HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 05 19 Planning and Zoning Board Special Minutes ~. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING MAY 19,1999 I. CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning BoardlLPA meeting was called to order Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Tom Brown in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call Tom Brown, Chairman, present Carl Stephens, Jr., Vice Chairman, present Marc Clinch, present Bill Fernandez, present Rosanne Karr, present Also Present Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator Approval of the May 5, 1999 Planning and Zoning BoardILocaI Planning Agency Regular Meeting Minutes "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN AMENDMENT, ALONG WITH THE MOTION TO APPROVE IT, SUBJECT TO MY AMENDMENT. ON PAGE 3 OF 3, THE SECOND SENTENCE - 'THERE WAS BRIEF DISCUSSION ON WHETHER OR NOT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY HAD APPROVED THE PROPOSED GRIZZLY PARK'. THAT IS TRUE - THAT WE DID HAVE THAT BRIEF DISCUSSION. HOWEVER, THE ACTUAL RESULTS OF THAT DISCUSSION WAS THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY HAD NEVER HAD THAT ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION OR APPROVAL. SO, I DO WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT THESE MINUTES ARE CORRECTED, NOT JUST TO SAY WHETHER OR NOT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD, BUT TO SPECIFICALLY STATE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY HAD NOT EVER CONSIDERED THE PROPOSED GRIZZLY PARK". "I'LL MAKE THE MOTION THAT OTHER THAN THAT :MODIFICATION OR CHANGE, THAT THE MINUTES AS CIRCULATED FOR THE MAY 5TH, 1999 REGULAR MEETING BE APPROVED, WITH THAT AMENDMENT". CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA SPECIAL MEETING - MAY 19.1999 PAGE 2 OF 6 MOTION BY BILL FERNANDEZ. SECONDED BY CARL STEPHENS, JR. DISCUSSION. THE MOTION TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF MAY 5, 1999 WITH THE ABOVE NOTED REVISION WAS APPROVED WITH CONSENSUS OF THE BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. II. REGULAR AGENDA A. "Kingsbury" Property Rezoning (REZ-2-99) Mr. Thomas Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator gave an overview of this Agenda Item, and explained the justifications and findings for the proposed rezoning of this parcel. The Board and Mr. Grimms discussed various aspects of this case, which dealt with the possibility of locating a marketing and sales trailer on this parcel. Discussion covered such aspects as the Town Center District Code, and the future land use designation of this property. "I WILL RECOMMEND THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR THE REQUEST BY ROHIT JOSHI OF JOSHI & ASSOCIATES, THE 17.41 ACRE PARCEL, FROM COUNTY ZONING DESIGNATION "A-I" (AGRICULTURE) TO CITY ZONING DESIGNATION "C-l", (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BASED ON THE STAFF REPORTS WITH THE FINDINGS AS OUTLINED IN OUR MINUTES HERE". MOTION BY BILL FERNANDEZ. SECONDED BY ROSANNE KARR. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CARL STEPHENS, JR.: AYE; MARC CLINCH: AYE; TOM BROWN: AYE; BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE; ROSANNE KARR: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. B. Wofford/Slappey Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (SM- CPA-2-99) Mr. Grimms identified the parcel in question, and gave an in-depth explanation on this proposed project, which involved the request for a change in zoning designation from County "A-I" (Agriculture) to the City's "C-2" (General Commercial and Industrial) zomng. The Board discussed such aspects as the development of this "project; the status of flood prone areas; cooperative agreements with the City of Oviedo; growth patterns and CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LPA SPECIALMEETING-MAY 19,1999 PAGE30F6 boundaries for the City of Oviedo and the City of Winter Springs; FEMA requirements; and the proposed Battle Ridge development. Further discussion ensued on buffer requirements; applications for rezoning and the related legal requirements and newspaper advertisements; and the Board's concern for the residents of the MacKinley's Mill subdivision. Mr. John T. Cathcart of the Cathcart Contracting Department, (in Oviedo, Florida): as the applicant for this proposed rezoning, spoke about his commitment to this area, and his plans for this parcel ofland. Mr. Steve Ratcliff: as the representative for the sellers, he spoke on the proposed plans for this area, and how the City's concern with aesthetically pleasing projects would be met. Tape I/Side B The Board discussed with Mr. Grimms and Mr. Cathcart such issues as traffic flow; growth in this area; the MacKinley's Mill subdivision; and Mr. Cathcart's business operations. . Mr. Robert King, 2211 Black Hammock: spoke about cities and their neighbors; a Joint Planning Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs; and the overall "larger plan" dealing with local and regional areas. Mr. King also mentioned traffic patterns and a previously proposed "feeder access road". Further discussion ensued on current growth patterns in the City; and historic preservation of this area. "I WILL MAKE A MOTION THAT CONDITIONED ON THE APPLICANT ENTERING INTO A DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT, SIMILAR TO HIS COMMITMENTS IN HIS MAY THE 12TH, 1999 LETTER, INDICATING A WILLINGNESS TO PROVIDE BUFFERING, AND FOLLOW THE SPIRIT, IF NOT THE LETTER OF THIS CITY'S STATE ROAD 434 CORRIDOR VISIONING PLAN; AND TO COOPERATE WITH THE CITY TO ENSURE THAT THE PARCEL MEETS OR EXCEEDS EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AND AESETHIC STANDARDS, AND FURTHER, CONDITIONED IN THAT DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT, THAT THE FRONT PORTION OF THE PROPERTY CLOSEST - THE SOUTH PORTION OF THE PROPERTY, CLOSEST TO 434/419, BE LIMITED IN FRONTAGE USAGE TO A "C-l" CATEGORY, AS INDICATED BY -MR. JOHN T. CATHCART, OF WINTER SPRINGS EXECUTIVE PARK, INC., THAT HE WAS SO WILLING TO LIMIT THE PROPERTY TO THE "C-l" CATEGORY ALONG 434". CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA SPECIAL MEETING - MAY 19, 1999 PAGE40F6 "THAT THEN, ASSUMING THAT THE APPLICANT IS WILLING TO ENTER INTO SUCH A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH THOSE LIMITATIONS, AND I WOULD FURTHER LIKE TO SEE THE APPLICANT GET SOME ACTUAL NOTICE, EITHER BY MAIL OR HAND DELIVERY TO SOMEBODY FROM MacKINLEY'S MILL, SO THAT THEY COULD COME TO THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING". "THAT BASED ON THE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT, THAT IF HE IS WILLING TO ENTER INTO THAT, THAT WE RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVE A SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNED AMENDMENT, CHANGING THE (FLUM) THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION OF THE 7.558 ACRE WOFFORD- SLAPPEY PROPERTY FROM COUNTY SUBURBAN ESTATES (1 DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE) TO COMMERCIAL". MOTION BY BILL FERNANDEZ. SECONDED BY ROSANNE KARR. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ROSANNE KARR: AYE; CARL STEPHENS, JR.: NAY; TOM BROWN: AYE; BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE; MARC CLINCH: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. C. Wofford/Slappey Rezoning (REZ-3-99) Regarding the proposed rezoning of this parcel, Mr. Grimms read the justifications; information regarding nuisance potential; and the related Findings. Mr. Robert King, 2211 Black Hammock: addressed the water and sewer issue, as it relates to a Joint Planning Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs. Mr. Grimms explained matters dealing with the Urban Service Line; trunk lines and urban services; and overall urban growth. Mr. Grimms stated that there was not a Joint Planning Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs. In addition, the Board briefly discussed water and sewer services with Mr. Cathcart. "I WANT TO MAKE A MOTION THAT CONDITIONED ON THE APPLICANT ENTERING INTO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, THAT IS IN ESSENCE SIMILAR TO HIS MAY THE 12TH, 1999 LETTER, WHEREIN HE INDICATIED A WILLINGNESS TO PROVIDE BUFFERING, AND FOLLOW THE SPIRIT OF THE CITY'S STATE ROAD 434 CORRIDOR VISIONING PLAN; AND WILL COOPERATE WITH THE CITY TO ENSURE THAT THE PARCEL MEETS OR EXCEEDS EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AND AESETHIC STANDARDS, AND FURTHER CONDITIONED ON A DEVELOPMENT CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA SPECIAL MEETING - MAY 19. 1999 PAGE50F6 AGREEMENT, SIMILAR TO REPRESENTATIONS MADE IN HIS MAY THE 12TH, 1999 LETTER, THAT INDICATES THAT THEY WILL DEVELOP THE FRONT PORTION OF THE PROPERTY, MEANING THAT CLOSEST TO 434 OR 419, WITH PERMITTED USES ALLOWED IN THE "C-l" ZONING DISTRICT, AND FURTHER CONDITIONED THAT THE APPLICANT NOTIFY PERSONNALLY, OR BY MAIL OR SOME METHOD, OTHER THAN THE SANFORD HERALD, THE MacKINLEY'S MILL HOMEOWNERS REPRESENTATIVES, SO THAT THEY COULD BE PRESENT AT THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING". "THAT BASED ON THE APPLICANT AGREEING TO THOSE CONDITIONS, THAT THE P & Z BOARD RECOMMENID OR APPROVE A ZONING MAP DESIGNATION FOR THE 7.558 ACRE WOFFORD-SLAPPEY PROPERTY FROM COUNTY "A-I" (AGRICULTURE -1 DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE) TO THE CITY'S "C-2" (GENERAL COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT). AND I WOULD NOTE THAT THE DIAGRAM ATTACHED DOES SHOW A 200 FOOT FRONT PORTION, WHICH I AM ASSUMING TO BE THE "C-l" USAGE LIMITATION. THAT IS MY MOTION". MOTION BY BILL FERNANDEZ. SECONDED BY ROSANNE KARR. DISCUSSION. VOTE: MARC CLINCH: AYE; BILL FERNANDEZ: AYE; ROSANNE KARR: AYE; TOM BROWN: AYE; CARL STEPHENS, JR.: NAY. MOTION CARRIED. III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS · Final Comments from Attorney Robert Guthrie Regarding the Draft Bylaws/Rules of Procedure for the Planning & Zoning BoardILocal Planning Agency. · Review of the Land Development Regulations. · Further Discussion About The Chronological Review Of The Planning and Zoning BoardILocal Planning Agency Topic Chart. Prior to adjournment, the Board and Mr. Grimms spoke on matters pertaining to the Town Center District Code, and City guidelines regarding newspaper advertising. Chairman Brown suggested that we mention in the City's water bills, that the City of Winter Springs advertises in the Seminole Herald. Members of the Board also mentioned that they felt that any applicable properties should have notices posted regarding any potential zoning changes. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA REGULAR MEETING - MAYS. 1999 PAGE 3 OF 3 Chief Timothy J. Lallathin, Interim Parks and Recreation Director would be the proper contact. There was brief discussion on whether or not the Planning And Zoning BoardILocal Planning Agency had approved the proposed Grizzly Park. III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS · Discussion on a possible Zoning Change for the Kingsbury property The Board asked about receiving an updated Board Member List and a list of E-mail addresses for the Mayor, Commission, and City Staff. There was also discussion about upcoming Board Appointments, and the sincere interest of those on the Board. Discussion. Chairman Brown recognized Board Member Marc Clinch, who wanted to make some comments for our records, regarding the Winter Springs Retail Center. On Plan Sheet 5, Board Member Clinch commented that the Stormwater Management System, at the paved areas, did not appear adequate. Tape I/Side B Board Member Clinch also noted on Plan Sheet 5, that the elevations were the same; and on Plan Sheet 7, he questioned the lack of irrigation in certain landscaped areas. Chairman Brown asked if Mr. Grimms would address these issues with the appropriate parties, regarding these concerns. Brief discussion. IV. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Brown adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Interim City Clerk City of Winter Springs, Florida APPROVED: TOM BRO , CHAIRMAN PLANNING and ZONING BOARDILP A DOCSlboards/planninglalll/minutesl050599.doc