HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 11 15 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1995 I. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Chairperson Hoffmann at 7:00 P.M. Attendance: Art Hoffmann, Chairperson, present David Hopkins, present William W. Fernandez, present Carl Stephens, Jr., present Gene Lein, present Thomas Grimms, Community Development Coordinator II. Consideration of the AUI!Ust 16 and October 4. 1995 MeetinS! Minutes: Chairperson Hoffmann asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of August 16, 1995. There were no changes or corrections; minutes stand approved as presented. ,- Chairperson Hoffmann asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of October 4, 1995. There were no changes or corrections; minutes stand approved as presented. III. OLD BUSINESS: G. Tuscawilla Bvpass - Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG): - Mr. Grimms explained this is a proposed large scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment generated from the City. This requires a change from the Traffic Circulation Map of the City's Comprehensive Plan. This would delete the proposed Tuscawilla Bypass from the 1997 and 2010 Future Traffic Circulation Map. The effect would be to release 1.8 million dollars for other transportation improvement projects or accelerate proposed projects listed in the Orlando area MPO Transportation Improvement Plan. The explanation is that the improvements are planned for S.R. 434 from S.R. 419 to Tuskawilla Road that involve four lanes with median, expandable to six lanes, scheduled for completion in 1996; and from Tuskawilla Road to the Central Florida Greenway, scheduled for completion in 1998. Improvements are planned for Tuskawilla Road that involve four lanes from Winter Springs Boulevard to S.R. 434; this is scheduled for construction in 1998. Due to these improvements it should not be necessary to construct the Tuscawilla bypass. When the map was formulated, it was not known when the improvements of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road would be made. Also involved was the view that a traffic accident on either of the roadways would effectively block movement in an east/west and PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1995 Page 2 north/south direction. With the scheduled improvements to these roadway, traffic could be rerouted on the opposite side of the median, necessitating two-way traffic for a short distance. Mr. Grimms said the Tuscawilla Bypass is a County funded project to be paid for from the County-wide one cent sales tax, approved in fiscal year 1991-1992. This project, approximately two-thirds of a mile long, is projected to cost 1.8 million dollars. The City Commission previously requested the County Commission to delay the proposed construction of the Bypass for one year for fiscal year 1997-1998. The recommendation of the Staff Review Board is that the Local Planning Agency recommend to the Commission, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment concerning the Tuscawilla Bypass (LG-CP A-5-95), be transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for it's review and comment. DISCUSSION - Chairperson Hoffmann mentioned that the Board has a letter dated May 9, 1995, from City Manager Govoruhk to the County Manager saying that Winter Springs previously requested the 1.8 million dollars regarding the Bypass. A review has been made by City Staff, and in view of the improvements on S.R. 434, it will not be necessary for the Bypass. The letter also states that the City Commission requests that the $800,000.00 dollars along with the million dollars be earmarked for the North Moss Road widening. DISCUSSION Mr. Hopkins said the Bypass was designed to provide a north/south corridor of traffic throughout the City for the safety, health and welfare of the residents of Winter Springs. The fact that at the time of the development of the Comp Plan, that 434 was going to be widened to four lanes, is not or should not be the reason why we are not now considering this. I would ask the Board to consider the big picture and not just what is happening today, but in the future as this City grows with population. What about a traffic study; what is the predicted level of service, is it adequate to provide all the projected residences and population that is coming into our City? I personally think that the loop system was a viable aspect of transportation for the residents of our City. Mr. Grimms stated there are some realities on the ground that make it difficult to put in the Winter Springs loop as shown. Next door to City Hall is the High School which is on the proposed road bed ofthe Winter Springs Loop, and to the west on S.R. 419 is the County School Bus Facility. DISCUSSION PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1995 Page 3 Mr. Hopkins stated that at the time the County Bus Facility was there, and at the time of the development of the Comp Plan the High School was not, but the Board had a good idea it was going into that location. All the Board did was propose a corridor, not definite street areas. In fact this should be only an area of where the loop might be practical. It wasn't necessarily to extend Panama or Bahama, that was not the intent. The intent was to create a corridor of an area of property where it would be feasible to allow for the easy transportation of our residents. DISCUSSION Mr. Grimms in reference to DCA approving the transmittal check list said, I have worked with Brenda Winningham who will review the Comprehensive Plan transmittals from the City and the surrounding area. This was reviewed by Ms. Winningham and this is what