.cJJ S. Golduun
J. Wesley How~c
M:.ltlhew J. Mon:ilch:.m
I\br\.: S. Peters
D~\'id M. l'resnltk
OnrJe5 R. Stcinb('q,:
hlllt" S. Theri:lc. Hl
Attorneys ""d Counselors At Law
Reply'f,,: Cocoa r.o. Bux
Marmer Squ:lrC
96 Willard Street. Suite 302
P.O. 80.'( ISO?
COCll:!, Flurida 32923-1807
T(,kphonc (321) 639-l320
I":n: (321) 639-6690
"Admitted AL. FL
..Bo;.rd Ct-rlifit.d City, Coumy, .'1< 1-<'<::11 Co\"ernOleJ.Jt Law
Imperi:11 PL:lza
Suite B104
67G9 N. Wickh~m Ruad
!\Ielbourllt, Florida 31940
Telephone (3'21) 259-6611
Fa>: (321) 259-6624
April J 1, 2000
Carl Stephens, Chairman
M~lnbers of the Land Planning Agency
Members of the Planning & Zoning Board
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Flcllida 32708
Rc: Town Center - April 11. 2000 Meeting
Dear Mr. Stephens and Members oft:he Board:
At this evenjngs meeting, the Land Plan.ning Agency/Planning and Zoning Board
("LP A'l) will review proposed Ordinance No. 707 and Ordinance No. 2000-tO relating to the
proposed Town Center. I <1m 'vTiting to the LP A in the hope that my brief comrnents will help
expedite the LPA's revie\v of the Ordinances.
First, both Ordinances are scheduled for final adoption by the City Commission on April
24, 2000 at 6:30 p.rn. As such, I respectfully urge the L.PA to make a recommendation to the
City Commission this evening.
Second, it is. my understanding from staff that the LPA has already reviewed and
recommended Ordinance No. 707. In addition, the LPA has also reviev,ed and recommended the
proposed comprehensive plan amendment for the Town Center. Since the LP A recommended
Ordinance No. 707, several minor amendments have been made as set forth below. Further,
since the LP A recotnmcnded the proposed com~)fehensj\'e plan amendment for the TO\,\l1 Center,
the Amendment has been put into ordinance fonn and several minor amendments have been
made to the proposed text based on the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report
which the City received from the Florida Department of Commwlity Aff3irs on March 16,2000.
Carl Stephens, Chairman
Members ot' the Land Plaruling Agency
Members of the Planning and Zoning Board
April 1]. 2000
Page 2
As such, the LPA's attention this evening should predominantly be on the minoT
amendments, given the fact the LPA has already recommended substantial J101tions of Ordinance
No. 707 and the To\Vn Center Comprehensive Plan amendments.
Ordinance No. 707
A summary of the amendments to Ordinance No. 707 are as follows:
1. i\.Jinor tec.hnical amendments \Vere made to the Ordinance to put it into the new
Ordinance format approved by the City Manager and City Commission.
2. Findings and conclusions of the City Commission, although some were already made
~md adopted by the City Commission during the To\vn Center public hearing process, were
specificaLly set forth in the "WheredS" clauses of the Ordinance.
3. During negotiations with the Schrimsher Properties C.rroup, Schrimsher and the City
agreed that page II of the To\vn Center District Code should be amended to reflect the actual
Jurisdictional wetland boundaries of Wetland Park. Therefore, the maps on pages 10 through 18
of the: To\vn Center District Code were amended to retlect the new boundaries of WetJand Park.
Further, because the boundaries of Wetland Park were changed, the street and small
neigbborhood park layout on page 11 was modified by Victor Dover (the City's planning
consultant) with input from Schrimsher.
The amended page II of the District Code has been used extensively by the City and
Schrimsher in negotiating a Companion Agreement to implement the Town Center District Code
on Schrimsher's property. Any amendments to page 11 (and corresponding maps), therefore,
could significantly mlerrupt the City's negotiations \vith Schrimsher.
