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2009 02 23 Other - Proclamations Presented During Meeting, but Not Listed on Agenda
Date: February 23, 2009 The following Proclamations were presented at the February 23, 2009 Regular City Commission Meeting, although not listed on the Agenda. PRocLAMAT1oN ~C~. Q~ T~~, ~Q~ 1Q~NT~~ S~'~~,5, ...Q~A~ HEREAS, Christopher Carson has been with the City of Winter Springs and the Parks and Recreation Department since August 6, 2001; and HEREAS, while working for the City of Winter Springs' Parks and Recreation Department, Christopher Carson has served as the "Recreation Activities Program Supervisor". His current title is the "Recreation Supervisor/Programs (Special Events and Civic Center"); and HEREAS, during the 2008 Fiscal Year, as funding became tougher around the Country and also here in the City of Winter Springs, and as a result, numerous City sponsored Special Events had to be cut from the Budget, Christopher Carson dreamed up the idea of putting together a Committee to try to find funding from other outside sources to still keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the Committee that Christopher Carson envisioned, became a reality thanks to his dream, his initiative, and his ingenuity; and this Committee became known as the "Community Events Committee". Their first official meeting was held on Friday, September 5, 2008 and was held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and HEREAS, because of the exemplary efforts of Christopher Carson, many Special Events have since been held in the City of Winter Springs thanks to his great idea and with the help of many wonderful and hard-working Volunteers who make up the "Community Events Committee". NOS, '~'H~~E~''0~~,.a 1, JO'~iN F. $US~I, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23rd, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, be named in honor of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter Springs to be affixe as 3rd da of February, 2009. ~o~ J N F. BUSH, MAYOR ATT T: ERK John F. Bush Mayor Jean Hovey Rick Brown Cary Bonner Saily N1cCinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner PRocLAMAT1oN oE£ICece r[ffi MAYOR ~i~ ~ 1+A ~-7~ wK~.w ~3t ~ iw~1Mk/~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the ~T®us~cawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and ~CHEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4~' of July Celebration. 110, T~~~t.~~OR~, I, JO~IIV ~. ~US~:, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23'x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TH£ "COMMLJIVITY E~I~NTS COIVIMI.'I'TE~" - M..srF:.~,~ ~.LIC~ ~ILD~~Z ~cND J~fF it.~cM£S A1VD ~1'1ZIL $ON~cDONN~c ~tND D~tMEL~4 G~c~It.OLL AND KI.M CO~UIZl`1 ~1VD D£.B~.A. ~ISI-IER AND MATT HER$A AND STF*~~ L£Z~K .r~_ND M.~c.filY IVIUNJ£D AND ~k~RNI NUSS$~kiJM .AND $IZ~t.NTL~EY TILLIS AND J.'I`. ~'SikLD~~I~ fkND MICH~k£L 1tl~£LQ~I .~rND D~c~N L1lINE$RENNEI~ AND CH1t.ISTOPIIE.R Cfk.£~SON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft 'ty of Winter Springs tpo be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. ~ ~c~;c,vY~. J N F. BUSH, MAYOR ATT CIT LERK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally 1~1cGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner CLAMAT o€fiC~ of 7'fiB MAYoR 1A2N7~R Si'RINBS. fZ0{tIDA HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and ~HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and 1iYHEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`~ of July Celebration. NO+ T~IE~Z:E~'O~Z~., ~, JOAN ~. $U.~~, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23'x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of T'H£ "GOIVIMUNITY Ell£N'I•S GOMIVII~'TI=E"' - M~kIZY .~LIGE ~ILDEIt. ~ ND JE~I z~.~tMES AND .~cflRIL $ONi~tDONNi~t ~cND P~k1VII=L~c G~kI~IZOLL ~c1VD I~IM GO$URN ~k:ND DE$1~~ P'ISfIER ~c1VD Mi~t'F'I' HER$~ ~kND S~'EVE L£Z~kK ~kND MAf{~ MUNJED AND fkRNIE NUSS$~cUIVI AND $R~N`fL£~ TILLIS ~kND J.