DCA and Ms. Winningham are looking for. So the layout, [the general questions and statements] in the transmittal check list has been approved by Ms. Winningham, Plans Reviewer, at DCA. The transmittal check list is the layout check list in which we include the data and comments, not the content of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment itself. DISCUSSION Mr. Lein said looking at the map, and the extension of Panama Road, it looks like this was designed to be like a beltway. DISCUSSION ON THE EXTENSION OF THE ROADS. Mr. Grimms said at the Staff Review Board, there was comment about the difficulty and desirability in putting a road through a significant wetland area which comes down where the proposed Panama extension would be. DISCUSSION Mr. Fernandez speaking to Mr. Grimms said it was his understanding that Tuskawilla Road if being expanded by the County to four lanes asked, . . . "Is that included from where the Tuscawilla Bypass picks up on the southerly portion of Tuskawilla Road, up to the new widened S.R. 434? Mr. Grimms said yes, that was his understanding. Mr. Fernandez said then the City will have at least a four lane north/south access in the City in a couple of years, and asked what the purpose would be in having the small piece in connecting Tuskawilla Road and S.R. 434? Mr. Lein said it was an extension of the Winter Springs loop. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1995 Page 4 Chairperson HotTmann said without the loop, it is a road that cuts off nothing. DISCUSSION Mr. Fernandez stated for the record, he wanted to make sure the record shows that the Board did consider that the County is going to be expanding Tuskawilla Road within the immediate future. Chairperson HotTmann said the concern about a four lane was not just the fact that Tuskawilla Road is going to be made a four lane, but the fact that if S.R. 434 had a problem; but with the widening of S.R. 434, the chances of a total obstruction is much reduced. Mr. Grimms said he has always heard the distinction of the Winter Springs Loop and the Tuscawilla Bypass, and because of the referencing it that way, has presented it as two Comprehensive Plan amendments. The Board can, if they so choose, make the recommendation that they be folded into one Comp Plan amendment, and give some name designation instead of two different names. DISCUSSION Chairperson HotTmann stated there is a different amount of money involved with the Winter Springs Loop and the other. Mr. Grimms said that is true, and perhaps it would be better to keep it separate. Mr. Stephens said when we start removing certain sections of the loop, how does that effect the status of the remaining roads as far as impact fees? Mr. Grimms said he does not know because he does not get involved with impact fees, the Public Works Department does. He said he thinks there would have to be some sort of adjustment. Mr. Stephens said he lives in the Ranchlands and knows that people on certain roads there want the roads paved where impact fees will pay for it all. He is now being put in a position where he is being asked to remove certain roads that may effect the status of the remaining roads. DISCUSSION Mr. Stephens said he is being asked to make a judgement not knowing if that judgement is going to effect the impact fees on the roads when he knows that many people in the Ranchlands want the paving if it is free. Now he is being asked to vote on something that might take that away from them. DISCUSSION PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1995 Page 5 Mr. Grimms said as indicated for the Tuscawilla Bypass, we have already made the recommendation, [understanding that impact fees are involved], that those monies that would have gone towards the Tuscawilla Bypass construction, be moved over onto another project, [the Moss Road extension], and moved up in the (County) Capital Improvements Element time frame. DISCUSSION Mr. Grimms said the recommendation was made by the City Manager in a letter dated May 9, 1995 to Mr. Ron Rabun, County Manager. Mr. Stephens said that covers Moss Road. What about the remaining part of the loop that is not being paid, but is designated as being covered by impact fees? Discussion Mr. Grimms said there would have to be reallocation of the impact fees. DISCUSSION ON THE WINTER SPRINGS LOOP AND TUSCA WILLA BYPASS. MOTION: MR. FERNANDEZ MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COMMISSION TO TRANSMIT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR DELETION FROM THE 1997-2010 FUTURE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION MAP OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCLUDE THE WINTER SPRINGS LOOP, ALL CONNECTIONS NORTH OF S.R. 434. SECONDED BY MR. GENE LEIN DISCUSSION Mr. Lein asked if Staff with their recommendation considered alternatives to this, or just to eliminate it? Mr. Grimms said there were comments, but no serious viable alternatives discussed at the Staff Review Board. The main thrust of the discussion was the elimination of the Winter Springs Loop. It is noted in the Comprehensive Plan for the size area of the City of Winter Springs, the road pattern is below arterial level. You should have an arterial major road system that is up to par. There really should be another north/south arterial road, and another east/west arterial road. Mr. Fernandez asked what would happen if it was not deleted? Mr. Grimms said it would just stay on the books, and it is registered as a collector road that is available for impact fee funding at a future date. In 1997 our area must submit an Evaluation Appraisal Report (EAR) of the Comprehensive Plan; basically it is a document that appraises the progress of what was stated as being desirable, as worthy of being attempted in the Comprehensive Plan. I can see where DCA will question the non use of the funding. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1995 Page 6 Mr. Grimms stated there was no serious discussion in the Staff Review Board because the widening of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road should not make necessary the Winter Springs Loop and Tuscawilla Bypass. In a conversation with Kip Lockcuff, Public WorkslUtility Director, Mr. Lockcuff felt that a Transportation Traffic Analysis Study is important in order to adequately address this, and said he would bring the issue up to the City Manager and Commission. MR. FERNANDEZ WITHDREW HIS MOTION ON THE GROUNDS THAT HE DOES NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE MAKING THE RECOMMENDATION. MR. LEIN WITHDREW HIS SECOND. DISCUSSION Chairperson HotTmann said he will restructure this for the record. You are saying you object to eliminating the loop even though physically there is no place to put it on the grounds that you want some other east/west roadway other than S.R. 434 widened to as much as six lanes as part of the "Winter Springs Loop"? Mr. Fernandez said he does not accept the Chair's reclassification of his reasoning, and asked that the Recording Secretary do that portion of the minutes verbatim as he will not restate it because he has made his feelings known. DISCUSSION Mr. Hopkins said DCA has approved the City's Traffic Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan based on traffic analysis and studies that were provided in reaching out into the future, is that correct? Mr. Grimms said with the information that was before them back in 1992, that is correct. Mr. Hopkins said he thinks it would be a very poor planning decision on the Boards' part to recommend that we eliminate a traffic loop, [a major collector road] within our City without first acquiring traffic studies. Traffic studies to support whether our City can even handle this projected traffic that the Comprehensive Plan has already been addressed, and approved by DCA. Mr. Grimms said the concept of your Comprehensive Plan was based upon accepted research analysis standards by DCA in their review on the basis of 9J-5 requirements back in 1992. Back in 1992, DCA reviewed your Comprehensive Plan, and DCA had found it acceptable based upon the data and analysis in the Comprehensive Plan. DISCUSSION ON THE ROADWAY GOING THROUGH THE EARLEY PROPERTY. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1995 Page 7 Mr. Grimms believes that it states in the statutes and Florida Administrative Code, that there are certain exceptions to what is considered or required as a Comprehensive Plan amendment. He believes funding arrangements is one; therefore, it is not to be construed as a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment. Mr. Hopkins said for the record, [as the Planning and Zoning Chairman at the time of the Comp Plan development] that the Board did in fact contemplate the addition of the Schools that have now been put in place. Also, the bus yard, the widening of S.R. 434 as well as Tuskawilla Road. Furthermore, that the Comprehensive Plan and our Traffic Circulation Element is based on those kinds of studies, and DCA approved it that way. I feel that this information should be taken to the Commission so they are made aware of this before we eliminate any roads. DISCUSSION OLD BUSINESS: Chairperson Hoffmann said he received a couple ofletters from Donald McIntosh. Mr. McIntosh is interested in the LDR's and wants to schedule a workshop. I do not think the Board owes them a workshop, but suggested the Board recommend that in the future [at a more convenient time], hold a workshop with Mr. McIntosh and perhaps with the City Commission. Mr. Grimms said the revised final draft of the proposed LDR's coming from Fred Goodrow will come to this Board for review. A public hearing will then be scheduled to make recommendation as the Local Planning Agency to the Commission on whether to adopt or not adopt the proposed LDR's. The public hearing would be the opportunity [as when it goes to the Commission], for Mr. McIntosh and others to be able to give their input. DISCUSSION Mr. Hopkins said there are two items that have recently been before the Board that we have addressed in the past, and for whatever reason seem to "fade" away. First is the notification of adjacent property owners when a change of zoning has been requested. I would like to see that as a future agenda item so we can resolve that. Secondly, when items that have been addressed and approved and forwarded on, we have no "check and balance system" to recollect answers to questions, or areas of direction that we may have given. There should be some type of follow-up in order to retrieve the results we request. DISCUSSION PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 1995 Page 8 Chairperson Hoffmann said the Board could excerpt the critical items of the minutes of what we want the Commission to see, have the clerk indicate the statement of the motion, and make it a separate item called, "Consideration by the Commission Requested". It can then go out separate from the minutes so it stands out to the Commission. This recommendation will be passed along by consensus of all Board members, and asked Mr. Grimms to review the other item, [notification, etc.] with Mr. LeBlanc. V. Adiournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Submitted by, Shirley A. Frankhouser, Administrative Secretary Prepared January 12, 1996 APPROVED: Art Hoffmann, Chairperson Attest: .- Shirley A. Frankhouser, Administrative Secretary