Therefore, 1 respectfully request that the LP A recommend the Town Center District Code
and Ordinance No. 707 to the City Conul1ission as cunently drafted.
Ordinance No, 2000-10
The proposed boundaries of the Town Center Future Land Use desig11ation are unchanged
from the LPA's previous rt::commendation during the transmittal ~tage of the Comprehensive
Carl Stephens. Chairman
Members of the Land Planning Agency
Members of the Pl,llUling and Zoning Board
April 1 L 2000
Page 3
Plan amendment process. However, several additional minor changes to the proposed Town
Center ComprehemivE: Plan amendment were made to address DCA's ORC Report. The
additional text amendments have been submitted to DCA for an Lo.fonl1al review before adoption.
On Monday, April 1 0,2000, DCA informed me that tlJe additional text amendments appear to
address DCA's concerns set forth in the ORC Report.
A summary of the changes to the Town Center Comprehensive Plan Amendment since
the LPA last revie\'!ed this /\ll1endment are as follows:
1. The proposed text amendments and FLU Map amendment have been placed into
Ordinance fonn.
2. i\dditional changes to the proposed text amendment were made to Objective B as
5) l'nlcss rrtlti-gared-tlt'tte-ee-rfumcc \,ith law 1I:1W-ptu'sttanHo--a-clevclopm{,'nt-penntt
issLled by-itx: Cit) one! othcr-jl1t'is-diet;or.al.;ovef'nmcntJ.l ugCllett:S; :,V\'I,....etlands will
be prcsernd as conservation preserve areas, parks, squares, and trails. To the
extent feasible, these areas shall be COJUlected to promote the natural drainage and
ecological viability of the Town Center and to further hold the City's designation
as a "Tree City U.S.A." Juri5dictional wetlands located witl:lin..!be Town Center
shall he designated Conservation Q.l,1Jhe Future Land Use Map and shall be
~ubiect to the Goals. Obiectives, and Policics of the Conservation Element of the
City's Cornprehensi ve e.L<m.
6) Hish re~;idential density shall be pcrmittedjnJbe Town Center through the
adoption ofland development reg.ulations. but ~uch deMit)" shall not exceed
thirtv-nine (9) units DeI" acre.
7) Hil~h del~3lliLilll:ensc commercial development shall be allowed in t~
Town Cent-er through the adOPtion ofland development re9.1l1ations, but such
dens;!" and intensi!v shall not exceed a floor area ratio ('If six (G.O) and a huilding
height of sixty-five (65) feet.
Carl Stephens. Chairman
Members ot' the Land Planning Agency
Members of the Planning and Zoning Board
April J 1. 2000
Page 4
ID The Cit\' shall geate a. minimum mix orland uses in tl1e TO'\'11 Center as
follows: a) Retail = 40% to 80%: b'l Commercial Office == 0% to 20%: and c)
Residential = 10% to 50%.
J. Supporti.ng data and a.na.lysis regarding sewer, water, stomw.:ater, and transportation
issues raised in the DCA's ORC Report \vas provided by the City's transportation and utilities
consultant, Terry Zaudtke of CPH Engineers, Inc.
It is worth noting that although DCA desired the City to strike the beginning mitigation
language in Objective B.(5) and (0 tie jurisdictional wetlands to the: Conservation Easement, the
language change. in my view, may not have any practical effect. For eX<lmple, the Conservation
Easement allows installation of infrastmctme and utilities across conservation lands. See,
Conservation Element Objective B.(3). It a.lso provides for the fill of wetlands, see Objective
C(5)(e), and the alteration and replacement of wetlands, see Objective C(5)(0:
T would, therefore, recommend that the LP A recommend Ordinance :2000- J 0 to the City
If YO'll ha.ve any questions, please do not hesitate to cal!.
r 1thony A. Garganese
City Attorney of Winter Spr .ngs