HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 01 18 Regular CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 MENO John Ketteringham, General Service Director ~ Carl Gosline, Community Development coordinator~ January 20, 1995 P&Z staff reports and agendas In response to your memo of January 17, 1995 regarding staff reports and agenda items, I have attached a copy of the format I used when I was doing subdivision staff reports for the P&Z and City Commission. Also attached is a copy of the staff report I prepared for the P&Z on the Joyce rezoning project. I offer both of these documents as suggested formats for these reports. All of my recommendations herein are based on my professional experience and the advice of land use law experts throughout the state. They recommend staff reports which present findings of fact and adoption of rules of procedure for all advisory boards. As I have repeatedly stated, I think it is absolutely essential that a staff report be prepared for virtually everything that goes befere the P&Z, BOA and City Commission. I further recommend that the level of detail and analysis found in the attached Joyce report is necessary to ensure the public record has sufficient findings of fact for all quasi-judical matters. These reports should be mailed no later than ten days prior to their meetings. The P&Z established a thirty day deadline for agenda items when their rules of procedure were adopted in September 1994. I also very strongly recommend the P&Z and the BOA establish rules of procedure and follow them. A copy of these procedures is attached for your reference. In the case of the Joyce project, the confusion resulted because we were in transition between my involvement in the project and Don's involvement. Since I no longer have any responsibility for this function, there should not be any confusion in the future. In regard to the agenda items, I established a procedure wherein either Shirley, or I, would confer with the P&Z chairman when it was necessary to have a meeting. Even though the current code says they will meet twice a month, they HISTORICALLY NEVER met when there were no agenda items. The same is true for the BOA. Nevertheless, Shirley, or I, will clear the agenda with you before we discuss the matter with the chairman, unless you WOU.I~. .r~. .. . discuss the matter with her directly. ~~~y~ JAN 2 0 1995 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS General Services STAFF REPORT TO: VIA: FROM: DATE: RE: ISSUE: Mayor and City Commission John Govoruhk, City Manager Carl Gosline, Community Development Coordinator July 27, 1994 Final Engineering/Development Plans for Parcel 80 Project Number 94-SUB-1 Should the Mayor and City Commission approve the final engineering/development plans for Parcel 80 ? .- PROJECT FACTS Future Land Use Designation Project Density Zoning Classification Site Area Total Number of Lots Typical Lot Size Minimum Lot Size 100 Year Floodplain Project Phasing Projected PM Peak Hour Trips Front Yard Setback Rear yard Setback Side yard Setback Water Service Sewer Service Other City of Winter Springs City of Winter Springs DISCUSSION Mayor and City Commission - staff Report Project Number 94-SUB-1 August 10, 1994 page 2 of 2 Attached for your reference are copies of the final staff comments regarding this matter, the minutes of the 1111111111 Planning and Zoning Board meeting; a summary of the latest Staff Review Board meeting action; and a copy of the Deeds, Restrictions and Covenants document. A copy of the site plan is also enclosed for your review. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the final engineering/development plans for Parcel 80 as represented in the plans signed and sealed on 1111111111111111, subject to the following conditions: 1.11111, etc. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of the preliminary engineering/development plan on 11111111111, subject to 1111 ,---------.-...... STAFF REPORT TO: VIA: FROM: DATE: RE: ISSUE: John Govoruhk, City Manager John Ketteringham, General Services Director Carl Gosline, Community Development Coordinator November 18, 1994 Proposed Joyce Property Rezoning Should the Mayor and City Commission approve the request of Mrs. Joyce to rezone the subject property from RU and C-2 to R-3? PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant, Mrs. Clara Joyce, has applied to change the zoning on the subject property from RU and C-2 to R-3 to permit the remodelling of an existing residence to a 25 bed Adult Congregate Living Center (ACLF). It is necessary to rezone the property to a classification which would accommodate mUlti-family development because the proposed facility will house more than the six clients which would be permitted by right in the RU zoning classification under the provisions of Chapter 419.001 (2), Florida Statutes. ANALYSIS The site is approximately eight acres in size and is on the north side of the railroad tracks adjacent to the high school. The existing 4400 sq. ft residence will be remodelled to accommodate 25 adult clients and common areas for meals and recreation. The parcels on the west, north and east sides of the site are in the unincorporated area. A copy of the property depicting the existing buildings and the proposed parking area is attached for your reference. The site is presently served by a septic tank and well. Orange Avenue is a county road which is periodically graded by the City under an interlocal agreement with Seminole County. Preliminary conversations with the Seminole County Planning Department indicate that the County does not have any regulations which would prohibit an ACLF which is served by septic tank, a dirt street and a well. There are a few such facilities currently in existence in the County. The unincorporated area surrounding the subject site is designated suburban estates (1 DU/acre) and lower density residential (up to 4 DU/acre) on the Seminole County Future Land Use Map. The County has not expressed any opposition to this project. -------r--.~-"_..,-"" ~"-""" "" Joyce Rezoning Staff Report November 18, 1994 page 2 The subject property is designated as Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Mixed Use desiqnation was established to .... .allow flexibility and efficiency to development design..... (Future Land Use Element Policy C-1, Volume II, page 22) This classification permits residential development of up to 10 dwelling units per acre. The Mixed Use classification also permits non-residential development (institutional, industrial or commercial) on a maximum of 50 percent of the gross land area; a minimum of 20 percent of the gross land area must remain in open space; public uses, utilities and/or wetlands of not less than five percent; and residential uses on up to 75 percent of the gross land area. The City's Future Land Use Map designations are shown on the attached map. The orange colored area depicts the Mixed Use classification; the light blue is Public Buildings; the light green is Central Winds Park; the pink is Commercial; the yellow is Rustic Residential; and the fuschia color depicts the moderate density residential (6.6 to 9.0 DU/acre) area mandated by the Tuscawilla Settlement Agreement. One of the underlying concepts in the Comprehensive Plan is the development of a Town Center. The Town Center is generally ,- comprised of City Hall, Central Winds Park and the high school. The Mixed Use classification was established on most of the land surrounding these facilities to induce more intense development typical in town centers areas. Its purpose is to create incentives for such development, to provide as much design flexibility as possible for proposed projects and to create opportunities to mix development types on a single parcel. The proposed ACLF is consistent with the Mixed Use designation. Assuming that each client's room was termed a separate dwelling unit, the proposed project's density would be 3.2 dwelling units per acre. The existing residence, and the other existing buildings, occupy far less than 75 percent of the gross land area. Since the proposed facility can be served by septic tank and well, there is no need to provide space for pUblic utilities or uses. In addition, Housing Element Policy E-2 states .....The City shall permi t group homes containing six (6) or fewer persons to be located in any residential land use category or zone and group homes of seven (7) or more to locate in multi-family, mixed use or commercial land use categories or zones..... (See Volume II, pg. 39) Therefore, the proposed project is clearly consistent with this Policy of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The existing RU zoning is not consistent with the Future land use Map designation of Mixed Use. The RU (rural urban) zoning category includes properties which are .....developed or used predominantly for agricultural purposes and government or public service Joyce Rezoning Staff Report November 18, 1994 page 3 facilities with single family dwellings as a primary use..." Regardless of the ultimate disposition of this project, the City should rezone the property to a compatible classification at its earliest opportunity. The proposed project offers the City the opportunity to make the zoning on this property consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as required by Chapter 163.3194 C1a), F.S. There are four zoning categories which are consistent with the Mixed Use classification, i.e., C-1, C-2, R-3 and PUD. The C-1 zoning is a neighborhood commercial zoning category which would permit 88 possible land uses. The current City Code permits mUlti-family uses in a C-1 zone by a conditional use permit from the Board of Adjustment. The Mixed Use development criteria would permit a non-residential project to pave 70 percent of the land area; be up to 50 feet in height; and contain up to 348,00 sq. ft. of commercial use. At the P&Z Board meeting several of the applicant's neighbors commented that the R-3 zoning would permit as many as 60 dwelling units to go on the subject property, if the ACLF did not materialize. While this statement is true, it is also a reason for the staff recommendation to use R-3 zoning. The R-3 zoning category is the least intensive of the available zoning classifications which are compatible with the Mixed Use designation. A commercial or industrial zoning category would permit far more intense development and would clearly be far more incompatible with the surrounding development. In addition, the R- 3 category permits a good transition of land uses between the suburban estates and lower density uses surrounding the property on the west, north and east and the high school on the south. The C-2 category is the City's industrial zoning classification. It permits all of the uses allowed in the C-1 classification plus 44 industrial type uses. C-2 zoning would be incompatible with the surrounding uses and would represent the most intrusive of the possible zoning categories. A case could be made for rezoning all the parcels in the City with a Future Land Use Element designation of Mixed Use to PUD. The PUD zoning category would permit a commercial, industrial or residential, or any combination thereof, proj ect. It would require an applicant to prepare preliminary and final development plans and be processed in the same manner as the sUbdivisions in the Tuscawilla PUD. It is staff's opinion that this approach would be overly burdensome for the proposed use of the subject property, i.e. remodelling an existing structure for an ACLF. The R-3 zoning category is the least intensive classification of the available zoning categories which are compatible with the Plan. It is intended for multi-family development and permits lodging '---.'...........-r--...- Joyce Rezoning Staff Report November 18, 1994 page 4 homes. The staff interprets the definition of a lodging home .to include an ACLF. Multi-family land uses are compatible with the intent of the Mixed Use classification to promote more intense development, particularly in the Town Center. The proposed rezoning is the first step in a multiple step licensing process for the applicant. The Agency for Health Care Admintstration (AHCA), the state regulatory agency for ACLFs, has extensive criteria which must be met before a state license is granted. However, the AHCA will not process a licensing application until the site is properly zoned by the local government. The proposed project will also be required to comply with the Seminole County Concurrency Management since Orange Ave is a county road. The remodelling will have to meet all of the City's construction standards. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Board considered this matter at their November 2, 1994 meeting. A motion to approve the staff recommendation of approval of the request died for lack of a second. No other motions were offered. Although the November 2, 1994 minutes have not been formally approved by the P&Z Board, they have been reviewed, and approved, via a phone conversation by those members in attendance, i.e., Messers. Lein, Hopkins and Stephens. The minutes are attached for your reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the City Commission approve the request to change the zoning from RU and C-2 to R-3 on Lot 17 and a portion of Lot 23, Block B, Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant based on the following findings of fact: 1. The subject property is designated as Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map of City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed project is consistent with Future Land Use Element Policy C-1. (See Volume II, page 22 of the Plan) 3. The proposed project is consistent with the density and intensity requirements of the Mixed Use classification in the City's Comprehensive Plan. 4. The proposed project is consistent with the requirements of Housing Element Policy E-2. (See Volume II, pg. 39 of the Plan) 5. The Mixed Use designation was made for numerous parcels in the area as part of an overall concept in the Plan to create a Town Center around City Hall, Central Winds Park and the high school. 6. An Adult Congregate Living Center is a multi-family living environment and as such is an appropriate use for a Town Center and the Mixed Use classification. 