HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 09 17 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes r- MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD SEPrEMBER 17, 1997- REGULAR MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 17, 1997, by Vice- Chairman Brown in the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. ROLL CALL Bill Fernandez, Chairman, absent Gene Lein, present Rosanne Karr, present (7:05) Carl Stephens, present Tom Brown, Vice-Chairman, present ALSO PRESENT Tom Grimms, Comm. Dev. Coordinator Approval of the September 3. 1997 PlanniJu[ and ZoD.m, Board/LPA Retm1ar Meet.ft. Minutes Motion by Stephens, seconded by Lein. Motion carried to adopt the minutes of September 3, 1997. II. REGULAR AGENDA A) Kingsbury Annexation (ANX-6-97) r The request is annexation of a 9.95 acre parcel into the city located close to the intersection of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road, on the north side. Grimms read the findings and staff recommendation from the staff report. Ron Henson, Design Service Group, stated that the applicant would like to build a commercial development, and they are aware of the Town Center plans. Motion: The Planning and Zoning Board recommends to the City Commission the annexation of 9.95 acre Kingsbwy parcel into the city, based on the findings located in the document titled Kingsbwy Annexation (ANX-6-97). Motion by Stephens. Second by Karr. Vote: Lein, aye; Karr, aye; Stephens, aye; Brown, aye. Motion carried. B) Kingsbury Small Scale Amendment (CPA-6-97) The request is to change from Seminole County's future land use designation of "Commercial" to the City's future land use designation of "Commercial". Grimms read the findings and staff recommendation from the staff report. Stephens asked how much of the land is suitable for building due to the soil types. Grimms stated that a majority of the soils on the land are compatible with development. Motion: The Local Planning Agency recommends approval to the City Commission the request by Laverne and June Kingsbwy, for a change from county Future Land Use designation of "Commercial" to City Future Land Use designation of "Commercial" on a 9.95 acre parcel. r' Motion by Lein. Second by Brown. Vote: Karr, aye; Lein, aye; Stephens, aye; Brown, aye. Motion passed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LPA SEPrEMBER 17, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE 2 OF 2 ./""'" C) Kingsbury Rezoning (REZ-6-97) Grimms stated the findings and staff recommendation from the staff report. Motion: The Planning and Zoning Board recommend approval to the City Commission of the request for rezoning by Laverne and June Kingsbwy of the 9.95 acre parcel from county zoning designation A-I "Agriculture" to City zoning designation C-l "Neighborhood Commercial District" based on the findings located in the document titled Kingsbwy Investors Rezoning (REZ-6-97). Motion by Stephens. Second by Lein. Vote: Stephens, aye; Brown, aye; Lein, aye; Karr, aye. Motion passed. Brown announced that one of the city's police officers passed away last night. Everyone stood for a moment of silence. III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Members welcomed Rosanne Karr to the Board. Grimms assured members that Texaco would be coming in for annexation of a 1.74 acre portion of the Kingsbury property at the intersection of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla, on the north side. He displayed a map while informing the members of the Town Center trailheads. Discussion. Lein recommended that the map which Grimms displayed be distributed with the agendas when the item is placed on the Commission agenda. Brown asked that the P & Z Board members get a r copy of the map in the next packet. Lein and Karr announced that they will be unable to attend the October 1, 1997 meeting. Brown said he would contact Chairman Fernandez to find out if the board could reschedule. Grimms made sure all the members received a copy of the memo from Attorney Bob Guthrie regarding the draft bylaws. Brief discussion. Vice-Chairman Brown thanked the city for sending three of the board members to a seminar. October 1. 1997 Meetina 1) Review and make recommendation of the large scale comprehensive plan amendments 2) Review the EAR for 15 minutes 3) Texaco October 15. 1997 Meetina 1) Review memo from Attorney Guthrie regarding bylaws IV. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Brown adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk r