HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 02 19 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes MINUTES r PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILP A FEBRUARY 19, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING L CALL TO ORDER Chairman Fernandez called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Municipal Building. Pled2e of Alle2iance Roll Call Also Present Bill Fernandez, Chairman, present Art Hoffmann, present Gene Lein, present Carl Stephens, present Tom Brown, present Tom Grimms, Community Development Coordinator Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist Donna Mcintosh, Special Council Aooroval of the February 5.1997 Plannin2 and Zonin2 Board Re2ular Meetina Minutes r Motion: Approve the minutes of the February 5, 1997. Motion by Lein. Second by Brown. Vote: Lein, aye; Hoffmann, aye; Stephens, abstain; Fernandez, aye; Brown, aye. Motion carried. n. REGULAR AGENDA A) Arrowhead Units 3 & 4 Final Development Plan/Preliminary Engineering (Carried over from 11/06/96 P & Z Board Meeting) LeBlanc reported that at approximately 2:45 p.m. this afternoon, staff received three alternate plans addressing Arrowhead Unit 3, and one plan addressing Arrowhead Unit 4. He requested that the board table the issue considering that staffhasn't had time to review the plans; also considering the letter dated February 13, 1997 from Stenstrom, Mcintosh, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, P.A. to Ron McLemore, City Manager, recommending that the board table the issue until they have been able to complete their study. JimMlkes, TuscawiUa Country Club, said they are awaiting a review from the city attorney. Addressing the issues of the February 10, 1997 (Commission) meeting, plans have been submitted for alternative consideration should the Commission say the plans submitted last summer are not in compliance with the agreement. r Philip Tatich, representative of Florida Country Clubs, said he has spoken with Special Council Mcintosh on several occasions trying to understand what the particular concern of the city might be for the necessity ""...., Minutes Planning and Zoning BoardILP A February 19, 1997 - Regular Meeting Page 2 of 5 of obtaining additional sUlVey work. The plans submitted today are to assist the city in their evaluation. The plans address the concerns of the relocation of the country club amenities, and the concerns of the number oflots in Unit 3. He asked Special Council to provide information as quickly as would be reasonable. He also felt it would be appropriate for the record to reflect precisely what the surveyor was directed to do and why so they can understand how the process is unfolding, and can provide input. Special Council McIntosh said the line of inquiry (purpose for a surveyor) was multiple. The first line of inquiry was to compare the legal descriptions between the second amendment and the proposed projects. There were other lines of inquiry, but one of the main concerns is that we did not feel that we had enough information to adequately evaluate the impact of the project on the existing golf course. Tatich explained the impact of the project to the existing course. He invited council to communicate any questions that might arise from the further investigation by the sUlVeyor, and asked for a cooperative effort to move this process along. Special Council McIntosh stated that she would inform the city of the surveyors time frame. Tatich said they need to be part of the process, and that probably within fifteen (15) days there ought be a very good understanding of where this matter is going, then asked that he get some answer within that period of time ifpossible. Mr. Mikes welcomed Conklin to come out and look at the (original, survey) pins that are set. Lein said that an independent survey should be used. Motion: The projects of Arrowheads Units 3 and 4 be tabled to a future meeting to give staff time to r review the new plans that have come aboard. To give the city attorneys time to get their survey information and all their investigation of all documents they must need so they can get back to us with their legal opinion. This was also recommended by special council to table. Motion by Lein. Second by Hoffinann. Brown said he is awaiting three items: a definition of Article 6, Section (b) of the Settlement Agreement from the city attorney~ a survey~ and the plans that were submitted today. Vote: Brown, aye; Lein, aye; Hoffmann, aye; Stephens, aye; Fernandez, aye. Motion passed. Chairman Fernandez asked that the board get a report on the status from LeBlanc or the City Attorney even if it won't be presented at the next meeting. He encouraged council to explore avenues to resolve the matter. Chairman Fernandez called a ten minute recess which began at 7:28 p.m. B) Brandon Annexation (ANX-2-97) Grimms reiterated information provided on the staff report. He also read the findings and the staff recommendation. r Randy Holihan, Partner in Brandon Acquisitions, Inc., said they are anticipating developing a Winn- Dixie grocery store along the stretch in discussion and two additional out parcels which would be part of this development. They are trying to get the development rights secured and get through the planning process simultaneous with the Winn-Dixie lease. .1"'- Minutes Planning and Zoning BoardILP A February 19, 1997 - Regular Meeting Page 3 of 5 Hoffmann asked about a deceleration lane. Hollihan said the main access will be at the traffic light at Timberlane. Tipton and Associates is their traffic engineer for assistance in adhering to FDOT's and the City's regulations. Brown asked about the size of the parking spaces. Grimms said that his concern will be addressed at the time they present a development plan. He added, the general requirement in the LDR's for straight in parking is 10' x 20' . Motion: The Planning and Zoning Board/LP A recommends