7. An Adult Congregate Living center, essentially a rooming house, is a permitted use within the R-3 zoning classification. 8. The R-3 zoning category is the least intense and intrusive of the zoning categories available which are consistent with the Mixed Use classification in the Plan. Joyce Rezoning staff Report November 18, 1994 page 5 9. The applicant must supply evidence that all applicable regulations of the Agency for Health Care Administration (the state regulatory agency), Seminole County concurrency management and the current City Code have been met prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The staff also recommends that the first reading of the zoning amendment ordinance be held on November 28, 1994. A draft ordinance is attached for your reference. cc: Mayor and City Commission Ms. Donna MCIntosh, applicant legal counsel Ms. Judy stewart, Seminole County Planning Department ------c....c..--r-----------. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY / PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD POLICIES AND PROCEDURES POlicy LPA-l All future meetings of the Local Planning Agency/Planning and Zoning Board, or its successor agency, hereinafter known as the Board, shall begin at 7:00 o'clock PM. adopted September 7. 1994 Policy LPA-2 The Board will meet on the first Wednesday of the month, unless the Chairperson, or Vice-Chairperson determines no meeting is necessary. The Chairperson, or Vice-Chairperson may establish addi tional meeting dates, known as special meetings, provided reasonable notice is given to Board members. adopted September 7. 1994 Policy LPA-3 All applications requ1r1ng Board action, other than internal administrative matters, or matters continued from a previous meeting, shall be filed with the staff no later than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the applicant wishes the matter to be considered. This policy shall be effective at the November 2, 1994 meeting. adopted September 7. 1994 POlicy LPA-4 All agendas for regular Board meetings shall be posted and mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled Board meetings. Agendas for special meetings shall be posted and mailed by such date as may be reasonable. adopted September 7. 1994 revised 9/7/94 t\vV~ Januaty 16, 1995 To: Planning and Zoning Board Members Don LeBlanc, Land Management Speci;ilist ~ From: Re: P&Z Board Meeting, Januaty 18, 1995 Section 20-267, Amendment Allowing Adult Congregate Living Facilities (ACLF) It has just come to my attention, on this date, that I am to be the presenter for this proposed amendment to the existing Code of Ordinances. The proposed amendment is to allow an ACLF in the R-U (Rural Urban) zoning category. This DOES NOT require rezoning action and remains in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. This amendment will also require any facility to meet all the guidelines of Chapter 9 (Land Development) and those of the Agency for Health Care Administration. A meeting to discuss this compromise was held on December 29, 1994. The minutes ofthis meeting are attached. Also attached are a letter of no objection to this use from the County and the proposed Ordinance 575. This proposed Ordinance received a First Reading at the Commission Ivfeeting of Januaty 9, 1995 and will be scheduled for a Second Reading on February 13, 1995. There was concern about the number of patients that would be allowed if this were granted. It is my understanding that the City Attorney is modifYing the Ordinance to allow no more than six (6) patients per acre owned. cc: City Manager General Services Director City Attorney Community Development Coordinator CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Zoning Board Members FROM: Shirley A. Frankhouser, ~ Adm. Secretary, General Services DATE: February 13, 1995 RE: Meeting Minutes of January 18, 1995 Enclosed please find a copy of your meeting minutes of January 18, 1995. Another set of minutes will be mailed to you of the January 18 meeting along with the next meeting agenda which has not yet been scheduled. Thank You. -~$_.- MEETING NOTICE/AGENDA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS JANUARY 18, 1995 7:00 PM AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Consideration of the minutes of the November 2, 1994 meeting 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of a proposed amendment to section 20-267, the RU zoning classification, of the current City Code to include ACLFs as a permitted use B. Announcement: The Joint City Commission/Planning and Zoning Board workshop regarding the Land Development Code is scheduled for Februarv 6. 1995 at 7:00 PM in the City commission Chambers 6. ADJOURNMENT Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department ADA Cooridinator at 407-327-1800, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Persons are advise that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at this meeting, they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, at their expense, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to based per Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes. ./ ORDINANCE NO. 57.!; ~- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ANffiNDING SECTION 20-267. USES PERlvllTTED. CHAPTER 20 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has determined that the following amendment to the Code of Ordinances is in the best interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY CO!vfMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION I - That the following Section be amended to add an eleventh (11 th) permitted use to read as follows: Section 20-267. Uses Permitted. (11) Adult Congregate Living Facility, which meets all the guidelines of Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances, Winter Springs, Florida and those of The Agency for Health Care Administration (a State of Florida Agency). SECTION II - If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to.iI\validate .or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a section of this ordinance. SECTION ill - That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IV - This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption in accordance with Florida law. Passed and adopted this _ day of , 1995. JOHN BUSH, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK --.--... Semino[e County Government Planning and Development Department Administration 1101 East First Street Telephone (407) 321-1130 Ext. 7397 January 9, 1995 Sanford FL 32771-1468 FAX 330-9594 Mr. John Bush, Mayor City of Winter Springs 1126 East S .R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Subject: Joyce Rezoning Dear Mayor Bush: Thank you for the opportunity to meet with your staff to discuss this proposed rezoning. The County does not object to the proposal which would allow an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF) as a permitted use within the RU zoning classification, and that development be subject to the site plan review process by the City. We would request that any future development within the Mixed Use designation in this area be rezoned to PUD (Planned Unit Development) to ensure compatibility with adjacent properties within unincorporated Seminole County, and that the County be afforded an opportunity to review future rezonings in the area. If you have any questions, please contact Tony Matthews, Planner, at (407) 321-1130, extension 7396. Sincerely, ----r-//) t2 ~// Tony VanDerworp, AICP Planning and Development Director TV:tm c:joyce R~ J p" ;,1 0 9 1995 CITY OF WINTEH SPRINGS Community Devolopment Coordinator L..-- " , / , .. I ~ ~ ..-,.......,...--- -,'\in.'f{ "1':1"'1 ~,'T L'( ;'.-"."~_"~11 ,v; I f"-' ,:.,) '-- -, ,tJ; y-- ~ r---. ".- \ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DEe 3 0 1994 ell Y or- VViN fER SF City Manager TO: VIA: FROM: . DATE : RE: 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 John Govoruhk, city Mana~ ~~. John Ketteringham, Gener1~~ice Director \ A~ Carl Gosline, community Development Coordina or ~~ December 29, 1994 Joyce Rezoning - Neighborhood meeting At the December 12, 1994 meeting of the City Commission, this ma tter was tabled to permit the ci ty staff an opportunity to coordinate our recommendation with the County planning staff. A meeting' was held on December 29, 1994 with representatives of the County Planning Department, the applicant, the neighborhood and the staff in attendance. A summary of that meeting is attached for your reference. In summary, a compromise was reached wherein the staff recommends an amendment to the RU zoning classification which includes an ACLF as a permitted use. The City Attorney is in the process of drafting an ordinance to this effect. This compromise eliminates the need for Mrs. Joyce to rezone her property to R-3 to permit construction of an ACLF. The staff believes this approach mitigates most of the concerns expressed by the County, the City Commission and the neighbors regarding the possibili ty of apartments being constructed should the ACLF fail to materialize. cc: Mayor and city Commission Doug Kelly - Seminole County Planning Department Greg Bachnik - President SLJSHA Bill Reischmann - applicant legal counsel Frank Kruppenbacher Don LeBlanc , (: ,.~ ,- Iii MEETING SUMMARY December 29, 1994 Proposed Joyce Rezoning from RU and C-2 to R-3 located at 1205 Orange Avenue, Winter Springs, FL Attendees: John Govoruhk, City Manager John Ketteringham, General Services Director Frank Kruppenbacher, city Attorney Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist Carl Gosline, Community Development Coordinator Dour Kelly, Seminole County Planning Department Greg Bachnik, President, SLJSHA Scott Wassman, SLJSHA Cathy Cowden, Realtor Clara Joyce, applicant Bill Reischmann, applicant legal counsel The city staff proposed a compromise approach in which the staff would recommend to the City Commission that the list of permitted uses in the RU zoning classification be amended to permit ACLFs and that the ACLF be subject to the site plan review process as described in Chapter 9 of the City Code. After some discussion, this approach was generally acceptable to the applicant and the County Planning Department. The residents expressed some reluctance to accept this approach. Mr. Bachnik explained that the SLJSHA is opposed to the current land use classification and would prefer to have it changed to some classification more compatible to the existing development. It is the SLJSHA position that an ACLF of this type is a commercial use and as such is totally incompatible with the existing development in the area. They also expressed concern about the traffic that this facility would generate on a substandard road. Frank explained that the city cannot change the land use classification without going through the plan amendment process. This process takes a minimum of nine months. In addition, the City would still be required to act on the Joyce application based on the current regulations. He further explained that the city commission is very concerned about site plan development issues such as provision of potable water and possible traffic impacts and that all projects, other than single-family residential, in the City of winter Springs are required to undergo the site plan review process. However, the si te plan review process cannot begin until the property is correctly zoned for the intended use. The staff agreed to keep the County staff and the SLJSHA advised of the site plan review discussions as they progress. -- :. 1.4/1 Joyce Rezoning Meeting Summary December 29, 1994 page 2 The tentative schedule for the necessary actions to accomplish the compromise is as follows: 1. Januarv 9, 1995 - first reading of the proposed ordinance to add ACLF as a permitted use in the RU classification 2. January 9, 1995 - first reading of the draft ordinance to rezone the property to R-3 3. January 18, 1995 - P&Z Board consideration of the proposed amendment to add ACLFs as a permitted use in the RU classification 4. February 13, 1995 - second reading of the ordinance adding ACLFs as a permitted use in the RU classification 5. Februarv 13, 1995 - second reading of the ordinance to rezone to R-3, only if the previous ordinance is not adopted --.-.r. ...".;</" .--- I"'"'"' ,-... Cl of Winter Springs Florida To whom it may co~ern: J IWJt/R J6l Y /-1, J9!.ii' Recently We recelved a letter from the City of Winter Sp Springs advising us that Mrs. ~oyce a neighbor had requested approval of the City to have her property arproved for the use as an Adult CoagregateLiving facility. We have been neighbor s with the Joyce family since we purchasrd our property in 1952. It has been a very good nelgnblr relat1onship. We huve no objection to your ~~va of the request from Mrs. Joyce. Ervine J. ~o lr/~~Y~7/~ Martha M. Button owners January 12, 1995 To WinT.er Springs City Commission and others, Regarding my neighbo~s Mr$. Joyce's desire to sell her home ~or a retirement center I can think o~ no better use. It is a big lovely home ~or this purpose and sits well back ~rom the road in a quiet setting. I have attended the commission meetings where someone ~rom the neigh- borhood stands up and says he speaks ~or the neighborhood. Well, he doesn't speak ~or me. And I live the closest o~ anybody to Mrs Joyce. I~ I have no objection, why does it matter what people way on down the street say? Why don't you ask some o~ us quieter ones what we think? We are supportive of it. // 6 av:f - 'i~ ~- ~ ..?~ Signature /~tJ; t!~t2 ~ /)~~~J~/ c3~1CJ~ Address ....-.-, January 13, 1995 To the City of Winter Springs, I was notified of the request of Mrs. Dean Joyce to convert her property to an adult congregate living center and asked if I had any objections. Well, I don't. I live right across the street and I do not see any way this type of use would have any negative effect. Certain of my neighbors are being very vocal in their objections but those of us most affected by it have DID objection to it. I have been to all the meetings of the city on this change and the people who are claiming to speak for the homeowners don't speak for me. I wholeheartedly endorse this idea. 1f.~- C-; m4/lA,}~A~ /~J-O Address ! ! i 1. .-,., i- ,. ~ " I / if / / l,;'I.l 1 A; { . . f "'" (J/'~A/~J IkLJ /)- ).( (/1.,;1 lvf f (? v-( , ~/