HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 07 07 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LPA REGULAR MEETING JULY 7, 1999 I. CALL TO ORDER The Planning And Zoning BoardlLPA meeting was called to order Wednesday, July 7, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Tom Brown in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call Tom Brown, Chairman, present Carl Stephens, Jr., Vice Chairman, present Marc Clinch, present Bill Fernandez, present Rosanne Karr arrived at 7:05 p.m. Also Present Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator Approval Of the June 2, 1999 Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Meeting Minutes BOARD MEMBER BILL FERNANDEZ STATED, "TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 2, 1999 AS CIRCULATED BY MAIL." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MARC CLINCH. DISCUSSION. VOTE: TOM BROWN: AYE; BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE; CARL STEPHENS, JR.: AYE; MARC CLINCH: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. The Interim City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Board members, Chairman Tom Brown, Carl Stephens, Jr., Marc Clinch, and Bill Fernandez and from the City Clerk's Office Debbie Gillespie and Amy Lovingfoss. II. REGULAR AGENDA A. Annual Election of Officers BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ STATED "I NOMINATE CARL STEPHENS, JR. FOR CHAIRMAN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR AUGUST 1, 1999 - JULY 31, 2000." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. '-.. '- ''\ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA REGULAR MEETING - JULY 7, 1999 PAGE20F5 Board Member Fernandez asked, "Marc, would you consider Vice-Chairman?" Board Member Clinch replied, "Yes." BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ FURTHER STATED, "I NOMINATE MARC CLINCH FOR VICE-CHAIRPERSON FOR THE FISCAL YEAR AUGUST 1 1999 - JULY 31, 2000." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. Board Member Rosanne Karr arrived at 7:05 p.m. The Board agreed to vote on the positions separately. Chairman Brown asked, "Any other nominations?" Chairman Brown asked for the vote. QUESTION: "CARL STEPHENS FOR CHAIRMAN." VOTE: ROSANNE KARR: AYE; CARL STEPHENS, JR.: AYE; TOM BROWN : AYE; BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE; MARC CLINCH: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. QUESTION: "MARC CLINCH FOR VICE-CHAIRMAN." VOTE: CARL STEPHENS, JR.: AYE; MARC CLINCH: AYE; BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE; ROSANNE KARR: AYE; TOM BROWN : AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator, inquired if the Board would be interested in hearing from Mr. Ron Henson representing Design Services Group, hired by the Eckerds Corporation, about a proposed commercial development at the corner of State Road 419 and State Road 434. The Board agreed to hear from Mr. Henson. Mr. Henson introduced his design for this proposal and spoke of proposed entrances; storm water facilities; beautification; preliminary sign packet; Pharmacy Drive-Through; elevation ground signs; and loading dock areas. The Board and Mr. Henson discussed information regarding concerns about cut through traffic; using speed bumps or stop signs to discourage cut through traffic; preserving as many trees as possible; the buffer area; the traffic pattern for both roads; who the landscaping architect will be; meeting Land Developer Regulations (LDR) requirements; adjoining lot sizes; and future commercial building sizes. B. Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements (Final Engineering) Mr. Grimms stated that the purpose of this Agenda Item was to present to the Planning and Zoning Board the Development Review Committee's recommendation on the site plan CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA REGULAR MEETING - mLY 7,1999 PAGE30F5 (final engineering) for Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements for action on this project. This project is located at 900 West State Road 434. Mr. Grimms stated that the plans, as submitted, do not meet the requirements of Sections 20-463(1) and 20-464(14)(a) of the SR 434 Corridor Vision Plan - Redevelopment Area. The Sections above pertains to Off Street Parking and Driveway Requirements; and Landscaping. Mr. Grimms recommended that the Planning and Zoning Board disapprove the final engineering until such time as the plans come into compliance with Code. Rick Labinski, 108 Essex Drive, Longwood, Florida: the Civil Engineer representing the Meadowbrook Golf Group, explained that their company was interested in beautifying the Winter Springs Golf Club entranceway; additional landscaping; grading for the water to run off into the grass, to comply with the St. Johns River Water Management District and adding planters. He stated they were looking for a Variance because of the high cost of curbing the islands, and they felt that having curbs would interfere with the run-off. The Board inquired whether they have a St. Johns River Water Management District permit; suggested openings in the curbing would benefit in drainage; crumbled and blocked pipes effecting drainage presently; pruning large trees to try to save them; and the retention ponds. Larry Roberts, Development Coordinator for Meadowbrook Group: spoke to the Board regarding the improvements that have been done recently; how the cost of curbing and other proposed improvements to meet Code requirements are just to costly to complete all at once, and he doesn't have the financing unless able to do over a period of time. Discussion followed regarding how this project would benefit both the City and The Winter Springs Golf Club; that the Board was not capable of granting Variances; and how this situation could be remedied as a Developers Agreement with the City. BOARD MEMBER CLINCH STATED "ON THE FINDINGS OF THE CITY STAFF AND THE FINDINGS OF THIS BOARD THE PLAN FOR THE WINTER SPRINGS GOLF CLUB WITH THE DEVELOPER I.M.G., MEADOWBROOK GOLF GROUP IT IS THIS BOARDS RECOMMENDATION TO RECOMMEND DISAPPROVAL BASED ON THE FACT THAT THIS PLAN DOES NOT COMPLY WITH CODE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER CLINCH. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER FERNANDEZ WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENT, "THAT THE DEVELOPER COME BACK WITH SOME DRA WINGS SHOWING CURBING AND THE NECESSARY WIDTH OF THE PLANTERS AT THE END OF THE ISLANDS AND SUBMIT OR AT LEAST PROPOSE TO AGREE WITH THE CITY COMMISSION TO ENTER INTO A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA REGULAR MEETING - JULY 7, 1999 PAGE40F5 DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT, FOR TIME PHASE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY TO IMPLEMENT ALL OF THOSE CODE REQUIRED CURBS AND ISLANDS THAT CAN NOT BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN HIS BUDGET AT THE PRESENT TIME, THE LENGTH OF THAT DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT TIME TO BE NEGOTlA TED BETWEEN THE CITY AND THEIR ATTORNEY AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER KARR. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ROSANNE KARR: AYE; MARC CLINCH: AYE; TOM BROWN: AYE; BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE; CARL STEPHENS, JR.: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS · Topical Index. · Follow-up of draft of By-Laws with Attorney Bob Guthrie. · Eighteen months from March the EAR-based Amendment is due. · Preparing a Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment for school locations. · LC.E. (Intergovernmental Coordination Element) · Lost Lands of Winter Springs Chairman Brown thanked the Interim City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Mr. Grimms, and the Board Members for the good jobs they have done over the past year. Discussion followed concerning how the Panning and Zoning Board can assist the Commission regarding the Agendas with better communication; and possibly drafting a letter to City Manager Ronald W. McLemore asking for guidelines and the philosophy of City Boards; having a representative at City Commission meetings; and the possibility of having a Round Robin with the Commission. IV. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Brown adjourned the meeting at 8:59 p.m. NOTE: The Interim City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Board Member Karr at the conclusion of the meeting. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING nOARDfLPA REGULAR MEETING - JULY 7, 1999 PAGE 5 OF 5 Minutes respectfully siLbmitted by: Debbie Gillespie, City Clerk's Office City of Winter Springs, Florida APPROVED: ~O~ TOM BROWN, CHAIRMAN PLANNING and ZONING BOARDILP A DOCSlboardslplanninglalllminutes!070799.doc NOTE: These minutes were approved at the 0 / ty /'7 C( . 1999 Planning And ~ing BoardlLP A Meeting.