HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 04 05 Regular (f,~~~T~'t ~~ /~"'" ~-------..r.. , ).., "_'-A~ ~ I- i ; "~ ( * \ U' '''~----; (f) , I ncOfl'or.rtt"d \ " ]Q5Q \, --- - 'f::-'----------.-/ - (ORIOI>- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning & Zoning Board Members FROM: Shirley A. Frankhouser/~~ Adm. Secretary, General Services DATE: April 17/ 1995 RE: Meeting Minutes of April 5/ 1995 Enclosed you will find copies of the Planning and Zoning Agenda, a Memorandum from Timothy Lallathin with regard to Code changes, and a copy of Ordinance No. 579. A copy of the meeting minutes of April 5/ 1995 were unable to be ready for this mailing; however, you will be receiving a copy on or before the April 19/ 1995 meeting. Thank You! cc: File >> <1111(, eJ t/f (il-fi Attention Mr. Fred Goodrow: City Code Chapters 2 thru 8 Suggested adjustments bt Art Hoffmann Section 2-58 Remuneration to Code Enforcement Board: This section should be duplicated in all sections where appointed board expenses are (or are not) defined. Commerce and Industry Board Sec. 2-72 BOWS Board Sec. 2-79(b) Pension Trustees Board Sec. 14-52 Planning and Zoning Board Sec. 20-5~ Board of Adjustment Sec. 20-80 Districting Commission (Board) Sec. 4-02 S-ection 2-631 Identify the "Circuit Court" as the Seminole ~ounty Circuit Court. Re~eat this in sections 2-69(c), 2-6) 2-69.4(b), and 2-69.5 (a) (1), 2-69.5(a) (2), and~69.5~c) .......---.- -.......--.. ...-. /' ? LOAfmIiJftr'f l Section 2-151 The definition of City Departments is not in this section. We should define those for which the "head!:1" are authorized to approve purchase orders. 1 . ~# Section 5-l(c}(18} Spell out what D.B.H. means ,here or refer to section 5-l(c)(5}. L' I I /. o 0 50.. 1/11 re,..<. P tz.,c.."""'+"11 ~ Ai Section 5-)(e}(1} ...danger to CITY FORESTRY is confusing with ... the office of CITYFORESTRY. as in5-2(a} and 5-4(e) ,... protection of CITY FOREST. ~ - Itl ~ -/y; Section 6-81 When any State or National Codes are referred to I~ and a yearof latest issue is mentioned, add, "or the year of the s*,.--? latest revision". This avoids Q1lr standard becoming ob~olete. - Refer to Sections:6-l~,6-l65,6-2l0,6-240,7-46,7-56(5)~and 7-56(5)(d}. Section 6-82 This"Board 04 Adjustment and appeals" needs to be defined as NOT the same as the Board Of Adjustment defined in Section 20-76. Section 6-l88/Gramatic change. Add "not" before "less" and after "of". / ";,n,''''um Section 6-2l7"Select a height such as 4 i feet,.and not "Out of reach of toddlers". Minimum fence height permitted is 5 feet. Section 8-32(5} The term "local administrator" should be changed to "city manager" as in section 8-31. . Sedtion 2-87(b} Filling of Commission vacancies, Should refer to Charter section4.08(b) as well as 4.08(c) sincI 4.08(b), also (;Mf4ftJS;",,? refers to a Co~ssioner meeting all the requirements. Section 2-6l(a)/Maximum fine should be raised to agree with the maximum shown in Sec. 2-69.3 which is S300.~ (- I 7 3 ,..-- r~ 5 ~ * (~ /l- .. ~" 6~~ April 5, 1995 To: Fred Goodrow, AICP ~ Don leBlanc, Land Management SpeCiaJis~ From: Re: Proposed LDRs Attached are the comments given to me by the Building ofticial referencing chapters 6 and 9 of the Code. cc: City Manager General Services Director Community Development Coordinator P&Z Board . April 5, 1995 MEMO TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist FROM: Don Houck, Building Official())(( /(' ~ C "'c:l-~\ e\L 9 REF: Revisions to Chapter SixAof City Ordinance Attached are recommendations for revision to the Buildings and Building Regulations of the City Code of Ordinances. . city of Winter Springs Chapter 6 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE III. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Sec. 6-81. Standard Building Code, Standard Existing Building Code, and Standard Housing Code adopted. There is hereby adopted by the city the Standard Building Code, 1994 Edition, except Appendixes B, C and E, and Standard Existing Building Code, 1988 Editions and Standard Housing Code, 1991 Edition, as promulgated by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. as the minimum standards for bui lding and construction wi thin the ci ty. The provisions of the Standard Building Code shall govern all matters contained therein, except when in conf 1 ict wi th the provisi ons of this chapter or other ordinances of the city. Sec. 6-83. Television Dish Antennas. (1) Television dish anntennas or satellite antennas exceeding 24 inches in diameter shall not be installed or attached to any part of the roof structure of any residential building. ARTICLE IV. ELECTRICITY Sec. 6-101 Electrical code adopted. The city hereby adopts in its entirety that certain electrical code known as the National Electric Code, 1993 Edition as published by the National Fire Protection Association and the Central Florida Advisory Committee Notice "K", except as otherwise provided in this article. . ARTICLE V. PLUMBING Sec. 6-126. Plumbing code adopted The city hereby adopts that certain plumbing code known as the Standard Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition, except Appendix H, as promulgated by the southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. except as otherwise provided in this article. ..------"-..... ARTICLE VI. MECHANICAL CODE Sec. 6-146. Code adopted The city hereby adopts the Standard Mechanical Code, 1994 Edition, except Appendix B, as promulgated by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. as the minimum standards for building and construction within the city. ARTICLE VIII. FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES Sec. 6-188. Exceptions to section 6-181. Where zoning classifications within the city allow for horses, barbe~ wire fences will be permitted as well as fabric fences with fabric of not less than a minimum of eleven-gauge galvanized or other noncorrodible metal. Sec. 6-217. Enclosure required. All swimming pools must be enclosed by screen enclosure, fence or wall of a minimum height of five (5) feet. The fence or wall shall be constr~lCted in such a manner so as not to be easi I y climbed and not affcrding any external handholds or footholds on the outside. Gates shall be same height as the fence or wall and equipped with a self-closing and self-latching closure mechanism at a minimum height of four and one half (4-1/2) feet. The gate shall be locked or latched at all times when the pool is unattended. ARTICLE IX. SWIMMING POOLS Sec. 6-210. Code adopted. The Ci ty hereby adopts. . . . . . . . . . . . .1988 Edi tion, as........ ARTICLE X. GAS CODE 9 Sec. 6-240. Code adopted. The City hereby adopts that certain............1994 Edition, except Appendix B,...... ........ ............ Sec. 9-2246-9-240. Reserved. - CHA\'1EP-. Sf DIVISION 5. UTILITIES Sec. 9-261. Requirements for water and sewer systems. (a) The approved final engineeringfor a subdi visi on, wherein the rights-of-way are dedicated to the public, includes the installation of a water and/or sewer truck line system, the plat for the subdivision will not be recorded unless and except when the trunk line systems are installed or the installation of the system is ensured by means of a performance bond. (b) (c) New water and sewer systems are required and shall be designed and constructed for an economic life of not less than twenty (20) years and in accordance with the regulations of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Ten states Standards, American Water Works Association, and in conformance wi th good engineering practice. As a minimum standard, the water districution system shall be capable of delivering, in addition to domestic requirements of residual pressure of not less than twenty (20) pounds per square inch, fire flows of at least five hundred (500) gallons per minute in single-family residential subdivisions and one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) gallons per minute in commercial, institutional or industrial areas at each user point of delivery adjacent to the distribution system. DIVISION 6. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Sec. 9-218 General provisions for off-street parking. The off-street parking, loading and unloading requirements shall apply to all new buildings or structures, or any existing buildings that may be substantially altered and added to after the effective date of this section or where there has been a change of use as defined by the Florida Statutes or the Standard Building Code, except as otherwise provided in the sections of tfte Code. . Y;.\Vf~ U April 5, 1995 fo: Fred Goodrow, AlCP 0 From~ Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist~ Re: Proposed LDRs I h:lve completed a partial review of the above referenced and offer the following comments: 1) Page 2-1 - please refer to the Hoffinan Memo which was faxed to your office. 2) Page 6-2 - Section 6-193 is not addressed. Either delete this section fi-om the Code or change it to read that these should be on the property line. ,",0 3) Page 7-1 - although there is _ Article V in this chapter, there is an existing Section 7-80. The next available section is 7-82. 4) Page 8-1 - Section 8-56 is not addressed. Consideration should be given to removing this from the Code. 5) Page 9-1 - are there any new definitions in this chapter that should be included in Section 9-1 ? 6) Page 9-1 - Section 9-26, line 7 - word "prosector" - is this a misspell? 7) Page 9-1 - Section 9-27 -what is a technical construction manual? Where is it? Will there be one? Is it needed? 8) Page 9-1 - Section 9-27.a - what about engineering plans that have been approved prior to platting? what about plans undergoing review by Staff prior to adopting this Code? 9) Page 9-5 - Section 9-244(g) - why not allow a roof over a dock or pier? 10) Page 9-6 - Section 9-241 is not addressed. The change mailed to your office was adopted by the Commission on !vlarch 27, 1995. April 5, 1995 Proposed LDR Comments M~tn() to Goodrow Page 2 11) Page 9-12 - Section 9-28I(e) - there should be a statement that aU property involved in this should be replaced within the City if possible. 12) Page 9-13 - Section 9-283(b)(3) - please add "and other governmental agencies" or words to the effect. 13) Page 9-17 - DELETE the addition on this page setting a time requirement. This is not workable!!!!!! 14) Page 20-1 (should be 19-1) - Section 19-157 (b), third tine, word "sewer" - is this the word that you want used in a section addressing potable water supply? 15) Page 20-4 - Section 20-105 - please give a deftnition of minerals. There was a big controversy, which is still ongoing, when there was a pennit for borrow pits in the City. At that time, I believe that the City determined that sand was a mineral. 16) Page 20-4 - Section 20-121 - Rustic Residential cannot tit in this category. Rustic Residential lots are to be at least one (1) acre in size. R-IAAA lots are a minimum of 20,000 square feet. 17) Page 20-5 - Section 20-164 is not addressed. The hight restriction has been changed to thirty five (35) feet as outlined in a letter mailed to you. This is Ordinance No. 570 approved October 24, 1994. NOTE: '''HAT I-L<-\PPENS "'lIEN YOU ASSIGN nvo (2) LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS TO ONE ZONING AREA? It 18) Page 20-5 - Division 9 is deleted. Question - what happens to that property that is currently zoned R - U? Must the City do a wholesale rezoning action to accomodate those properties? April 5, 1995 Poposed WR Comments Memo tJ Goodrow Page 3 19) Page 20-8 - Section 20-312 - the Land Use Classification, according to the Comp Plan, is Moderate Density Residential. 