`C. TS~LD~I~IS A1VD MIGH~sEL lt~£LG~H ~kND CHf~ISTOPHEiZ GA.IZSON 'V WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the eal oft ity of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 009. `~ JON F. BUSH, MAYOR ATT X11': '`~' CLERK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Commissioner Sa11y McGinnis Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Jean Hovev Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner ~&C~ Q~ T~I~ ~Y©~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`'' of July Celebration. 1~0~11, "[i"~I~~~.I:'"Q}ZE+ I, JO~.N ~`. $U~~I, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23'x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TII£ "CO1VIlVIUNITY Eu£NTS COMNIITTEI°'' - 1~IAI~Y t~.LIC~ ~ILDI•~Z. AND JEEP AAMES AND APRIL $ONADONNA A1VD ~AIVIELA CARR.OLL AND I{IM CO$UR1V A1VD DE.$IZA. PISI-IER AND MATT fIEI~BA AND STEZfE LEAK. A.111D MARY I~IUN~IED AND ANNIE NIISS$A.UM AND BR.AIVTI.EY 'CILLIS AND J.`I`. T~ALDARIS AND MICI-IAEL IA~~LCH A1VD DA~1lN VINE $REIVNER AND CbIR.I~TOI'bIE#Z CARSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft 'ty of Winter Springs tpo be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. `~ ~c~,c,~J'h J N F. BUSH, MAYOR ATT CIT LERK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner pRocLAMATIoN HEREAS, Christopher Carson has been with the City of Winter Springs and the Parks and Recreation Department since August 6, 2001; and HEREAS, while working for the City of Winter Springs' Parks and Recreation Department, Christopher Carson has served as the "Recreation Activities Program Supervisor". His current title is the "Recreation Supervisor/Programs (Special Events and Civic Center"); and HEREAS, during the 2008 Fiscal Year, as funding became tougher around the Country and also here in the City of Winter Springs, and as a result, numerous City sponsored Special Events had to be cut from the Budget, Christopher Carson dreamed up the idea of putting together a Committee to try to fmd funding from other outside sources to still keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the Committee that Christopher Carson envisioned, became a reality thanks to his dream, his initiative, and his ingenuity; and this Committee became known as the "Community Events Committee". Their first official meeting was held on Friday, September 5, 2008 and was held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and HEREAS, because of the exemplary efforts of Christopher Carson, many Special Events have since been held in the City of Winter Springs thanks to his great idea and with the help of many wonderful and hard-working Volunteers who make up the "Community Events Committee". LVQf ~1~~~_~~""Of~1,, I, ~Q'~`I1~ 1r . $U~H, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23rd, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, be named in honor of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter affixe is 3rd da of February, 2009. ~o~ J N F. BUSH, MAYOR AT T: ,- ERK John F. Bush Mayor Springs to be Jean Hovey Rick Brown Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner PRocLAMAT1oN OFEICe OFTHENAYOR HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and ~Y HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and 1~HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ ~YHEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`h of July Celebration. 1VOk'~, T~LE~~~'O~Z~, ~, JOH1~ ~• {3US~, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23`x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TH£ "COMMU11iITY Et1£NTS COMMITTEK"' - MARY ALICE ~cV~ILDER AND JEFF AAMES AND AP#ZIL $ONA.DONNA AND PAI~IEL.~c CAR~OLL AND KIM CO$UIZN ~kND DE.$RA. FIS~EIEI~ AND MATT H.ER$A A1VD STE~fE LK~.~cK AiVD MAKY MUNJED AND AfZ1VIE NUSS$AUM AND $~~kNTLEY TILLIS AND J.T. TSALDARIS AND MICHAEL i~~LCH AND DAMN 11lINE$IZ£NNER AND CHRISTO~IIER CARSON IN YVITNESS YVHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft ity of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. J N F. BUSH, MAYOR ATT ~, LERK John F. Bush M a~+or Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner ~C~ E?~ ~ ~.~a~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, ~m~agny Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and 11~HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; _ along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and ~(HEREA S, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4~' of July Celebration. 1V0, ~`I:T~f~;,~~O~R~, T, ~IOT~~ 'F. ~U~~I, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23`x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of T~I~ "GOMMUIVITY ~~1~1~TS CDMMITT~I'L' - Mi~RY z~SLIC~ i!4ILD£I~. z~1VD JEFF ~~kMIrS AND z~.I'1~IL $ON.~DONNz~c ~c1VD i'~M.I=L~ Gz~R~ZOLL .~1VL1 KIM COBURN ~1VD DE.B~A FI~i-I£R ~k1VD M,~TT #~IEITBA AND ~TE1fE LEZ.~cK. A.ND MARY MUNJ~ED .tkND ~.#Z.NI.~ NUSS$~UM AND $IZ.ANTL£1~ TILLIS ~rND J.T. TS~tLD'z~cRIS ~k1VD MIGH~kFL 1~ILGI~T ~cND D~c.L'11N ~1lINl;$IZ~NNEI~. ~kND CHRISTOPHEf~ C2h.RSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft ity of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. JO N F. BUSH, MAYOR A' RK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner ~C~ EZF T~~ ~,~Y~~ ~IHEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the ~T®us~cawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and 11~fCHEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`~ of July Celebration. NQ~c1~, T~I.~fZ,E~O~Z~, I, ~0~ ~. $US~, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23'x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TIIE "GOMMUNIT~ E~IENTS GOMIVIITT~E"' - MARY ALICE. ~ILDEIZ. raciVD JE~I~' A.1k:l~II=S A1VD z~PfZIL $ONi~DONN~ AND PA1~II:LA GAI~I~.O'LL AND KIM GO$tJRN AND D~.$RA FISH£l~ AND MATT H~I~~~ ~eND ST~~I~ LEZAK_ AND MIkgY MUNJED ~kND z?k~.NIE NUSS$AU1VI AND $I~ANTLEY TILLIS AND J.T. TSALDAfZIS AND MIGHA£L. ~ELCI-I AND Dik~N V1lINEBI~:£1VNIR AND G~II3ISTOf'HER GA~SON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter Sprin~gsQto be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. ~ /~G~'"'1' JO N F. BUSH, MAYOR AT E T: CI LERK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner OCR O~F T€~~ N~,~1~Q~ ~YHEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4''' of July Celebration. NOS, T~L~f2.~~'O#{~, I, JOHN ~. $USi~., Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23rd, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TH£ "COMMUNITY ~~l£1VTS COMMITTEK''' - MAI~.~ ALIC£ Sc1lILD~.I~. A1VD JEFF AAMES AND APRII. $ONADONNA AND PAMELA CA~~ROLL AIVD KIM CO'BURN AND DE$g~c. FISHER AND MATT fi£I~$A A.ND STEVE L£ZA:K. ~r:.ND MANY MtTNJED AND ~c1ZNI£ NUSS$AUM AND $IZAIVTLEY 'I'ILLIS A1VD J.T. TSALDikfZIS AND MICHAEL ZtSt~LGH AND DAMN 1AlINE$~IZENNER AND CI-IIZISTOPHER CARSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal of the of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. ~ 7; / C~'~'~~j JO F. BUSH, MAYOR A CITY''CLERK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner ~C~. Q~ T~I~ N~.t~c~E3~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4~' of July Celebration. 1`TOk~, ~~~#~.~FO~~, I, JOHN F. ~3US~TF Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23`x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TH£ "GOI~IMUNITIY E~IENTS COMM~TT~E''' ~ 1~i.tkgY ~LICI 1c1~IT.D£l~ z~ND JII~I~ .~~.M~S tk1VD ~.PRIL $ON~DONNA i~cND fl~c1VIEL~c G~cRtZOT.L ~cND KI.NI CO$UI~N AND DI;$1~~. ~'ISI~II~ tkND M~c.TT iIEI~$~ ~.ND STE~I~ L~Z#kK ~.ND l~I~r_I{Y 1VIUNJED ~cND ~k~.NI.£. NUSSD~UM AND $IZ~.NTL~Y TILLIS AND J.T. TS~rLDx~CfZIS z~1VD MTC~iAEL I~~LCH AND D~~t1lN i%~INI;$i~ENN~R AND CI-II~ZI.STOf'~IER C~I~.SON !N WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Teal of e 'ty of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, ?009. JO N F. BUSH, MAYOR ATTE~T: RK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner PRocLAMAT1oN cecerxe xwrox ~~ s~~~s~ „~~~~ l~HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4''' of July Celebration. NOS, TH~R~~OR~, L, JOIN ~. $US~, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23'x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TH£ "COMMUNITY ~VI1`1TS COMMIT`T'EE°' -MARY ALICI I~4~ILDER. A1VD JI=~R AAIVIES AND APRIL BONADONN~k: A1VD PAMELA G~'cI~ROLL AND KI.M COBURN AND DEBRA FISI-I£R AND MATT T-IERI3A AND ST~~II; LI~ZAK. AND MARY MUNJ£D AND ANNIE NUSSBAUM AND BI~.ANTLEY TILLIS AND J.T. TSALDARIS AND MICI-IfkTL ~~LCI-I. AND DA1AtN ~A~INE$RENNER. AND CI•IR[S'COF~IER. CARSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal of th 'ty of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. ~ ~ /d~~/J'I., JO F. BUSH, MAYOR ,i ATTE h': C Y..C ERK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovev Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner pRocLAMAT1oN ceitl[xwYOR 1A1~1~T~~ S~'~tTN!