HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 08 02 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 2, 1995
1. Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Hoffmann at 7:00 P.M.
Art Hoffmann, Chairperson, Present
Gene Lein, Present
William Fernandez, Present
Carl Stephens, Jr., Present
Sherilyn Hill, Absent
Donald R. LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
2. Consideration of the July 5. 1995 Meeting Minutes:
Mr. Stephens moved to approve the minutes of July 5, 1995 as presented. Seconded by Mr.
Lein. Vote: Mr. Fernandez, Abstain, (not present at July 5 meeting); Mr. Stephens, aye; Mr.
Lein, aye; Chairperson Hoffmann, aye; motioned carried.
3. Annual Election of Officers:
Mr. Lein nominated Mr. Hoffmann for Chairperson. Seconded by Mr. Stephens. Vote:
Chairperson Hoffmann, aye; Mr. Lein, aye; Mr. Stephens, aye; Mr. Fernandez, aye; motion
Mr. Lein nominated Mr. Stephens for Vice-Chairperson. Seconded by Chairperson HotTmann.
Vote: Chairperson Hoffmann, aye; Mr. Lein, aye; Mr. Stephens, aye; Mr. Fernandez, aye;
motion carried.
4. Public Hearing:
Lerner reauest to rezone aooroximatelv 177 acres. north of S.H. 434.
from Rural Urban (R-Ul to Planned Unit Develooment (P.U.D.l
Mr. LeBlanc said that this was presented at the last Planning and Zoning meeting and the Code
requires a public hearing. This was advertised in the Orlando Sentinel. The Planning and Zoning
Board have the plans, and Mr. McIntosh is present to further discuss it, if it is the Board's desire.
Chairperson Hoffmann asked if adjacent property owners were notified?
Mr. LeBlanc answered, "the adjacent property owners were notified; people along the sides,
across the highway, the school board, the county, and the people who own this property here,
(pointing to the plans).
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - August 2, 1995
Page 2
There is nothing in the Code that addresses the notification of property owners. It was at the
request of the Commission that the abutting property owners be notified. They were notified
initially, and no one showed with comments. The county picked up the plans, and offered no
comments at this time.
Chairperson HotTmann said, ordinarily if there was someone new from the public present, I
would ask you to go through in detail everything that you did before; however, Mr. Fernandez
was not present, so if you would bring him current as to the plans.
Don McIntosh, with Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. - Mr. McIntosh said he is representing
the Leffler family, and the Wagner Station P.UD. application before the Board. He explained
that he will do a brief overview, and would go through as much detail as the Board would like.
The Leffler's own one hundred seventy-seven (177) acres of property that is represented in the
plan before the Board this evening. The color rendering of the Master Plan reflects the single-
family use in green, the Lake Jesup area in blue, and the dark brown and light brown, represent
the miscellaneous S.R. 434 front tracts. We call the S.R. 434 front tracts, "Flexible Land Use" for
the purposes of affording the ability to move between different candidate uses on those parcels.
The commercial restriction being, Parcel"D" and "c" at the intersection.
This intersection, which is a co-intersection with the Winding Hollow subdivision, (an existing
single-family subdivision) to the south, will be signalized once warranted. The warrant for that
signal cannot be obtained merely with the single-family traffic here. It has been a long standing
priority of the City to have that intersection signalized.
Chairperson Hoffmann asked Mr. McIntosh if they have obtained any figures from the
Department of Transportation, (D.O.T.), as to how many families it will take to place a signal at
this intersection?
Mr. McIntosh said no, we have been focusing on the planning end of this project for the time
being. The next step after zoning would be to move with the final Master Plan, and identify
exactly when they would have enough impact. There were previous statements to us, specifically
from Mr. Govoruhk, the City Manager, in which they wanted to see buildings, as opposed to
plans. So we are now able with this development to move that along.
Mr. LeBlanc explained that we have an agreement with the developer of Winding Hollow to pay
for the signalization of that area when D.G.T. gives the permission.
Chairperson HotTmann said he was just concerned how many homes have to be there before a
signal goes in.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - August 2, 1995
Page 3
Mr. McIntosh said that our traffic engineer at the time, was looking at that, and we would
benefit more by a Commercial Use rather than single-family houses. As a function of this varied
use, the single-family uses, multi-family uses, we think a signal will be warranted. We will
attempt in the future stages to define exactly when that would take place.
The property borders Lake Jesup, an area asset, but is known as a "taxed water body," because it
is affected by "over-nutrientazation." There has been frequent agricultural nutrient discharge into
the lake.
At the very minimum, ironically, the development of those lands around the lake, bringing with it
the requirement for predevelopment and postdevelopment stormwater runoff. Balancing, and
pollution abatement treatment before discharge of any runoff to the lake, has the effect of
increasing the water quality as it relates to the effect of this adjacent property.
Wetlands that are adjacent to the lake will be identified during the final design of the project.
Permitted consistent with the Water Management District, Core of Engineers, Department of
Environmental Protection, and others if applicable.
Mr. McIntosh described Tract "A" which is proposed for single-family detached, zero lot line
detached, assisted living (including nursing home facilities) and recreation . . .
U At this point (about 18-20 minutes into the meeting) the recorder stopped workingU
The following are from notes taken by the Recording Secretary.
Mr. Stephens wanted to know the lot sizes.
Mr. McIntosh said they are proposing (218) residential units, (10) units per acre.
Mr. Fernandez asked Mr. McIntosh if the plan will include a "Rails-to-Trails" bike path?
Mr. LeBlanc said the CSX will not give the II right-of-way. "
Mr. McIntosh discussed bike paths.
Discussion of railroad safety regarding gates for various locations.
Discussion of abandonment of the railroad. Mr. Lein asked when this would happen.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - August 2, 1995
Page 4
Mr. LeBlanc reported that the final comments are to be in around August 21.
Mr. Stephens asked if there was going to be sufficient room for sidewalks without encroaching
on the railroad, and what did D.O.T. have planned?
Mr. McIntosh said that D.O.T. had planned meticulously for sidewalks and the railroad.
Discussion of "loop" road in the plan.
Mr. Fernandez moved to approve recommendation to the City Commission, the Leffler property
as a Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.), and that the Planning and Zoning Board minutes of
August 2, 1995 is forwarded to the Commission without prior official approval by the Planning
and Zoning Board (rezoning from R-U to P.U.D.). Seconded by Mr. Stephens. Vote: All aye;
motion carried.
Mr. LeBlanc suggested that the Board table discussion of the LDR's until the next meeting when
the new Board member is present.
Chairperson Hoffmann asked that the new Board members (William Fernandez and Sherilyn
Hill) be given copies of Don LeBlanc's comments to Fred Goodrow, dated April 5, and April 21,
1995 regarding the LDR's.
5. Old Business
Update discussion of Land Development Regulations:
It was the consensus of the Board to table discussion of the Land Development Regulations until
next meeting.
Chairperson Hoffmann raised the question about whether the Board wanted to change the
Board's name from, Planning and Zoning Board to Land Planning Agency. Brief discussion, no
Chairperson Hoffmann said that there will be a meeting held of the Planning and Zoning Board
on August 16, 1995. He asked that Mr. Grimms draw up a menu of procedure and guidelines for
the Planning and Zoning Board.
Mr. Fernandez commented on Mr. Grimms section called, "For Your Information" created for
the Planning and Zoning Board. He was very impressed, and thought it was a great idea, and
hoped that it would continue.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - August 2, 1995
Page 5
6. New Business
A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to eliminate certain Collector Roads and
Transportation Impact Fees.
It was the consensus of the Board to table discussion of the above until the new Board member is
Chairperson Hoffmann asked that a notice of the August 16, 1995 meeting be sent to all
Planning and Zoning Board members before the agenda and minutes are ready so they will have
sufficient advance notice.
7. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shirley A. Frankhouser,
Administrative Secretary
Prepared August 4, 1995
The next scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board will be held Wednesday,
August 16, 1995 at 7:00 P.M.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
August 2, 1995
1. Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Hoffmann at 7:00 P.M.