20) Page 20-9 - Section 20-316, first line - "Trailer Park R-T District" should read "R-T Mobile Home Park District". Second and third line - please remove the monetary figure and insel1 "to be established by the City Council or Commission". NOTE: THROUGHOur THE CODE BOOK THERE IS REFERENCE TO TIlE CITY COUNCIL. SHOULD THIS BE CHANGED TO CIlY COMMISSION? 21) Page 20-10 - please re-designate the subparagraphs after (e). 22) Page 20-13 - subparagraph (9) - does this apply to multi-family, commercial, or what? 23) Page 20-13, Section 20-355(3) - DELETE TIME REQUIREMENT. This is not workable. 24) Page 20-14 - subparagraph (9) - DELETE TIME REQUlREl\-IENT. This is not workable. 25) Page 20-15 - subparagraph (6) at top of page - please revisit this item because it utilizes net residential acre and the Comp Plan utilized gross acreage. . 26) Page 20-15 - Section 20-381(3) - DELETE TIME REQUIREMENT for same reason listed above. 27) Page 20-16 - top of page - DELETE TIME REQUIREMENT. cc: City Manager, General Services Director, Community Development, P&Z Board R1Br~iC1B~71FJ1)' .,.....1... . . V ~L/~t 4 ;.l.~ . <~ MAR 2 3 1995 March 23, 1995 CHY OF WINTER SPRINGS Ge.Qeral Services To: Planning and Zoning Board ~ Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialis~ From: Re: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting April 5, 1995 Agenda Items The first item to be discussed at this meeting will be the A..1Towhead Units 3, 4 and 5 Conceptual Plans. Attached are the Conceptual Plan Revi.ew ~1inutes of the meeting held on March 14, 1995 and the Conceptual Plans for the Units. ---. Please keep in mind that these plans do not meet code requirements at this time, nor are they expected to. Your recommendations are forwarded to the Corrunission for their approval. The conceptual plan review allows the developer to receive input from all sources before the fOffi1al engineering plans are fonnulated. It will be at this stage that code requirements are met. The next step after conceptual approval will be the submittal of Preliminary Engineering Plans. The Planning & Zoning Board will re'vi.ew these after the Staff ensures code compliance. Also attached is the Draft of Lmd Development Code Changes. Please review these and make notes of those changes that you wih to discuss. The intent is not to go over these on a word-by-word basis at the meeting. It is hoped that you will take the time to review these before the meeting and then only discuss the concerns that you may have. It is also not the intent that the entire document must be reviewed at one meeting. The Staff is also revie?1ng this document. cc (w/o attch): City Manager General Services Director Community Development Coordinator ~farch 20, 1995 To: JOM Govoruhk, City ivlanager Thru: JOM Ketteli.ngham, General Services Directo ' From: Don LeBlanc, Lmd Management Specialis Re: Conceptual Plan Review Arrowhead Units 3, 4 and 5 (parcels 7, 8 and 10) The above referenced was held on March 14, 1995. J. wilkes represented the project. Staff members present were Grimms, Houck, Jenkins, Ketteringham, Lockcuff, LeBlanc, O'Brien and Sexton. c'-' Arrowhead Units 3 and 4 (ParGds 7 and S) Clr~ part of the Settlement Agreement bem--ecn the City and Florida Country Clubs, Inc. Cnit 5 (parcel 10) is the remainder of \Voodstream Subdivision (previously had approved fmal engineering plans for 77 single family homes - since elapsed because of no activity). :Mikes stated that this would be a continuation of the Arrowhead concept - walled and gated private communities. Comments common to all parcels: 1) each lot must have a minimum of 25 feet frontage on road; 2) all engineering plans must have building setbacks; and, 3) covenants must be submitted ~ith preliminary engineering plans. Arrowhead Unit 3 (Parcel 7) This unit is to be located to the south of Winter Springs Boulevard, east of the country club and west of the creek. It is proposed that this unit will have 20 lots for residential use. The Settlement Agreement states that the developer is permitted to develop 13 lots in this parceL The Agreement further states that the developer may increase the number andlor reduce the size of the lots located in Parcels 7 and 8 (and increase the siz~ of the area located in Parcel 7 to include the area west of :Nfarch 20, 1995 ?vlikes Conceptual Plan Arrowhead Units 3, 4 and 5 Page 2 of the entry road depicted on the Conceptual Plan for Parcel 7). There will be remodeling done on the actual Country Club property during the construction of this phase: removmg and replacing tennis courts, eliminating and adding parking spaces, tear down and then ex-pand the existing cafe, shielding the parking lot with a wall, etc. The sewer line which goes through the property must be accommodated. It was highly recommended that the developer avoid intrusion of the floodway. A letter of map revision to FE~1...A.. will be required for areas that will require fill. The areas that require fill must also be shown on the preliminary engineering plans when submitted. Arrowhead Unit 4 (Parcel 8) This unit is to be located south of \Vinter Springs Boulevard, west of the country club property and east of Arrowhead Unit 2 and southward to the power line easement. This unit is to have 46 single family residential lots. This unit may have one driveway for multiple lots. The developer is to ensure that the easement to be written for this concept be so ,vritten to avoid contlict between those using the driveway. The developer is attempting to minimize driveway cuts. Arrowhead Unit 5 (Parcel 10) This proposed unit is to be a continuation of W oodstream subdivision and 'Y\ill be built to the north and the east of the existing homes. It is proposed that this unit ,vill have 54 single family residential lots. This is a reduction of 23 lots from that which was previously approved in 1990. Also, there will be an addition of 5 acres to the project. The wall that is shown going through the existing cul-de-sac on the western portion of the existing street cannot be - the wall, if built, must go around the cul-de-sac. This will be another project w'ith only one driveway for multiple lots. The same comment made in Unit 4 for this applies. March 20, 1995 ?v1ikes Conceptual Plan Arrowhead Units 3, 4 and 5 Page 3 The developer should avoid intrusion into the floodway. Any lots that are to be filled must be shown on the preliminary engineering plans. The developer was told that there is a sewer line in the vicinity of the creek on the west side of the " project. The developer must contact the existing Homeowners' Association to coordinate all activities in the area, including their permission to have Nancy Circle gated. NOTE: The plans submitted are conceptual in nature and in no way should be construed as meeting Code requirements. Code requirements will be addressed by Staff once preliminary engineering is submitted. cc: Staff ~ ~~: ; I 0:\" ," . ' , :, \ ' I ,,:.~r:t~i::t::_::::~';~~;::::r~:::jt~~~~J~J:rr1t 'Z!!~ul' d'l.I' ~~tJ 0 f. the CITY',' utility dIrector based on app 11 clu;:io:~ Ie. ,&eg~ ladons, \,tand~~.~ ~J~~\ ' " : ":4 , ~lp: I ", e, FCCI shall bo permItted to J~;UlJC;: cui do sac roads (as d~i1d:O~.Q ;' ,1,0' ,~ Ii; .: \ I " ' ;: 'j ',' i ' ~ ': :: ' ." ' ' , " ,... ,;~~ml CTcoptu at Plans) to servIce tlle lots I n Parcels Seven, an~, Eight; with only one entrance to ,eadL or; , ' ,- "i ~~:-tl' t~ Winter Springs Boulevard. FCCI may,make curb cuts ~and 'have. driveways for each,lot on,Wintei; ~,~ , i5'.:' ,ll""""'>': ,., , ' ,. ,", ", . ~,~ ~r"'~'~a~'''''' \' ' ,,\ "! 8~lnl ;'iSP~lngs Boulevard and for each lot on.Northern ;'(iHh,"Pt i~r ~e lots In parcel:seven;'1'ict\~~j i?lifi'~ I, iii!, i, sh~l have an Interior eu 1 de sac as dep lete<! on the cdn:;;'p~ ~ ilan.; No tu m or deceler;.uon ~,:,. ,i( ~n " , . 'n L< ,,! " : ',' ,,;''':,J' ~sX~:1 :shall,be required for individual lots on 'Wlnter SprlngsEoulevarq. and Northern ,Way. The; meeUd~:::~ ..; i~'l. ' . ;'.. J-:.:-:.i ~~..~.~~-~q )0 beeo nstructed on Parcels S e ve,n and Elgh tma y atF~1f 8 ~ ptlor be,elther:. \1) private>ylth eim: ,; ;"1 ;or:manned security entrance gates, or (ii)'publlcly"dedlca~iand,:maln~ne(t'wjthout security;gates~ ' ' il :;;~\.i" ' , ':' 'J 1\1:::-: t:: ~l' ,",~:: ,: . "", :~,\ ",:,,~: , Even if they are private roads, they shall beconstrucie(l;W: CIT:Y(st2.11:d~ds ,for; dedicatea-streeu:, and , , ;',;",;' ' , ': ',':('l;j';::U';';::.':;""~", :;':~;;:', C," ':-:', ,FCClishall provide emergency access as!reasonably;.require4(bYl,t!'1e",Crr:Y~; 'The CIT)::wiH'not " i~':; , : '. ,_ ,,' ,; ;. -:, .;'.J,.:l\!;l!iL;<;;i~ /':;> -,;, :: :, ' ~ ::: ~'.: : :_ , :object to any roads in Parcel Eight being located,~withIQ'.9Ci~cr9u:'area, ~ubject to'<.:rrY. 'easements.: ,'" ;, , ' , . . ' :; ~r m,:,;, 'j:" , " : , , The streets may have landscaped islands locaie(Lwithll1L~o,tUrn!ng, circles of the cul de :s.aci. ~No " sidewalks shall be required on any of the lots in ,p'arce,is~Seven and Eight. f. Subject to the reasonable requirements.ofthe CITY's staff engineer, the,storm ; . drainage retention required for the Development Propefo/ may, at' FCCl's option, be prov~~ on the Golf. Property (to serve the simultaneous purpose of an amenity for the golf course) and maintained by the owner of the Golf Property...: ",: ':"'.I~j:::';' ;", . -!- :'~..! ~ ." . - 1;- .:, . . "!> -;, ,! 7.,; : The CITY aCknowledges,that'theownera and developers ofthe:~uscawilla PUp ~Ye ~. . , : . re\i~ in good faith on the annexation of said property-,to, the: Sl1Y'.?Jld ~ ~,ro,Yal oC the Original " " i;:, '~;.:i .~~; - : i: ;; ,f ' , ' ~ Plan. amendments to the Original Plan and numerous ~~:'aiidQ~;3.pproi,a1J,authotizat1ons~and , , ' ' ~i :;j :"~; ;r.:~;' ",'> " , :' , ~~ts by the CITY; and that they havo incurred, sub~tant1al e~Peziaes aoctoblIgations in reliance ' i ,:~: ~>.'~ .~~: . ;;.,,: ~'''~ . . .' . , ,:: ~ ~1 7 -- .- -,- .---'"'--~ ;. ..:-!"....:..-.:=-~........ ,';"'-- -----. ! I .' 1 . "'.'j . ~ .' .. '. : '. -: >>;-=.. - T- ;I rr< c...:.. '':;'-1 .r l' j:f:l " r .'~if" 1':::: C:1Hl'! I l....C.K P.S/H line of Shetland Avenue. The area formerly depicted as the lots being deleted shall hereafter be deemed to bo "GolfProperty" as defined in the Original Agreement, The City approves the final engineering submitted by FCCI for the three (3) remaining Jots located in Parcel 4. b. FCCr has not !is yet completed the preliminary engineering for the lots depicted on the Conceptual Plans for Parcels 7 and 8. FCCI may increase the number and/or reduce the size of lots loczted in Parcels 7 and 8 (and increase the size of the area located in Parcel 7 to include area west or the entry road depicted on the Conceptual Plan for Parcel 7). Fecr shall be permitted to develop a total of thirteen (13) lots on Parcel 7 and a total or thirty-nine (39) -lots on Parcel 8, provided said lots can be developed in record with applicable City Codes, and State and/or Federal laws or regulations. The City shall promptly proc~ss, revIew and approve such modifications to the Conceptual Plans (as well as preliminary and final engineering and plats) for each of such parcels as and when submitted by FCCI. As provided in the Original Agreement, the term IIDevelopment PropertyJl shall hereafter be deemed for the purposes of permitting Parcels 7 and 8 to be developed with the additional lots herein to include the following: (a) the land lying north of the ninth tee directly west or the parcel commonly known as the "Hooker Parcel" adjacent to the country club clubhouse and parking lot; (B) the approximate fifty (50') feet of land lying adjacent to the 2nd through the 4th holes of the Club and the property commonly known as II\Voodstream"; and (c) the land lying west of the entry drive depicted on the Conceptual Plan for Parcel 7. Each of these areas may are used in conjunction with the development of single-family uses and not be required to be maintained as GolfProperty. J. FCCI agrees that the lac adjacent to the Fairway Oaks subdivision depicted as Lot 17 on the engineering plans for Arrowhead Unit I sha~ be subjected to the deed restriction set forth on Exhibit "Bll attached hereto. 4. and effect. All other te.nns ofthe Original Agreement not modified herein shall remain in full force ill WITNESS WHEREOF, FeCr and the CITY have executed this Modification as of April 1:L 1994. WITNESSES: FLORIDA COUNTRY CL a FTo . orporation 1/;. ~~ ~~ L~, 2 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (') Cl <;; ('l g ;:J ~ ;'11 , : I: . \ I. . I I · I l:.: I 11II1 ~ , ," j ~~H ~ III' ~ !=H ..:1l.o.~ "1. '1. 5': .. ;~= ~ I , I . I , I . . I , I l. ~ : "" I I . : -} : 14~. 11 l: . I . I I . I I I , . I . . d . . . *'3 lJ!/lllIlf! IIj1 11l!1'~ii /{l jl ll,IJ I I o o z o m --0 -I c:: :r:x r- ""0 r- > Z a ~ .. PARCEL 7 III J I d FLORIDA COUNTRY CLUBS, INC. a4-22-94 01. 13 ?~! ?~: 1'i .: , W ..-.-..------.~--._-.-. ~~,. .- .' " ... .. -... , ~ - - .. ... - ... " - - - ~..,. ... " .. " .. -'" - ,- I !f i1 ~, .iL. iQ ~ lD ~ ~ ~ ~ {) C,l/! '''' .....11'11 "I "11' ... J IiI 1111/ 1,1 II 11 ,!I li,'lf ii'I'll i'lil . 1,'1 1....\ '{' 1'1 '1 J' I 't l ':i ~i j. 11"1 I' \:11 111\ III I, LlU J I' '\ j JI ' Jf - t :0: rJC -c 3:: )0 -; II.CONCEPTUAL. Pl.AN 1 PARCEL a - FLORIOA COUNTRY CLues, INC. ~, lb/l::J " 1")" .:)' ~" f,)I t I I I I I I J I I J \ I ... I \ 1 I I I \ f ,f , , , . I I I I. J I I \ ';~ ,.. 7 o o z o m "0 -l c: > I "t:1 r );:x ;z: il' ;i1lIjll!lrljjfjr:t:!Jfilllll !JII'jfll:iljfl~ !;Hj:r/'l1W11 IIJ II 1 ii,. /"" II ,1!1!!,l 'If ,'dl j!jri~liiliil~lljlUl!l!llii/i iill!lIP.JiI!! (!Ji H: Ii ~ II J I,Jn"j"/ijIJ1!! lll!lllj'!:' ttlijl'/l' j.J I .j(l I'Jso3~",fU~.JI' "I,1: II/'I/!!', "1'" Jill ~llllf!i;Wi~~!llj~i i/lJliiil flll#I!!ltifiJ{1 flil Ij )11 jih!l!~ lUt'11!11l/;IJilll1/'II:J'lfiiull jW 'I j' · 'II It 1111 1111 r lllil) , H' · 1 I "1, Lj , · n. HJ II:!!! 1!1! U Ill'II'!'I:!, i rt 11 IIlrll! J f/iPlffil!1ii I 111111'111'1:tJ. I) !lIUW es 1,1 I,{.J 'hI Ill1/1! .!,I,l'I'j!I!/'1 iJfl!li.!ii!Gi,.lii'!lfj'jl,1 II hl!lhIWI~!lJiJ!!li'IIIH!/ll Y l!l~! 1% illl:;!! Ij !ljliI/I.I/f.II"I'i/1 'IlJ.lil.lf ~fIil./l:" f!iH IJI III !/ljljltl!liVUI ~!!lliJilif~li!pi,H1 U:'!/'/ Ill'j',m;Jnill!!:illl,l/IUrll,!Jll'l 'l'IIP,i 1& 1I11li ill '\ 1111I1!J!n!/'cj'" WilL 'll!J'IU l~ 'WIt! 1 ljl:!ljtlll,'!lJlililP/'U 1!/iF11;!!{ilJllnl !.I/f//,! '11l!i ill11iU!; /;!'f III 1~1 rill 1 fii, J I 1 '!I ~~~l 1 J ' J 1 d AGENDA FOR PLANNING Al'lD ZONING BOARD MEETING APRIL 5, 1995 1. Conceptual Plan Review for Arrowhead lJnits 3, 4- and 5 (all located in the Tuscawilla PUD) 2. Commence Discussion of Draft of Land Development Code Changes R~CBlVDn .. p - - ~ J~,~~,n,J MAR 2 J 1995 CfTY Of WINY!:;,? ~'." i.'/f.1 "".... G · i.." ",..1 vu;S tQ,raJ Selvices