the annexation of .229 acre, parcel 3, into the city based on the findings and staff recommendation. Motion by Brown. Second by Lein. Vote: Hoffmann, aye; Lein, aye; Stephens, aye; Fernandez, aye; Brown, aye. Motion carried C) Brandon Small Scale Comorehensive Plan Amendment fSM-CPA-2-97J Grimms read the findings and the staff recommendation from the staff report. Motion: The Local Planning Agency recommends approval for the request of the Brandon Acquisitions r for a change from County Future Land Use designation of "Commercial" to City Future Land Use designation of "Commercial" on Parcel 3, a .229 acre parcel based on the findings. Motion by Brown. Second by Stephens. Vote: Brown, aye; Lein, aye; Hoffmann, aye; Fernandez, aye; Stephens, aye. Motion carried D) Brandon Rezoninl! fREZ-2-97J Grimms read the findings and staff recommendations from the staff report. Motion: The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval to the City Commission the request for rezoning by Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. of the .229 acre parcel {Parcel 3) from county zoning designation C-2 "Retail Commercial District" to City zoning designation C-l "Neighborhood Commercial District" based on the findings. Motion by Stephens. Second by Brown. Vote: Hoffmann, aye; Fernandez, aye; Brown, aye; Stephens, aye; Lein, aye. Motion passed There was a consensus of the board authorizing Grimms to present their recommendations for Items B, C and D to the Commission prior to the approval of the minutes. r E) Stone Gable Master PUD Master Plan Lein commented on the by-laws. It reads: "that three board of directors who need not be members of the r- Minutes Planning and Zoning BoardILP A February 19, 1997 - Regular Meeting Page 4 of 5 association"... It was explained that in the beginning of development, a developer, an attorney, or a number of other individuals can be on the board. He wanted to know if "who need not be members of the association" was a legal term. He disagreed with the "Meeting of Directors" section reading "can hold monthly meetings without notice", and referenced Florida Statutes 617.303 which rules on the subject Brown agreed that the documents need to be looked over again. He also stated that on page 3 it reads University Pines property, which it isn't. Hoffinann said that pages 32 and 34 states that the recording took place in Orange County, but it didn't. Don McIntosh, applicant representative, said the master plan covers 13 acres and embraces 53 lots. Landscape plans have been submitted. The applicant wishes to upgrade the split face wall to a brick wall. He requested the boards input on placement of the wall. LeBlanc said that with the landscape buffer on the inside of the wall would only benefit two property owners, but with the landscape buffer on the outside it benefits the entire project. McIntosh said there was also talk of meandering the wall for creativity. The unique part is that this wall is probably going to be the prototype for visioning. Staff favors the majority of the buffer in the right-of-way. Hoffinann asked about a deceleration lane. McIntosh said that he is working with the application to FDOT. Brown said he hopes the developer will use good judgement in selecting commercial users for the r commercial area. He would like to see a business such as a daycare rather than a convenience store. McIntosh said that the development agreement conceives that it will be a neighborhood type use, but there are no any specific users at this time. Chairman Fernandez asked if the code requirements are met if the wall meanders and is made of brick. LeBlanc answered yes. Motion: The Planning and Zoning BoardlLPA recommends to the City Commission the approval of the Stone Gable PUD Master Plan. Motion by Brown. Second by Stephens. Vote: Hoffmann, aye; Stephens, aye; Brown, aye; Fernandez, aye; Lein, aye. Motion passed. F) Stone Gable PUD Final Subdivision PlanlPreliminarv Enllineerinll Motion: The Planning and Zoning BoardlLP A recommends to the City Commission the approval of the Stone Gable PUD Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary Engineering. Motion by Brown. Second by Stephens. Vote: Fernandez, aye; Lein, aye; Stephens, aye; Brown, aye; Hoffmann, aye. Motion passed. r There was a consensus of the board authorizing LeBlanc to present their recommendations for Items E and F to the Commission prior to the approval of the minutes. r- Minutes Planning and Zoning BoardILP A February 19, 1997 - Regular Meeting Page 5 of 5 llL INFORMATIONAL AGENDA A) Evaluation and Aooraisal Reoort (EAR' The EAR is part of the Florida Growth Management Program. The purpose of the report is to follow-up and tract the Comprehensive Plan's successes, failures, and recommendations for further improvements. All jurisdictions in the state with population of2,500 or more must complete an EAR. The population of the City of Winter Springs as of January 1997 is approximately 27,000 based upon building permits. The EAR must be in the office of DCA (Tallahassee) by June 3, 1998, and adopted by the City Commission by September 1, 1998. Florida Statutes Chapter 163 requires that the P & Z/LPA be involved in the process. (recommend changes to the draft) Due to Grimms' work load, a "Request for Proposal" to prepare the report has been submitted to the city manager. IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board members mentioned that they are still waiting on the "Rules and Procedures" for P & Z Board from the City Attorney. Grimms updated the members on the telecommunications towers. ,,-.... Chairman Fernandez said they are also waiting on the Town Center Guidelines (billboards). v. ADJOU~ENT Chairman Fernandez adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. The items of this meeting were presented in the following order: I, II-A, E, F, B, C and D, III, IV, and V. r Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk