HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 09 04 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes r MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SEPTEMBER 4, 1996 - REGULAR MEETING I. Call to Order Chairperson Fernandez called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Municipal Building. Plede:e of Allee:iance Roll Call Bill Fernandez, present Art Hoffmann, present David Hopkins, absent Gene Lein, present Carl Stephens, Jr., present Also Present Tom Grimms, Community Dev. Coordinator Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist Aooroval of Minutes of Aue:ust 7. 1996 Plannine: and Zonine: Ree:ular Meetine: Aooroval of Minutes of Aue:ust 7. 1996 Local Plan nine: Ae:encv Ree:ular Meetine: f' Motion: Approve the P & Z and LPA minutes of the August 7, 1996 meetings. Motion by Stephens. Second by Hoffmann. Vote: Stephen, aye; Lein, aye; Fernandez, aye; Hoffmann, aye. II. New Business A) S.H. 434 Corridor Guidelines for the Develooine: Area (Green) A S.R. 434Corridor schematic was displayed. Grimms explained that there are three sections (Re-development Area-yellow, Town Center Area- Red, and the Development Area-Green) to the S.R. 434 Corridor. Each section has it's own regulations. The guidelines for the Developing Area (green) will be discussed tonight. Page 8 Section 20-342 (4) Parking space size. LeBlanc stated that the present code (9-276, Off Street Parking) calls for parking spaces to be 200 square feet, and he would like to see that remain. He said he could go along with the two foot of payment being omitted and sodded provided they have a wheel stop at the 18 foot spot. Keeping a 10' x 20' space minimizes frustrations with the parking of vehicles. f' ,I""'" Minutes Planning and Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency September 4, 1996-Regular Meeting Page 2 of 7 Chairperson Fernandez requested that resumes of the staff members who present testimony and make recommendations to the P & Z Board be available in the Clerk's office for applicants and/or other people to view. He asked that this request be taken to the City Manager. Grimms said that the Goals, Objective and Policies section of the document in review (S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan) is envisioned to become a separate section of the Comprehensive Plan, and pertains to all three sections of the corridor. The regulation section of the document in review pertains only to the Development Area (green), and is envisioned to become a separate section in the Land Development Codes of the City Ordinances. A committee of City staff, property owners and a Mcintosh representative developed the document in review. The committee elected to include all of the area within the property boundary lines of all properties abutting the right-of-way; therefore, the boundary of the corridor overlay will be jagged on either side of S.R. 434. Grimms stated that he didn't see the practicality in the decision. Page 1 Objective 1.1-- "Desired appearance" is vague; it can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Objective 1.2- Stephens commented that this objective goes along with what the board did at the last I""" meeting concerning the Palmer request. Page 2 Policy 3.1.1-- Hoffmann asked what "compatible with the surrounding area" meant. Grimms said that there has to be some generality. Objective 3.2-- Hoffmann asked who the members were of the Staff Review Board. Fernandez mentioned that in section 20-351, page 22, the Staff Review Board has another name--Corridor Design Review Board. Grimms stated that the only name that should appear is Development Review Committee (ORC). The Committee is appointed by the City Manager. The committee is made up of the City Manager, serving as the Chair, and department heads. The board agreed that it needs to be spelled out. Lien asked who was going to develop a theme. Grimms said a "theme" is still to be determined, and hopefully the Commission will hold a couple of workshops before they take action. An ordinance is required in order to adopt the plan, and the ordinance requires two readings. Opportunity for public input will be available at the time of the readings. Page 3 Goal 4: Correct "S.R. 343" to read "S.R. 434". I""" r Minutes Planning and Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency September 4, 1996-Regular Meeting Page 3 of 7 Page 4 Policy 4.3.2-.., Remove the word "over"; first line. Fernandez said that he would like to be able to ride his horse on the trails. Grimms suggested "non-motorized, multi-purpose trail". Leanne Grove, McIntosh and Associates, wanted to make sure that "non-motorized" did not eliminate wheelchairs. Lien said he can't see putting a trail through a commercial corridor; he would rather see the trail go along the (scenic) lake bed. Objective 4.3-- Define "multi-modal". Objective 1.1-- Spell out "CRA" board. Policy 1.1.2-- the "triangular area" should read "Town Center". Grimms stated there have been discussion of including Schrimsher's property in the Town Center. Page 6 Sec. 20-377-- Should read Section 20-111. 