Art Hoffmann, Chairperson, Present
Gene Lein, Present
William Fernandez, Present
Carl Stephens, Jr., Present
Sherilyn Hill, Absent
Donald R. LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist
2. Consideration of the July 5. 1995 Meetine Minutes:
Mr. Stephens moved to approve the minutes of July 5, 1995 as presented. Seconded by Mr.
Lein. Vote: Mr. Fernandez, Abstain, (not present at July 5 meeting); Mr. Stephens, aye; Mr.
Lein, aye; Chairperson Hoffmann, aye; motioned carried.
3. Annual Election of Officers:
Mr. Lein nominated Mr. Hoffmann for Chairperson. Seconded by Mr. Stephens. Vote:
Chairperson Hoffmann, aye; Mr. Lein, aye; Mr. Stephens, aye; Mr. Fernandez, aye; motion
Mr. Lein nominated Mr. Stephens for Vice-Chairperson. Seconded by Chairperson Hoffmann.
Vote: Chairperson Hoffmann, aye; Mr. Lein, aye; Mr. Stephens, aye; Mr. Fernandez, aye;
motion carried.
4. Public Hearing:
Leffler reQuest to rezone aooroximatelv 177 acres. north of S.H. 434.
from Rural Urban (R-U) to Planned Unit Develooment (P.U.D.)
Mr. LeBlanc said that this was presented at the last Planning and Zoning meeting and the Code
requires a public hearing. This was advertised in the Orlando Sentinel. The Planning and Zoning
Board have the plans, and Mr. McIntosh is present to further discuss it, if it is the Board's desire.
Chairperson Hoffmann asked if adjacent property owners were notified?
Mr. LeBlanc answered, "the adjacent property owners were notified; people along the sides,
across the highway, the school board, the county, and the people who own this property here,
(pointing to the plans).
There is nothing in the Code that addresses the notification of property owners. It was at the
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - August 2, 1995
Page 2
request of the Commission that the abutting property owners be notified. They were notified
initially, and no one showed with comments. The county picked up the plans, and offered no
comments at this time.
Chairperson Hoffmann said, ordinarily if there was someone new from the public present, I
would ask you to go through in detail everything that you did before; however, Mr. Fernandez
was not present, so if you would bring him current as to the plans.
Don McIntosh, with Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc.- Mr. McIntosh said he is representing
the Leffler family, and the Wagner Station P.U.D. application before the Board. He explained
that he will do a brief overview, and would go through as much detail as the Board would like.
The Leffler's own one hundred seventy-seven (177) acres of property that is represented in the
plan before the Board this evening. The color rendering of the Master Plan reflects the single-
family use in green, the Lake Jesup area in blue, and the dark brown and light brown, represent
the miscellaneous S.R. 434 front tracts. We call the S.R. 434 front tracts, "Flexible Land Use" for
the purposes of affording the ability to move between different candidate uses on those parcels.
The commercial restriction being, Parcel "D" and "C" at the intersection.
This intersection, which is a co-intersection with the Winding Hollow subdivision, (an existing
single-family subdivision) to the south, will be signalized once warranted. The warrant for that
signal cannot be obtained merely with the single-family traffic here. It has been a long standing
priority of the City to have that intersection signalized.
Chairperson Hoffmann asked Mr. Mcintosh if they have obtained any figures from the
Department of Transportation, (D.O.T.), as to how many families it will take to place a signal at
this intersection?
Mr. McIntosh said no, we have been focusing on the planning end of this project for the time
being. The next step after zoning would be to move with the final Master Plan, and identify
exactly when they would have enough impact. There were previous statements to us, specifically
from Mr. Govoruhk, the City Manager, in which they wanted to see buildings, as opposed to
plans. So we are now able with this development to move that along.
Mr. LeBlanc explained that we have an agreement with the developer of Winding Hollow to pay
for the signalization of that area when D.O. T. gives the permission.
Chairperson Hoffmann said he was just concerned how many homes have to be there before a
signal goes in.
Mr. McIntosh said that our traffic engineer at the time, was looking at that, and we would
benefit more by a Commercial Use rather than single-family houses.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - August 2, 1995
Page 3
As a function of this varied use, the single-family uses, multi-family uses, we think a signal will be
warranted. We will attempt in the future stages to define exactly when that would take place.
The property borders Lake Jesup, an area asset, but is known as a "taxed water body," because it
is affected by "over-nutrientazation." There has been frequent agricultural nutrient discharge into
the lake.
At the very minimum, ironically, the development of those lands around the lake, bringing with it
the requirement for predevelopment and postdevelopment stormwater runoff Balancing, and
pollution abatement treatment before discharge of any runoff to the lake, has the effect of
increasing the water quality as it relates to the effect of this adjacent property.
Wetlands that are adjacent to the lake will be identified during the final design of the project.
Permitted consistent with the Water Management District, Core of Engineers, Department of
Environmental Protection, and others if applicable.
Mr. McIntosh described Tract "A" which is proposed for single-family detached, zero lot line
detached, assisted living (including nursing home facilities) and recreation . . .
**At this point (about 18-20 minutes into the meeting) the recorder stopped working**
The following are from notes taken by the Recording Secretary.
Mr. Stephens wanted to know the lot sizes.
Mr. McIntosh said they are proposing (218) residential units, (10) units per acre.
Mr. Fernandez asked Mr. McIntosh if the plan will include a "Rails-to-Trails" bike path?
Mr. LeBlanc said the CSX will not give the "right-of-way."
Mr. McIntosh discussed bike paths.
Discussion of railroad safety regarding gates for various locations.
Discussion of abandonment of the railroad. Mr. Lein asked when this would happen.
Mr. LeBlanc reported that the final comments are to be in around August 21.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - August 2, 1995
Page 4
Mr. Stephens asked if there was going to be sufficient room for sidewalks without encroaching
on the railroad, and what did D.O.T. have planned?
Mr. McIntosh said that D.O.T. had planned meticulously for sidewalks and the railroad.
Discussion of "loop" road in the plan.
Mr. Fernandez moved to approve recommendation to the City Commission, the Leffler property
as a Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.), and that the Planning and Zoning Board minutes of
August 2, 1995 is forwarded to the Commission without prior official approval by the Planning
and Zoning Board (rezoning from R-U to P.U.D.).
Mr. LeBlanc suggested that the Board table discussion of the LDR's until the next meeting when
the new Board member is present.
Chairperson HotTmann asked that the new Board members (William Fernandez and Sherilyn
Hill) be given copies of Don LeBlanc's comments to Fred Goodrow, dated April 5, and April 21,
1995 regarding the LDR's.
5. Old Business
Update discussion of Land Development Regulations:
It was the consensus of the Board to table discussion of the Land Development Regulations until
next meeting.
Chairperson Hoffmann raised the question about whether the Board wanted to change the
Board's name from, Planning and Zoning Board to Land Planning Agency. Brief discussion, no
Chairperson Hoffmann said that there will be a meeting held of the Planning and Zoning Board
on August 16, 1995. He asked that Mr. Grimms draw up a menu of procedure and guidelines for
the Planning and Zoning Board.
Mr. Fernandez commented on Mr. Grimms section called, "For Your Information" created for
the Planning and Zoning Board. He was very impressed, and thought it was a great idea, and
hoped that it would continue.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - August 2, 1995
Page 5
6. New Business
A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to eliminate certain Collector Roads and
Transportation Impact Fees.
It was the consensus of the Board to table discussion of the above until the new Board member is
Chairperson HotTmann asked that a notice of the August 16, 1995 meeting be sent to all
Planning and Zoning Board members before the agenda and minutes are ready so they will have
sufficient advance notice.
7. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shirley A~~nkhouser,
Administrative Secretary
Prepared August 4, 1995
The next scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board will be held Wednesday,
August 16, 1995 at 7:00 P.M.