HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 10 07 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Pledge Of Allegiance
The Planning and Zoning BoardlLPA meeting was called to order Wednesday, October 7,
1998 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Tom Brown in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
32708). The Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Roll Call
Tom Brown, Chairman, present
Carl Stephens, Jr., Vice Chairman, present
Marc Clinch, present
Bill Fernandez, present
Rosanne Karr, present (7:02 p.m.)
Also Present
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Charles C. Carrington, AICP, Community Development Director
Tom Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator
Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator
Approval Of The September 2, 1998 Planning and Zoning BoardlLPA
Regular Meeting Minutes
Board Member Rosanne Karr arrived at 7:02 p.m.
Motion by Bill Fernandez. Board Member Bill Fernandez stated that on page 6 of
the September 2, 1998 minutes, about the middle of the page, with the line of text
beginning with "under 20-80., as well as..." - this should instead be noted as "under
20-380., as well as..." .
Board Member Fernandez added, "And I also for the record want to concur that Andrea
did an excellent job doing these verbatim transcripts. That's a lot of work, and to have as
few changes, is exceptional- it's very good; even Court Reporters don't do that good".
Board Member Fernandez than asked that on page 13 of the September 2, 1998
minutes; under the second verbatim comment from Chairman Tom Brown, the
fourth sentence - "And I think what you're saying" ... should instead read as "And I
think what you're seeing..." .
Another revision to the September 2, 1998 minutes from Board Member Fernandez
can be found on page 19: under the first complete verbatim comments from Board
Member Bill Fernandez - the following sentence "And, I really don't want to spend
all afternoon, digging through, all of these books, to find out that I don't have the
proper information - it should never get to me..." - "should end with the word(s)
"that" or "that stage" instead of the word "me".
Board Member Fernandez then said that the last revision to the September 2, 1998
minutes was on page 20: the last sentence under the first complete verbatim
comments from Board Member Bill Fernandez on this page reads, "And the way it
was being presented to the City Commission, was that we were deficient, and I
wanted to make sure that...". It should instead read as follows: "And that is the
way it was being presented to the City Commission, was that we were deficient, and
I wanted to make sure that we were not deficient".
Seconded by Carl Stephens, Jr. Discussion. It was agreed that with the above
revisions to the minutes, that the motion to adopt the minutes of September 2, 1998
was approved by consensus of the Board. Motion passed.
The following Agenda Items are listed in the order they were discussed.
B. Meeting with Ron McLemore, City Manager, on his outlook in 1999
for the City and the Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning
With consensus of the Board, it was agreed to allow City Manager, Ronald W.
McLemore to hold his discussion with the Board first, as he had another engagement to
attend this evening.
Manager McLemore began his discussion with the Board by saying that the City is
currently very busy with a number of exciting events that will definitely enhance our
future - the first being the activities surrounding the design of the new Town Center.
"We hope that, either in this month, or certainly the first of November, to enter into a
memorandum of understanding with a key developer who will develop the Town Center".
He further spoke of the public advertising of the Town Center, and the continued interest
in this project ofa Joint Venture (involving a local company Welbro, Inc. and a company
from Washington, D.C., Learner Development, Inc. Regarding this Joint Venture effort,
Manager McLemore added that "They're someone who understands this and really wants
to do it. They see it as a unique project and that it can be sold nationally, if not
internationally - through it's uniqueness, which differentiates it from the rest of suburban
America" .
Manager McLemore spoke of an audio recording that he would like the Board to review.
He also spoke about the "lifestyle" choices that citizens are now making that affect where
people will live and work in the future - "This is the era of smart marketing, and smart
real estate, and smart communities...there is a lot going on out there, and the prediction is
that seventy million people are going to move in this country in the next twenty years.
The question is, are they going to move to you, and how many are going to move away
from you, because your community is no longer a sustainable community, nor considered
by these intelligent, smart buyers to be a place where their investment is a good
investment". Manager McLemore mentioned that the Joint Venture (that he previously
spoke of) was very aware of the marketing of the new Town Center and that they were
apprised that the City of Winter Springs is in fact a "unique" community, and that they
certainly were up to the task!
Some of the merits of this new Joint Venture were further mentioned by Manager
McLemore as he explained more about the City's position by saying that "If you want to
build in this community - you've got to build our way; and we are very careful, staff-
wise, and we have been the past couple of years to require certain things, and make sure
that when the development takes place, it's a value-added development". He further
backed up this statement by mentioning a number of recent projects that incorporate this
premise, including the Battle Ridge project, (amongst others) and what the City had
required of the developer.