1"""'. Page 7 Sec. 20-340(J)--Grimms apologized for not including "Table 1". The table will be included. Sec. 20-340(2)-- Correct the word "narrow" to read "narrowest"; first line. The paragraph in Sec. 20-340 (after "d", page 7) reads "Site Plan Review Board in four areas. Grimms said it should read "Development Review Committee". Page 8 Sec. 20-342(4)--LeBlanc's comments were made at the beginning of the meeting. (see page 1) Sec. 20-342(7)--Specify the F.D.O.T. permit guidelines. Change the word "they" to "there". Discussion of joint access drives, limiting accesses otfofS. R. 434, and marginal roads. Reads: if a site has less than two hundred feet offrontage on a right of way, one access drive shall be permitted unless _111I11_ in which case two may be permitted. Should it read: ifa site has less than two hundred feet of frontage on a right of way, one access drive shall be permitted unles~IUIr..'Jli_in which case two may be permitted. Page 9 Sec. 20-343(3)-- Omit "with the same species material"; third line. r- Sec. 20-343(4)-- Add "with reclaimed water" after the word "irrigated". r Minutes Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency September 4, 1996-Regular Meeting Page 4 of 7 Everyone acknowledged that in order to have a nice place, there has to be enforceable rules. Page 10 Sec. 20-343(8)(b)-- Change the word "within" to"with"; second line. Sec. 20-343(9)-- After a brief discussion about the purpose for licensed landscape architects, the board decided to leave the section as is. Hoffinann requested that "continuation" (Sections and numbers) be referenced at the top of the next page when a section continues from one page to another. Sec. 20-343(14)-- Change the word "contiguous" to "abutting". Page 11 Sec. 20-343(14)(b)-- Delete the phrase "planted in areas"; first line. Sec. 20-343(16)-- Add "unpaved" after the word "landscaped"; first line. Page 12 r Sec. 20-343(24)-- Delete "St. Augustine Floratam"; replace with "an appropriate St. Augustine". Delete "Argentine Bahia"; replace with "Other suitable". Page 13 Sec. 20-344(c)-- Start new paragraph after the first period. Page 14 Sec. 20-344(c)(3)-- Delete the word "advertising". Sec. 20-344(d)(4)-- Delete the word "advertising". Page 15 Sec. 20-344(k)-- "Marketing sign" means for example: a "Space for rent" sign. Page 16 Sec. 20-344(L)- Delete "and will not, under any circumstances, be allowed within"; replace with "in". Discussion of adding a sub-section named "Balloon or Ribbon Signs" under 20-344(L). Sec. 20-344(L)(3)-- Use "in depth" instead of "horizontally". Sec. 20-344(L)(6)- Grimms said he would include "Pennant and banner signs" in the sign ordinance. r-- r' Minutes Planning and Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency September 4, 1996-Regular Meeting Page 5 of 7 Page 16 Sec. 20-344 (L)(7)-- "Snipe signs" means for example: signs tacked to trees and poles such as bushogging, babysitting. Sec. 20-344(L)(10)-- Discussed, but no changes. Page 17 Sec. 20-344(L)(1 2)-- Reads: Any vehicle with a sign or signs attached thereto or placed thereon with the exception of any vehicle when parked or stored within the confines of a building, or any vehicle upon which is placed a sign identifYing a firm or its principal product if such vehicle is one which is operated during the normal course of business. Correction: Any vehicle with a sign or signs attached thereto or placed thereon with two (2) exceptions (a) any vehicle when parked or stored within the confines of a building, or (b) any vehicle upon which is placed a sign identifYing a firm or its principal product if such vehicle is one which is operated during the normal course of business. Sec. 20-344(L)(14)-- "Obscene or in bad taste" is vague. r Sec. 20-344(m)(1)-- Change to "two flags" Sec. 20-344(m)(2)-- Change to "five (5) feet by eight (8) feet in size. Sec. 20-344(m)(5)- Change "Site Plan Review Board" to "Development Review Committee" Sec. 20-344(0)(1)- Delete "other than billboards"; first line. The board recommends that billboards be included in the amortization. Lien mentioned that the median on S.R 434 is concaved. (construction by Winding Hollow) Grimms said he would talk to someone about the plans. Brief discussion of"D.B.H."--Diameter at Breast Height. Grimms read section 5-1(c)(5) Arbor of the Codes of the City. Michael Blake, Candidate/or Winter Springs Commissioner, explained the reason for the code addressing trees at breast height. Page 18 Sec. 20-345(4)(e)-- The "5:1" ratio means the slope drops down one foot in a five foot length. The board recommends that this regulation be the same as the City Code. r' I""" Minutes Planning and Zoning BoardlLocal Planning Agency September 4, 1996-Regular Meeting Page 6 of 7 Page 18 Sec. 20-345(5)-- Change "to that height" to read "at that height", and delete "as viewed from the right-of-way"~ beginning on line three. Page 19 Sec. 20-345(b)-- Delete "etc."; first line, replace with "man-made structures". Sec. 20-346(3)-- Hoffmann commented that the power company will have to deal with shrubbery being planted around transformer boxes. Lien asked if utility lines will go underground. Grimms said that the lines crossing the intersections will be underground. Leanne Grove said that the Commission and City Manager requested that McIntosh research underground wiring with Florida Power. McIntosh and Associates sent the city a letter explaining that it would be a multi-million dollar project. Sec. 20-347(a)(4)-- Add a "d" to the end of the word "share". Page 20 Sec. 20-347(c)(J)-- Delete "with the deed"; replace with "in the public records". r Sec. 20-347(c)(2)-- Delete "with the deed"; replace with "in the public records". Sec. 20-347(c)(3)-- Delete "with the deed"; replace with "in the public records". Sec. 20-347(d)(3)-- Delete "with the deed"; replace with "in the public records". Page 21 Sec. 20-348(2)-- "Minimum Setback Requirement Table" should be identified. (last sentence) Sec. 20-348(3)- Stephens asked about having the dumpsters behind buildings. He wants to avoid dumpsters in the front of shopping centers (in the parking lot). Chairperson Fernandez suggested "that portion of the lot furthest in depth from S.R. 434". Sec. 20-348(5)- "Spell out "PCS". Page 22 Sec. 20-351-- Change "Staff Review Board" to "Development Review Committee". Grimms asked if the recommendation of the Board is to adopt these regulations with the changes noted. The Chair said, "correct". I"'""" r- Minutes Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency September 4, 1996-Regular Meeting Page 7 of 7 Lien asked if any thought has been given to a pedestrian bridge, preferably by the Central Winds Park and the high school. Grimms said the only discussion was of one by Winter Springs Elementary. DI. Unfinished Business Grimms stated that the Board's Rules and Regulations are being reviewed by the City Manager, and hopefully will be on the next agenda. Chairperson Fernandez said that he wants to talk about an order of business procedure pertaining to quasi-judicial hearings while reviewing the Rules and Regulations of the Board. He wants to ask the board members at the beginning of the hearings, for the record, if there are any conflicts, if they have received any ex-parte communications, ifthere has been any lobbying, or any other sunshine matters that need to be dealt with. Also, if a member hasn't attended a meeting where an item was discussed, then they either indicate for the record that they have listened to the record and reviewed all of the material, or they should abstain from voting. Chairperson Fernandez requested that the recommendations that the LP A Board, Berryman & Henigar, and staff made to the Land Development Regulations be submitted to the Commission. Lien asked for an explanation for having separate sets of minutes for the Local Planning Agency and the Planning and Zoning Board. Grimms said that it depends on the issues. The board is the Local r- Planning Agency when dealing with matters of Comprehensive Planning. The Planning and Zoning Board deals with matters such as development review and zoning. Lien asked why they have to be separated. Grlmms said he's not aware of any state statutes that requires separation. The City Clerk may know. Leanne Grove said that in larger jurisdictions the Local Planning Agency and the Planning and Zoning Board are two separate and distinct bodies. Lien asked if the members are serving pn two boards. Grlmms said that according to Chapter 163, the governing body is allowed to designate the P & Z board as the LP A. IV. Adjournment Chairperson Fernandez adjourned the meeting at 9:44 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs, Florida I""