&S, ~„Q~D~ ~YHEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and ~HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`h of July Celebration. NOS, '~'~~,fZ.~~O~Z~, I, JOIN ~• $US~I, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23'x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TI-I£ "COMMUNITY 1~~IENTS COMMIT`I•EK''' - M~~Y zkLIC£ ~ILDDg ~kND JE££ ACMES AND APfZIL $ON~tDONN~c AND ~AM£L~k GARROLL AND KIM CO$URN AND D£.$~~ FISH£1Z AND M.tkTT HDK$~k z~kND ST£1lH L£ZAK. AND M~KY MUNJED ~cND IkKNI£ NUSSS~UM AND $1Z?d'E.NTLDIY TILLIS AND J.T. TSALDAIZ[S AND MICHA.£L 1!1t£LCH AND DAN~N ~1lINE$RENNEf~ AND CHIZISTOPbI£~ CARSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft i of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. JO }">~. BUSH, MAYOR ATTE CITY ~GL,ERK John F. Bush M ayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovev Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner pRocLAMAT1oN Oit'tce oPiHf MlaYO6 l~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep jS~peycial Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and Y~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`~' of July Celebration. 1~0, TI:I~.~.~~0~.~, I, JOIN ~• $USi~, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23`d, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TI-I£ "COMMUNI"CY E~IENTS COIVIMI.TT~I;"' - MANY ~cLIC~ 1c1lILD~~Z. ~c:ND JE~I .~h~kMES AND ~cI'fZIL $ON~kDONN~r. AND P~MELi~ C~RI~OLL AND KIM CO$URN AND DE$IZ~e. FISH£I~ ~kND M~kTT ~I£I~$A ~cND STEVE L£Z~K ~kND MARY MUNJED AND ~FfZ.NI NUSS$~FUM AND BIZ~NTLEY TILLIS ~cND J.T. TS~cLD~cRIS AcND MIGH~kEL 1!1tELGf~I :R ~kND GI-If~ISTO~I•I£IZ CARSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft ity of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. ~ /w JO~1 F. BUSH, MAYOR" ATTE :: CITYi' LERK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner PRocLAMATIoN awYOR HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep ~S~petcial Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and 1'IY HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`~' of July Celebration. t'~101t~, T~~~,~.~0~~, ~, JOIN ~. $[1~~I, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23`x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of 'FII£ "GOIVIMUNITY ~~IINTS GOMIVIITT~IJ''' - 1~Ii~tg1Y ik.I..IC£ ~ILDEIZ ~t.ND J~F~ ~c~Ni~,S ~cND ~~R[L $ON~cDONN~4 ~k.1VD P~NII;L~c G~cIZgOLL ~iND KIM COBIIRN AND DI;.$R~e. IrISIHE~ ~cND MATT I~I£l~$~k ~rND STEZI£ L£Z~K_ i~1VD NT~I~T~ MUNJ£D .t~ND ~cR.NIE NUSS$~kUM AND $R~cNTI.E~ TILLIS RNLI J.T. TS~?kLD~fZI~ ~kND MIG~I~£L ~~LG~H ~C1VD Da~c1t4~N ~1lIlVE$RE.NN~R A1VD CHIZI,~TOPH~R Gz~:I~~OIV IN N'LTNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal of 'ty of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. JO ;. F. BUSH, MAYOR ATTES~>'? RK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner ~TC~ Q~ '~~ N~.~1~®~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`~' of July Celebration. NOk~, '~~I~~~~`O~ZE, I, JOHN ~. ~U~H, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23`x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of THI= "COMMUNITY ~~IEIVTS CO]VIMITTE~"' -MARY ALIC£ jt4~ILDII~ AND JE~~ AAM~ES AND APRIL $ONADONNA AND I'A1VI~LA CAlZ.I20LL AND KIM CO$URN AND DIBI~A FI.SI-IIR AND MATT f-IER$A AND STE1lE LI;Z~;K A1VD MARY MUNJED AND A.RNII/ 1VUSS$AUM A1VD $IZANTL£Y TILLIS AND J.T. TSALDARIS A.1VD MICHAEL. ~ELCI-i. AND DAMN ~1lINEBRENNI;R AND CI~R.ISTO~'HER CARSON IN YVITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. ~ 10~~~ JOIN F. BUSH, MAYOR ATTE C ~ LERK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner PRocLAMAT1oN M.aYOR HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, ~mra~ny Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and 1~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4th of July Celebration. ~T01t1~, T~~~:.~~0~~, I, JO~IPV ~. ~3USH, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23`x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of T~I£ "GOMIVIUNITY E~II;I~TS GOMMITTE~"' - MA#~Y ~cLIG£ i~1~ILDER ~1VD JEFF ,~tkMES AND .i~I?£ZIL $ONfkDON1V~k ~cIVD P~MEL~ G~cI~fZOLL AND KIM CO$UIZ1V ~:ND D~$R~c ~I.SHEIZ ~kND MATT H~f2$~k AND ST£Zl~ LEZ.~kK AND M~I~Y MUNJ£D AND ~cRNIE NUSS$AUM ihND BfZ~NTLEY TILLIS r~cND J.T. TS~kLDARIS ~1VD MIGHz~~C£L ~~LGH. Z ~k1VD GHI~.I~'I`OPHEI~ C~.It.SON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal of t e y of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. _ ~-, s~ JO F. BUSH, MAYOR ATT ST: John F. Bush Mayor Jean Hovey Rick Brown Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ©~C~. ~ T~~ Nft~.1~Q~ ~ll~~ S~'~~Ss 0~~~ ~YHEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munj ed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; ~al~opng with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and _ ~(HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4`h of July Celebration. 110, T~~R~,~'Of~~~ I, JO~1~ ~. ~US~, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23'x, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of Tbi£ "GOIVIMUNITY EVENTS COMMITTED°' ~ MAZY ~LIC~ ~r1lILD£R, AND ~£I~F z~~kNIES ~kND ~kI'IZIL $ONADONI~A AND Pz~cNIET.~e C~I~~OLL z~1VD KIM GO~URN ~k1VD DE.Bg,.~. FISI-IE,R ~kND MATT HEI~$~k AND STE~IE LEZ~K ~hiD M~I~Y MUNJED ~k1VD ~I~.1VIE NUSS$~kUM AMD Bf~i~1VTLEY 'I'ILLIS .AND J.T.. TS~rLD~RIS z~cND MICI~~EL i%I~ELG~I. ~l~D Di~ltkrN ~IN~DI~~N~dER AND GbIfZISTOPbi~f{ G~~ZSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. `~ l~~`, A.Q JOH~F. BUSH, MAYOR ATTE~T:~; RK John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner Q~C~ ~ T~~ N~.z~l~f 3~ ~~ S~'~l~r.S, ~'~..®~.~.~ HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" first met as a Committee on September 5, 2008 with their first official meeting held at the Winter Springs Civic Center; and with the goal to find funding from outside sources to keep Special Events alive in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is comprised of a number of incredibly hard-working and very dedicated Volunteers who joined forces and went out into the Central Florida community to gain sponsorship, funding, and participation from area Vendors and merchants -and because of the incredible efforts of these amazing Volunteers, many Special Events are still being held in the City of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" is led by Mary Alice Wilder with Jeff Aames and April Bonadonna and Pamela Carroll and Kim Coburn and Debra Fisher and Matt Herba and Steve Lezak and Mary Munjed and Arnie Nussbaum and Brantley Tillis and J.T. Tsaldaris and Michael Welch and Dawn Winebrenner and Christopher Carson; along with others who from time to time also assist in this effort; and HEREAS, the "Community Events Committee" also receives support from the Winter Springs Rotary Club, the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, the Winter Springs Town Merchants Association, and Vendors; and HEREAS, because of the awesome efforts of these wonderful and dedicated members of the "Community Events Committee", funds were raised so that the following recent City of Winter Springs events could be held: Hometown Harvest; Holiday Tree Lighting; and the Christmas Parade. The "Community Events Committee" is currently raising funds for a Mardi Gras Event and the much anticipated 4~` of July Celebration. Na1e4~, T~I~~.~~O~E, ~, JQ~I~ ~. $USH, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, do hereby Proclaim that February 23`d, 2009 in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, also be named in honor of TH£ "COMMUNITY ~~IDN`TS COMMITT'EE''' - MANY ~cLICE I~ILDEg, ~..ND JI~~ z~~cM£S A1VD APRIL. $O1VtkDONN~e_ ~cND PAM~L~ Cikl~gOLL A1VD KIM CO$URN A.ND DI;$I~~?k ~ISII£I~ AND M.~TT H~l~$.~ A1VD ~TEIf~ LDZAI{ ANI? MARY IVIUNJI=D ~rND ~cR.NIE 1VUSSD#UM AND $I~.ANTLEY TILLIS A.ND J.T. TSALDARIS AND 1VIICHAI;L 1t1lELCI-I AND DA~1V I~L/INE$R£NNER AND CHftISTOPHI:.I~ CAi~SON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the Seal oft 'ty of Winter Springs to be affixed this 23rd day of February, 2009. JO F. BUSH, MAYOR A John F. Bush Mayor Gary Bonner Sally McGinnis Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Jean Hovey Rick Brown Commissioner Commissioner