Manager McLemore outlined the next few steps of the proposed development of the new
Town Center, and how this partnership would evolve to make this project work - such as
the recent grant that had been approved to allow the City to acquire various parcels that
should be an integral part of this project - such that "The magic thing about the footprint
is, once the footprint is in place, the project is locked, because it's the environmental
footprint that makes this project unique.. .it's a celebration with the environment
preserved - this project is truly designed around its' environment, instead of the other
way, and that's the reason we were funded". Manager McLemore then addressed the
"DR!" process and the marketing of the Town Center project.
Also discussed by Manager McLemore were other projects that the City is currently
working on, such as the upgrading and revitalization of State Road 434 in coordination
with the Florida Department of Transportation; and the City's plan to convert the City's
fourplexes from rental units to ownership units, possibly with the assistance of
NationsBank. The numerous planned improvements, along with the redesign of various
community parks within the City; the Tuscawilla Assessment District; and the Battle
Ridge Development were also mentioned by Manager McLemore. In addition, the status
of the Cassells property was discussed by Manager McLemore, as he elaborated on what
he felt that the Cassells wanted for this property, along with what might also work for the
City. There was brief mentioning of the Land Development Regulations (LDR's) and the
Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR), and what work might need to be done over the
next year.
Manager McLemore spoke of the latest activity regarding the City's position as it pertains
to the Joint Planning Agreement, especially with concern to the City of Oviedo, the City
of Casselberry, and Seminole County; along with the provision of municipal services, and
the concept of "urban sprawl".
The expectations for this board were identified by Manager McLemore, regarding the
different roles of this Board, especially in terms of the Comprehensive Plan.
Chairman Brown thanked Manager McLemore for attending tonight's meeting. Board
Member Fernandez asked Manager McLemore if there were any other adopted
Comprehensive Plans, other than the Plan that was adopted in 1992? Manager
McLemore stated that should be the only one. There was also discussion about "vested
rights", and how the City's Attorney could offer advice on this subject; along with
discussion about the appropriate designations of Planned Urban Developments (PUD' s)
and Master Plans.
There was further discussion about land use, historical records, entitlements, and design
Tape 1/Side 2
A. Golfside Villas - Preliminary EngineeringlFinal Development Plan.
Motion by Bill Fernandez. Board Member Bill Fernandez stated that "I moved to
table it. 1 believe we voted to table it. 1 would now, as the maker of that Motion like
to remove it from the table, and bring it up for discussion". Seconded by Rosanne
Karr. Discussion. Vote: Marc Clinch: aye; Bill Fernandez: aye; Rosanne Karr:
aye; Tom Brown: aye; Carl Stephens, Jr.: aye. Motion passed.
Mr. Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator began his presentation by advising the
Board of the City's review of this item. Mr. Sheldon Greene introduced the design staff
for the Golfside Villas project, which was comprised of Mr. Scott Moore, Landscape
Architect; Mr. Patrick Cox, Civil Engineer; and Mr. Greene's associate, Mr. Max Mogul.
Mr. Scott Moore (with Ravensdale Planning & Design, 703 Greens Avenue, Winter Park)
first addressed some of the landscape architecture portions of this project, and how these
plans relate to the City's arbor requirements. He addressed how many trees are expected
to remain on this site; and the various types and sizes of such trees, as they affect
aesthetics and scale along with other considerations of this project.
Board Member Fernandez asked Mr. Moore which (local) jurisdiction has the best code
to work with, for the sake of the development and also for the developer. Mr. Moore said
that the City of Orlando's Code would be his preference. There was further discussion
about "conceptual" plans; the hiring of a Forester (for the City of Winter Springs); and
the actual number of trees that are to remain (on this site). Mr. Moore stated that "We
still have to come back in with a Final Landscape Plan; that will come in with Final
Engineering, which will be very definitive - it will give you the exact site of the tree, the
caliper of the tree, the species of the tree, as well as the location of the tree, as well. And
that'll be a part ofthe record that is pulled on the permit".
There was further discussion about the contractor's responsibility; a third party contract,
and the City's ability to take care of any problems that may rise. There was also
discussion about Final Engineering, and Mr. LeBlanc offered to send a copy of the Final
Engineering to this Board, should they desire it.
Further discussion ensued on the survivability of the trees; and Mr. Moore's personal
Board Member Marc Clinch spoke about his concerns with the number of fire hydrants
planned for this project - with Mr. Patrick Cox, (Civil Engineer with Richardson
Engineering) for this project. There was further discussion about the Design Review
Committee's critique of this planned project, especially as it related to Board Member
Clinch's comments. Mr. Cox also spoke about the size of certain pipes, and agreed that
the size of the pipe could be upgraded for the Final Engineering, if the City so requested
The Board also discussed various sizes of pipes that enter area waterways; and the
drafting of plats and what such plats actually show. Chairman Brown then asked Mr.
LeBlanc about his recommendation for this Board, and if the recommendation could
include specific information pertaining to the planting of trees.
Motion by William Fernandez: "I'm going to recommend that we pass this, and I'm
trying to find your recommendation, but anyway, favorably, to the City Commission
and request that the City Attorney, in addition to reviewing the Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions, associated with Golfside Villas; also, review the history
of the Highlands PUD together with the previous recommendation of the previous
City Attorney, Gary Massey and his partner, our Circuit Judge; as to reaching an
understanding and agreement with this Developer as to the Final Engineering Plans
and the Final Development Plans. Based on the history that we do have that shows
that at least, back in August of 1971, that the City accepted the request for a
modification of a Development Plan of a Planned Unit Development, and therefore
that the City should ratify and confirm or approve the Highlands PUD, together
with the Golfside Villas, as a part of that Highlands PUD. I'm trying to accomplish
or close a gap in our public records, that seems to indicate that the Highlands PUD,
was not formally approved, at least, as written documentation would sustain. I
think that this City has accepted that as a PUD, has even modified it, and I think the
City ought to ratify that legally, and/or approve it, period. But I would make that
subject to the City Attorney's recommendation as to the best way for the City
Commission to proceed and let's get this project approved together with...I think
you were going to incorporate the planting the tree - the landscape. And Mr.
Clinch, did you want to add anything about any of the other - are you satisfied with
Mr. Cox's comments? [Board Member Clinch replied: "Yes, I'm satisfied".] Ok,
very good, then I recommend that. Looking for a second". Seconded by Carl
Stephens. Discussion. Vote: Rosanne Karr: aye; Carl Stephens, Jr.: aye; Tom
Brown: aye; Bill Fernandez: aye; Marc Clinch: aye. Motion passed.
Motion by William Fernandez: "Mr. Chair, I'd make a Motion that we allow this
matter to be presented to the City Commission without the formal approval of our
minutes, at the next available City Commission meeting." Seconded by Rosanne
Karr. Discussion.
Mr. LeBlanc said that this was possible, as long as he was provided with a verbatim
motion to include in the package that is presented to the City Commission, for their
Vote: Carl Stephens, Jr.: aye; Marc Clinch: aye; Bill Fernandez: aye; Rosanne
Karr: aye; Tom Brown: aye. Motion passed.
Mr. LeBlanc said that he may need to set up a Special Meeting, on or around the 21 sl of
this month, but that he would let the Board know the actual date, about a week prior to
such a meeting. Discussion.
There was also discussion by the Board about the compensation amount for Board
Members, and it was mentioned that Mr. Tom Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive
Planning/Zoning Coordinator would address this matter at a later time with the Board.
Mr. LeBlanc told the Board that there was no Master Plan for the PUD.
Discussion by the Board ensued on the subject of "advance notice".
C. Meeting with Bob Guthrie, Interim City Attorney, to review final draft of
ByLawslRules of Procedure.
This item was not discussed, as Interim City Attorney, Robert Guthrie had a prior
commitment, and could not attend tonight's meeting.
. Update/Follow-Up to the Town Center Design Standards
In other discussion, the Board discussed the City's Arbor Ordinance. The Board also
spoke about a Tuscawilla resident who wanted to put in a tennis court, and that the City
Commission may want to consider a City Ordinance that "Prohibits people from adding
dirt to their property", or possibly amending the City's Pit Ordinance, "To include
something about not bringing in fill dirt" - such topics may need to be discussed in a
workshop. Discussion.
Chairman Brown told the Board that he had asked Board Member Clinch to concentrate
on the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). Board Members Rosanne Karr and Carl
Stephens, Jr. would work on matters dealing with the Town Center.
Chairman Brown adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Deputy City Clerk
City of Winter Springs, Florida